

This was published 3 years ago

Kelly's false cures are hard to swallow

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Why won't the PM condemn the absurd assertions of Craig Kelly MP and others about coronavirus remedies, as the Chief Medical Officer has done ("MP's COVID-19 posts get medical rebuke", January 14)? It's as former PM John Howard said about one of his opponents: "he doesn't have the ticker". Joe Goozeff, Leura

I'd love to see Kelly and George Christensen dispatched on an overseas Parliamentary fact-finding mission to the UK or USA. There, they could check hospitals to confirm that the vast numbers being treated for COVID are real, and not a "hoax". They could also inspect the refrigeration trucks that are being used as temporary morgues. They could travel without masks and vaccines, using hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to protect themselves. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Donald Trump promoted false cures for COVID because he needed to mask his incompetence in handling the US virus outbreak, and he needed a fix before the elections. Now that the election is lost and vaccines exist, the false cures serve no purpose, even for Trump. Scott Morrison's protected mate, Kelly, obviously didn't get the memo. Peter Newberry, Randwick

It bears repeating to the PM: "The standard that you walk past is the standard that you accept".(Letters, January 14). Peter Allen, Castle Cove

Correspondent Hannah Sarvasy rightly calls out Michael McCormack, Christensen and Kelly as ill-informed and ignorant. The sad reality of the views expressed by these conservative politicians and the PM to some extent is the mindless polarisation of political debate. For four years, those on the right have held their noses either supporting Trump or at least not criticising him, and in recent days, McCormack has continued this misguided stance. These politicians have been guided by Trump-influenced US politics. It is to be hoped that with the US President departing in a few days, we will soon witness a return to valuing facts and the truth, fair-minded discourse and integrity-based behaviour. Ross Butler, Rodd Point

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Condoning inexcusable behaviour by your political allies under the guise of free speech has been with us a long time. Twenty years ago, John Howard said Pauline Hanson had a right to speak her mind. PM Morrison is making the same mistake now. The result what Cathy Wilcox so clearly shows: a great, big, steaming turd in the driveway (Editorial cartoon, January 14). Chris Moe, Bensville

Unacknowledged bias and dangerous flirtations with lies and extremism can fly under the radar, particularly at this time of year ("Dark underbelly of politics revealed", January 14). Our acting PM represents the deeply conservative, "let's not rock the boat" rump of our Coalition government. It doesn't bother too much with introspection. But equating the violence at the US Capitol with the Black Lives Matter protests is mind boggling and deeply offensive. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

Surely we know by now that the cry of "free speech" by the government is a political tool to be used only against those with whom they disagree. Niall McKay, Hamilton


Lying is not free speech – it is fraud – representing something as real which is not. Politicians who are unable to tell the difference between fact and fiction should resign. Jennifer Katauskas, Wahroonga

Mass vaccinations are our best weapon against COVID-19

Let's get serious about vaccines (''Nation in search of new deals on vaccine'', January 14). We were frightened of COVID because it killed more people than the flu and left others with severe side-effects; it required expensive and sophisticated treatments that were in short supply. Through laudable medical effort and scientific research we now have better treatment and some vaccines. We can reduce this virus to the seriousness of the flu. We don't lock down communities or prevent travel for the flu. We don't tell people not to go to countries where it is prevalent. Surely our, and the world's, goal should be to vaccinate enough people at enough strength to reduce COVID to flu status - Astra Zeneca can do that. Kenneth Raphael, Woollahra

Your article does not address one piece missing from trials of the Astra Zeneca vaccine: it was evaluated mostly on the 18-55 age group ("We cannot delay vaccine rollout", January 14). Since older adults are a priority group for protection, they should receive only the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, which did demonstrate efficacy in this cohort. We could otherwise end up with floods of older patients filling up hospitals, precisely what health authorities are trying to avoid. Ronald Watts, Chatswood

It would give me greater confidence if the politicians and other queue jumpers, being vaccinated under the guise of "showing leadership", will be injected with the Australian-made Astra Zeneca product. Patrick Russell, North Nowra

Hypothetically, I travel to New Zealand mid-2021. Upon entry I am asked if I have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Answering yes, I am asked which vaccine was used. "AstraZeneca," I reply. "Just step this way, you are required to be quarantined for 14 days. Only those with proven high efficacy vaccinations are permitted direct entry." Surely not? Roger Epps, Armidale

The Commonwealth's COVID response show's a government afraid to get out of its comfort zone of budget measures (''Border problems show we are a nation divided'', January 14). The Commonwealth is happy to hand out well over $100 billion to people and businesses, but not spend a few billion on quarantine in safer locations –particularly out-of-town major airports, where the Commonwealth also has responsibility. Nothing has been done to test and improve ventilation at hospitality and event venues, hospitals, universities, schools and offices.
Peter Egan, Artarmon

How does Queensland Health know the NSW travellers have returned to NSW (''NSW residents at risk after mutant strain outbreak at Brisbane hotel'', January 14)? They could be still travelling in Queensland. In any event, contacting them shouldn't be that difficult – their details should be in the hotel register and by way of the QR code used to sign in. Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill

Feral horses don't belong in national parks

Not all horse lovers would support the unbridled access of wild brumbies to the high country (''Wild horses are killing Kosciuszko and have to go'', January 14). They'd understand that a burgeoning feral horse population would face catastrophe from fire and famine. With the former we've been shown just a hint of what is forecast, and the latter through collapse of fragile alpine ecosystems. The welfare of the contemporary horse is best met in the company of humans; the survival of the high country is best left in the ancient hands of Mother Nature. Steve Dillon, Thirroul

