

This was published 3 years ago

Glory to the dead but not war

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

Whatever the expertise of the directors, any war memorial runs the risk of glorifying war (‘‘Shine light on war’s darker side’’, November 27). War memorials would do well to display the words of John Milton: ‘‘Death grinned horrible a ghastly smile/To hear his famine should be filled.’’ Mark Porter, New Lambton

Visit any museum or art gallery and it soon becomes apparent that the curatorial staff are hard-working and highly trained professionals. As a teacher of history, when I visit the Australian War Memorial, I expect to see heroic deeds extolled, but also a truthful expose of any shameful Australian wartime experiences. It is to be hoped that Matt Anderson can achieve this. Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona

In the current debate about what should and shouldn’t be in the war memorial, may I advocate for exhibits detailing the stupidity that got us into wars as well as the genius that has kept us out of conflicts? Franz Weiss, Maroubra

Good for the Australian War Memorial to agree to recognise recent atrocities by Australian troops; but not good for Australia is the war memorial’s continued refusal to recognise the Frontier Wars against Indigenous peoples, and to honour the first Australian fallen. Lionel Krautz, Killara

No peoples have escaped the darker side of war as an act of unbridled savagery inflicted upon innocents. For too long, this national shrine of remembrance has honoured ourwar dead at the expense of avoidingthe terrible human cost tonon-combatants. Given the disturbing allegations of war crimescommitted by our forces inAfghanistan, this empty charade of glorifying those dark elements ofhuman depravity must end. Vincent Zankin (Former chaplain tothe Australian Defence Force), Rivett (ACT)

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Premier disappoints with low-rent politics

It is no longer the cowering Premier, the shrinking violet of the Maguire fiasco (‘‘Premier shrugs off ‘slush fund’ scandal’’, November 27). It is clear that Gladys Berejiklian’s COVID-19 halo has emboldened her to the point where defence of the indefensible is a form of attack. Berejiklian’s ‘‘so what?’’ response is hubris with hauteur. Her duty is to allocate grants according to merit, not for political advantage. I don’t care what legal definition of corruption enables the Premier to get away with this; morally, it is rotten. Ron Sinclair, Bathurst

Berejiklian has finally told us the standards she lives by. Try not to get caught, destroy the evidence and deny everything. If that does not work, as long as it is not actually illegal, ethics and personal integrity are the least of her worries. Shame. Dick Harfield, Yagoona


If pork-barreling is/was acceptable, does the Premier think Scott Morrison would have sacked Bridget McKenzie over the federal sports rorts? Or maybe the Premier emulates Morrison’s subsequent actions of not sacking any minister for any even bigger rorts such as the aged care COVID-19 disaster, the robo-debt debacle, the overpaying for land and water buybacks, et cetera. Voters do remember and give their judgment on election day. Maybe the Premier does not intend to complete her term anyway and will just leave the mess for her successor. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Does the Premier take us for idiots? Her relationship with Daryl Maguire, pork-barreling in Liberal-National seats, the Metro cost blowout, the Powerhouse debacle, her Treasurer’s icare scandal, the Camellia land acquisition and remediation cost all count against her. Words fail me. And that doesn’t happen often. Anita Hart, Greenwich

Does Gladys have any feet left to shoot herself in? Richard Mason, Newtown

Premier, I think you need to seriously consider your role. For example, you have demonstrated a stubbornness in not listening to the citizens of this state about the Powerhouse Museum, the ovals and Parramatta’s heritage-listed buildings. You demonstrated very poor judgment in the Daryl Maguire case and now you are demonstrating through the council grants rort scandal a lack of ethics. Yes, the grants may not be illegal but the matter is definitely unethical. And that’s a big problem for you. Serge Calve, Como

Well, well, who’d have thunk it? Our Glad is just a politician after all, and perhaps a not particularly ethical one at that. Frank McGrath, Bulli

Eponymous expressway

I love the Cahill Expressway (Letters, November 27). Matt Cahill, Elanora Heights

