

This was published 4 years ago

'Independent' report by the PM's former fixer: pull the other one

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

So, Bridget McKenzie takes the fall for what seems to be the least of the sins – not declaring membership of one beneficiary club (“McKenzie's exit puts a strain on Coalition”, February 3). - Bill Irvine, Goulburn

In former times, when the PM referred a matter of dubious or questionable behaviour to the head of his or her department, it was being referred it to a long-serving senior member of an independent bureaucratic cadre and administrative body acknowledged by all, including the politicians, as the authoritative keeper of the rules and the custodian of proper practice. When Scott Morrrison referred McKenzie’s transgressions to Phil Gaetjens, this was not the case. Recently brought in, Gaetjens had previously served as Morrison’s political chief of staff. Whom do we trust to get it right, impartially? The Auditor-General or ScoMo’s hand-picked manager-fixer? - Clive Kessler, Randwick

Taxpayers have paid for the Gaetjens report. If we live in a transparent democracy as claimed by Scott Morrison, they have a right to see it. Or is this a matter of “Nationals’ security”? - Rufus Clarke, Kirribilli

So the findings of a publicly available report produced by the Auditor-General are rejected and overturned by a secret report produced by the PM’s former chief of staff – and this is supposed to put the matter to rest. This government. I shake my head. I really do. - Len Keating, Balmain

Hands up all those who think McKenzie’s politically biased allocation of sporting grants was directed and encouraged by others in the Coalition. Thought so. There is a lot more to see here. - Ted Hemmens, Dee Why

In 2018, McKenzie and her staff ran up $652,000 in official travel, the highest of all federal MPs. Had her apparent disregard for spending taxpayer funds attracted due scrutiny at the time, the sports rorts fiasco may not have eventuated. - Peter Mahoney, Oatley

Where to now? Sack the Auditor-General? - Max Fischer, Wollongong

How the haughty have fallen! - Meredith Williams, Dee Why

The editorial on the Prime Minister’s actions in relation to the sports rorts reinforces to this very ordinary, quiet Australian of the man’s inadequacies as a leader ("Sports grant scandal stain on PM's tenure", February 3). The concern for many is our diminishing lack of trust in our elected representatives. Trust is generated through predictability, consistency and transparency in process and decision-making. It’s not that difficult. Consult, listen, communicate, respond but don’t deceive. - Peter Snowden, Orange


Clearly ministerial standards are not high enough. - Susanna Gorman, North Ryde

While I have no particular affection for McKenzie, I can’t help feel she is being made a scapegoat. Are we seriously supposed to think that the PM's office or the Treasurer or any other ministry didn’t know where the grants were going? - Ariel Johnson, Elizabeth Beach

McKenzie's exit is no solution to the moral dilemmas this country faces, but I can think of a few things that would help: get rid of lobbyists, super-charge funding of the ABC, create a federal ICAC now with broad powers to rectify any corrupt conduct and embed ethics in the school curriculum (for the new generation of politicians and voters alike). - Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

McKenzie, in her resignation statement, says she understands that the community expects parliamentarians to adhere to higher standards. I think she's wrong. The community would be happy if they adhered to any standards at all. - Nick Hendel, Roseville

At least the so-called sports rort has taught us a couple of important lessons. It has shown us how lacking in integrity the PM is, as if we didn't already know it, and it has demonstrated just how politicised the public service has become. Perhaps McKenzie has learned a lesson too: how dangerous guns can be. - Geoff Gordon, Cronulla

If politicians won't act on climate, it's up to us

When I read letters like the ones from Karen Joynes and Jill Phillips (Letters, February 3), I don’t feel so lonely. There is so much that people can do to help the planet that doesn’t depend on whether the government does anything or not. But can I address the cow in the room? The single most effective thing people can do to protect our air, soil, oceans, fauna and flora and houses – and grandchildren – is not install solar panels, drive electric cars or recycle plastic. It is to reduce your consumption of meat and seafood to one or two meals a week. Oh – I nearly forgot: hospital waiting times and the nation’s Medicare bill will plummet at the same rate as your carbon footprint. - Dr Dave Goldberg, Wrights Beach

