

This was published 4 years ago

Hot nights should wake us from our climate slumber

Sadly, Paul Kelly’s words ring true ("'A tipping point': Kelly fires up on climate inaction", February 1-2). Australia is asleep. While there may be a growing number of people agitating for action on climate change, the majority of people will always put themselves and their families first regardless of their impact on the environment. Dual cab utes are still the most popular vehicle on the market; shopping trolleys are still full of plastic packaging and processed food; overseas travel is expected as a right, not a privilege, multiple times a year; smokers still toss their butts, and plastic still ends up in oceans and on our beaches; helium balloons are released even when people are told about the negative impact on wildlife; many families have three or more children, unworried by the dire future predicted for their offspring or the impact on the planet of ever more people. It is not only the general populace that is sleeping. With a lack of meaningful climate action and environmental protection, our government is too. - Karen Joynes, Bermagui

The Prime Minister’s solution to the need to reduce Australia’s greenhouse emissions is to unleash the frackers ("Kean lauds coalition's $2b energy 'green deal'", February 1-2). Isn’t it time we had a royal commission into the relationship between the Liberal-National Coalition and the mining and fossil fuel lobbies? - June Simpson, Petersham

Australians would have been very interested to hear that the Prime Minister and the Premier of NSW have agreed to produce more liquefied natural gas as an interim measure which they claim will reduce the price of energy to the ordinary punter and for businesses to ensure they are more competitive. That sounds good, or is it just another con-job because until those governments legislate to ensure any further gas supplies will be for the domestic market first – and at a reasonable price – it will not go close to achieving any positive results. - Keith Askew, Hornsby Heights

It's 3am on Sunday and I'm lying in my sweatbox of a house trying to sleep, thinking of Scott Morrison's latest advice, and seething with anger. I'm seething on behalf my kids, and their kids and our disappearing, life-sustaining natural world. I'm seething because the best that the man who was elected to lead can come up with is to learn to adapt. I'm not sure that I can, nor can anybody else that I've spoken to. Not many can claim to have helped shape the future, but surely Morrison will be numbered amongst them. - Rod Hughes, Epping

It's 3am. It's 30 degrees. Feels like 32. I can't sleep and, fan blasting full bore, I think about our suffering land. The fire, the heat, the dry, our lost flora and fauna and the human anguish. Are we the Earth's "canary in the mine"? Are the doomsday, dystopian sci-fi novels of my youth coming true? I hope not, but, I wonder? - Frank Trent, Mudgee

The best way to rid ourselves of climate denier politicians is to not vote for them at the next elections (Letters, January 31). - Jill Phillips, Ettalong Beach

Christmas Island given a new purpose

Christmas Island Detention Centre was recently reopened at a cost of over $27 million by the Morrison government to accommodate the Biloela family of four. At least now the costs might be justified as Qantas prepares to evacuate hundreds of Australians from China, who will be flown to Christmas Island for a 14-day quarantine stay ("Rescue mission ready for take-off", February 1-2). Hopefully the Biloela family will be kept apart from the new residents. - Helen Simpson, Curl Curl

I see that Americans returning to the US from Hubei Province will be subject to a 14-day quarantine Will US authorities follow Australia’s example and confine them in, say, Guantanamo Bay? - John Ure, Mount Hutton

According to your report, (“Coronavirus explained”, February 1-2), people can catch the virus by touching contaminated surfaces or from close contact with infected people. Obviously this probability increases as density increases. Those in high-density common areas are in contact with others and have to touch common door handles, surfaces and buttons. People in high-density Hong Kong during the SARS pandemic remember hand-disinfection facilities made available outside lifts. By recklessly imposing high-density onto communities, the NSW government is setting up Sydney to facilitate the spread of future pandemics. - Tony Recsei, Warrawee


People must calm down and take heed of medical experts say this country has the resources to manage this crisis. We do not want to regress into "yellow peril" nonsense. - Lalith Kumarasinhe, Artarmon

There are two viruses other than the coronavirus affecting Australia. One is ignorance, which requires knowledge as the vaccine. The other is corruption, which requires a strong, well-resourced federal anti-corruption commission as the vaccine. All three are a pervasive threat, yet it seems with ignorance and corruption that we can only act when the threat reaches a critical level. Perhaps the greatest threat is in fact ourselves. The greatest opportunity also rests with ourselves. - David Hyde, Willoughby

The Chinese government has expressed disappointment with travel bans to and from China instigated by various countries. They need to understand that this is not an attack on China or the Chinese people. It is only a sensible extension of what China is doing internally with their own travel restrictions. - Bryan Fitzpatrick, Queens Park

Self-isolation will hopefully operate a little more successfully than, say, a ministerial code of conduct or a bankers code of practice. - David Brooker, Ryde

Unis to feel pinch

Here’s a message for all those geniuses in academic governance looking down the barrel of a financial disaster of their own making ("China-dependent universities in for a viral shock", February 1-2). You could do one of your own business degrees majoring in risk analysis but it’s probably easier to just try to remember not to put all your eggs in one basket. - Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

I suppose the drop in number of university students from China will hopefully lessen the anxiety of those who are worried about the undue influence of these students in the universities. - Thiam Ang, Beecroft

Shelving library will disadvantage students

The news that Arthur Phillip High School has omitted a physical library from their new, multi-storied campus will prove shortsighted (“New school shelves library”, February 1-2). A physical library is so much more than the resources it houses – it's a purpose-built space for teaching, for learning, for meeting, creating and relaxing. It's also a refuge and an escape for the students who may often find the playground intimidating. Where else within a school are these needs met other than the library? - Sharon McGuinness, Thirroul

