

This was published 3 years ago

Hounding whistleblower major is now hypocritical

The government has condemned the alleged war crimes by some soldiers of the ADF (‘‘Force of fear’’, November 21-22). The prime minister has expressed deep sorrow to the people of Afghanistan. Yet the government is proceeding with the prosecution of whistleblower David McBride (‘‘Moral courage needs defending’’, November 18), who first brought these alleged atrocities to light. The government should end this hypocrisy and drop these charges. This trial is not only wrong but a waste of taxpayers’ money. Leo Sorbello, West Ryde

We should consider the possible outcome for whistleblower Major David McBride as a result of his attempting to report to the relevant authorities shocking behaviour and cover-up for some actions by some of our defence forces in Afghanistan. One certain outcome is more months of stress – he was originally arrested in 2017 and his trial is to start next year – and he faces the possibility of a life sentence. Bridget Wilcken, Mosman

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Illustration: Michael LeunigCredit:

‘‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’’ (a saying usually attributed to Edmund Burke). Major David McBride was conscious of that when he blew the whistle on atrocities allegedly committed by Australian elite soldiers in Afghanistan. He has helped to ensure the evil did not triumph. We as a society committed to human decency owe a debt of gratitude to good men such as David McBride. It’s a crying shame that instead he is being persecuted. Rajend Naidu, Glenfield

The government has now publicly expressed sorrow about the misconduct of our troops in Afghanistan. Yet for years this same government has done everything possible to suppress any information about these events through its raid on the ABC, its intimidation of journalists and the ongoing threat to prosecute primary whistleblower David McBride. I just wonder whether we would, without McBride and these journalists, have ever heard about these events? John Slidziunas, Woonona

The fact that legal action remains pending against David McBride is a further outrage, and it must be withdrawn immediately. Our government should hang its head in shame in regard to his treatment and that of a fellow whistleblower and of the ABC. Adrian Eisler, Eleebana

Despite all evidence of horrendous atrocities in the Afghanistan war, so far only one person is facing criminal charges. That person is David McBride, the man who risked so much to bring those dark secrets into the light. Without him, the Brereton inquiry would not have happened. He deserves our thanks and support. Dropping the charges would be a start. Tony Judge, Woolgoolga

No (Letters, November 21-22), soldiers are trained to fight the enemy, not hate them. No again, the enquiry is not about castigating soldiers doing their job. This enquiry is about soldiers stepping over the line and cold-blooded killing. All (most) soldiers know the rules and follow them. Mike Berriman (Vietnam vet), Tanilba Bay

Duplicity, hypocrisy on full display over koalas

Senior Liberal ministers’ claims that Catherine Cusack’s blocking of the latest effort by the Berejiklian government to eradicate koalas will make it more difficult to devise a new version is pure spin (‘‘Blocking of koala policy ‘self-defeating’’’, November 21-22). The public is appalled by the failure of the government to protect the remnant koala population.
Minister Rob Stokes’ comment that ‘‘we have to find a strong, simple solution to reverse the decline of this iconic species’’ is straight-out duplicity. Try protecting south Sydney’s koalas; stop logging critically important koala hubs in north coast forests. The public is sickened by the hypocrisy of the Berejiklian government. Sue Arnold, Ocean Shores


Whatever the public fuming by the NSW government, Cusack has won a breathing space so that this issue can be dealt with properly. How frustrating for self-interested groups that a future bill will now be scrutinised more closely by an eco-dominated upper house committee. Surely they’ll just be doing the job we elected them to do. The Nationals were wrong-footed on this months ago and they have been throwing tantrums ever since. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

Je suis un Koala. Et tu, Gladys Berejiklian. Tony Cartwright, Drummoyne

Not content with Cusack’s unwarranted demotion, senior Liberals are now blaming her for a delay in implementing new laws.
According to Parliament’s website, the Legislative Council is known as ‘‘the ‘House of Review’ because of its role in scrutinising government legislation, and holding the government to account’’. Ms Cusack will always be remembered for doing just that. Peter Mahoney, Oatley

A new heroine for me! A NSW Liberal MP puts koala welfare above her own needs and votes down a government bill that removed most of the remaining protection for koalas living on private land. Thank you many times over. Jo Hobson, Petersham

The Premier had my greatest admiration when she initially refused to be bullied/blackmailed by John Barilaro into budging on the proposed koala bill.
But then I was dismayed and angered when that proposal was watered down to exempt big farms and property developers from some koala protection laws, which would allow the bulldozing of koala habitats without approval. And now she has sacked Cusack, the one government MP who had the moral integrity to protest and to put the survival of an endangered species above money-minded interests. Shame, Premier, shame. Gloria Tommy, Bodalla

Barangaroo a missed opportunity

Elizabeth Farrelly’s article (‘‘Barangaroo v Central Park’’, November 21-22) shows what an opportunity Barangaroo was compared to the success of the buzzing Central Park development.
Sydney had the chance to turn Barangaroo’s development into a magnificent precinct: an asset for the city, a place where people would want to visit. But its compromised start was exemplified by the last-minute offer to tack on a casino, which now stands testament to its own failure.
Unfortunately, Barangaroo is the result of a succession of unimaginative wet governments which has left us a legacy of uninspiring monuments to Lendlease and James Packer. What a shame. Peter Neufeld, Mosman

