

This was published 1 year ago

The obscene cost of empire building at private schools

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

Another aspect of obscene private school spending comes to light, yet no government seems to have the will to address this inequity between private and public schools (“Top principal’s pay approaching $1m”, November 17). I have no objection to private schools. What I am incensed by is that they take government funding on top of parents’ fees to build their empires while public schooling has to deal with poorly maintained buildings, a lack of resources and overworked and underpaid teachers. Margaret Grove, Abbotsford

The top salary of $979,000 for an elite private school principal compared to the top salary of $194,816 public school principal is obscene. What’s more, the figures in the Herald are not current but were assembled within the past five years, so I imagine the disparity is even greater today.
The claim that elite school principals face a greater burden in their roles is laughable. Try explaining that to a public school principal; the same public schools that accept all students, including those students rejected by the private schools. Helen Simpson, Curl Curl

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

The reasons given for the very high salaries paid to private school principals are somewhat spurious. There are many NSW government schools where the student population is around 1500 while in Queensland 2000 or so is the norm. The claim that the principal’s role includes “managing large capital works, finances, large boarding facilities and weekend sports programs” is laughable. If this were a reality, why are jobs advertised for business managers, sport coordinators, head of boarding house positions and other well-paid ancillary positions for the very schools named? This is just another example of taxpayer dollars being used by private schools to fund their education arms race at the expense of public education. Peter Cooper-Southam, Frenchs Forest

As I read the article about the extremely high salaries paid to some private school principals all I could ask was why are any of these schools receiving public money? The parents of children attending these schools should be asking why also. Why are the fees they are paying so high?
I am sure I recall John Howard saying that giving public money to private schools would give parents more choice because that money would help to keep fees at an affordable level for more people. Why didn’t that happen? Why aren’t we ensuring that our public schools are adequately resourced? Helen van Wanrooy, Yass

The salaries being paid to private school principals demonstrates that the current education funding model gives far too much money to private schools. Subsidising schools that do not “need” the money, while starving public schools of funds, is not just unethical, it’s insane. Nobody ever thought that state aid would result in the systematic underfunding of public schools, but it has. Why should private school students be guaranteed higher funding than public school students? It costs about $15,000 to educate a public school student so, if we must fund private schools, the combined total of their fees, plus government subsidies, should never exceed $15,000. If fees go up, government subsidies should go down and, if fees are above $15,000, there should be no subsidies. That way all students can play on a level field. Tom Orren, Wamberal Heights

Rapid deployment force needed for future emergencies

Australia needs to establish a fully trained, full time and well paid civil defence force to cope with the increasing incidence of natural disasters such as floods, storms and bushfires on home soil (“The tiny town of Eugowra has been hit hard, but locals will rebuild”, November 17). We have to realise that volunteers and local citizens can no longer cope with the scale of devastation being wrought on us by climate change. The cost of providing equipment for rapid deployment – such as vehicles and helicopters – would be a drop in the ocean compared to the cost of the “sometime in the far-flung future” submarines. Stephanie Edwards, Roseville

In major floods, fire or emergencies we need to have light and compact “portable towns” that can be brought in via helicopter, train or vehicle then peopled by local residents, SES and volunteers in order to speed up recovery. During the emergency we don’t need a house for each family, just quarters for each person; a bunk and personal item storage like in a submarine, with communal living spaces. All the facilities of a town should be included; solar and generator power, water, communications, laundry, hospital, everything, as a temporary measure to enable fast recovery. I’m sure the military must have something like this. If not, why not? Ramon U’Brien, Springwood


Is the army on holidays? Megan Brock, Summer Hill

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Has anyone ever really investigated what will happen to lands above the proposed new wall (“Raised dam wall a ‘false hope’ for flooded regions”, November 17). The huge amounts of water backing up for miles would have a devastating effect on landholders, residents of small villages and access roads yet we never hear of this in the planning. Surely, their lives are also important and consultations need to be held with all of them. Most were settled upstream long before the dam was built and cannot just become collateral damage. Not to mention the natural environment and wildlife which would be inundated as well. Kris Mckeon, Cowra

As a civil engineer who has designed several major dams or parts of them, I cannot believe that a politician can say that raising a dam wall will not assist in flood mitigation and management of water flows. He has a total lack of understanding of simple maths. Allan Fozzard, St Ives

Yes, La Nina “has been doing its thing for millions of years” but not previously boosted by the increased heat energy made available by human warming as indicated by the rising temperature (Letters, November 17). If the increased absorption of heat energy continues, La Nina and other weather patterns will become even more intense.

Fossil fuel subsidies must be diverted by the Australian government to solar and wind clean power generation and distribution. Colin Fitzsimons, Nulkaba

Norman Swan right to be concerned about COVID-19, but comments problematic

Yes, it was tactless, and he has apologised, but Dr Norman Swan should be forgiven for expressing his deep concern about the impacts of COVID - in this case yet another study finding elevated risk of heart attack and stroke post-COVID infection (“Swan remarks on Warne death ‘disrespectful”’, November 17). Swan is right to be concerned about public health and creeping COVID denialism. Instead of shooting the messenger, it would be preferable if we took very seriously this new study, which might go some way to explaining the inexplicable numbers of relatively young people who have sadly died. It should also be pointed out that it is a far too sweeping statement to say a person “never had COVID”. Reduced testing and asymptomatic infections should be considered. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Surely, the recent insensitive comments by Swan speculating on a connection between COVID and the sudden deaths of Kimberley Kitching and Shane Warne must now make his position as an “authoritative” health spokesperson on our national broadcaster absolutely untenable.
Rob Sinclair, North Sydney

Praise for Melbourne transport, brickbats for Sydney

We have just spent a few days in Melbourne availing ourselves of the most efficient public transport system (“Grim future for Sydney train fleet, reports show”, November 17). The trams have emblazoned across the outside “Made in Melbourne” and the trains have “Made in Victoria”.

