It’s no surprise that only 20 per cent of the Herald’s Resolve survey respondents favoured historical or higher levels of migration (“Voters want wage rises, not migration, as job summit’s top priority”, August 24). This is entirely consistent with other reputable survey results on population topics in recent years.
The view of the clear majority of Australians is supported by robust scientific evidence that population and GDP growth are the strongest drivers of climate change and the increasing destruction of our environment. The history of migration in the recent decade shows few significant per capita improvements in quality of life or share of the growing economic pie. Meanwhile, the never-ending frenzied cries from the rent-seekers and free-riders continue. None of the major parties went to the election arguing for high population growth. The government has no mandate for unpopular unsustainable migration levels. Ray Johnson, Tomerong
My issue with the migrant solution for jobs is fairly pragmatic. Where will they live, given our intercurrent crises in the availability and affordability of homes and rentals? I’d like to see the government invest in everyday people, rather than enriching the already wealthy and bringing in migrants because people here are leaving jobs that are under-paid and under-appreciated. Abandon the stage three tax cuts and negative gearing, pay our service workers more and go back to basic government services – public housing, public transport and investment in public health, education and climate solutions. Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park
If we increase immigration numbers, the government needs to plan for more medical, police and teaching staff. More schools, hospitals and police stations are required with new public transport routes. Demand for power and power lines will exponentially grow due to the rising population and the growth in sales of electric cars. What carbon offsets are planned to cope with the rise in population? Brian Sonsie, West Ryde
The unemployment rate continues to obfuscate the underemployment of Australians. The shift to part-time workers and gig workers has left Australians with way less than full-time hours. Industry screams about skilled worker shortages but fails to contribute to the solution by training unskilled workers, always crying for experienced people to hire. We cannot continue to use immigration to feed the skilled worker requirement while failing to train our own workers. The emphasis must be on forcing industry to become the education platform for skilled workers. This can’t be done by educational organisations. People must be trained on the job. Gary Bigelow, Teralba
Have our captains of industry given up on the notion of becoming a clever country? Business leaders want the jobs summit to be concerned with the level of skilled worker intake needed to overcome our skills shortage. It appears they have largely given up on upskilling our own workforce.
It’s a circular argument. Business leaders say we have to boost immigration to boost GDP. But that requires more skilled workers, mostly from countries that need them more than we do. Not very clever, is it? It’s about time we focussed on GDP per capita, rather than total GDP, as a measure of progress Barry Buffier, Hunters Hill
As population outstrips infrastructure and services in Australia, the answer from our politicians is to increase immigration. It’s a bit like Einstein’s definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Tony Hunt, Gordon
Ministries saga confirms why people don’t like politicians
Thank goodness for Anne Twomey’s voice of reason (“‘Radical’ ex-PM’s poisonous legacy”, August 24). She shows that Scott Morrison’s actions only add to the “legacy” of an incremental unhinging of the Westminster system of responsible government, especially during the pandemic. It was a step on the road to “rule by decree” in the midst of unparalleled decisions such as the suspension of parliament, policy being determined by a hand-picked COVID commission, and the silencing of a credible opposition. No wonder the public lost trust in government. Vanessa Tennent, Oatley
At the heart of Twomey’s article there lies an important question. The Australian Constitution makes clear that the Queen – through the agency of the governor-general – is an integral part of that government. Thus, trust in the operations of Yarralumla (which was also relevant in 1975) must be part of her case. The crucial point is that while the G-G is not an entirely free agent – he cannot act on his own initiative –neither is he merely a passive prime ministerial cypher. At present, in choosing not to officially record his supernumerary commissions to Morrison, that is precisely how he looks. He appears to have been amazingly incurious and, in being so, he has surely compromised his office. His position, therefore, seems untenable. John Carmody, Roseville
The PM is to investigate Morrison’s secret ministries (“Morrison stops short of agreeing to inquiry”, August 24). This is undoubtedly a political ploy to put pressure on Peter Dutton and the Liberal Party power brokers and to get rid of Morrison from the seat of Cook. However, as the solicitor-general has stated, the major problem has been the loopholes in the Constitution, allowing more than one minister in each portfolio. The PM should be concentrating on fixing the Constitution instead of conducting political witch-hunts. PM, look to the future, not the past – there is much work to be done. Brett Osborn, Mornington (Vic)
Morrison’s conditional offer to assist in any genuine inquiry about secretive transfers of ministerial power is contemptuous. A man studied, observed and outed by every part of the media and public administration makes an offer to assist – if the process is deemed genuine in his view. Give me a break. David Gunter, Sydney
If it was found Morrison had not acted illegally, why is Anthony Albanese going to so much trouble to haul him before an inquiry? Has he nothing better to do as PM? Pastor de Lasala, Seaforth
The advice found Morrison’s taking of multiple portfolios was legal and the then-PM acted out of an abundance of caution. He should be given the benefit of the doubt, and his role as PM respected for the work he did put in, not be torn to shreds. Elizabeth Vickers, Maroubra
NSW needs schools and hospitals more than stadiums
I’ll give the new stadium 20 years before a grinning state Liberal premier announces that it’s outdated and unsafe and needs demolishing and rebuilding, waving a no-tender in-confidence signed contract (“Inside the new $830 million Sydney football stadium”, August 24). What a win for our great state of NSW. Meanwhile, kids will still be taught in demountable schoolrooms and hospital patients will queue on stretchers in emergency departments. Patrick McGrath, Potts Point