I undertook a road trip from Canberra to Bathurst last Thursday and after a day for rest and recuperation continued to Newcastle on Saturday. The news from Gunning, Crookwell and Trunkey Creek is drought, drought and more drought. The message from the Blue Mountains is fire, fire and more fire. The message from the Hawkesbury floodplain is relentless heat. Everything in my un-airconditioned van was too hot to touch. I was ferrying an old cast iron bath upon which you could have fried an egg. We might have better climate action policies if our pollies were forced to endure such a trip! - Jim Lavis, New Lambton

Some say the published letters to the SMH provide an interesting social history of the times. Assuming they unbiasedly reflect the wider community's prevailing concerns, views and attitudes, they do. Karen says we are all asleep (Letters, February 3). Rod and Frank say, because of climate change, they are not and cannot. The mind is seething; and how can one sleep at night when it's 30 degrees, even with the cooling effect of a fan. Despite what scientists say, it is simply not possible to adapt to a changing climate. If only Morrison would act to implement the clear solution and stop Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Not to worry, the Morrison problem is only short-term. We can elect another government in a few years' time. 'Tis a telling social history, though not a compelling one. Dream on. - Ross Drynan, Lindfield

I read that these hot nights in February are unprecedented and caused by climate change. Local pharmacies have medications for both heat rash and memory loss. - Laurie Le Claire, Epping

Our PM suggests we should adapt to climate change. He should remember what happened to the dinosaurs (given that he is acting like one). - Ian Catt, Surry Hills

Let clear-thinking scientists burn populist myths

A standard response by conservative politicians to the bushfires has been to blame government officials, especially green politicians and those working in national parks, for “tying up the land” in green tape and not allowing land-owners to undertake more hazard reduction. And yet, any cursory survey of maps of fire-affected areas shows these fires have burnt irrespective of land tenure, land use or vegetation type. Everything from rainforests to industrially curated pine forests and apple orchards have burnt. In my experience as an RFS firefighter, I've seen fire engulf houses after racing across open, heavily grazed paddocks and empty watercourses. I've also worked to extinguish a lightning ignition that took hold in a log dump left by forestry contractors on private land. I've worked on at least two major escaped hazard reductions started by ill-prepared landholders. I also extinguished one small local fire lit by an arsonist who, I understand, believed not enough hazard-reduction had been done around our village. Hazard reduction has its place in fire management but National Party politicians continue to spruik its effectiveness for all the wrong reasons, based on emotional anecdote. Any scientific evidence that it would have prevented this season's catastrophe is scant. I applaud the NSW government for undertaking a serious inquiry into these fires but urge the commissioners and politicians to rely on the experts and their science and don’t use the inquiry to beat up on clear-thinking scientists and government workers. And don’t accept the populist anecdotes as these, like mine above, might be statistically invalid, clouded by false memory or rumour, or worse, tainted by vested interest. - Peter Hull, Hat Head

Smokescreen politics

Ross Gittins is on the money in his analysis of the tragic downward spiral of Australian politics ("A lack of trust in politics making reform impossible", February 3). Politicians are becoming increasingly focused only on the survival of their careers and their party and are reaching new heights of absurdity defending both. For evidence, we need look no further than today's front page ("McKenzie exit puts strain on Coalition", February 3). But let's hide all of that in a babble of obfuscation, in the hope that a jaded public will either buy it outright or just forgeddaboutit. - Anne Ring, Coogee

Optimism must shine through Ross Gittins. For this government to seek a positive peak it must realise how close to bottom it is. I think the Morrison government is nearing its bleak optimum. It has badly managed a miracle and changed it to a sticky treacle. - Gregory Abbott, Macleay Island

Nothing has changed since the SMH published John Menadue’s opinion piece in May 2015: “How the rise of the lobbyist is corrupting Australia's democracy”. He wrote: "Australia's capacity to tackle important public issues – such as climate change, growing inequality, tax avoidance, budget repair, an ageing population, lifting our productivity and our treatment of asylum seekers – is diminishing because of the power of vested interests, with their lobbying power to influence governments in a quite disproportionate way." There are fixes to each of the important public issues listed above but any political party hoping for re-election could not possibly run with a platform built on those fixes. - Steve Johnson, Elizabeth Beach

Act in haste, rue at leisure

As a British expat, it was sickening to see and hear those ill-informed, ignorant English fanatics draped in their Union Jacks celebrating their departure from the European Union ("The end of the beginning: Uncertainty in the capital of Brexit England", February 1). Tens of thousands of Britons have been killed in wars in Europe in the past century, yet a Europe united has enjoyed 75 years of peace, the longest period in 300 years. The full, painful effects of leaving the EU won't be felt in Britain for a year. Then the lies and nonsense propagated by Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage will be exposed. And these working-class victims in the north of England who voted so strongly for leaving the EU, and for making Johnson PM, will regret their stupidity. - Vincent Matthews, Warriewood

