

This was published 4 years ago

Climate change calls for action, not adaptation

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

In the midst of our horrific summer, polls show the majority of people want to see urgent action on climate change, (''PM's bushfire response must include climate change: experts'', January 30). We don’t want a focus on ''resilience and adaptation'' or ''meeting and beating'' pathetically low targets with the use of accounting tricks. Emissions are continuing to rise while the Morrison government uses weasel words to pretend they are doing something effective, all while handing billions to the fossil fuel industry.

The House of Representatives is scheduled to sit for a total of 72 days in 2020, so politicians have no time to lose. If they are not prepared to get on with the mammoth task of taking real and significant climate action in the interests of all Australians, and indeed the whole world, then they should get out of the way now so politicians who are so motivated can take their place. Quiet Australians have had enough - we will not be silent. - Judy Dillon, Garran ACT

The PM is setting up an inquiry that avoids the real cause of of this and future bushfires – climate change. Once again, he gives the impression he is doing something when he is avoiding the real issue. Another opportunity wasted. - Peter Spencer, Castle Hill

The PM now reluctantly concedes our continent is warming and drying. By saying the effects of the emissions already in the atmosphere will be felt for decades regardless of any action, he seeks to portray emissions mitigation as a lost cause. He must imagine the public will willingly surrender to warming beyond two degrees. His new focus on resilience and adaptation will lead to the absurd situation in which the coal industry will continue apace while federal government will spend money elsewhere to try to protect the rest of us from the ravages of a warming climate. - Adrian Owen, Killawarra

After listening to Morrison talk about climate change action, I think his government is focused on hope. Hope that individuals keep putting solar panels up. Hope that the states keep pulling their weight. Hope that the rest of the world reduces its emissions. Hope that no one notices he is doing nothing. Hope that rising sea levels don't swamp Waikiki. - Mike Reddy, Vincentia

Premier: I know you have just announced a bushfire inquiry headed by a former chief scientist and a former deputy police commissioner, which will not leave any stone unturned ("State's bush fires inquiry to leave 'no stone unturned'", January 30). But do we really need such an inquiry when climate experts such as John Barilaro, Michael Johnsen and Nathanial Smith in your government already know why the bushfires occurred and how to prevent them. To quote Smith: "The only thing we can control is fuel on the ground and that is why I am pushing for larger asset protection zones around villages and towns". In other words, the solution to bushfires is more slash and burn and degradation of the environment. Thank you for the insight, ministers. - Paul Fergus, Manly

Barilaro claims that Matt Kean’s comments on climate change are unhelpful and do not represent the whole of government. That may be so, but I suggest they do represent the views of the majority of Australians. - Graham Lum, North Rocks

Extra time, and money, for sports rorts scandal

Scott Morrison’s statement that his government would look to fund many "worthy" projects in the future indicates what the original scheme was all about (“Damage control: shunned sports clubs may get cash”, January 30). If those projects are “worthy”, and they applied for funding, why did they not receive it under the original scheme, as Sports Australia recommended? It is clear that the original scheme was not about funding “worthy” projects. But obviously the clubs, Sports Australia and the general public weren’t told that at the time. Morrison has effectively admitted that the original scheme was about pork-barrelling. Nothing to see here. - David Rush, Lawson


The supporters of the Coalition often justify this support on their belief that conservative governments are “good money managers”. The Prime Minister is considering making extra payments to projects that were not originally funded. These projects most certainly deserve support, but what originally was to cost $100m will now cost taxpayers much more due to less worthy projects in marginal seats being funded instead of these more worthy projects. So much for responsible and sound money management. - Ian Biddle, Windsor

Having misused our money to buy political advantage, the Morrison government now plans to use more of our money as cover for its misuse of our money, in the process misusing even more of our money. Is this the way to rebuild trust in government? - Michael Hinchey, Lambton

You have a go; someone else in some marginal electorate gets a go. - Bruce Wright, Latham ACT

This affair has continued to evolve without apparent resolution and, of more concern, the federal government seemingly will not change its processes. Now, with large scale funding of emergency responses pending to recent natural disasters, can we be sure that the same flawed funds allocation processes shown in “sports rorts” will not be followed by the government. Given its stance and responses to date, I am not confident of an equitable outcome. - Geoffrey Noble, Hamilton

John Hewson is to be applauded (''These sports rorts outstink Ros Kelly'', January 30). He has mentioned the seemingly unmentionable: can the Attorney General really be objective when sports organisations in his seat received $1m in grants? He's questioned whether the “independent” investigation by the head of the PM’s department and previous Morrison chief of staff can really be unbiased. Food for thought. - Alfredo Bustos-Ramirez, Mosman

It's not as if Bridget McKenzie is Margaret Thatcher in a ponytail, sporting a gun over one shoulder. She needs to go now, and who'd really care if Michael McCormack followed her out the door? - Rosemary O'Brien, Ashfield

Boring transport solution

Another tunnel for more cars. Another enormous amount of money spent on roads ("Years of disruption to hit freeway", January 30). Imagine if billions of dollars were spent on building rail lines. How many more people could be moving more efficiently from point A to B, instead of being confined in cars along congested roads? Where is the imagination and the will for decent planning? - Dimitris Langadinos, Concord West

One can only assume that the owners of the tunnel boring machines that are working their voracious way underneath Sydney pursuing an antediluvian subterranean road-building-policy have been lobbying hard to keep their assets earning what are no doubt vast sums of money for the foreseeable future.

