

This was published 3 years ago

Net zero push meaningless without bolder 2030 target

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit: Cathy Wilcox

Scott Morrison is trying to claim that voters are not in favour of a 45per cent cut to emissions by 2030 by saying voters rejected Labor’s embrace of this target at the last election (“PM to make net zero pledge with or without Nats”, October 19). That’s a fair stretch. Labor’s loss had little to do with their climate change policy and everything to do with their franking credit and negative gearing policies. Morrison’s newly announced embrace of the 2050 goal means almost nothing if he doesn’t raise his announced continuation of the policy to reduce emissions by 25 to 28 per cent by 2030.
We’ll be left in the dust with the US embracing over 50 per cent and Britain’s aim for 68 per cent.
Sadly, Morrison seems headed towards making Australia a sure target for other nations soon-to-be-imposed carbon taxes – a policy that Australia needs to embrace as well if it’s serious about climate change. Larry Woldenberg, Forest Lodge

There are 151 members of Federal Parliament. Just 16 of them belong to Barnaby Joyce’s National Party. In which crazy world do they decide Australia’s position on carbon emissions? Rob Mills, Riverview

The PM accused Annastacia Pałaszczuk of “shakedown” politics over her attempt to get additional funding for Queensland hospitals. So how would he describe the billions of dollars Barnaby Joyce will be demanding to support net zero in time for Glasgow? Bruce Gall, Canberra

There was an anecdote told years ago when the professor of environmental science was consulted on fossil fuels and climate change. He replied, “No use asking me. Go ask the economics professor.” Les Reedan, Cooranbong

The thinking behind the Nats Mexican stand-off is probably that all these climate change people are in urban and city slicker electorates and are no threat to their seats. If there is no reasonable policy for 2050, let alone some sign of action on climate change before the next election, there will be a lot of Liberals concerned about the safety of their seats. If the Liberals do lose too many seats, the Nats can continue to procrastinate because they would be redundant and not needed to form a coalition. Brian Collins, Cronulla


Credit: John Shakespeare

Cathy Wilcox’s cartoon (Letters, October 19) says it all about the bog ignorance and bloody-minded intransigent Nationals. But the Liberals are equally to blame. They don’t need the Nationals to help save the planet and our children. Just move Zali Steggall’s climate bill now. Labor, the Greens and most crossbenchers will support it immediately. They constitute more than 70 per cent of federal parliamentarians and will thereby reflect the view of the electorate across all seats. Howard Charles, Annandale

Way to go, National Party! Don’t be bullied by those lily-livered Liberals. Stand on your dig. Ignore farmers. Keep shouting long and loud that climate change is rubbish, emissions don’t matter and coal is king. Do us all a favour. Keep it up until the election and then get wiped out by voters who look to the future, not the past. P.S. Take One Nation with you. Thanks in anticipation. Ted Hemmens, Cromer

Refuges are a good start but better to stop the violence


From standing with the boys having a beer to sitting with the boys having a beer, now we know what they were working on (“$480m to build 75 women’s refuges”, October 19). The nearly $500 million investment in women’s refuges and services for those fleeing domestic violence is definitely needed and welcome, however why are women and children compelled to leave their homes because laws cannot contain, control and prevent domestic violence in the first place? What investment is going to be made into stopping the violence in the first place? Repetitive breaches of AVOs, stalking, coercive and controlling behaviour, lack of effective legal procedures and support seem to be precursors to murder. Hand wringing, sympathy and promised action after the fact of the many, many, many murdered women will not fix the problem. What happens to the women who experience violence in the street? Who are raped? Who are abused in nightclubs? Who are punched in the face because they are wearing clothes that they have every right to wear? The $500 million doesn’t go anywhere to helping them. Lee-Ann Groblicka, Turramurra

I applaud the decision to provide more safe short-term alternatives for vulnerable parents and their children, especially in regional areas. I hope the budget can sustain the legal, counselling, education and employment services needed to support and change the lives of those at-risk. I fear the real causes of such violence and dysfunction will not be researched or addressed. Kim Crawford, Springwood

It’s way beyond time for more support for women and children living with domestic violence. Bravo to our new Premier. Let’s hope that there is also adequate recurrent funding into the future for all the educational, social, health and psychological needs of those women and children who require assistance because otherwise nice shiny new buildings are just that – shiny new buildings. Vicki Copping, Oatley

The NSW government’s intention to tackle domestic violence and support women and children fleeing violence and abuse inflicted upon them by men is very admirable and necessary. However, where is the funding or the will to understand why men commit such atrocious savagery upon women and children? Are we women supposed to accept that, oh well, that’s the way men are, they can’t help it or that we are at fault and somehow deserve it? Until we understand and determine why men are such misogynists, nothing is going to change. Men pay lip service to the horror but nothing changes, sadly. Carol Zarkesh, Austinmer

Emissions intent needs clout

Mr Morrison said he would forge ahead towards zero emissions by 2050, adding this would be decided by cabinet without legislation in Parliament (“PM pledges net zero but won’t budge on 2030 plan”, October 19). Without legislation, we will be wide open to greenwashing rather than real action. Warren Straker, Leichhardt

The Prime Minister is going to announce a net zero carbon emissions policy over the objection of the National Party? That is what is meant by ″⁣straddling a barbed wire fence″⁣. Steve Bright, North Avoca