Australia's national parks make up about 8 per cent of the Australian land mass. That leaves John Barilaro and his mates 92 per cent on which to run their horses. Clearly, national parks are designed to preserve native animals and plants. A horse is not an Australian animal or plant. They should not be in our national parks. Our governments need to take feral animals in national parks far more seriously than they currently are. Peter Olive, Marrickville

Blaze of vainglory

I'm a kind-hearted and charitable person, so I'm glad to see that President Trump will leave the White House in the blaze of total humiliation which he so thoroughly deserves ("'Blood on his hands': Trump impeached for second time",, January 14). Patrick McGrath, Potts Point

Trump finally has something he can truthfully boast that no other US President has done. Stephen Manns, Woollahra

Trump's second impeachment would ensure that he could never stand for public office again. But seriously, can an orange souffle rise twice? Scott Poynting, Newtown

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

I read that a few Republicans are being careful in what they do so that they don't upset Trump's base. Pompeo, Cruz and Pence are all considering running for the presidency in 2024. That's the start of a quality field of candidates. Ron Brown, Wallsend

The closing of Trump's social media avenues smacks of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted (Letters, January 14). Facebook and Google have had plenty of opportunities over the past four years to try and moderate a modicum of truth. They decided that there was little harm in Trump's lies, only intoxicating revenue. As Donald would say; "So sad." Tristan Parry, Cremorne

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but not everyone should be given a microphone. Bravo Twitter and Facebook for turning Trump off. Best wishes to Pelosi. Anne Matheson, Gordon

Is anyone else watching the fictional The West Wing as a desperate anti-dote to the real news casts from Trump's America? Linda Lillie, Port Macquarie

Suggested music for the inauguration: I Predict A Riot by the Kaiser Chiefs. Robert Ward, Thirroul

Unfair dinkum

The dozen or so Coalition MPs and senators opposing the increase in the superannuation guarantee must have forgotten that they receive 15 per cent super while other workers get 9.5 per cent (''Keating slams plan to make super opt-in'', January 14). When they volunteer to have their super reduced to that of everyday Australians there's a chance (admittedly, a very slim one) the electorate might start to think they're fair dinkum. Col Shephard, Yamba

Icare outrage

It doesn't seem to matter how outrageous and arrogant the decisions the icare board makes or the scale of their massively outrageous incompetence or their outrageous waste of taxpayers' money, we always receive the never-ending defence by its architect Dominic Perrottot (''Icare gets its new chief at a high price'', January 14). It's all just ... outrageous. Glen op den Brouw, Liverpool

How often have we been told by government, business and universities offering excessive executive salary packages that "to be competitive in the open market and attract appropriate talent we need to offer appropriate remuneration"? And, as occurs with parliamentarians salaries, responsibility for the decision is fobbed off to a board, and the board fobbs it off to "an independent benchmarking report" prepared by a large consulting firm whose executives are themselves on excessive salary packages following a benchmarking report they themselves quoted in their salary negotiations. Garry Rogers, Petersham

No parking

Ain't progress grand? Randwick Council has just introduced timed parking at all the beaches that come under its jurisdiction, because of the increased pressure from an increased population both human and vehicular (Letters, January 14). Our little street in "west" Maroubra is so crowded with residents' cars that the council had to install "no parking" signs on one side of the street, applicable on Tuesday mornings so that the garbage trucks can get through. There are only a few houses in the street with a garage. No wonder people are seeking a bush or sea change, Sydney is being loved to death. Planning Minister Stokes is encouraging more and more high rise everywhere to further increase Sydney's population. What he want Sydney to look like, Hong Kong or Seoul?Stewart Copper, Maroubra

In too deep

Don't worry, Sandra Burke, about Icon winning the tender for North Sydney pool redevelopment (Letters, January 14). With the building standards that are acceptable today, you could soon end up with a nice, new tidal pool on the harbour's edge. Ron Wessel, Mount St Thomas

Book me in for a good read

Come on, there were plenty of racy reads back then (Letters, January 13). How about She and Ayesha by Rider Haggard. And The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. And when we had a sleepover – after the parents disappeared – The Decameron. Tigger Wise, Vaucluse

The Canterbury Tales? Are you kidding? Between The Wife of Bath and The Miller, it delivered one filthy line after another in our English classroom. We had a ball. Translating was half the fun. Paul Hardage, Leura

I started to read Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain in 1961. I put it aside. I returned to it occasionally. I finished it in 2006. Is this a record? Barry Wooldridge, Harden

Your correspondent prompted me to share the "fun" of reading (Letters, January 14). My favourite is Robert G Barrett's The Day of the Gecko. The author has captured days of the past when political correctness did not exist and joy of a story always brought a smile, giggle and fun. Tony DeGiovanni, Bawley Point

I was only 17 when I first read Gregory's Street Directory but returned to it many times. Well written with wonderful illustrations. Howard Charles, Annandale

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Bosses can force their workers back to the office. So far, many haven’t
From Lysandra: ‘‘For a lot of people the issue isn’t whether the work environment is safe, but rather having to to use public transport to get there which is a much less safe environment. Many people spend upwards of 60 minutes on trains/buses, cooped up in small spaces with no fresh air so you can understand the reticence to return to the office. There’s also the cost which, when coupled with continued salary cuts, makes it an expensive journey.’’

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