

This was published 2 years ago


‘Radical’ Morrison’s poisonous legacy is more distrust in government

Too often during the life of the Morrison government, the prime minister asserted that something was acceptable because no law was being broken. Nothing to see here – time to move on.

But as the legal opinion of Solicitor-General Stephen Donaghue now shows, even though Scott Morrison’s additional ministerial appointments were legally valid, the conduct in keeping them secret was wrong because it was “inconsistent with the conventions and practices that form an essential part of the system of responsible government prescribed by … the constitution”.

It seems Scott Morrison did not trust his cabinet or individual ministers to exercise power as he would like it to be exercised, and therefore arrogated power to himself.

It seems Scott Morrison did not trust his cabinet or individual ministers to exercise power as he would like it to be exercised, and therefore arrogated power to himself.Credit: Nick Moir

Donaghue found that the failure to publish Morrison’s appointments to administer other departments fundamentally undermined the principles of responsible government because it prevented parliament and the people from holding Morrison, as a minister, to account with respect to those departments.

The solicitor-general stated the “undermining of responsible government … does not depend on the extent to which Mr Morrison exercised” those departmental powers “because from the moment of his appointment he was both legally and politically responsible for the administration of that department, and yet he could not be held accountable for the way that he performed (or did not perform) that role”.

The problems that would occur if one minister was unaware that another minister was also administering the same department weighed on Donaghue’s mind. How could they work out a division of responsibilities in administering the department without knowing of the other’s role? The failure to notify public servants in a department about who is administering their department also undermined the proper functioning of government and the relationship between the ministry and the public service.

It is unusual for a legal opinion to extend beyond strict matters of legality to these more fundamental issues of principle and convention. But the unusual and serious nature of the conduct involved and its consequences justified the excursion. The underlying problem is a breakdown in trust.

It seems Morrison did not trust his cabinet or individual ministers to exercise power as he would like it to be exercised, and therefore arrogated power to himself so he could exercise an ultimate override if he wished. It says something about his idea of government – that it was his own, to operate as he wished, rather than a collective government of ministers responsible for different portfolios. He was seeking to operate a form of government that is the antithesis of the one bequeathed to Australia by Britain.


Conservatives are committed to conserving the institutions of government and the conventions and principles that underpin it. Morrison was no conservative. His disdain for conventions and cabinet government mark him as a radical, but one without a guiding purpose.

As Morrison’s time as prime minister is over, many have asked why there is such fuss about these past actions, which had little substantive effect. It is the damage to public trust that will long outlast Morrison’s tenure. It is a poisonous legacy.

Credit: Matt Golding

Throughout the pandemic, governments relied upon the trust and goodwill of the people to undertake hardships for the common good of protecting the health and lives of others. Just as in wartime, most people complied with new, sometimes harsh laws, trusting in the wisdom of their leaders to see them through the danger. But others protested, seeing conspiracies and dictatorial conduct behind every shadow, refusing to obey the laws and agitating for governments to be dismissed.

How much must Morrison’s secretive behaviour, even if it had little substantive effect, feed that distrust? How can we say in future that no one is secretly exercising power behind the scenes if we have a clear precedent for it having occurred?


The long-term damage to public trust in government is a serious matter. It had already been damaged by a litany of audit office reports showing the gross misuse of public money for political advantage. How much more can the public take before we see a breakdown of the rule of law and the rampant spread of corruption once self-interest commonly overrides the public interest?

The Albanese government has a hard task restoring public trust in government. Not only must it ensure there are legal requirements that all appointments to administer government departments and exercise statutory executive power are formally made public, but it has a long list of other integrity tasks to complete.


It needs to establish a strong anti-corruption commission, place caps on political donations and campaign expenditure, reform the grants systems to prevent pork-barrelling, put in place strict laws to ensure government advertising is not used for political purposes, and require that appointments to public offices occur on merit, rather than being “jobs for the boys”. Only then will we see the restoration of public trust in government.

Anne Twomey is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Sydney.

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