

This was published 6 months ago

Dunkley shows repeating slogans is bad strategy for Coalition

The Albanese government should be well satisfied by the Dunkley byelection result (“The one word that sums up the Dunkley byelection result”,, March 3). Election analyst Antony Green has calculated that the average swing against governments in byelections since Federation has been about 3.5 per cent. The Dunkley swing of 3.8 per cent is about average and is no vindication of Peter Dutton’s campaign strategy. The Coalition paraded the old mantra that it manages the economy better but the robo-debt debacle and the $22.1 billion surplus achieved by the Labor government for 2022/2023 were strong evidence to the contrary. We do face economic problems but the Dunkley result confirms that the Coalition does not prove anything by repeating slogans. James Moore, Kogarah

The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the new Member for Dunkley Jodie Belyea on their way to Oliver’s Corner in Frankston, Melbourne on Sunday.

The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the new Member for Dunkley Jodie Belyea on their way to Oliver’s Corner in Frankston, Melbourne on Sunday. Credit: Penny Stephens

As this was a former LNP seat, the result for Dutton is abysmal. If this is part of their wonderful new strategy of winning the next federal election, they are dreaming. Brian Johnstone, Leura

The community has largely decided to stay the course in what’s a coastal electorate on the gateway of the Mornington Peninsula. And while Liberal and Labor bigwigs prefer to play golf at the other end of the peninsula with rich men, Dunkley is a pretty nice place to live, and though people mostly aren’t rich and life is more expensive, they’re working and in loving families, and the kids are all right. John Dobinson, Brisbane (Qld)

Think the Coalition is wanting to go back to the election of 2019 when they beat Labor on the threat of removing tax concessions and scaring us about refugees. My guess is that Australia has moved on … not sure about the Coalition. John Rome, Mt Lawley (WA)

Watching Sussan Ley and Jane Hume perform on Saturday night, you would have thought the Liberals had won the byelection. No grace in defeat, reminiscent of Scott Morrison in 2022; no appreciation in evidence of the actual numbers; spin and falsehoods and no hint of irony in their catchcry of “we’ve sent a message to Anthony Albanese”. That message seems to be that the government is actually doing OK. Mickey Pragnell, Kiama

On Saturday night, although the Liberals lost the byelection, Sussan Ley and Jane Hume joyously appeared to think they had been on the winning side. Queen of exaggerated mannerisms and bonhomie Michaelia Cash should be concerned: she now has two very serious rivals for her crown. Robyn Park, Balgowlah


Peter Dutton, Sussan Ley and Angus Taylor’s continuous attacks on the government had not achieved the results they were hoping for in the Dunkley byelection but backfired spectacularly. The attacks are getting very monotonous. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

Congratulations to the Albanese government for holding on to the south-east Melbourne seat of Dunkley after Saturday’s byelection and to its victorious candidate Jodie Belyea, who got off to a winning start with this acceptance speech declaration: “I’m now the second-most important Jodie in Albo’s life”. Eric Palm, Gympie (Qld)

It’s obvious the citizens of Dunkley like a bit of mortgage stress, supermarket inflation, expensive fuel, soaring rents and the virtual extinction of bulk billing but, like a lot of Australians, they know the prime minister has a plan and his word is his bond. Paul Haege, Darling Point

Voters saw through Morrison’s cultish spiel

How could “Scotty from Marketing” resist selling religion to the Australian electorate (“Did Pentecostal Morrison blur line between church and state?”, March 2)? Scott Morrison was the man elected by supernatural intervention. He had all the cultish leader’s essential accoutrements: a bullying and blustering style; profoundly oppositional/confrontational, brooking no dissent and possessed of the salesmen-like smarmy half smile/half leer. Trouble for Morrison was the decidedly non-religious nature of half the population and when Australians saw Morrison leave fiery heat-blasted Australia in God’s uncertain care, they announced at the next election that they were finished with theocracy by stealth. Trevor Somerville, Illawong

Scott Morrison at his Horizon Church during the 2019 election campaign.

