

This was published 3 years ago

Asset testing expensive homes for pension could reduce overspending: Income review

By Jennifer Duke

Penalising pensioners with expensive homes could stop overspending on housing, says a wide-ranging review into the retirement system that also casts doubt on already-legislated increases to the superannuation guarantee.

Superannuation is set to rise 0.5 per cent a year above its current 9.5 per cent rate from July 2021, but the Retirement Income Review released on Friday found cancelling the increases would hand the budget billions of dollars more in tax revenue by 2030.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says superannuation funds have to lift their games on retirement income products.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says superannuation funds have to lift their games on retirement income products. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said the family home would not be means tested, but the government has yet to respond in detail to the observations about the system raised in the 638-page report.

The family home is currently exempt from the age pension assets test, and renters are allowed to have more assets than homeowners to qualify.

Tenants are allowed $210,500 worth of assets without having their pension cut. The review points out this is much lower than the $560,000 median value of an age pensioner's exempt home.

"Exempting the principal residence may incentivise people to put too much money into their home," the report says. This may include spending more than necessary on renovations or choosing not to downsize to avoid reducing age pension payments when the equity is turned into cash.

The review, led by former Treasury deputy secretary Mike Callaghan, says the majority of age pensioners own a home and removing the exemption fully would have a "significant impact" on the adequacy of retirement outcomes. But there could be a cap on the value of pensioners' expensive homes above the median price to "reduce inequitable outcomes".

The report also found more efficient use of savings would be better than continuing with the legislated superannuation guarantee increase to 12 per cent by 2025. This could include tapping into equity in the family home, such as through the Pension Loan Scheme or other reverse mortgage-style products, to boost income.

Overturning the super guarantee rise would put $3 billion a year more in government coffers by the end of the decade and have a "positive net fiscal impact", the report shows. The super rate is currently set to jump 0.5 per cent a year until 2025.


Stopping the hike would increase the proportion of people on the age pension by 1.8 percentage points by 2060, with full-rate pensioners making up half of this increase. The higher revenues collected by the federal government due to lower tax concessions on superannuation savings would outweigh the higher cost of the age pension until about 2055. This would total a cumulative saving worth 2 per cent of GDP by 2060, the review found.

But reversing the existing legislation would mean breaking an election promise, presenting a difficult political challenge for the Morrison government. Speculation over the future of the super guarantee has surged this year following a ginger group of a dozen Coalition MPs arguing against the hike. This attracted criticism from the superannuation funds, unions, Labor and former Prime Ministers Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull.


The review's calculations aligned with the Grattan Institute and Reserve Bank's view that increasing the super guarantee would come at the expense of income during a worker's earning years.

A median worker in 2060, contributing 9.5 per cent of their income to superannuation, would receive $32,400 more disposable income over their working life, the review found. However, they would get $70,800 less from their superannuation drawdowns with the age pension replacing $37,900 of this lost income.

With a recommended income replacement rate in retirement worth 65 to 75 per cent of pre-retirement earnings, the report said a 12 per cent rate would be too high.

Mr Frydenberg said the report and "other views" would be considered in light of the circumstances before the scheduled increases kick in. The first 0.5 per cent increase is due in July 2021, with the federal budget expected to be handed down in May, and reversing the rise would mean getting fresh legislation through the Senate.

He said taxpayers were "spending more on tax concessions for superannuation than we will be on the age pension over time" with the cost of the pension dropping from 2.5 per cent in 2020 to 2.3 per cent in 2060 as a proportion of GDP. The cost of superannuation tax concessions are expected to rise from 2.1 per cent to 2.7 per cent over the same period.

Labor Treasury spokesman Jim Chalmers said the argument that freezing super would boost wage growth "does not stand up to scrutiny given wages were historically stagnant after the last time this government froze the super guarantee".

"After all the sacrifices that Australian workers have made this year, they need a proper plan to grow wages, not a cut to their retirement incomes – one is not a substitute for the other," Dr Chalmers said.

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