Knot flight-ready

I was mortified to see on the news this week a Qantas pilot getting back into uniform and sliding on a pre-tied tie. These people are meant tobe highly trained in all aspects of looking after our lives on the planes. So why can’t they also be trained to tie their tie knots? Seppo Ranki, Glenhaven

Worked up

One word – exploitation – would have sufficed for ‘‘erosion of working conditions’’ (Letters, November 27). Call it what it is. David Gordon, Cranebrook

Faith in diplomacy

Kylie Moore-Gilbert’s release was no ‘‘miracle’’ (‘‘Inside delicate mission to bring jailed academic home’’, November 27). It was a prisoner swap. I am happy for Dr Moore-Gilbert, but the Prime Minister should give up the religious mumbo jumbo. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

Hung up on scams

So far today I have received four scam phone calls. Years ago, our government took care of this. I recognise these scams now come from overseas but it should not be impossible to eradicate them. Come on, Mr Morrison: you will have all of the people behind you for once. Jim Banks, Pottsville Beach

Australia has emerged from pandemic, no thanks to PM

It was predictable that so many Australians are going to remain stranded overseas through Christmas (‘‘Thousands still stranded’’, 27 November). Scott Morrison’s usual tactic of doing nothing, then blaming the states when things go wrong has come back to bite him.
It has been obvious all along that the states would have limited quarantine facilities and that they would be at risk of spreading contagion, but Morrison did nothing while the numbers of Australians stranded overseas has escalated and the virus has spread from hotels. Morrison did (or rather, didnot do) a similar thing with abandoning the aged care sector (‘‘Wait for the report’’) and with not following on from the CovidSafe app fiasco (‘‘The states should have better contact tracing’’) and with alternatives to hotel quarantining. Australia has done well compared with other nations in overcoming the pandemic, but thishas been all thanks to thestates. Morrison has been negatively reactive when he needed to be proactive. Chris Danckwerts, South Turramurra

Flights followed by hotel quarantine are clearly not going toget everyone home for Christmas. Why are we not using a cruise ship or two – sanitised of course – for the dual role of transport and quarantine? People repatriated by this method would be in no more danger from COVID than being stuck in a hot spot such as the UK or India. Stephanie Edwards, Roseville

Sydenham eyesore

There has been a lot of talk lately about ugly buildings, however, the structure that is being built over Sydenham railway station is not on anyone’s list, but should be.
It has no identifying architectural features, being brutal rather than brutalist, it is monstrous, huge and totally out of place over the small heritage-listed station. What were they thinking (and who are they?) Oh, for a really low flying plane. Robynne Hayward, Sydenham

Cormann’s voice

Bevan Shields concludes his overenthusiastic defence of public spending on getting Mathias Cormann selected as the next secretary-general of the OECD with ‘‘having an Australian voice at the table will be money well spent’’ (‘‘The hyperventilating over Cormann’s private jet is as predictable as it is short-sighted’’, November 27). I conclude that when Cormann gets the position, the other 37 member countries of the OECD will have to accept they have no voice at the table. Ross Drynan Lindfield

When ex-senator Cormann eventually lands in Brussels, as well as checking his credentials on climate change action, perhaps the OECD should also check his ability to count the numbers to 43, which was a problem in the ‘‘Dutton for PM’’ push, and his ability to distinguish between $130 billion and $70 billion when committing public money on wage subsidies. Evan Bailey, Glebe

Delivery costs

A new survey about online grocery shopping says delivery fees are one of the sticking points when it comes to enticing new customers (‘‘Grocery Shopping: Clicks v Bricks’’, November 26).
They estimate that delivery fees would need to be below $5 to attract more people. Elsewhere, ithas been suggested that food delivery riders be covered by a ‘‘contract determination’’ to provide them with minimum payrates and basic working conditions (‘‘Delivery riders our chimney sweeps’’, November 26). Therein lies the rub: should pay rates go up, so will delivery fees. Ifthe survey is any indication, customers seem reluctant to payarealistic amount for theconvenience of home delivery, whether by truck or bike. We should be prepared to put our money where our mouth is sothat food delivery riders are provided with safer conditions and better pay. Alicia Dawson, Balmain

