

This was published 4 months ago

Labor inaction plays into the hands of a Trump-lite

In Peter Hartcher’s incisive article about Donald Trump he explains why Trump is likely to win; “America no longer offers a dream to ordinary working people” (“Felon king’s American tyranny”, June 1). The same can probably be said for Australia. Labor has deserted its traditional base; “ordinary working people” who have borne the brunt of higher interest rates and the general cost of living.

What assistance the government has provided has been minuscule. Meanwhile, it announces grandiose schemes to increase housing supply and revitalise manufacturing, both of which are expensive and will be lucky to be delivered within the next decade. Major structural reform is off the agenda as it is politically too risky. All this provides ample fodder for our own Trump-like alternative (minus a conviction), Peter Dutton. Bereft of policy, like Trump all he offers are meaningless slogans. It seems increasingly likely it will work for Trump, and who is not to say it won’t work for Dutton? Mike Kenneally, Manly

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Credit: John Shakespeare

When asked about the verdict on Donald Trump, Peter Dutton responded “... obviously it will make for an even more exciting election, I suppose, in November”. Exciting? We are talking about one of the largest democracies in the world, and Australia’s closest ally, possibly being led by a president who, in theory, could operate from inside a prison cell. A man who would like to be Australia’s next PM believes Trump’s 34 convictions makes for an even more exciting US election, one that is likely to include a criminal candidate who undermines, first the American electoral system, and now distrust of the judicial system. Exciting? Unfathomable! Annie Dixon, Lane Cove

Fascinating to read outpourings of angst from Americans about their legal system. “The courts are rigged,” howl one camp. “Trump is sabotaging the rule of law,” shriek another lot. Well, what else do they expect? This is a country that elects law officials, including public prosecutors, or district attorneys. The whole system is irrevocably tainted with politics from the outset. One can only hope that the sanity of ordinary, non-partisan Americans eventually prevails. Brian Haisman, Winmalee

The American creed, “Land of the free”, should now be altered. As a result of last week’s 34 guilty verdicts for Trump and hearing that some $60 million was donated to his legal war chest within 24 hours, perhaps it should now read, “Land of the free and brainwashed Republican voters”. Rose Lysnar, Orange

As a convicted felon, Donald Trump is subject to restrictions related to such things as travel, eligibility to vote and access to firearms. Yet, if he were to be elected as president he would assume the role of Commander in Chief of the US military and have the final authority to launch nuclear weapons. In what way does that make sense? Don Squires, Lake Cathie


I note that the US presidential election is on November 5. That was same day (in 1605) when the gunpowder plotters, including Guy Fawkes, failed in their attempt to blow up the houses of parliament in England and kill King James I. I wonder if the Trumpian plot to “overthrow” the US government and its institutions will likewise fail. We can but hope. John Lees, Castlecrag

Trump finally got a majority of votes. Steve Coates, Port Macquarie

Crime seems to pay off for Donald Trump. He raised more than $US50 million in donations after his guilty verdict. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

Walk a mile in my … car and see the hellish traffic

I wonder, does Chris Minns have a car (Letters, June 1)? If so, perhaps he could pop Paul Scully in the passenger seat and Clover Moore in the back and go for a drive around the eastern suburbs, not just in peak hours or school pick-up and drop-off times, but lately, all the time. The traffic is becoming impossible and I hate to think what it’ll be like when all the units currently under construction from Double Bay to Vaucluse and Bondi to wherever are completed and occupied. And what is being done about the infrastructure and roads: absolutely nothing? As for another bike lane in Oxford Street, Paddington, the mind boggles. The old rat run through Paddington and Five Ways which used to be a great concern is now happening again. Lesley Brown, Paddington


Traffic Credit: Kate Geraghty

John Kempler, the eastern suburbs already have the best public transport in Sydney: trains, buses, trams and ferries. If that’s not enough to get people out of their cars, maybe some long-overdue densification will. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park


As a young lad in the 1970s, the family would allow three hours car travel time for rare visits to Sydney from Jasper’s Brush. Today, the sam drive, despite the billions spent on roadworks to ease congestion, takes just as long. Despite 50 years of idolatry of the most inefficient form of transport, the car, travel time and frustration is increasing.

