

This was published 1 year ago

Governor Macquarie warned us of building folly centuries ago

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

In 1817, an exasperated Governor Macquarie issued yet another warning to settlers in the Hawkesbury area about the foolishness of building on the flood plains (“Floodplain building must end: minister”, November 18). He offered assistance for farmers to relocate to the towns above the plains but hinted that there would be no compensation from the government in the future. Now, 200 years later we are still dealing around the nation with the consequences of building on flood plains, which are so called for good reason. One can only hope that the call from federal Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt for changes to planning laws will finally be heeded. Lachlan Macquarie must be turning in his grave. Peter Robertson, Stanmore

I have witnessed many developments applications disapproved within “floodplain” and “declared bushfire prone” areas by the local council, only to be approved by the appeal process. It is the appeal mechanism that needs to be investigated to prevent further heartache, deaths injuries and loss of properties. The majority of the cost of these disasters do fall onto local government and their rate payers, who previously fought against the successful appeal, with huge legal cost and then subsequently blamed for approving the buildings being located within the disaster areas Brian McDonald, Willoughby

The suggestion to stop building in flood zones is, of course, sensible. The task of what to do with towns already in flood zones is less easy to solve. Grantham most recently and Gundagai back in 1852 relocated from their flood plains to nearby higher ground. However, for towns like Forbes in NSW or Rochester in Victoria such relocations are very much more problematic. These towns are built on flat plains that are subject to widespread riverine flooding. Convenient nearby higher ground doesn’t exist so where would such towns move to? A similar issue exists for towns in bushfire zones. A solution must be found, however, as climate change is just going to exacerbate the frequency of these flooding events. Ross Hudson, Mount Martha (Vic)

“Floodplain building must end”: why did it begin in the first place? Antoinette Riley, Marrickville

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit: Shakespeare

Flood plain building must stop says the minister. A bit like closing the gate after the horse has bolted. Genevieve Milton, Newtown

The minister says billions are being spent on disaster recovery. Wild weather events have multiplied many times in the last decade. No mention is made of the billions needed for renewables and transmission - the only possible hope of ameliorating such frequent and increasingly devastating disasters. Jill Stephenson, Woolwich

MAGA goes gaga once more

How fitting the Republicans use an elephant logo (“Elephant in the room is Trump”, November 18). There is a terrifying one in their room looming large and being absolutely not spoken of by anyone. At least not yet. We’re not talking just of Donald Trump and his next run for the presidency. The elephant that they’re all looking the other way from is what he will do if they don’t choose him as the Republican nominee. If that happens he will run as an independent and make it a three-way race. In US presidential elections they have no preferential or run-off voting so he will split the Republican vote, hand the election to the Democrats and spend the rest of his life blaming the GOP. Trump plays dirty pool and we can be certain the man has that strategy ready to spring at the right moment. Never mind DeSantis or anyone else. Trump has them over a barrel and for 2024 it’s going to be him or nothing. Graeme Smith, Daceyville


Now I’m torn: on the one hand, I want to see Trump rot in jail for insurrection, theft of classified documents, fraud, etc. On the other, I want to see him free to run for president in 2024, lose the Republican primary to DeSantis, run as an independent, and thus split the Republican vote and consign the GOP to the wilderness once and for all. Richard Murnane, Hornsby

Ron DeSantis’s policies are in lock-step with those of Trump but, as Waleed Aly notes, the trouble with so many Republican voters is that Trump’s relationship with voters is personal. In other words, they don’t even think about the policies. After Trump’s term in office, he became the first president since the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when he entered and it is ironic that those most affected by his policies include his supporters. If DeSantis becomes the leader of the Republican party, it could be easier for the Democrats to fight the 2024 election with rational argument rather than trying to overcome blind faith. Peter Nash, Fairlight

The Donald has decided the US can’t do without him. Another two years of the destruction of the American political system coming up. Ian Adair, Hunters Hill

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Trump, after making his brash announcement to run for the 2024 presidential elections, forgot there is another person much more powerful than him. He is Rupert Murdoch (“‘Great and glorious again’: Donald Trump launches his 2024 candidacy for the White House”, November 17).
Peng Ee, Castle Cove

I think Trump’s new election slogan “Make American GAGA” seems most appropriate (Letters, November 18). Just wondering though if a certain Lady already has a patent on that brand?
Brian Collins, Cronulla

Time for Dutton to put tired lines to sleep

David Crowe sets out a timeline of events which is not complimentary to the coalition (“Our China syndrome: a perilous lie”, November 18). Peter Dutton and his coalition cronies need to lose the rhetoric and start dealing with the truth. Dutton and some former ministers continue to roll out the tired lines. Wedges and bulldozers got us into this mess. It’s time to listen to the people and stop trying to inflame delicate political situations for political gain. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Unbelievable: the previous government, who represented us on the world stage, lacked diplomacy in their handling of foreign affairs, now claim they did the hard work? Current PM Anthony Albanese is representing Australians to other nations with diplomacy and statesmanship which the Morrison government lacked. Susan Chan, St Ives

New government, decent breakfast

Something has gone out of my life. I always read the Herald over breakfast. I’d read of the government’s current idiocy or Scott Morrison’s latest gaffe, have a rush of blood to the head, leave my breakfast to get cold and dash off a letter to the editor. Now we have a decent, intelligent and compassionate PM and a talented, hardworking frontbench, I can finish my breakfast in peace.
Judy Copeland, Willoughby

