

This was published 4 months ago

Frydenberg 2.0 presents a problem for the Liberals

Well, here we go again (“Frydenberg’s anti-teal appeal has a real problem”, June 3). A faction in Kooyong has started to agitate for Mr Josh Frydenberg to be the Liberal candidate in this seat. The current selected candidate, Amelia Hamer, won the right to be the candidate with a large majority vote (233 to 59), nine weeks ago. Will we next hear that she has “generously” stepped aside for Mr Frydenberg? Being a woman, she must know what action is expected of her. Marjie Williamson, Blaxland

Josh Frydenberg, Monique Ryan (left) and Amelia Hamer (right).

Josh Frydenberg, Monique Ryan (left) and Amelia Hamer (right).Credit: Artwork — Marija Ercegovac

While the Liberals would be foolish to override the preselection of Amelia Hamer, it is unlikely to happen, not because of a preference for a woman candidate but because Josh Frydenberg would pose too much of a challenge to Peter Dutton’s leadership. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

The rumours concerning the return of Josh Frydenberg as a candidate for the Liberal Party at the next election seem to overlook the fact that he was ousted and not wanted in the parliamentary party leadership. The Liberal Party seems characterised these days by a series of mis-steps. For example, this push for nuclear reactor power; the preferencing of male aspirants over female contenders for seats in both the lower house and the senate; the politicisation of migrant releases from detention and so on, all decisions in which the former minister for home affairs, Peter Dutton, is deeply embedded. Josh Frydenberg suffered a humiliating defeat to an independent woman in 2022 and one expects, as a former and entitled Liberal Party politician, that he continues to smart over that defeat. But his electorate spoke, as did the whole of Australia and we ended up with a different government as a consequence. My advice? Move on. The electorate has changed. So should you. Chris Rivers, Port Macquarie

Of course, many Liberals would like Josh Frydenberg to be able to return to the federal parliament. He is considerably more attractive as a leader than Peter Dutton. But it would be an ethical dilemma to do so at the expense of a well qualified young woman who has already been pre-selected for Kooyong. Ainslie Lamb, East Corrimal


I find it so disappointing, yet so appropriate, that members of the Coalition would welcome the return of Frydenberg to federal politics. Notwithstanding that the candidate has already been endorsed for the seat of Kooyong. Frydenberg was treasurer throughout Robo-debt, endorsing his leader Morrison. He has no place in federal politics in my view. He disappeared with his tail between his legs and I do believe he should stay out. Alan Wilson, Richmond


Josh Frydenberg has had his time in parliament so give someone else a go. Also he lost his seat at the last election and there are smart women eyeing his seat. Graham Russell, Clovelly

The Liberal disciples hoping for a Frydenberg second coming, at the expense of a fairly pre-elected female candidate, appear to be fuelled by a desire to replace Plutonium Pete. With little charisma and no positive policies, Dutton will need to watch his back as the Libs sharpen their knives. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Schadenfreudenberg. Anne Carrick, Port Macquarie

More roads, more cars

When they were at university, urban and transport planners learning about the efficiency of roads would have come across the Downs–Thomson and Braess paradoxes, which state that increasing road capacity can actually exacerbate overall congestion (Letters, June 3). We ordinary people know these ideas as “induced demand”. The newly minted planners, when advising government, would have relied on the science that proves that building more roads doesn’t solve congestion, but they have been continually ignored by the politicians. It must be very disheartening for them. Chris O’Rourke, Bathurst


TrafficCredit: Nick Moir

Yet another entitled Paddington resident in the Letters page complaining about cycleways, yet the congestion they are so worried about is caused by cars. The more people driving, the bigger the problem. Every cyclist on the road has the potential to be another motorist, making traffic even worse. Maybe inner-city residents should do us all a favour and sell that second car and catch the bus – the amount of space dedicated to cars is ridiculous. Peter Newberry, Kingsford


The burghers of Paddington, who are well served by public transport, seem to expect that streets are only for cars. Streets are for everyone, including pedestrians and cyclists. It is time to stop blaming the lord mayor and the premier. People are buying more cars and expect to drive around unimpeded. Walking has great health benefits for everyone, reducing congestion and improving the environment. Jan Wilson, Glebe

