

This was published 3 years ago

Right to free speech must come with responsibility

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Dave Sharma says that only representative governments and lawmakers can fulfil the role of monitoring free speech ("Twitter's decision to ban Donald Trump is chilling", January 13). In doing so he conveniently overlooks the difference between the use of and abuse of free speech.

His party is being held hostage to the far-right, while the PM and some of his colleagues have already shown they are not prepared to take a stance against social media misuse. We can expect more of the same as they continue to take advantage of the Aussie good nature. They know there will be a mixture of indifference, complaints and motherhood statements, but enough of us will still vote for them at the next election. Harry Polley, Dural

I care about free speech, Dave Sharma, but retain that chilling concern when force-fed comment by the lunatic fringes. In this harsh and challenging globalised, digitised 21st century, in order to thrive we must exist in balance: the right to free speech in balance with responsibility. James Laukka, Epping

It's hard to disagree with Sharma's argument that decisions about limitations on free speech should be taken by society collectively, or his observation that digital platforms have become ubiquitous and dominant.

However, it's difficult to see how these same digital platforms are "indispensable". Many of us have managed to dispense with them quite happily and seem able to function perfectly well without them. These platforms will only ever have the reach and the power we willingly hand them. Peter Outhwaite, Hawks Nest

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Many are concerned about the actions of media companies claiming they impede a persons right to "free speech". These companies are commercial enterprises with a product to sell, and as with all business enterprises it is their "right" to modify or change their product as business conditions demand. If the end-user doesn't like the product they have a free choice: find an alternative product, or go without. Graham Tooth, Kings Point

Just because certain privately owned social media platforms refused to broadcast Donald Trump's lies does not mean he cannot express his view – he did exactly that at a news conference on Wednesday. If the Herald does not publish my letter, can I accuse the editors of censoring me? Vincent Wong, Killara

Sharma's solution to the current free speech debate is straight out of the 1990s. A new whole of problem paradigm is needed, which is sensitive enough to react quickly to change. Inputs to the new standards should be from government, techs, close stakeholders and the public in general. We can't leave it to the government alone. Keith Masnick, Woollahra


While I applaud the editorial's appeal to reason that responsibility comes with freedom of speech, I regrettably note that I have friends and relatives in the US coming from higher socio-economic backgrounds who support Trump and are now refusing to watch or listen to mainstream media resources ("It isn't about free speech. It's about securing democracy", January 13). It is my fear that we can all argue until crows turn white but unity of vision will never be achieved because the ones we are trying to sway have cancelled us a long time ago. Cristina Corleto, Stanmore

Speak up for truth PM and stop spread of dangerous lies

We are used to the PM being slow to act and cautious in his comments in relation to Donald Trump's role in Capitol violence but surely in Australia he should have the courage to sanction Coalition MPs who spread misinformation and conspiracy theories ("A knock to sceptics would boost confidence", January 13).

Morrison saved Craig Kelly before the last election. Now he is learning the lesson of "be careful what you wish for" as Kelly and George Christensen undermine the government's advice and advertising on masks and promote discredited drugs. Judy Sherrington, Kensington

It is very hard to respect the leadership of a party that allows outlier backbenchers to undermine policies that the future of our nation depends on, by the spreading of baseless and scurrilous lies.

It's not a backlash by a few of the extreme right-wing who support the false claims of Craig Kelly and George Christensen the government has to worry about. If the leadership won't rein in this destructive element in the party, the the majority of the electorate will at the ballot box. Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

The freedom of speech that both our absent and acting Prime Ministers use to excuse Craig Kelly and George Christensen also allows the leaders to say that these stirrers are wrong – if they have the courage to do so. Madeleine McPherson, Wollstonecraft

Is our government somehow in the thrall of this kind of Trump-whackery? Incitement to overthrowing the government, supporting action to trash the houses of government with cable ties, and a noose for the Speaker – and it's "free speech"? I've never been so ashamed and frightened. Fran Kirby, Castle Hill

A lesson in language, Michael McCormack. Alternative facts do not exist. If the first is a fact, then the alternative, is an error. If the utterance is an opinion, then the alternative is a different opinion. If some facts are contentious, then it is not in fact a fact (Letters, January 13). Graeme Levien, Vaucluse

McCormack's comments are disappointing for the American community resident in Australia. As we reel from an unprecedented attack on our seat of government, complete with abhorrent violence toward police and threats of such toward our elected officials, McCormack rubs salt in the wound.

To McCormack, Christensen, and Kelly: Please show more consideration toward Americans here in Australia and abroad in the future. Spare us commentary on events in the USA, which you seem not to understand. Hannah Sarvasy, Milperra

Let's have less talk on the "freedom of speech" and more on the "responsibility of speech". Trevor Smith, Culburra Beach