I await with interest to read where they will be deployed after the Western Harbour Tunnel is completed in 2026: it must be getting like swiss cheese under our feet – hopefully it won't all collapse into a giant sink hole. - Harvey Sanders, Paddington

Class-based inequality

The editorial implies that public school students are disadvantaged by attending them. This is not so ("Higher school fees take choice away from parents", January 30). Public schools are the cornerstone of education. They are the driving force for good. Look at the campaigns that have been run by public school teachers for smaller class sizes, better funding and better conditions for learning and teaching because public school teachers care. These then flow on to private schools.

Without public schools many, many students would have no access to quality education. A median income of $88,000 does not allow many extras for families with children including uniforms, text books and computers. Public schools try to provide as many essentials such as access to computers and books for all students in their system without charging huge fees and exorbitant "extra charges".

The federal government should put the money spent subsidising wealth into providing top-class teaching and learning conditions in public schools for all students. We might then have a more egalitarian society. - Augusta Monro, Dural

The thrust of today's editorial is all parents want the best education for their kids so they can have a bright future but ponders whether the current system entrenches disadvantage.

It sure does. Parents who choose to send their kids to prestigious private schools with luxury facilities costing big bucks put their kids at a demonstrable disadvantage. Of the top 10 schools in the 2019 NSW HSC just one was a private school: a highly selective private school, which slipped from third to fourth.

So what's the best education? As a letter this week eloquently expressed, paraphrasing teachers from the local high school in Dubbo, "school work was everything, because that was the only way to get ahead". - Tim Egan, Mosman

Democracy is falling sick

Can a democratic government of the Australia so easily repatriate Australians directly to a detention centre and deny freedom of movement ("Emergency flight to virus epicentre", January 30)? What legal backing does such a move to detain legal passport holding citizens without a declared national emergency?

It seems the lens which this government applies to most issues regarding international movements to Australia disregards human rights. Australians under threat in Wuhan province have a right to care not to be scared. - Christopher Hill, Kensington

Water good idea

Professor Emma Johnston makes an excellent case for more seawater desalination to drought-proof our communities ("Desalination plants are a critical part of our future", January 29). She dismisses the myth of environmentally damaging brine discharge. Two other myths are high energy and cost.

To supply a typical family with desalinated water would increase their household energy use by less than 15 per cent. The cost of desalinating seawater is less than $2 per kL, that's 0.2 cents a litre; less than bottled water. Similar technology can be used to purify treated waste-water but at about half the energy and cost.

There is a strong case to desalinate seawater then reclaim that used water multiple times as done in Singapore. For inland communities similar technologies can desalt brackish aquifers and assist water reuse. Where aquifers are limited it is technically feasible to pump desalinated seawater inland, but at a cost. This is done in the Middle East. If the current drought represents a "new normal" it could be worth the investment in drought-proofing desalination and reuse infrastructure. - Emeritus Professor Tony Fane, UNESCO Centre for Membranes, University of NSW

In the late 1890s, a 600km pipeline was built to supply water to Kalgoorlie. Surely we can now drought proof inland Australia with desalinated water given that we have almost unlimited renewable power and unlimited "desalinatable" water available and a proven ability to build large scale pipelines (Letters, January 30). - Terry Lanz, Mona Vale

Length of saga beyond belief

Your correspondent seems to have missed the point (Letters, January 30). Nobody ever questioned Folau's "right to freedom of belief". What was at stake was his misguided belief that he could use his position of employment to force his belief onto everybody else. - Brian Collins, Cronulla

The American dream

An openly corrupt, narcissistic, none too bright, gutter fighter who attracts global derision to what should be the noble office of President of the United States is the incumbent (Letters, January 30). Yet, your correspondent states "Trump is still better than anything the Democrats can offer". It is indeed a strange thing what passes as "better" these days and it would be tragic if this were actually so. However, the failure lies with the Republicans and the question should be posed to them – have you no one better? - Marie Del Monte, Ashfield

A US President impeached for abuse of power ("Trump 'slap of the century'", January 30) stands with an Israeli Prime Minister indicted for bribery and corruption to deliver a Middle East peace plan drawn up by a New York real estate developer whose father was jailed for fraud. Sounds reasonable. - Nick Andrews, Bellevue Hill

Successfully repelled

Could it be, Tony Lewis, that the "insect repellent, mosquito coils and burning essences" are responsible for the disappearance of insects (Letters, January 30)? Rachel Carson's Silent Spring comes to mind. - David Gordon, Cranebrook

Your Mount Victoria correspondent could have popped down to our place at Wentworth Falls for a look at some wasps. Their outside nest had breached the inside of our bedroom wall. Quite a sight and scary. The pest man did a good job thankfully. - Sally Spurr, Lane Cove

Bushfire capital

Canberra is commonly referred to as the "bush capital". However, with the city being assailed by bushfire smoke from all directions over the last month or so, and a large, out-of-control fire now on its southern doorstep, Canberra may become known as the "bushfire capital" (''Emergency fire near NSW border likely started by army helicopter'',, January 29). - Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin, ACT

Quiet party

Please somebody register a federal political party in the the name of The Quiet Australians. Recruitment of volunteers will be a breeze. - Helen Matthews, Greenwich

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