Contrast this to many liveable cities around the world that focus on making cities liveable for all. A car is secondary and drivers must make concessions. What wondrous people-inspired cities we could have had if those roadwork billions had been spent in more thoughtful ways. It’s not too late. With a large percentage of city land dedicated to parking, imagine if we transferred road funding to housing on part of these spaces. Use tax money for the benefit of people and take it away from contracting companies. Patrick Raftery, Clothiers Creek

Governments have placed the horse before the cart in pushing for more urban housing before the infrastructure (energy, schools, hospitals, police, roads, transport, green space) is anywhere near ready and capable to accommodate the influx. They’ve also adopted a “head in the sand” approach in pushing for renewable energy without a full and honest cost analysis of the transition. The true cost of converting has never been heard above the clamour for meeting (unrealistic) timetables. David Warren, Mona Vale

Why the ACT is getting short-changed in the Senate

As our population increases, why can’t we create more electoral divisions (“‘We need to bring him back’: Senior Liberals’ plea for Frydenberg to return”,, June 2)? Why must Victoria and NSW lose a seat in the current redistribution? The answer is found in Section 24 of the Constitution which that says that the number of House of Representatives members shall be no more than twice the number of senators, and the 1967 referendum question designed to break this “nexus” received only 40 per cent support. But even if we don’t need any more senators elected from the states, there is nothing to prevent parliament increasing the number of senators elected from the ACT and the NT, unchanged since 1975. This change doesn’t require an amendment to the Constitution. If Tasmania can have 12 senators, surely the ACT is entitled to more than two. David Fairlie, Pymble

Awesome Archibald

I was thrilled to see the article on Moz Azimitabar’s toothbrush painting which has been short-listed for the Archibald Prize (“In detention, with no brush or oils, this Archibald finalist taught himself to paint”, June 1). Moz is a refugee from Iran who arrived by boat, spent over six years on Manus Island and 14 months in hotel detention in Melbourne. It beggars belief to think he has been short-listed for the Archibald Prize twice, when he taught himself to paint using a toothbrush and instant coffee while in detention. It is so apt that this article precedes Refugee Week, when the Uki Refugee Project will be hosting a film called Freedom is Beautiful, featuring Moz and fellow Kurdish refugee Farhad Bandesh. The film was directed by award-winning artist and documentary filmmaker Angus McDonald, who is the subject of Moz’ most recent Archibald portrait entry. It feels inspiring to read an uplifting article like this while some politicians are casting immigrants and refugees as threats to Australians’ safety and housing security. Another benefit of the wonderful Archibald Prize.
Marilyn Lebeter, Smiths Creek

Mostafa Azimitabar with his portrait of artist and friend Angus McDonald, which is a finalist in the Archibald Prize at the Art Gallery of NSW.

Mostafa Azimitabar with his portrait of artist and friend Angus McDonald, which is a finalist in the Archibald Prize at the Art Gallery of NSW.Credit: Janie Barrett

Poor quality

Geoff Harding (Letters, June 1) draws attention to the need for people to pay more tax if the quality of government services is to be maintained. Quality is already unacceptably poor. Maintenance is not enough. Government expenditure on goods and services needs to be much better directed, namely to and only to where warranted. Taxation, too, needs to be better focussed with those folk accruing larger annual gains in real wealth by income and capital gains being required to contribute proportionately more of their gains to tax revenue. Geoff is right, bracket creep does lead to more taxes but it is an ill-considered and unfocussed means of raising tax revenue. It will not prevent the crack of doom that growing inequity and poverty foreshadows for Australia. Ross Drynan, Lindfield

