

This was published 4 years ago

Layers of incompetence have derailed transport projects

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

CBD rail projects both above and below ground are becoming a sinkhole for the state’s revenues (''Revealed: $4 billion metro blowout'', February 4). From the commencement of the light rail project in late 2015 to completion of the city south-west Metro in 2024, the combined $5.3 billion cost overruns for the two projects average out at $1.6 million a day. And all this to make sure we get above ground snail rail and below ground sardine rail. - Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

News of a cost blow-out on the Chatswood to Bankstown Metro provides the government with an opportunity to recalibrate the project and stop the Metro at Sydenham. Then, once the coffers are full again, they could extend the line south or east to suburbs that don’t currently have a rail service rather than convert the existing Sydenham to Bankstown line. - Peter Olive, Marrickville

The cost of the metro was always too much; the blowout is another matter and is not due to market forces. The real reasons include the state government's incompetence, its ideological agenda to privatise at any cost, the use of a disjointed mix of private contractors and consultants because the government has decimated the public service, the lack of good tradespeople because TAFE has been so underfunded and the government's apathy about the use of public money for pet projects not supported by communities. - Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

Huge cost blowouts are the norm for our policymakers; not from inflation but from unscrutinised contracts, probable lobbyist influence, lack of professional nous. Please, no whinges about helping fire victims with rebuilds, as taxpayers routinely pay out zillions for vast government overspends. - Cecile Hunt, Paddington

I regularly tender for government contracts and they are generally not negotiable. You tender a price, a contract is awarded and the successful tenderer is held to that. So what is it about these big jobs? The incompetence of the tenderer or the outfit awarding the tender? A blowout of $4 billion must be a show of incompetence somewhere. - Roger Lee, Raworth

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Why are we not surprised at the $4.3 billion blowout on the Metro rail project? It is a repeat of what occurred with the light rail from Circular Quay to the eastern suburbs.

The review points to underestimating the cost of new trains and systems and no consideration of the cost of temporary replacement buses. Who is responsible for such inadequate budgeting in major projects? Perhaps the Berejiklian Government will become known as the Government for Major Cost Blow Outs. - Sandra Burke, North Sydney

Why do we need a metro rail project from Chatswood to the city and on to Sydenham and Bankstown? We already have a great train service to these areas. If you live in Bankstown it means you are in the centre of the Sydney rail network. You could travel easily to the city via Bankstown or Lidcombe. To travel to Liverpool means a change of trains at Regents Park. Travel to the Airport means a change of trains at Central. It seems ludicrous to spend so much money to replace service that works so well. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. - Helen Simpson, Curl Curl


Mourning mother's humanity inspirational amid such hate

I watched in awe as Leila Abdallah, the mother of the children killed in the Oatlands crash, spoke with such humanity despite their tragic losses ("Grief-stricken mother 'can't hate' driver", February 4). It seems this family asked themselves, "What would Jesus have done?" In an era of hate speech and people professing their right to be bigots, it is refreshing to see what quiet Christians think. - Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie

Ms Abdallah’s forgiveness of the killer of her three children is an example of a truly Christian response. It’s exactly what Christ calls of her, and it reminded me of the devout Catholic mother in England who forgave her teenage son’s murderer, saying that she couldn’t hate the other boy, because it was hate that had killed her son. If only the rest of us were the same. - Malcolm McEwen, North Turramurra

In the depths of her grief, Ms Abdallah knows what so many of the world has yet to realise – that “how much we love each other” and forgiveness are the only things that matter, and that hate and revenge and hardened hearts only increase the suffering for everyone. - Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Demanding that the blood-alcohol limit of road users be lowered in an effort to reduce the road death toll is utopian and wishful thinking ("Everything must change after multiple tragedy: experts'', February 4). People are brought before the courts every week charged with driving motor vehicles while uninsured, unlicensed, affected by alcohol or sadly all three; lowering the blood-alcohol limit will have no bearing on habitual lawbreakers such as these. All power-driven vehicles should be fitted with electronic devices that will only allow sober persons to operate the vehicle. Costly, yes, but what price human life? - Stewart Smith, Tea Gardens

Road safety experts are backing the wrong horse. Why do so many people drive when they’re over the legal limit? Or drive while suspended or disqualified? It’s because most people have no alternative means of travel. If we want safe roads, we need a public transport system where nobody ever finds their only practical way to get where they need to is to drive a car. Until public transport is improved sufficiently, there will be no shortage of people who drive when over the limit or drive when disqualified. Some people will take the risk. We need to remove the temptation. - Greg Platt, Wyoming

Isn't the reduction of just one alcohol-related death on the roads enough to consider lower blood alcohol tolerances? Are there seriously any exceptions to drinking equals no driving? - Ted Bush, Ermington

Truth obvious to all but our PM

Wonderful to read your editorial setting out so many energy and carbon emissions issues ("Pricing carbon an obvious route to sustainable future", February 4). Australia is one of the few major countries which do not price carbon. It also overcomes one of the fatal flaws of economics, in that by bringing carbon into the cost structure of companies, it uses the market mechanism to internalise "free" externalities. Perhaps Scott Morrison's economics education did not deal with how to turn this basic contradiction into an opportunity. - Bill Johnstone, Blackheath

Talk about a catch-22. The prime minister can claim that the science on climate change is not settled, knowing a majority of Australians agree with him, precisely because the government is failing to give clear and unequivocal support to the science on climate change. Sadly, as we have seen, a nation divided will struggle to stand against the disaster befalling it. - Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

Koala tragedy will fade

Reports of a koala massacre due to logging in Victoria's Cape Bridgewater brought tears to my eyes (''Koala massacre' feared in Victoria's south-west'', February 4). How can this be allowed to happen? The Australian Forest Products Association and contractors must have known that the bluegum plantation was the habitat for these koalas before they started clearing.

