

This was published 3 years ago

Farmers invite opprobrium with ‘Kyoto’ compensation demands

Illustration by Cathy Wilcox

Illustration by Cathy WilcoxCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

Australia leads the world in the reduction of biodiversity and the extinction of native species. “Since 2000 … Australia has cleared 7.2 million hectares of threatened species habitat, largely for farming” (“‘Global pariah’ must commit to save nature”, October 11). Yet farmers are seeking compensation for the bushland they have not cleared (“Farmers insist on payday for Kyoto ‘theft’“, October 11) and seem unlikely to agree to the government’s need for a 2050 net zero target unless they get paid. Perhaps I should be seeking compensation for the coal-fired power station I have agreed not to build on my balcony. - Geoff Wannan, Dawes Point

Australia has cleared 7.2 million hectares of threatened species habitat, largely for farming. This will also have increased our carbon emissions from the loss of forestation and from any cattle being run. The sad part of this is that we don’t need these farms. Two-thirds of the produce from farming is exported. We could easily forego some of this wealth and we would still remain a wealthy country. Buy back these unnecessary farms, let the land regenerate and there will be a two-fold benefit – lower emissions and a regeneration of our wildlife. - Mary Marlow, Blackheath

Illustration by John Shakespeare

Illustration by John ShakespeareCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

The contemporary push to be compensated for allowing trees to stand in the way of agricultural profit during the 1990s is a rather large adversarial bombshell in securing the much-needed peace in the carbon wars. For example, I might make a statement of claim based on the loss of oxygen suffered since we started chopping down trees after 1788. Maybe such a nonsense action could generate the cross-sectional contempt large enough to begin the reconciling moment in the case against environmental treason. - David Gunter, Sydney

Our fossil fuel industry has long enjoyed government subsidies (which we fought hard to protect against the majority in climate talks). A price on carbon would go a long way to righting all the wrongs, but Resources Minister Keith Pitt wants the taxpayer to bail out the fossil fuel industry again. We can do a lot to support workers without directly sponsoring the mining giants (“Libs, don’t let Nats rob taxpayers with coal bailout”, October 11). I wonder where Pitt’s next job will be. - ​Peggy Fisher, Killara

Expecting landholders to be compensated for not despoiling the environment is akin to paying coal miners to not dig up their coal. The National Farmers’ Federation delayed compensation proposal does not pass the “pub test”. I think it just further confounds the climate change debate and gives the Morrison government more excuses to do something it is very good at: nothing. - Russ Couch, Woonona

Lobby groups The National Farmers’ Federation and Queensland’s AgForce want more taxpayer money. How very socialist of them. - John Harris, Goulburn

From an assured denial of the viability of achieving a zero-carbon economy for Australia just before the last federal election, Australian business – according to the Business Council of Australia – has produced a plan to achieve zero-carbon business practices with increased profits sometime in the near or distant future (Letters, October 11). Pardon my scepticism, but will the success or failure of the plan be measured in carbon volumes rather than on the pious assurances of Australian businesses? With that in mind, it is surely time to reintroduce a carbon tax that would introduce a financial motive to reduce carbon proliferation and at the same time provide an ongoing measure of progress. - John Forrest, Annandale

If climate change continues and worsens, can we rely on our lifestyles to remain undiminished? No. Can we rely on our health system to protect us? No. Can we rely on our water and food supplies to sustain us? No. Can we rely on the economy, so aligned to the hearts of conservatives, to preserve us? No. The key question then is: can we rely on our leaders to see this? If the answer is still “no”, then we need new leaders. - Wayne Duncombe, Glebe


Opening up the city creates collateral damage in the regions

Hurray, you say. Divided Sydney no more. But wait a minute. The divide has just changed its position, folks. Now it’s between the double vaccinated and others. Here in regional NSW, many (those not double jabbed) will no longer be allowed to do what they could do before October 11. Is this an advancement to celebrate? - Christine Perrott, Armidale