Why don’t Morrison and the Liberals simply put the net zero by 2050 (or preferably much earlier) to the Parliament as a conscience vote and vanquish the minority Nationals and cronies? We are still a democracy, aren’t we? Is it lack of courage? Australia is blessed with all the renewables on the planet. Why would we turn our backs on such a blessing? Anne Phillips, Wallarah

Another harbour eyesore

And the prize for the most outstanding post-pandemic visual pollution of Sydney Harbour goes to the floating frying pan (“Shore bet: City floats harbour pool plan”, October 19). Megan Brock, Summer Hill

Glebe foreshore needs a floating public ferry wharf, not a floating public pool. Robyn Bernstein, Annandale

Over-ambitious ideas for a pool “and other upgrades” in heritage-listed Rushcutters Bay Park in the lead up to local government elections may prove futile. This cherished park with its Indigenous heritage should be celebrated, not excavated, in an area already containing the world’s most famous beaches. Andrew Woodhouse, Potts Point

Filling in the harbour with a man-made island at Glebe for a swimming pool tops the list of whacky ideas. If land is so scarce, why not follow the French with a floating pool like Piscine Josephine Baker in Paris? Ian Ferrier, Paddington

Knees-ily arranged

If our ancestors hadn’t come down from the trees and stood upright, humanity wouldn’t have the spine, neck, hip and knee problems it currently has (“Knee health is joint venture”, October 19). We wouldn’t have a need for neurosurgeons and osteo surgeons either. Personally, I blame Charles Darwin. Geoff Black, Caves Beach

I enjoyed Paula Goodyer’s article about knees having “articulate” cartilage. After a skiing accident in 1989, I ended up with a knee rearrangement with minimal meniscal placement. In damp weather or some winter nights, the remaining cartilage clearly and fully describes why this was a foolish option. Jo Rainbow, Orange

It’s a relief to be vindicated: jogging is bad. Keep walking. Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

Juukan redress potential

It is good to see that a federal inquiry into the appalling destruction of priceless Indigenous sites in the Juukan Gorge has recommended a national framework for protection of sites and a major role for Indigenous people, but why stop there? We should adopt the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which calls for a voice to Parliament on all matters affecting Indigenous people (“Inquiry urges an Indigenous voice on mines”, October 19). Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

Aunty must navel-gaze

At the best of times, the ABC has enemies awaiting the faintest excuse to disparage it. Moreover, governments frequently seek to cut its funding. Former managing director David Hill’s “eight cents a day” campaign in the late 1980s highlighted the ABC’s national significance and worth, so when he and others like him complain about editorial standards (“ABC complaints handling review is long overdue”, October 19), it is surely time for the ABC to look deep within. We do not want it losing trust by descending into the swampy ground trodden by those of less reliable mentality. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

Place your bets ...

With the issue of political donations, can I suggest a voucher system? Give every elector a voucher for, say, $50. That voucher can be forwarded to any person standing for election. If the elector does not want to support anyone, the voucher is void after the election. Ban all other donations so then politicians will not be indebted to wealthy supporters. Ron Brown, Wallsend

Time to teach nation

While they’re at it, can the Department of Education prepare a 45-minute summary of Indigenous history and culture for Australian adults, too, and ideally upload it onto YouTube for everyone to access (“Indigenous culture classes rope children into a great education”, October 19). Sue Casiglia, North Ryde

Tinkering is tortuous

Cricket lovers are concerned about the deterioration in Australia of the once-great game (″⁣The talent pipeline at barely a trickle when it should be bursting″⁣, October 19). Modern cricket is impaired by over-exposure in its different formats. In being compressed, dominated by technology and designed to suit television, it has become increasingly contrived. In essence, most ball sports involve attack and defence. When attack has outright ascendancy and defence is downgraded, as is now the case, a sport gets more predictable and is bound to suffer. Harry Polley, Dural

Well spoken, Darshak Mehta. The next chair of Cricket Australia (CA) should be known personally to former Test captains. I also agree with him that the new CA chair should represent cricketers from currently under-represented communities of south Asian origin. Kersi Meher-Homji, St Ives

The Queen rules, OK

Jenna Price nails it (“How I learnt to love the Queen in a minute”, October 19). For someone who has been pilloried for years for his views on climate change, go Prince Charles (and his mum). Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Jenna Price, what a brilliant roller-coaster of humour and fact. Makes you want to sing God Save the Queen again. Megan Heaney, Kincumber

Name that tune

Your correspondent noted that letter writers are using the word “inoculated” (Letters, October 19). Perhaps it’s time to give an old song from an ad new words: “You oughta be inoculated?” Joan Dalgleish, Ballina

On the road again

Stuck in peak-hour traffic all the way home from the city this week. Didn’t take long for that normal to return. Sandey Fitzgerald, Mount Colah

Dead certain

From premiers to journalists, there is a trend to talk around death with wimpy phrases like “passed away” or “lost their lives”. People “die”, it’s that simple, so say it as it is. At age 69, I will most likely die within the next 10 to 20 years. Then there will be the final disappointment – no heaven. Adrian Jackson, Middle Park (Vic)

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Barnaby Joyce says Scott Morrison has a mandate on climate
From Gelert of Birrong: ″⁣To have a mandate, they needed to have taken a climate policy to the electors. They didn’t, so they don’t.″⁣

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