Timely warning

What a relief to read David Swan’s article outlining AI expert Helen Toner’s timely warning about avoiding the incessant and unquestioning race to engage with every aspect of AI, without examining the benefits and potential weakness of this sexy trend (“Australian at the centre of the high-stakes battle over AI has a warning for the world”, June 1). Toner has seen this movement internationally from up close and believes the Australian government needs to move more quickly to regulate and not leave this potentially powerful restructuring of economic and social culture to market forces alone. Robo-debt and election-related deepfakes of political leaders’ statements are just two very worrying examples of unquestioning and misguided uses of AI. From the start, I have felt uncomfortable with the very name “artificial intelligence”. Intelligence is a human characteristic and to meekly hand this over to computer-style engineering to make decisions on our behalf is a mighty dangerous prospect for human civilisation as we know it: buyer beware. Warren Marks, Hill Top

Uber angry

Thank you Julia Baird (“Checked your Uber rating? Mine stinks”, June 1). I too recently discovered my Uber rating of 4.77. But there’s no explanation as to why. I’m fastidious about being on time, have never vomited in the car or committed any of the minor sins listed in the app. How can you change behaviour when you’re not told what the problem was? Roger Campbell, Beecroft

Uber angry

Uber angry Credit: Dionne Gain

Like Julia Baird, I’ve never vomited in an Uber. While I’m not a regular user, my rating of 4.81 is dangerously close to being a problem rider. I used Julia’s handy tips to check my ratings; 15 5-star ratings and one 2-star rating. It’s like getting an A-. Now all I can think about is which of my 16 trips was I rated rude, untidy or late? I’m a teacher so I understand the power of feedback, but this kind is not specific, so I can’t learn from it! I think I’ll continue to get on my bike, catch the light rail or train. I’ll definitely wear my helmet and keep my feet off the seats, no ratings required. Lisa Williams, Dulwich Hill

Well that got me curious. 4.86. Is soul-searching on how I can improve required or do I delete the app and run back to taxis? One for the Modern Guru, I think. Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay

Bright side

C’mon Richard Glover, stop your whinging about working conditions in modern offices (“What’s not to love about office life?”, June 1). Look at the bright side: fewer persons in the workplace office means fewer people eyeing off your delectable looking lunch (okay, so it’s a tomato sauce sandwich on white bread) in the office fridge, thus (hopefully) reducing the chances of it being fancied and subsequently devoured by someone other than your good self. Col Shephard, Yamba

Bad sign

The signage on the M8 unfortunately reflects Sydney road signage in general (Letters, June 1). I too have driven from M5 through the M8 to Randwick via the Anzac Bridge. I don’t know who is paid to undertake signage jobs but they are not focussed on a usable system for motorists. Almost everywhere one drives in Sydney now an up-to-date GPS is essential - and this can sometimes be a distraction. In a new tunnel system, and at tricky entries to harbour crossings, we should be able to rely on signage. Angela Saywell, Rushcutters Bay


As a bushie who occasionally drives in Sydney, I’ve always reckoned that the signs on Sydney’s motorways are only there for people who already know where they are going. Hugh Barrett, Sanctuary Point

Winter Warmers

A first day of winter warmed with hope, joy and contentment sounds lovely (Letters, June 1). Shame we’ll have to wait a few more weeks until the solstice to enjoy it. Peter Fyfe, Enmore

June 1 is not “the first day of winter”. The seasons on Earth change according to the tilt of the Earth’s axis as it orbits the sun. The maximum tilt of about 23.5 degrees towards and away from the sun occurs around June 21 and December 21 each year, thereby marking the start of winter and summer respectively in the southern hemisphere. The recent and continuing mild weather suggests winter doesn’t really start until after the solstice. Martyn Yeomans, Sapphire Beach

Coat check

It looks like Bruce Lehrmann is going back for his coat (Bruce Lehrmann files appeal against defamation defeat, June 1). Nell Knight, Avoca Beach

Profit point

I can’t entirely agree with Charles Kent’s sentiment that as a way of revitalising the hospitality industry, restaurant owners should “significantly reduce their profit expectations” (Letters, June 1). However, when I saw that Neil Perry’s restaurant Margaret lists a steak on its menu for $220, I think he just might have a point. William Galton, Hurstville Grove

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