We in the regions have become collateral damage in Premier Dominic Perrottet’s cynical decision to put the economy before lives. The Sydney gates will soon open wide and the freed residents will make the most of their newly granted liberty to escape to remote parts of the state. Inevitably, some will be COVID-19 carriers. We in Byron Bay, with an abysmal vaccination rate and a proudly antisocial refusal to wear masks, are particularly vulnerable. Our quaint local hospital is simply not equipped or staffed to handle cases. The nearest major hospitals (Lismore and Tweed) are both almost an hour away. - Norman Sanders, Ocean Shores

With all the roads maps on offer, it is timely to note, as Polish-American scientist and philosopher Alfred Korzybski said, “the map is not the territory”. Blindly following any map without checking who drew it or what is happening underfoot will usually lead to some drama in the journey. Our new NSW road map is the creation of a leader who taps a keg in a brewery as the backdrop for his weekend press conference (“Thousands ready to roll up after 106 days of lockdown”, October 11). Crafty? Sure. Small business? Maybe. One of the boys? Who knows what his advisers were thinking. However, as this social experiment unfolds, I remain on high alert checking the maps on offer against my own reality. - Rhonwyn Adele Henty, Drummoyne

It baffles me as to the inconsistent attitude to death demonstrated by our new Premier and his supporters. Members of his conservative religious right faction are bitterly opposed to abortion or right to die legislation, yet they appear to have the opposite attitude when more deaths may be the result of a resurgence of COVID-19. - Bill Higgins, Cammeray

As an ex New South Welshman, I look on in envy and reflect on the state motto: “Newly risen, how brightly you shine.” - Patrick Hennessy, St Kilda (Vic)

Oh, the unbridled joy I feel this morning sipping my latte in a proper cup sitting down in a cafe and being served by my smiling barista! Here comes the sun. - Rhoda Silber, Manly

I was shocked to read (“Fears of COVID-19 mutations in developing nations”, October 11) that there are 20 low-income countries that will not reach 70 per cent vaccination rates until 2030. Wealthy nations are starting to administer booster shots while millions elsewhere are not vaccinated at all. It seems that the only newsworthy part of this is the threat that a new, more lethal strain of COVID-19 will develop in these poorer countries, and spread to the wealthy. If that happens, we will have got exactly what we deserved. - Sue Adams, Dulwich Hill

Make trolls accountable for their words

Rebekah Giles hits one nail on the head when she says: “Freedom of speech was never meant to extend to the freedom to speak anonymously.” It’s not content, but accountable authorship – speaking freely – that truly defines free speech (“How to make social media accountable”, October 11). With its standing encouragement to be sure that before we say something publicly, we’re satisfied we mean it with conviction enough to bear any consequences, the NSW Bar Association model would greatly decelerate the spiral into unaccountable toxicity that internet self-publishing enables. But the pushback against anonymity must be consistent. Letters pages like this one understand the vital civic role of prerequisite contributor self-identification. - Jack Robertson, Birchgrove

Simply put, you shouldn’t be able to have a social media presence/page/identity unless you supply full name and address and phone number, kept in security by the social media “giant”. Then if you step over the line, determined by defamation laws, you can be identified and held accountable. It wouldn’t be that difficult. Politicians and social media (perhaps anti-social media may be a more accurate title) should stop pretending it’s too hard. I can’t get a letter published in the Herald without identifying myself. Why should I be able to spread mistruths in another similar medium without sanction? - Phillip J Kerrigan, Mortlake

I join those who support Barnaby Joyce’s attack on the internet trolls abusing his daughter and the tech companies that enable such cowardly, anonymous abuse (Letters, October 11) and share the sentiments of Rachel Lord (“Political families are not fair game”, October 11). My concern is that many of the same voices appeared silent or relatively muted regarding the vicious abuse and threats on social media directed at Adam Goodes and Yassmin Abdel-Magied. Double standards? - Al Svirskis, Mount Druitt

Let me die, or it’s goodbye

As an older Australian, I’ve watched three good friends die from cancer in recent years (“Premier to be tested as bill finds support”, October 11). All lingered for many months after a terminal diagnosis, in physical pain and mental distress. NSW is now the only state not to have legal voluntary assisted dying. If the current bill before the NSW parliament does not pass, then I, like many others, will start planning to move interstate. NSW has by far the highest number of over 65s among the states. So, this is not just a question of ethics and compassion, it’s a question of economics. - Kevin Fell, Cooks Hill