Here in NSW, we have to rely on dodgy imports to service the public transport system. Surely, there is a message to be learnt from this. We should be emulating our Victorian neighbours and building our public transport fleet here in NSW. Pamela Cunningham, Camperdown

If the state government was not so keen on wasting billions of dollars converting serviceable suburban train lines to metro operation it might have the resources needed to keep the rest of the train network up to date. Not to mention the millions spent on storing new unused interurban carriages while bearing the extra maintenance costs required to keep in service the carriages they are meant to replace. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

Who fired the missile that hit Poland?

US president Joe Biden has stated that the missile which hit Poland was unlikely to have been fired by Russia (“Reckless and dangerous”, November 17). If this proves to be true then the question must be asked who possibly could be responsible for such a heinous act? Hopefully, a thorough investigation will be initiated and the perpetrator brought to justice. Allan Johnson, Maroubra

Lack of respect for visiting football players

On the eve of Australia and New Zealand hosting the Women’s Football World Cup, the Australian organisers need a lesson in respect (“Gustavsson’s scheme has Matildas on song”, November 17). At the beginning of each match it is customary for the names of players and reserves from both sides to be displayed and announced. Sadly, this courtesy was missing in the most recent outing of the Matildas.

The match against Thailand was a friendly match. But clearly, the Football Federation Australia missed the memo. It was a great disrespect to the Thai team, their supporters and fans that not even their names or faces graced the screen or were spoken on the PA. This was hurtfully contrasted with the lavish visual presentations of the Australian players.

One can only hope that this disrespect of visiting teams will not be a feature of the upcoming world cup. Michael Pursche, Gordon

Medibank bosses get bonuses despite breach

My wife and I are Medibank Private customers who have had their personal information hacked and released by the cybercriminal who breached MP cybersecurity (“Medibank chair says cybersecurity was ‘not robust enough”’ , November 17). Like many millions of other MP customers we waited with trepidation to see if our information would be released, and it has.

Now to add salt into the wound, the CEO and other executives at MP have been rewarded by the company at the AGM with bonuses totalling over $7 million. Outrageous and disappointing. The chair of the board has said that these bonuses will be reviewed in 2023 after an investigation into the cyberattack. The bonuses should be put on hold until after the review or the CEO and other executives could refuse them out of compassion for the customers impacted. On one hand, there are all these customers having their private information leaked and on the other, there are execs being rewarded for letting it happen. Alan Leitch, Austins Ferry (Tas)

Numbers are important

What a terrific opinion piece on age (“Age is just a number? What a load of old Botox!”, November 17) Of course, age is not just a number. Age is a measurement. Telephone numbers are not really numbers, they are labels, but age is really a measurement of the time that a person has lived on this earth.

Measurements are important. An arts degree is supposed to be about critical thinking, but actually, critical thinking requires numerate thinking, which take the form of “mathematical models” that can be compared to measurements. The “Measurement Age” has been the critical thinking shortfall of the COVID-19 response, not by everybody, of course. I have managed to write a whole letter without numbers in it: that’s a new thing for me - must be showing my age. Noel Thompson, Riverview

Republican Movement stronger with Foster at the helm

Craig Foster is clearly emerging as the thought leader this country has been desperately waiting for (“New republican leader Foster says Voice must take lead”, November 17).

The Australian Republican Movement is now in the strongest position it ever has been with him at the helm. It clearly helps that his values align with mine. All strength to him. Trish Simper, Gordon

Sipping champagne in Jobs’ sandals

I’ve got an image in my head now of some person sitting around with their feet up wearing Steve Jobs’ old sandals and sipping the last of the French champagne (“Bubbly barrels running dry” and “Apple founder soles sold”, November 17). Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay

Trump makes us all GAGA

As Donald Trump launches a new campaign slogan of great and glorious again, I look forward to the acronym Make America GAGA (“‘Great and glorious again’: Trump”, November 17). Charles Hargrave, Elizabeth Bay

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

If America was so great and glorious two years ago, one has to wonder why it was necessary for Trump to send in a rabid mob to sack its Capitol building. Victoria Harrington, Thirroul

I don’t know what would be more wonderful to watch, Trump losing the Presidential nomination from his own party or him losing the Presidential vote to Joe Biden (“What will it take to defeat ‘the Donald’ this time?”, November 17). The resulting meltdown would, no doubt, rival the 1883 Krakatoa eruption and would be a hoot to see. Mark Tomkinson, Bridgetown (WA)

Please, Americans, save the rest of the world from another four years of this man. You are the only ones who can do it. Heather Johnson, West Pennant Hills

Worth the (good) fight

I am so with this reviewer of The Good Fight (“Goodbye to The Good Fight, one of TV’s best, and weirdest, shows”,, November 17). It was the best show on television because social justice is worth fighting for. Stuff Trump and hard right conservatives who are destroying our world. There is another way. Wendy Atkins, Cooks Hill

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Emboldened by Xi meeting, Albanese moves to strike series of trade pacts
From Mais51: ″⁣The way to go – getting China off our No.1 trading partner is a must and utmost priority.″⁣

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