Andrew Taubman is correct in asserting that the eastern suburbs boast the best public transport in Sydney, so maybe there might be little room for improvement. Some who live close to the CBD might consider walking to work or even jogging, as I did for many years. However, this doesn’t alter the fact that the congestion in the east with its single-lane roads is at a tipping point, and further increased density housing would just exacerbate the gridlock witnessed each morning. John Kempler, Rose Bay

A lot of Sydney’s road signage woes stem from what’s clearly an ill-considered policy of putting only specific places names on signs, rather than something more generic and helpful (Letters, June 3). This means visitors are obliged to learn the name and location of every suburb in Sydney to make sense of the signs. On Lane Cove Rd, eastbound at Epping, an overhead sign used to read “Pymble”, and beneath that, “Northern Beaches”. Some years ago, a large green panel was attached to obscure that very helpful beaches direction. The sign just reads “Pymble” now. It’s still the road to the northern beaches, of course, but Transport for NSW doesn’t want you to know that, apparently. I would love to read the justification for removing that indication. Graeme Gee, Telopea

Tasmania hogging Senate seats

Boundary rules are most certainly stuck in the past (Letters, June 3). Tasmania is heavily over-represented with 12 senators, the same number allocated to our most populous state, NSW. The two ACT Senate spots do a disservice to the territory that supplies specialist and trauma services to about 17 per cent of rural and regional NSW. It is beyond time that the parliament adjust this anomaly. Rhonda Seymour, Castle Hill

Take nukes debate public

Sean Kelly’s opinion piece is logical and well-balanced (“Dutton, delusion and disregard”, June 3). Kelly writes that “once the opposition actually announces the locations (of nuclear reactors), there is every chance the rest of the country breathes a sigh of relief, thinks ‘not our problem’- and the discussion shifts away from nuclear entirely.” Once again the discussion does not include the disposal of nuclear waste where transport in the middle of night, with the waste, might drive to a secret location and dump waste that will be active for hundreds of years. Will this become an “underground matter” and not to be commented on? It should be a matter held in front of the public now through good research and reporting. Ken Pares, Forster

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit: Jim Pavlidis

It is all well and good to claim that Labor has deserted its base and should embark on a program of structural change (Letters, June 3). However, there is no point in attempting this if the electorate will not endorse it. In order to stay in power, Labor would still have to attract enough votes from high-income earners, investment property owners, private school fee-paying parents, drivers of big SUVs, self-funded retirees on huge super balances enjoying tax concessions snd lobby groups from the mining, alcohol, tobacco and gambling industries, among others. These are some of the people who would need to make sacrifices if real economic and social structural reform is to be possible. Phil Peak, Dubbo

It’s worrying to think that rather than rely on a detailed set of policies to carry them through to the next election the Coalition has based their future electoral success on voter apathy and short memories. John Bailey, Canterbury

Cost of doing nothing

David Warren says the true cost of converting to renewable energy has never been heard (Letters, June 3). It is the true cost of not converting that is more problematic. Keith Chester, Dee Why

Trump on populist wave

Trump having nearly 30 per cent support among Australians may seem surprising (“Australia is losing faith in America – but support for Trump’s higher than ever”, June 3). We pride ourselves on being much more sensible and rational than many Americans. But when you consider how right-wing populism is growing in power in many other countries, it’s not that surprising after all. And the Liberal Party is no longer what it was, much like the Republican Party. It has yielded the sensible centre to the teals and is instead courting the outer suburbs. Its leader doesn’t offer carefully considered solutions to our problems but just simplistic notions like nuclear power or cuts in immigration which appeal to that base. The indications are that this is a global problem, not just one isolated to America. David Rush, Lawson

Donald Trump’s support in Australia is on the rise.