The development at Barangaroo is an architectural monstrosity – a result of giving developers carte blanche to a prime piece of land.
The building of three ugly phallic towers would be considered unappealing even in an ordinary location but to erect them at the water’s edge in front a city’s CBD skyline is inappropriate.
They are an eyesore.
That this mismatch of a development was permitted, in spite of extensive professional and public protests, is a sad indictment on the planning authorities.
It is a missed opportunity to portray Sydney as a well-planned world-class city. Ramon Jones, Carcoar

Wow, you oughta see ’em

The ‘wow effect’ Peter Collins is looking for in the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (‘‘Powerhouse boss digs deep in pursuit of the ‘wow effect’’’, November 21-22) is experienced in the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington DC; it is seen in various successful museums throughout the world; it is seen in sections of the Australian War Memorial and it is seen in the printing/letterpress section of the Gulgong Museum.
All allow working machines, interactive experiences and knowledgeable volunteers.
The best museums now offer more than mere walk-throughs and basic reads.
Look to the museum-going public for inspiration and advice. They know what they want, and they now expect it, too. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Gas-led pariah status

Nick O’Malley (‘‘Revved-up Boris leaves us for dust’’, November 21-22) compares Britain’s latest post-COVID low-emissions recovery plan to Australia’s gasfest.
Scott Morrison is already on the back foot over this issue, when he said ‘‘Our policies won’t be set in the United Kingdom’’, in an eerie echo of his hero John Howard’s ‘‘We will decide’’ speech on the immigration issue.
But international pressure will mount, not least from the US, where President-elect Joe Biden is committed to a Green New Deal package of policies. And the next global climate change meeting is set for late 2021. Unless we markedly improve our plans, we will be an even bigger pariah than we were at the last one. Richard Edmonds, Balcolyn

Unis’ lofty ex-Spence

Let the facts speak for themselves as to whether our university heads are overpaid (‘‘Are heads of universities worth a million dollars?’’, November 21-22).
If University of Sydney vice-chancellor Michael Spence is prepared to take a 50 per cent pay cut to go to University College London, a top 20 in the world university list, then we must be paying our chiefs too much. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Yes to 39 schools

Postscript (Letters, November, 21-22) asks for letter writer of the year nominations.
May I please, instead, segue to letter of the year? It would definitely be in the same edition – the letter from Attaullah Wahidyar of Kabul, suggesting that, as a result of the alleged war crimes committed by Australian soldiers, that ... ‘‘Australia should create 39 schools across Afghanistan to educate the most vibrant minds, thereby ensuring the safety and security of its people so that it does not become target of terrorism and extremism again’’. Attaullah’s letter moved me to tears. Rose Panidis, Graceville (Qld)

Thank you, Attaullah Wahidyar, for your heartfelt letter. John Cotterill, Kingsford

Retirement rent-a-room

In recent discussions about pensioners’ retirement income and their reluctance to sell their principal residence, I’m surprised an obvious solution hasn’t be mentioned (‘‘Asset testing system for pensioners queried’’, November 21-22).
That is, allowing people over a certain age to rent out a room in their home, without any income or capital gains tax ramifications.
And it’s even better if they can rent it to someone who can help with chores and take them banking and shopping. This would reduce the cost and demand for Homecare packages at a time when the federal government is faced with a chronic increase in demand that will only increase. Sue Casiglia, North Ryde

There is ongoing pressure on the elderly to spend more freely.
Surely it is no one else’s business what self-funded retirees do with their assets.
They have a right to live their twilight years as they choose. Politicians should remember that one day they, too, will be old. Graham Lum, North Rocks

Treasurer Dominic Perrottet’s annual fee to replace stamp duty will encourage retired Australians and pensioners to stay put, as they are on a fixed income and have not budgeted for this new lifelong tax. Zero interest and static pensions are already pinching their resources. Rosalind Ward, Balmain

Family views

My daughter Danielle and I were published one below the other in the Abbott era (Letters, November 21-22). I complained that a particularly early spring koel needed to be told by Tony that climate change was rubbish and that it had no reason to be there; Danielle disagreed and said the offending bird needed a good shirt fronting.
Janice Windsor, Greenwich

The letter M

What is the significance that most of the surnames of the Herald’s Walkley award winners begin with ‘‘M’’ (‘‘Heydon report leads Herald charge at the Walkleys’’, November 21-22)?
Alan Slade, Dover Heights

Words to the wise

Is it too early for word of the year? I like epidemiologist – I didn’t know we had so many but I’m glad we do.
John Bateman, Penrith

Our language, the language of Shakespeare and Milton, has taken a serious turn for the worse. I am saddened that the term ‘‘bonk’’ is now almost universally accepted. It is an unpleasant sounding word and definitely not for polite company. So while we recognise that the language is ever changing, sometimes newly minted words are best relegated to the scrap heap.
Terry Charleston, Cootamundra

The digital view
Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Berejiklian and Morrison split over return of international students, skilled migrants
From Jimbo: Perhaps one positive out of the South Australian episode is NSW has shown that you can keep the borders open and remain safe.

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