Given the building industry’s problems in building quality infrastructure, with a good example being that the Sydney Football Stadium only lasted 34 years, perhaps the state government should bulldoze and rebuild the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Tim Schroder, Gordon
Dirty hands
A sixth lesson we should learn is that trust should not be betrayed (“Six months after Putin’s invasion, what has this war taught the West”, August 24). The West gave assurances to Russia that NATO would not take advantage of its weakness when it dissolved the Soviet Union by expanding eastwards. It lied. We need to remind warmongers that the West needs to have “clean hands” in its international dealings. Brenton White, Mosman
Trickle-down myth
The “world’s most valuable company,” Apple, cuts workers’ pay and increases their hours without paying overtime (“Apple accused of ‘bad faith’ in trying to rush pay deal,” August 24). So much for trickle-down economics. Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown
Membership trap
Analysts reported the growth in Kogan First memberships are up 210 per cent, which made me wonder if I was once a member (“Kogan ready to learn from COVID errors”, August 24). I certainly unwittingly had “membership fees” charged to my credit card. It was impossible to clear this matter up with Kogan – unreachable due to lack of contact details. Finally, my bank intervened and a refund was issued. No apology. As I was unaware I’d become a member here’s a warning: “Be careful”. Wendy Crew, Lane Cove North
Murdoch influence
It’s long overdue that Murdoch’s influence over politics was held to account (“I didn’t start this”, August 24). Public interest journalism and the public good should hopefully win. Let the fight begin. Anne Matheson, Gordon
Surgical approach
While it’s tempting to tar all cosmetic surgeons with the same brush, perhaps it might be an idea to weed out the exploitative ones rather than throw the baby out with the bath water (Letters, August 24). I’m in no way defending unscrupulous operators. Perhaps a brief cosmetic surgery course run by properly trained cosmetic surgeons could be a prerequisite. The reality is that most surgery is mechanical and repetitive, not too difficult to learn. In Australia, GPs get the title bachelor of surgery too. Ashley Berry, Oatley
Scrap the scrum
I see that rugby union is engaged in a discussion about the possibility of introducing a 60-second shot clock for scrums (“Wallabies hold injury fears about scrum clock”, August 24). As someone who watches rugby but from the perspective of having been brought up on another code, I ask why rugby bothers with scrums any more? After all, for some time the scrums have no longer been a contest for the ball as the scrum half places it behind the feet of his own hooker. In other words “into the second row”. My question is not rhetorical. John Lees, Castlecrag
Lying with statistics
Congratulations for pointing out the obvious but unappreciated fact that we are in the main statistical illiterates, particularly those who preach to us about, and those who fall for, the claimed good/bad effects based on sketchy results (“Poor maths skills added to fake news in pandemic”, August 23). Populist demagogues such as Trump can use statistics to conjure up whatever conclusion they want. What does it matter if a risk is doubled if the risk was one in a billion to begin with? What about the fact that half of the Australian population is below average intelligence? What is the chance of a coin coming down heads if the last five throws have been tails? If all else fails use logarithmic graph co-ordinates to suggest a small effect, or lift the baseline to promote a dramatic effect. Elementary statistics should be part of the curriculum of all school students. Charles Pope, Morpeth
Girl power
As the product of a 1400-strong all-girls schools in the 1960s, I’ll risk sounding sexist when I say that I hope my alma mater retains its girls-only status (Letters, August 24). Our one male teacher back then was a retired minister of religion, a passionate geologist who was inspirational but who held no more authority than other teachers, who outnumbered him by at least 100 to 1. It was the women teaching and guiding us who gave us strong female role models, subtly moulding us into the feminists many of us became. The headmistress conducted daily services in the 600-seat chapel, and the school operated as a female-directed community. We were genuinely bewildered when we found out that in the outside world men considered themselves intellectually superior to women – in fact, we felt sorry for the noisy, gangly, spotty boys who shared our bus and train rides to and from school. We entered our post-school lives with confidence in our abilities and a truly liberal education unhampered by the distractions of having to share our days with hormone-fuelled boys. Randi Svensen, Wyong
Disappointed on arrival
My first new car in 1965 was a Morris 1100 with number plate DOA (Letters, August 24). Apparently, many people refused the plates and had them changed. I was disappointed when I moved to Queensland and had to surrender them. John Hickey Coolangatta (QLD)
Name and shame
For my entire education I was the only Bryce in the school (Letters, August 24). When in primary school I would have killed to be a “Peter” or “John”. By secondary school that was replaced with a hatred of being called Bruce. To make matters worse my girlfriend left me and took up with a Bruce. The fame of Bryce Courtenay at last brought the recognition the name deserves. Bryce Templeton, Mudgeeraba (Qld)
In my first year of teaching, I had four Michaels: Mike, Michael, Mick and Mickey. Problem solved. Neil Nicoll, Waverton
Back in 1976 in my first year of teaching at Swansea high, all the girls were Leanne, or so it seemed. Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights
Work release
To all those “work martyrs” out there, while you’re thinking of having “I wish I worked more” inscribed on your headstone, remember that cemeteries are full of indispensable people (Letters, August 24). John Fitzpatrick, Pelican Waters (QLD)
The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Voters want wage rises, not migration, as job summit’s top priority
From Avalon1: ″Business always wants the cheap solution which keeps wages low, reduces living standards and livability in cities. Governments need to stop listening to business vested interests and start listening to the people, or more seats will be filled by independents who will listen. Reduce your profits, increase your wages, make it attractive for the underemployed, the over 50s and those who have dropped out of the workforce to re-engage.″
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