Three found guilty of murder

My dear colleague Mick Clancy and his wife, Carol, perished on the ill-fated MH17 flight. The three pro-Russian separatists found guilty of murder will probably never face jail (“Families of Australian MH17 victims get answers as three found guilty of murder”,, November 18). However, even Russian callous indifference to human life and non-cooperation with international justice cannot prevent the world forever now knowing these men as murderers. As the old saying goes, “you can run, but you can’t hide”. Warren Marks, Hill Top

That three members of the group that positioned, set up and fired a surface-to-air missile at a passing airliner have been found guilty of murder and unlawfully causing the crash of the aircraft is reassuring news. While the perpetrators may never face justice, it is important that global society unites in condemnation of such acts. Julian Bowditch, Croydon

Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinskiy and Leonid Kharchenko may not and probably won’t be held to account in this world for the murder of the 298 people on MH17. They will surely be held to account in the next. Mark Porter, New Lambton

Clubs, get clubbing

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

For clubs to rely on members’ losses to support the management of these institutions is a lazy way to run a business (“Even workers at pokie venues worry about gambling”, November 18). The editorial says they should concentrate more on hospitality and entertainment than automatic poker machines milking their members dry.

A perfect example is the reinvented hotel in Tathra, on the far south coast. The new owner tossed out all forms of gambling within the pub, relying more on good food, accommodation and regular support for local musicians. This approach has been so successful that the venue is just about to build a theatre adjoining the hotel to accommodate the fans of his successful entrepreneurial approach. It is possible to run a business without such life ruining losses of their members. There are alternatives. Greg Vale, Kiama

Offensive defences

It now seems what hit Poland was a Ukrainian air defence missile, which misfired or missed its target and had to come down somewhere (“Leaders try to ease tension over missile”, November 18). It is an extremely unfortunate and regrettable accident that it killed people. However, that would not have happened if Russia were not bombarding Ukraine on a daily basis, forcing it to defend itself however it can. It is entirely Russia’s fault. It also means NATO and the West can do more to provide air defence systems to Ukraine to render Russia’s very offensive offensive pointless. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

Schools out, then in

In my time teaching in a private high school in the eastern suburbs I witnessed the growth and extravagant resourcing of private schools and the closure of public high schools at Vaucluse, Maroubra Bay and Maroubra (“Eastern focus for new public high school”, November 18). Two sites were sold off to developers and the other became a French school. How ironic is it that the state government is contemplating a site for a new “quality public high school”? Peter Singer, Arrawarra Headland

Private schools didn’t always operate this way (Letters, November 18). True, they’ve always stood for privilege, but my schooldays were more about producing a “gentleman” with a solid education and old school tie, and beyond its ivy clad walls and clock tower the school was grimly puritanical with a no-frills toughen-up philosophy.

Only since the 1980s bred competition have private schools sought to outdo each other with huge bling projects for a superior education. It’s no coincidence that over that same period, a modest block of land with tranquil water views has become the ultimate symbol of wealth and prestige. Appearances now are everything. Peter Farmer, Northbridge

Talk of the crown

I’m an ardent republican and I will support a referendum for Australia to become a republic any time (Letters, November 18). But since the last failed referendum, I’ve never heard any new arguments in favour of the republic from the Australian Republican Movement (ARM). It’s the same old tired regurgitated reasons why we should ditch the monarchy. We’re all talking to the converted. Not enough to sway the monarchists and the fence-sitters. I hope the new ARM chair, Craig Foster, has the wherewithal necessary to carry the torch to the finish line. Felix Orcullo, Wahroonga

Doctor’s advice

Sure, Dr Norman Swan gets something wrong every now and again (Letters, November 18). But when he does, he apologises. When he gets it right, it is what we need, and this no one else provides. He gives us clear, comprehensive and fearless information on health topics we need, often before we know we need it. A national treasure for sure.Jane Tolman, Sandy Bay

Paint work

A blue line marking the course of the marathon at the 2000 Sydney Games still stretches from Iron Cove bridge to Drummoyne on Victoria Road. Over years, it has slowly faded. Today, I notice that it has a fresh coat of blue paint. Who is the mystery restorer of heritage? Surely, not a government department ... or is there some relic of Games administration still active and financial? Maybe they are a relation of Arthur Stace, continuing the tradition of street art and community conscience.
Rowan Godwin, Rozelle

Great job

Congratulations to your excellent journalists who are once again Walkley Award winners (“Walkley winner: Herald journalism honoured”, November 18). It is not surprising but as always well-earned. Vicky Marquis, Glebe


Readers of these pages will know that some topics will always motivate writers to hit their keyboards and write a letter to the editor. If the news is dominated by climate change stories and Coalition failings, we can be assured the letters inbox will be bursting at the seams in the morning.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

This week, many wrote to thank Peter Hartcher and James Massola for their exclusive series Wipeout which explained how Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party lost the recent election. Howard Clark of Ryde reflected the words of many: “The clearly enunciated and obvious failings of Scott Morrison were allowed to fester and wreak havoc on our society and even the world’s climate by the inaction and multiple failings of the previous government. ”

Letter writers were in no doubt the Coalition’s unwillingness to act on climate had fast tracked the flooding disaster. As Ken Pares of Forster wrote: “Belatedly, we are now trying to catch up on climate action but it will be more costly and take stronger action to try and curb these natural disasters that are almost a weekly occurrence.”

But the ALP shouldn’t rest on its laurels, Jennie Lindbergh of Darlington wrote: “I find it extraordinary Labor was voted in because they promised to address climate change, but nothing really seems to have changed. We have been through the worst bushfires and have endured ongoing floods recently. But what is the Labor Party doing? We are still subsidising the extraction of fossil fuels, garnering massive profits for the exploiters, little of which seems to be returned to the Australian people.” Pat Stringa, letters editor

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