Dealing with racism is part of the game

Those of us who have lived in Australia for decades from non-Anglo countries have experienced all kinds of name calling and racism in work places - overtly or covertly - and it continues to be the case (''Indian cricketer tells CA he was a called a 'brown dog''', January 13). While European migrants who came after World War II were mostly limited to "wog", since the 80s Aussie vocabulary has developed considerably to give different names based on skin colour, looks or etiquette. Indian cricketers might take it personally because some of them are visiting for the first time and haven't heard such comments, but many of us have developed thick skin over the years and ignore those comments and get on with life. Unless you're at the receiving end, it's difficult to comprehend what racism is. Soft skills of managing racism should be part of the training for all sports. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Lisa Sthalekar makes some excellent points about the abuse of players during cricket matches (''Cricketers at work shouldn't be abused'', January 13). Fans should not have the right to turn up in what is, effectively, the cricketers' work place and belittle and mock their skills. What these "jokers" find funny or clever may indeed be seen in a different light by players, even as bullying. And to premeditate this abuse and arrive at the match with the sole purpose of bullying and rattling players, all in good fun you understand, is equally reprehensible. So where does that leave the Barmy Army? Merona Martin, Meroo Meadow

Like many in our community I am appalled by the sledging and abuse, racist or otherwise, of the visiting Indian cricketers. I am also appalled by the absence of any apology to our visitors from our acting Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, or NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian. In these days, more than ever, we need leaders who stand up tall for decent behaviour and who can express international empathy and graciousness. Sadly, this leadership appears to be missing. Peter Abelson, Mosman

Banning spectators from attending cricket tests is an easy way to eliminate crowd misbehaviour. Malcolm Harper, St Ives

Vaccine doubts

Now there are medical experts advising that the Australian nominated vaccine is not going to do what's expected (''Scientists want halt in vaccine rollout'', January 13). The acting chief medical officer Paul Kelly's response was to double down on the government's choice. It's hoped Kelly is apolitical and in his role as an independent authority he will protect the populations' health, not be a mouthpiece for the PM. Only proper investigation will show who is correct. Keep the politicians out and use all the medical experts' advice; be prepared to scrap if necessary and start again for this country's best interests. David McKenzie, Beaconsfield (Vic)

Super rise needed

It's not a case of more super or more pay (''More pay or a super rise: you choose'', January 13). Pay, as we know, has not been increasing, while super has remained static. For all the talk of overseas competition, profits have been increasing and the wealthier have been getting even more wealthy. A legislated increase in the superannuation guarantee is the only mechanism to force employers to increase the overall compensation to each of their employees and ensure a comfortable retirement. Robert Hosking, Paddington

Urban monstrosities

Interesting how "artist's impressions" of high-rise development of the kind NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes has in mind invariably gild the lily ("Residents angry after tower plans approved", January 13). The "impression" Stokes's department has created for the Crows Nest site has mature trees sprouting from the top of awnings, somehow reflected in windows on about the 14th floor. There are trees springing from windows and flourishing along the sides of the buildings. In reality, we all know that these monstrous blocks of human misery will be built to the road edge to maximise space, create depressing overshadowing and wind tunnels and basically bully the small and insignificant citizen plodding below. Until the politicians who propose these kinds of hostile living environments actually live beside or in them, they should cease inflicting them on others. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Pool peril

I am stunned at the news that Icon, the Opal Towers developer, has been chosen for the redevelopment of the North Sydney pool (''Opal Tower company dives into pool revamp'', January 13). Have all costs for the repair of Opal Tower been borne by the developer or are the owners out of pocket? Who will pay if there are issues and cost blowouts with this redevelopment? Sandra Burke, North Sydney

Horse manure

John Barilaro's latest "we must reduce the number of brumbies" is a load of feral horse manure ("Barilaro backs cuts in feral horse numbers" , January 13). Barilaro has made these statements before and then objects and prevents efforts made to remove the damaging feral animals from Kosciuszko National Park. It would appear Barilaro has a new PR machine in his office – look like you are agreeing to environment protection measures and then back down when the crunch is on. Carolyn Pettigrew, Turramurra

Joys of reading

Even reading a newspaper has certain pleasures ("How the bookworms turn", January 13). Reading for pleasure and/or edification is a lifetime joy. And I no longer feel guilty about the pile of books on my bedside table (and other places). As a wise 80-year-old cited in the article has informed moi: "That's a pile of joy, waiting to be discovered." Pam Connor, Mollymook Beach

Style over substance

Jenna Guillaume includes a comment that a lipstick, a shoe or a well-fitted bra can make you feel amazing (''Wearing what you want is a big plus'', January 13). Good luck on that front because most women these days think that bra wearing is akin to being in a straitjacket or a padded cell. Kath Maher, Lidcombe

Jenna Guillaume: you're right. Deceptive clothing is a big lie for the gullible. Being a short-arse, I followed the rules and invested in an outfit featuring vertical stripes. Not one person noticed I'd grown taller. Bah humbug! Wendy Crew, Lane Cove North

Real page turners

Where Or When by Anita Shreve. A miserable, well written book that keeps you reading to the end. Torture (Letters, January 13). Norman Carter, Roseville Chase

OK, letter writers who keep telling us about literary works they hate. Could we all stop being Philistines and write about works we love. By the way, Chaucer wrote in Middle English not Archaic English. Jan Boyd, Sylvania

The best ever? I nominate Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess. It has the best ever opening sentence: "It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me." You're going to put that down? Hugh O'Keefe, Elizabeth Bay

I was forced to read A Tale of Two Cities at school. Until then I had only read comics. This book changed my life. Nearly 60 years later, I still remember the first sentence – "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" – and am moved by the sacrifice of Carton when he says: “It is a far, far better thing that I do.” Alan Russell, Netherby ( SA)

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