Britain is seeking to establish new trade deals with Australia. Some of us recall the economic hardship she inflicted here (particularly in Tasmania) by abandoning Australian trade for her European adventure. Seeing Australia is tacit member of Europe (through Eurovision) we should now seek Britain's place in the European Union and reject overtures from British ministers who are now discovering the great south land. - Jerard Barry, Engadine

Re-Joyce. It's Barnaby 2.0

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Yet another disaster in the making (“Barnaby Joyce to challenge for leadership of Nationals“, February 3). - Sue Dyer, Downer, ACT

Go for it, Barnaby! It’s the best thing the Nationals could do to bring about a change of government. - Anthony Baker, Oatley

So, Bridget McKenzie misbehaves and we get punished, with Barnaby. - John Mizon, Collaroy

City folk travel, too

Some extra money for pensioners in the bush came into play last week. The Nationals promised them $250 travel cards last election and now they are lining up in droves at their nearest Centrelink to claim their bounty. I am sure there are many deserving pensioners in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong who would love this card, but nothing for them. Too many Labor strongholds here. - Wendy Atkins, Cooks Hill

Cowboys rule the roads

With the tragedy at Oatlands ("Grief beyond measure", February 3) there has been a lot of commentary about causes and prevention. You only have to drive on the M4 or M7 to realise that there is a "cowboy" culture on the roads, mainly by young men driving utes and four-wheel drives, where the speed limit and general road rules are ignored.

It is this culture that leads to such tragedies. We need more police on the roads. This would be a much more productive use of their time than wasting it looking up festival-goers' bottoms. - William Isles, Surry Hills

Too rich for porridge

Surprise, surprise. A year after the Hayne royal commission's scathing indictment on Australian bankers and no one's gone to jail ("Banks tipped to settle as ASIC prepares fresh wave of lawsuits", February 3). There appears to be an unwritten rule in Australian law that whatever their crimes, bankers are just too big, too important and maybe too wealthy to be sent to the slammer. - Nick Franklin, Katoomba

Pay your own way

In arguing against increasing the superannuation guarantee levy (“Workers get slugged by super guarantee rises”, February 3), Brendan Coates ignores the irony when claiming that "compulsory super set at 9.5 per cent, together with the age pension, is already doing its job [of providing an adequate retirement income].”

Superannuation is you saving for your own retirement. The age pension comes from taxes paid by the younger, working generation. Intergenerational equity requires that (as far as possible) people provide for their own retirement. - Maurice Critchley, Kenthurst

Must do better

Newcastle East Public School, founded in 1816, is the oldest school in Australia still in use. In the course of renovations, the school records were found to have been contaminated by asbestos.

The Education Department ordered them to be burnt. They included things like correspondence between the first headmaster and Governor Macquarie. I hope they do not find asbestos in the Mitchell Library. - Peter Hay, Islington

Going the whole hog

So, I wonder who'll get Bridget McKenzie's porkfolio? - Ian Maynard, Freshwater

Have a cow, man

Why does the Trump impeachment fiasco remind me of the trial of a cattle duffer in the backblocks of Queensland in the 1880s? The decision of the jury was: "Not guilty, your honour, and he can keep the cattle." - Peter Bourke, Rockdale

Broken by the news

Today's Leunig cartoon struck a nerve. Once a dedicated news junkie I now find myself assiduously avoiding the television news bulletins and the first things I turn to in my Herald each morning are the cryptic crossword and the form guide. It could be argued that I'm living in a fool's paradise but, for now, no news is good news. - Garth Clarke, North Sydney

Praise to the skies

On Monday morning, I turned my head and looked out the window. From my study, I saw blue skies, nothing but blue skies. Whereas once before it was a sulphurous horizon with a blood-red sun. As David Bowie sang: "The stars look very different today. Planet earth is blue and there is nothing I can do.” Were it ever so. - Mike Fogarty, Weston, ACT

New Thiem emerging

Dominic Thiem may not have won the final but he sure won the support of tennis fans. No tantrums, no smashed racquets, no time-wasting. Just strength, commitment, sportsmanship and incredible tennis. A joy to watch! - John Byrne, Randwick

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