Scott Morrison at his Horizon Church during the 2019 election campaign.Credit: AAP

In a long article, no mention of Morrison’s blatant hypocrisy. As an architect and implementer of robo-debt with his boast of being a “tough welfare cop” he presided over a sustained brutal attack on some of the most vulnerable in our society. An attack that contravened the basic legal principle that the prosecution has to prove guilt rather than the defendant prove their innocence, as well as any notion of Christian charity. Daniel Flesch, Bellingen


Without a shadow of doubt, Morrison’s decisions would have been influenced by his unquestioned adherence to the Pentecostal creed. While Morrison would strenuously deny any conflict, if his beliefs were at odds with matters of national interest, his religious ideals would always win. Morrison’s evasive, dismissive responses to many fundamental issues were testament to this. Particularly galling was his public statement that he can’t save the world but he believes in someone who can. Praying to a mythical saviour was Morrison’s answer to governing this country. Joy Nason, Mona Vale

If Morrison attributed his victory in 2019 to a miracle, what caused his defeat in 2022? Divine displeasure? Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

Last time I looked, we live in a pluralistic democracy, not a totalitarian atheistic state. Morrison has a right to allow his personal beliefs to shape his policy positions. However, if we really want to be a pluralistic democracy, we should allow people to put forward their faith-based position. To say it is wrong to allow a faith-based motivation to affect public policies is a step closer to totalitarianism. Brett Richardson, Wollongong

Recent commentary has focused on how Morrison’s religion may have influenced his decision-making. Fancy someone who had Christian principles using those principles to influence his decisions! While I recognise that some of Morrison’s decisions were not always Christian, for instance, robo-debt, I would much prefer a leader who had strong moral convictions rather than one who prided himself/herself on having no convictions to guide his/her life. Michael Walsh, Croydon

Mardi Gras’ night of hope, colour

I’m sure there are many other old, straight codgers like me who enjoyed watching the colour, enthusiasm and hope of the Mardi Gras parade (“Mardi Gras parade to lift the spirits”, March 2). It’s all about love, acceptance and inclusion. Of course there are some, mostly allegedly religious people, who consider that love should be restricted to heterosexual individuals only. That kind of thinking has little currency in today’s society. Let tolerance and diversity roll! Derrick Mason, Boorowa

Sydney’s Mardi Gras

Sydney’s Mardi GrasCredit: Getty Images AsiaPac


Cups overflowing

The knowledge that there are 1.4 billion disposable coffee cups discarded each year to landfill, our waterways and open spaces is confronting (“WA races ahead with ban on single-use coffee cups”, March 2). Yet reading that NSW and Victoria, representing 58 per cent of our population, are dragging the chain on banning single-use plastics leaves me all frothed up. With single-use plastics estimated to generate as much greenhouse gas emissions as the UK, it’s surely time for leaders in our most populous states to phase them out. Karen Campbell, Geelong (Vic)

Yay! Now, if only fruit and vegetables had their own skins, so all of our big supermarkets wouldn’t need to wrap them in plastic. Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown

WA is also ahead on banning the release of balloons. Unbelievably, NSW still allows up to 19 balloons to be released at a time. This is despite a huge amount of evidence to show the harm caused by releasing balloons. The Environmental Protection Authority advises against the practice and lists balloons as a “priority threat” in the Marine Debris Threat and Risk Assessment. Karen Joynes, Bermagui

We had men walking on the moon in the last century but nobody has been able to invent a totally recyclable single-use coffee cup. Perhaps it is time to go back to the tearoom at work and make a cup of instant coffee in a ceramic cup. Robyn Lewis, Raglan

Vocabulary additions

Today, I learnt a new English word, uxorious, in reference to Scott Morrison’s having excessively open fondness for his wife Jen (“Scott Morrison’s exit sermon was 5482 words. I’m speechless”, March 2). A few months ago, I had come across the word “lambent” while reading Bob Carr’s eulogy to his beloved wife Helena having “a beautiful pair of lambent eyes”. While both occasions were about farewell, I could not help noticing the first being an attempt by a failed PM “to convert a perceived public taste for the personal into public popularity” as Malcolm Knox put it, while the second, a pure, sincere and genuine public adoration of Bob Carr for his wife’s beauty and their mutual love, respect and devotion! Felix Orcullo, Wahroonga