Now that voluntary assisted dying legislation is about to come before state Parliament, we can look forward to seeing the true colours of many of those who have been bloviating about “freedom” for the past 18 months. - Scott Rhodes, Frenchs Forest

One of the overlooked benefits of an assisted dying law is that many people actually live longer. Many of these terminally ill people take their own lives prematurely anticipating what is to come and while they are still physically capable. Knowing there is a safe legal alternative means they can choose to wait and in many cases they may not even need the medication but the peace of mind knowing it is there also gives them a better quality of life. - Debbie Ditchfield, Vaucluse

I disagree with Black Dog Institute chairman Peter Joseph, who says suicides could decrease if voluntary assisted dying is legalised. The legislation will send the message that death is a good solution for suffering. Other people suffering in our community, including those with mental illness, may well ask: “If it’s good for them, why not for me?” - Richard Sweatman, Rankin Park

Which is the greater sin? To aid a suffering, terminally ill person to be relieved of their agony; or to stand by, witnessing the other’s suffering so you can feel righteous? To torture another is still illegal, isn’t it? - Kathleen Hollins, Northmead

Silence of the partisans

Can you imagine the shrieking from the Alan Joneses, Gina Rineharts, Rupert Murdochs, Tony Abbotts and Barnaby Joyces of the world if there were a federal Labor government in power (“New spending adds to debt and deficits with no end in sight”, October 11). Kevin Rudd and
Julia Gillard were pilloried by these people when their much lower government spending saved us from the global financial crisis. Now, when government debt has increased from $273 billion to $847 billion under this Liberal/National government: not a peep from these partisans. - Brenton White, Mosman

As government debt edges towards $1 trillion, it would appear that red is the new black. Looking forward to the new mugs. - Charles Hargrave, Elizabeth Bay

Only criminals jail kids

I am deeply troubled by today’s report that Australia continues to defy calls to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14. (“Pathway to raise criminal age revealed”, October 11). I find this completely inexcusable, and the thought of children as young as 10 being locked up quite abhorrent. The Aboriginal community in particular needs extensive funding to provide children and families with the support they need to prevent and assist with behavioural issues in the young. The communities need to be able to participate and contribute to what services they need, and we need to act. Anyone who sentences a child to be locked up in the absence of the care and support that they and their family clearly need is, in my view, a criminal. - Jill Ellen, Ashfield

For bettor, for worse

Apart from making some people very rich and keeping regulators busy, is there a reason our society needs casinos at all (“‘Dirty’ dealings of cleanskin casino”, October 11)? - Judy Sherrington, Kensington

Come in, come in!

After months of solitude, my wife and I were so excited to receive our first houseguests that we listened intently for 15 minutes and accepted two copies of The Watchtower. - Col Burns, Lugarno

I asked new neighbours around for a cup of tea this week, apologising for the unexciting invitation. They said they were really excited. Their last outing was for a colonoscopy. - Lorna MacKellar, Bensville

Be careful about hugging your parents, Peter Miniutti (Letters, October 11). It’s Freedom Day for the virus too. - Chris Moon, Katoomba

I’d truly love to be able to hug my parents again, Peter Miniutti, but the cemetery administrators do have some stifling rules. - Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

On Freedom Day I danced in the street while holding my phone to block the sprinkling rain, and displayed my COVID-19 vaccination certificate to the grey sky. - Keith Russell, Mayfield West

Barrelled over

Can we assume that the barrel which the new Premier was rolling out in your photo contained just beer, and no pork (“Thousands ready to roll up after 106 days of lockdown”, October 11)? - Peter Mahoney, Oatley

Now that the Premier has rolled out the barrel, will the beer become the Dom Perignon of craft beers? - Geoffrey Williamson, Woollahra

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Charities fear $150m hit from new government rules
From amusedmuse: “Isn’t this supposed to be the lower taxing party that likes to cut bureaucratic red tape?”

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