The numbers of the already endangered species lost in the bushfires is a catastrophy itself without wanton destruction through logging. The conservation groups working so hard to save these animals must be devastated. A pathetic answer to this allegation from the Victorian Department of Environment, Water and Planning was that it was "prepared to prosecute over the events". Not good enough - and I suppose we won't hear any more about it, as usual. - Ros Vidgen, Milton

What's really frightening

As usual, Peter Hartcher is spot on (“The real fight is against fear”, February 4). As Shakespeare wrote: “Of all base passions, fear is the most accursed”. Alas, the dismal performance of Scott Morrison over the summer, the superficiality of the entire government as exemplified by the McKenzie affair, the squabbling within the National Party and the continuing struggle against reality of conservatives over climate change mean that the prospects of getting the leadership he speaks of to deal with the exponentially corrosive effects of fear are particularly bleak. - Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Counting blessings

We have suffered through drought, bushfires, smoke pollution and a virus outbreak. At least we have been spared a second round of Barnaby Joyce as our Deputy PM (''Michael McCormack survives leadership challenge by Barnaby Joyce'', February 4). - Stephanie Edwards, Roseville

It doesn’t matter too much who they vote for, but just stop slagging each other off. - Tim Schroder, Gordon

Anthony Albanese must be finding it hard to resist declaring, ''How good are the Nats?'' - Jeff Apter, Keiraville

While Richard Di Natale was leaving politics to spend more time with his family, Barnaby Joyce wanted to lead the Nationals, indicating that spending more time with the family is not all it's cracked up to be ("Adam Bandt elected new leader of the Greens", February 4.) - Malcolm McCallum, Dulwich Hill

Our country is facing an immense natural disaster and our pollies are back at work, doing the only thing they are capable of - talking about themselves. - Richard Edmonds, Balcolyn

PM regards us poorly

The most depressing aspect of the sports rorts affair is the contempt Scott Morrison has shown for the people of Australia (Letters, February 4). The fact he considered we would accept his in-house "investigation", let alone the redacted version he read out, was a statement on his low view of those who handed him his power. He has had a liking for withholding information as a political tool since his "boat people" days. Morrison must believe the public who handed him his power are naive, gullible or witless all of the time. - Bert Candy, Glenvale QLD

The response of the government to the sports rort affair is cynical and morally indefensible. It seems that the Prime Minister orchestrated a report that would allow him to force out the minister on the narrowest possible grounds, therefore limiting any damage to the government.

It is likely that the minister did not have the legal authority to direct where the taxpayers’ money went. But even if she did have such legal authority, she exercised it inappropriately in that she directed the money on the basis of party political considerations rather than the public good.

The Australian taxpayers are entitled to a full investigation. - Mark Moyes, Tarana

Now that Bridget McKenzie has unwillingly fallen on her sword and the media have moved on, what is actually going to happen about the misappropriation of public monies for party political purposes? If constitutional experts are correct and the minister acted unlawfully, who is going to take action? - Neil Reckord, Armidale

A job for life

Ross Gittins, with his criticism of how politics has become a lifelong career, made me think about the early '80s, when I was working in the press office of a government department in Whitehall (''A lack of trust in politics'', February 3).

There were no ''ambitious young punks'' to be seen; they simply did not exist. The ministers' private offices were staffed by smart young officers from the department, the material from which future mandarins would be drawn.

In the press office, we handled all media bids for the ministers, accompanied journalists to ministerial interviews if the issue at stake demanded it, and one of us would always be involved in official ministerial visits. In other words there was a firewall between government and politics supported by a thoroughly professional and well-established administrative set-up.
How bizarre and unreal all this all seems in 2020; the world has changed as much in London as in Canberra. No use lamenting the old days, of course, yet the cradle-to-grave trajectory of so many of today's pollies creates a serious weakness in our principal democratic institution. - Felix Jones, Randwick

Clive streaming

More than $83 million to buy the Australian government (''Palmer gifted more than $80m to his own party'', February 4). Clive Palmer is a business genius. - Don Smith, Ashfield

Talk about a (non-)pregnant pause

The "post-baby rockmelon" article is one side of the coin (''The bright side to my post-baby rockmelon'', February 4). What if, as happened to me, you bump into a woman you haven't met in a year and she's wearing the tightest dress in the room, and looks to be about to give birth. Is it rude to not notice or comment, or to genuinely express congratulations and show an interest in the impending birth? You could have cut the air with a knife when she said she wasn't pregnant, but what's the protocol - to see or not to see? - Wendy Crew, Lane Cove North

Antennae are up

I predict an end to the drought, at least in Sydney: the ants have returned to my kitchen bench after a very long absence (''Forecast rain could unleash new dangers'', February 4). - Carol Dettmann, Neutral Bay

Herald vote mystery

If, as your correspondent believes, Herald letter writers reflect the unbiased views of the wider community, it is beyond me how the past three elections resulted in a Liberal PM (Letters, February 4). Two of those winners, Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison, were largely loathed by Herald letter writers. - Tony Nicod, Collaroy

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