Unpardonable offences

If Donald Trump plans to pardon himself, he would be too clever by half (‘‘Two turkeys, then Flynn. Himself next?’’, November 27). A presidential pardon is the grant of clemency for crimes committed against the United States. By pardoning himself, Trump will have admitted he is indeed a criminal. Since it obviously fails the pub test, no federal prosecutor will feel bound by this blatant act of self-dealing. Its validity will be contested in the Supreme Court, where even the three conservative judges appointed by Trump for lifelong tenure should uphold the rule of law rather than tarnishing their own reputations. Han Yang, North Turramurra

As sure as night follows day, Donald Trump will try to exonerate himself. What he can’t escape is the judgment of history. The fact that he failed and continues to fail to protect the people of the United States from needless COVID-19 deaths by his stupidity and self interest is something that no pardon can ever forgive. Chris Moe, Bensville

Spending freeze

Of course businesses aren’t investing, why would they (‘‘Business still not spending despite help’’, November 27)? What’s stopping them is not ‘‘high’’ interest rates or company taxes, it’s low consumer demand and uncertainty about government support for employment and unemployment. Similarly, it’s not lack of incentive keeping people on benefits, it’s lack of jobs.
This government’s only idea for both problems seems to be more incentives. It is not working, it has not worked and it will never work. Medium and long-term certainty of income is the only thing that will get people spending again, which will, in turn, drive employment and investment. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

The sheilas on the bus

I remember June Lusk as a conductor on the Palm Beach/Wynyard line in the 1960s (‘‘Driver steered path for other women to follow’’, November 27). Her bright and friendly disposition made a lasting impact on me. That delightful, sunny manner continued when I encountered her as a driver years later, and I have thought of her occasionally since then. I hope she’s enjoying her retirement and the kudos of having been Sydney’s first female bus driver and a shining example of good public relations for Transport NSW. Tina Butler, Bilgola Plateau

Given their relative rarity, it is always cheering to board a bus with a female driver. Recently, a diminutive woman driving a 333 bus called out a young male for not paying his fare. He ignored her and sat tight. At the next opportunity, the driver pulled over and ordered him to get out, threatening to call the police. After some minutes of stand-off and offensive responses, he shambled off, followed by enthusiastic cheering from other passengers, several of whom congratulated the driver on her courageous stand. What a great role model for bus drivers – of any gender. Gillian Appleton, Paddington


An unusual, almost unique, thing happened on the letters pages this week. Almost never are the letter writers as one on a subject. Whatever the subject, everyone has a view, and these views are either for or against, discussion happens, often at great length over many days, but consensus doesn’t.
Then came Premier Gladys Berejiklian trying to pass off pork barrelling as something that everyone did and it isn’t illegal, then giving the impression she thought that everyone should just grow up and move on.
The letters poured in. Floods of them. A tsunami of them. Quite a lot of them, in fact.
The only surprise was that the NBN could handle the torrent. The writers were as one – and they weren’t feeling Glad all over.
They reviled the Premier. They excoriated her. They flayed her. They didn’t have a good word for her or about her.
Even the furthest reaches of the right wing couldn’t find anything to say in her defence except for one who tried ‘‘unsettling’’.
Even Mathias Cormann didn’t bring as much incredulity and spleen, or indeed the premier earlier this week not isolating herself while she wanted for her COVID test results – even that had a few people excusing her. In the case of Cormann, most writers were aghast and appalled at the waste of taxpayers’ money, but even then, a few thought the RAAF ‘‘gravy plane’’ wasn’t such a bad idea in the circumstances.
The lighter touch for the week was the word ‘‘bonk’’. As usual, there were those for and against, but the discussion was fun, and didn’t go on long enough for the Herald to set its own ‘‘bonk ban’’.

Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor

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