

This was published 3 years ago

Cahill Expressway does not have to be an eyesore

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

I agree with you, Rob Stokes, the Cahill Expressway is ugly (''Brutal but beautiful: Stokes' list of quiet urban gems'', November 26). If it is demolished what do we do with the railway under it? If we beautify it properly, I suggest gardens all the way down the front. It could become another thing that will attract visitors and provide ongoing employment for gardeners and maintenance workers. I think it will be cheaper than demolishing the Cahill and relocating the railway - it would be unique and spectacular, attract more visitors so generating some income and be environmentally friendly. It has already been partially done over the road from UTS. Brian Grant, Casino

Instead of demolishing the Cahill Expressway, which is a vital piece of transport infrastructure, why not create the Hanging Gardens of Sydney cascading down towards the Quay. Ann Babington, Lambton

The Cahill Expressway roadway was essentially made redundant by the Harbour Tunnel and can now go. Photos exist of the site when only the railway was in place, and it looks much more open. The other shame of the Cahill Expressway is the deep cutting between The Domain and the Botanic Gardens, which should be covered over to recover the link between those two public spaces. Bruce Stafford, Tascott

The most serious failure of the Sirius building is its height. Projecting above the Harbour Bridge approaches, it poisons the view of both of Sydney's priceless icons, one from the other. A little decapitation would fix the problem. William Lloyd, Denistone

I suggest the owners of Blues Point tower engage an architect to at least improve the look and profile of the plant room stuck on top of the tower - an eyesore on an eyesore. There's a perfect example in Melbourne of what can be done: the Yarra's Edge 5 tower, which is also in a prominent location. Instead of an ugly concrete box of machinery, the plant room is a great work of sculpture. John Mahony, Manly

I must confess to having a chuckle over the small-fry plans for Sydney's buildings, tongue-in-cheek or not (Letters, November 26). Courtesy of Sir Norman Nock's lord mayoral scrapbooks, I have learned that in 1938 it was planned to demolish buildings on the eastern side of Macquarie Street to make way for new law courts, 300 metres long, although there was concern that "undesirables" would then fill Macquarie Street. Of course, some would now argue that Parliament House has done that anyway. And, were it not for World War II, the following year would have seen all pre-1906-built houses in the inner suburbs demolished – 60,000 of them – to make way for "decent" homes. I'm guessing many of the current residents of Paddington, Woollahra, Ultimo, Glebe, Annandale and Balmain will now need a Bex and a good lie down. Randi Svensen, Wyong

Perrottet forgot to mention The Footbridge Theatre on Parramatta Road at Sydney University, a building way too offensively ugly for its size. Dianne Brims, Morpeth

Hey Treasurer, with regards to your list of Sydney eyesores, they might be ugly but at least they haven't got cracks in them. Bill Pfeifer, Avalon Beach

Good sense prevails over Latham's fake outrage


The attempt by One Nation's NSW leader Mark Latham to defeat Energy Minister Matt Kean's renewable energy bill by stalling its progress in the upper house with 249 small but potent amendments looks like the "filibuster" tactic favoured by conservatives in the US Senate to frustrate or deny their opponents' plans ("Landmark energy bill scrapes over line", November 26). Our NSW neighbours should be thankful that Latham's blocking tactic failed to stymie Kean's visionary bill, and NSW can now progress to join the ACT in being 100 per cent powered by renewable energy. The next step is 100 per cent electric vehicles in both jurisdictions. Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin (ACT)

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding Credit:

While contemplating the inexcusable obfuscation by Latham in an effort to delay the passage of the Electricity Infrastructure Bill, I am led to consider: to whom does a member of Parliament owe their allegiance when considering issues requiring a vote? Their electorate, party, state, the nation? Principles of ethics and morality? Or do they stand by those personal opinions enunciated prior to election?

What principle sits behind Latham’s decision to force an all-night filibuster by making 249 largely inconsequential and semantic procedural amendments to a bill already accepted by the lower house, and destined to be passed in the upper house? I suspect the answer will vary according to the issues, and between individual parliamentarians, but it would be well for electors to ascertain where their own members stand. Ian Davison, Cambewarra

Thank you, Matt Kean, for showing real leadership in getting the renewable energy bill passed. Thank you to the NSW government, the opposition and the Greens for committing to make NSW a renewable energy superpower. It's wonderful to see bipartisan support for more clean energy jobs, cheaper bills and a brighter future. Tracey Hamilton, Bondi Junction

Hats off to Kean for his leadership in finally getting a game-changing renewable energy bill through Parliament. He’s shown us all the pathway to end the energy/climate wars with the courage, relationships, trust and political smarts to achieve where so many Liberal moderates have sadly failed. Also a big thank you to the Coalition, Labor and crossbench MPs for their massive effort to pass this legislation through the upper house. It renews my faith in democracy to see cross-party collaboration and commitment beating the populist opposition and fake outrage of One Nation. Jack Gough, Towradgi

The challenge was met, the example is set. Congratulations to Energy Minister Matt Kean for demonstrating the kind of leadership Australia so desperately needs if it is to tackle the climate emergency and transition to renewable-powered economy. Now, about CSG ... Christopher Winslow, Kellyville Ridge

Vaccination approbation

What is all the fuss about vaccination (''Travellers without virus jab will pay for quarantine'', November 26)? When I arrived here in the mid-70s, I was required to have many vaccinations as I grew up in Africa and had visited Zimbabwe a year earlier. Furthermore, I had to have an x-ray to check for TB as part of my medical before becoming a teacher in the 90s. The sooner that everyone accepts that vaccinations are more than a right; rather a responsibility, the better. Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie

Oh, dear: a certificate of vaccination to permit travel? Sounds like the yellow/orange bit of paper all travellers in the past had to carry in their passport to document their smallpox jab. Smallpox? Most today barely can remember that defunct disease. COVID-19 deserves also to become a defunct disease. Grant McCall, Darlington

Shred of evidence

Things have hit rock bottom when, in this day and age, the Premier’s officer has to seek advice on how to manage records in a minister’s office (“‘Shredded documents’ discovered in Premier’s office”, November 26). The first lesson in filing 101: documents on ministers’ desks never have the same insignificance as last week’s grocery shopping list, so never ever get put in the office’s circular file. Col Shephard, Yamba

I am elderly, unmotivated and probably unemployable except in a government job. Perhaps the NSW government could give me a 12 months contract to sit quietly somewhere and slowly reconstitute the newly discovered shredded papers relating to the grants' schmozzle? Lin Sinton, Killarney Heights

Chain of culpability

The consequences of the casualisation of the workforce can be be seen graphically with the plight of delivery riders who endure appallingly dangerous conditions in order to earn a meagre living (''Australian rider deaths a tragedy: Uber chief'', November 26). This is the result of years of erosion of working conditions and shows what can happen when labour is deunionised. Max Redmayne, Russell Lea

Following the spate of deaths of food delivery riders, the conditions under which they are employed is under the spotlight. However, every time a lazy decision to order a food delivery is made we become part of the chain of culpability. It is not only Uber and their ilk at fault. Diana Finch, Holroyd

Something fishy

I can’t understand why Bega MP Andrew Constance is bending over backwards to please a small minority of the Eurobodalla Shire’s recreational fishers ('''Fish massacre' predicted in marine sanctuaries'', November 26). Just before Christmas last year he persuaded the fisheries minister to allow fishing in some sanctuary zones without any scientific justification and without doing the proper public consultation. Surveys have shown a large majority of residents support the Batemans Marine Park, as do the region’s tourists and visitors – so necessary for the local economy. Jenny Edwards, Mossy Point

The machinations of ministers Constance and Adam Marshall in bypassing proper community consultation on Batemans Marine Park sanctuaries would provide a great plot-line for a future Yes Minister episode. The way the community and marine ecosystems’ interests have been marginalised by these MPs political actions in removing sanctuary protections at the Park defies belief. How many of us are lucky enough to poke our heads beneath the water and witness the revitalised abundance, size and diversity of life that can be delivered if we just give these special places time, protection from human impacts and exemplary management? It is time for the Premier to give Matt Kean the same support in the marine space offered to clean up the state energy sector. Gary Schoer, Oatley

Forgotten detainee

Great news about Kylie Moore-Gilbert being released in Iran (''Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert gives thanks for her freedom'',, November 26). Now for the Australian government and diplomats to do the same for Australian citizen Julian Assange. Matthew Dingle, Maroubra

Ferry disappointing

Despite all the protest, the iconic Freshwater ferries will be scrapped (''Only one Freshwater ferry to be retained'', November 26). Could we see evidence of that 280 weekday passenger average? It sounds like another “I’m not perfect” from our government coming soon. Janelle Halliwell, Warriewood

Not so super

Greg Combet says dumping the increases in the super rate would leave retirees worse off (“Average family to have up to $200,000 less when retiring if super rise blocked”, November 26). It's not the monetary value of superannuation that is important but what that monetary value actually buys, ie real physical wealth. Australians who have bet their futures on superannuation will find that their superannuation will not buy very much. Victor Diskordia, McKellar (ACT)

Heritage disparity

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Wonderful to read that the Australian Museum has been supported by community-minded philanthropists, with an understanding of the joy of giving back to society (''Million-dollar gift compounds work to rehabilitate museum'', November 26). Some people have the wealth to give back, others provide volunteer hours or a few dollars for a local fundraising raffle. I just wish some of the appreciation of heritage and philanthropy extended to regional areas. Unfortunately, no matter how deserving the repair and maintenance of a regional heritage listed building is, philanthropy seems to stop when the gum trees start along both sides of the gradually narrowing road. I am sure a room in a repaired heritage building would carry the name of any philanthropist happy to give back to a regional community. Valerie Little, Tathra

Jet-fuelled job hunt

When Mathias Cormann is finished with the $4000 per hour private RAAF jet, could my wife and I borrow it please, PM (''PM defends use of private jet for Cormann'', November 26)? I have a private job that I’m interested in, in the UK and I don’t want to get COVID either. I mean, we are all in this together, aren’t we? Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

I would like to become the third woman to head the IMF – never mind that the position is not open. Can the Australian government please support my candidature by flying me around Europe in its RAAF aircrafts so that I can present my credentials? Yen Heng, Wahroonga

The other person expecting to be gnashing, Merona Meroo, is Christine Holgate (Letters, November 26). At the eye-watering $4000 an hour rate, Matthias has effectively reached the ''Cartier level'' just as the departing aircraft was overhead of Darwin. It's extraordinary how fine this has been for Scott Morrison. Ted Bush, Ermington

Divine Diego

The hand of god has reached out for Maradona one more time: RIP (''Argentina soccer legend Diego Maradona dies of heart attack, lawyer says'',, November 26). Don Smith, Ashfield

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Scott Morrison defends taxpayer-funded private jet for Mathias Cormann’s OECD bid
From djjb1320: Perhaps they thought Zoom was something a jet does.

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