As moves gather pace to diminish the role of school libraries in new high-rise schools, it may be time to consider some advice from Cicero – "If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." We should never forget that libraries are a significant source of wellbeing and relaxation for students, as well as a centre for independent study. Libraries are more important than ever in new high-rise school precincts with limited playground space. - Rod Leonarder, Roseville

There is a rule in medicine which also applies in education: do no harm. Some bureaucrats and architects thought having iHubs instead of a library would be cool and techno savvy, but in reality it will do great harm. - Paul Hardage, Leura

Hypocrisy in the education system abounds and astounds. Let’s get children reading books because they don’t read enough and literacy levels are poor, but build a school without a library; children spend too much time on devices but let’s make them use technology at school and compulsory to have a laptop or iPad; let’s get children exercising more (with less screen time) because obesity is high but let’s provide lessons with screen time in class and less physical activity or sport lessons. - Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill

The important educative role of the school library has been fragmented by an obsession with design over function. Hanging out with a laptop in an iHub with little guidance and no other library resources will not lead to better educational outcomes. - Rowena Penniment, Earlwood

Give MPs a cashless card

Instead of a conversation about the appropriate levels of welfare and whether our “safety nets” are too low, we are having a discussion about how much control the welfare agencies should have on how welfare recipients spend their safety net ("Coalition set for national expansion of cashless welfare card", February 1-2). Before too long, said recipients will be punished for purchasing Dairy Farmers milk in preference to its home-brand alternative, three-ply instead of two-ply toilet paper and "best" rather than "budget" cuts of meat. - Bernie de Vries, Bolwarra

The decision to extend the implementation of a cashless welfare card is an excellent one. Perhaps federal ministers could be issued something similar to support them with financial literacy, and to prevent them from making inappropriate decisions when spending taxpayers' dollars on programs such as sporting facility grants. - Michael Hayen, Kingston Beach (Tas)

You get what you vote for

Peter Hartcher's article is about leadership ("Hollow the leader with a mountain to climb", February 1-2) or more accurately, our current lack of leadership. Bob Hawke and Paul Keating led the country through a series of forward-looking economic reforms. John Howard stood up for Australians and introduced the gun laws to protect all citizens. And then Scott Morrison went on holiday to Hawaii. A real leader would be looking to ensure a positive legacy. A shame there's no election looming this year. - Don Carter, Oyster Bay

You've got to feel for Morrison. Barely a year ago he openly proclaimed that he would prioritise the material wants of the Australian electorate over the health of the globe. But now some of those very same perennially-shushed, quiet Australians – who welcomed this seemingly straightforward piece of logic – are (literally) feeling the heat and have found their voice to say "you're to blame". The defence that the PM makes which is that he's only doing what he said he'd do, is not all that unreasonable, given the willing support of an electoral majority at the time. Collective responsibility can be difficult to accept and personal responsibility even more so, but while it's figuratively true that we get the politicians we deserve, it's literally true that we get the pollies for whom we vote. - Michael Murray, Cammeray

Hartcher is an extreme optimist if he believes that Morrison can become a true leader. Regrettably, the PM’s background is the murky world of backroom political party plotting, where deviousness and slyness go hand in hand and honesty, integrity and transparency are frowned upon. Morrison’s somewhat chequered commercial career provides no factual confirmation of a man with the ability to inspire others through open and clear communication. Hartcher details Morrison’s excuse making and his feeble attempts to shift blame to his wife and children. When challenged to do so, individuals of character emerge to take charge. Evidence is strong that Morrison will not be among these individuals. - Ross A Butler, Rodd Point

One thing Hartcher missed in his description of Morrison as vainglorious and politically motivated is that the self-avowed Christian lacks the one attribute essential to that status, humility. - Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay

Guilty party in sports rorts

Much of the commentary on sports rorts seems to assume that sacking Bridget McKenzie will somehow fix the problem. That is completely misguided because it does not ensure that the many deserving and meritorious projects that were wrongly denied funding would receive help. Furthermore, it ignores the extent to which pork-barrelling has become endemic in the Morrison government – especially within the junior Coalition partner. We desperately need a federal corruption commission to lift the lid on how government ministers are wilfully handing out public moneys – not just to favoured sports bodies – to buy votes. - Peter Maywald, Kiama

I wonder if annual fraud and ethics awareness training is compulsory for parliamentarians as it is for most, if not all, public servants. - John Moore, Braidwood

A Bridget too far? Bring on the federal ICAC. - Allan White, Kingsford

Sign me up, Scotty

I am very much looking forward to representing Australia in football this year. I’m 64 and don’t have any skills, but I’m ‘eligible’ and live in a marginal seat, so I’m a shoo-in. - David Carey, Windsor

Bunker mentality

With the fires in Canberra I see once more the brilliance of having an underground Parliament House. The bunker mentality of recent governments had made me lose sight of this good forethought. They should be evacuated to a sports field. - Tom Williams, Little Hartley

For richer, for poorer

It was interesting to read your two juxtaposed articles ("Coalition set for national expansion of cashless welfare card" and "Unlucky again on Point Piper mansion", February 1-2). It appears that other consumers, apart from welfare recipients, might benefit from having their spending restricted by fiat. - David Davies, Callala Beach

Snake oil, anyone?

2020 is not the year of the rat. It is the year of the snake oil salesmen. - Greg Thompson, Bega

Fracking furious

I am sick of fracking politicians. - Tim Schroder, Gordon

Big bash, little recall

OK cricket fans, how good is your memory? Which Big Bash cricket team/s won the day after Australia Day? Thought so! - Col Shephard, Yamba

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