Donald Trump’s support in Australia is on the rise.Credit: Artwork — Marija Ercegovac

I came to Australia on January 3, 1973 when Richard Nixon was facing the Watergate scandal. He did the right thing and resigned. Donald Trump is a completely different kind of animal; an arrogant, narcissistic lunatic who would be better suited in a mental institution rather than the White House. I do fear for American democracy under Trump as well as who he will deal with on the global sphere. I worry that he will align with other megalomaniacs like Putin and leave Ukraine in serious danger. We can only hope that somehow Biden can somehow be victorious, but then we also have to remember what happened in Washington on January 6. William Bielefeldt, Kembla Grange

One reason for Trump’s success is that he knows how to set goals for his followers, without them having to do anything except focus on their hate and fear, and use these to spring into destructive action if they are inclined to when he gives the sign. His base has quickly come to rely on him to tell them what to do. These are people who may need extra guidance in a society where they increasingly feel sidelined and left behind. It may be financial, but there are many other possible reasons to feel excluded, too. This is what unites them, and makes them susceptible to his “charm”, despite everything they know about him. He has unfortunately sensed their need way before the Democrats, and is quick in with the sugar hit, specially formulated for people most of whom can’t possibly be deep thinkers, by nature or circumstance. George Baumann, Balmain

You can possibly find some arguments for why so many Americans might find Trump’s brand of criminality attractive but the thought of so many Australians finding him acceptable in any way is appalling. Surely we are better than that. Richard Keyes, Enfield

I was attempting a cryptic crossword puzzle over the weekend and a clue came up where I was confident that the answer was going to be another word for “foolishness”. After almost giving up I resorted to Google and scrolled down several times before locating the answer: “trumpery”. Obvious! Geoff Lyons, Lane Cove

Donald Trump - truly a man of conviction(s)! David Gordon, Cranebrook


Good luck, wife no.5

It appears that Rupert’s fifth bride, Elena and his fourth ex-wife, Jerry both carried lily of the valley bouquets on their wedding day (“Murdoch, 93, weds for fifth time in vineyard”, June 3). As a symbol of prosperity that seems appropriate. As a symbol of luck, it seems necessary. Amanda Berry, Hamilton East

Rupert Murdoch, 93, at his wedding to 67-year-old Elena Zhukova.

Rupert Murdoch, 93, at his wedding to 67-year-old Elena Zhukova.Credit: News Corp

Rupert Murdoch’s new wife, Moscow-born Elena Zhukova, has a Russian oligarch billionaire ex-husband and a Russian oligarch billionaire son-in-law, both of whom have had close relationships with Vladimir Putin. I wonder what the conspiracy theorists at the News Corp-owned Foxtel, New York Post and London’s The Sun will make of these Russian connections. John Payne, Kelso

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch must be a man of considerable charisma and magnetic personality since he has no difficulty attracting new brides, his fifth to date. This is despite his advanced age. Remarkable. Bernard Moylan, Bronte

Now that’s a solid retirement plan, Elena. Rod Tuck, Katoomba

Time of the season

The winter solstice represents the mid-winter, not the start of winter (Letters, June 3). Since each season is three months long, the real start of winter is about one and a half months before the winter solstice, about May 10. Tony Lewis, Mount Victoria

Sunshine tomorrow

Sally Robinson’s exhibition at S.H. Ervin Gallery reminds me of a time when the beach was a wasteful playground, the sun was our friend, and tomorrow was filled with infinite possibilities – Sydney in the 70s (“Artist’s iconic images still feel as fresh as the day they were made”, June 1).
Judith Salmon, Haberfield


My advice to all those anguishing over their Uber ratings – take a taxi (Letters, June 3). Judith Campbell, Drummoyne

Fashion crisis

Holy smokes (“I can’t wear fashion nepo babies, except my own”, June 3)! Is it a worry that I could not identify more than a couple of fashion cultural references in Wendy Syfret’s article? Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy

Game on

I see Stage 2 of the Parramatta light rail has picked up the ubiquitous “game-changer” tag (“Long-promised Sydney light rail gets the green light”,, June 3). There have been so many game-changers of late I’m not sure if we’re playing rugby league or marbles. Stephen Driscoll, Castle Hill

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