How many other readers hit Google for “uxorious”. A new word to add to my lexicon, thanks, Malcolm. Rose Lysnar, Orange

Work experience

Peter Hartcher’s idea to make better use of former prime ministers is excellent (“Let’s put ex-PMs to good use, March 2). It benefits the individuals and the community. But, it presumes that retiring PMs have skills they have built on during their term of office. What skills did Abbott and Morrison bring to public life from their former private lives? This becomes a growing problem as younger and younger MPs enter public life before they have any, or even much, work experience behind them. Do we need to make this a pre-condition for aspiring representatives? Glenda Gartrell, Newtown

Let’s put our ex-PMs to good use

Let’s put our ex-PMs to good useCredit: John Shakespeare

It takes a lot of chutzpah to suggest that a person who has been in the highest-paid 2 per cent of the workforce since his election to parliament in 2007 should be appointed as a “paid special envoy” just in case they decide to sell Australia’s security secrets. No price would be too low or a salary too high for such a person. Maurice Critchley, Mangrove Mountain

Many ex-politicians have skills, abilities and experience which could prove to be invaluable. However, in the case of Scott Morrison, I would be very concerned about him mentoring newer politicians, or becoming any sort of envoy for Australia. Peter Hartcher makes the point that we don’t want ex-politicians selling state secrets. Does that mean that Australians should continue to support ex-prime ministers in the manner to which they have become accustomed for the rest of their lives? I would be most reluctant to support Morrison financially any more than he is strictly entitled to. To continue to pay him so that our state secrets are safe seems like paying an errant misfit so that their behaviour doesn’t become worse. Meg Mangan, Tamworth

Scott Morrison had nearly two decades in parliament earning a substantial salary, plus all the perks. Why should the taxpayer now fund a “phantom job?” We do not owe him or others that come after him another job for life. He must have a better superannuation payout than most Australians, yet he seems not to be satisfied. I am sure his church could find him work as a pastor, when he returns from his US book tour. Robert Pallister, Punchbowl


I was bemused by the title of your story, “Where does ScoMo rank in the pantheon of former PMs?” Pantheon implies that our former prime ministers were all gods. How about Numpty-on? Frank Formby, Austinmer

HECS failure

HECS was a “brilliant idea”, thought up by a bunch of entitled politicians as a methodology to reduce government spending on education (“Banks urged not to lock young out of house market”, March 2). The majority of those who voted to implement the impost of HECS on future generations enjoyed a state-paid tertiary education and believed those coming after them should pay for this benefit. The greatest investment any nation can make in its future is the education of the next generation. They threw out this concept in 1989 on the basis that user pays must prevail. Thirty-five years later, it has become clear this policy has failed, not just in terms of quality tertiary education but also economically. The “brains” of 1989 had insufficient foresight to envisage inflation, had insufficient knowledge and experience to design a system that accounted for major shifts in the economy including wage stagnation, the impact of taxation benefits they provided to the wealthy and cashed-up superannuants, consequent rising property prices and the lack of government investment in society and housing. So much for the “intelligence” of the political policy-makers. And as for indexing HECS debts, we are fortunate no bank has attempted that with home mortgages.
We are decidedly on a race to the bottom in terms of societal equity. Chris Rivers, Port Macquarie

Tunnel revision

Will the M6 now be known as the “M Sinks” (“Sinkhole puts the brakes on a troubled motorway project”, March 2)? Neville Turbit, Russell Lea

Pooled resources

Black Head on the NSW Mid North Coast has a fabulous ocean pool (Letters, March 2). It is cleaned regularly by a group of committed volunteers and is a source of pleasure for locals and visitors. Not far away, in Forster, is another much larger ocean pool, recently repaired. We are indeed fortunate.
Jacqui Keats, Black Head

 The Palm Beach ocean pool.

The Palm Beach ocean pool.Credit: Nick Moir

How could an article on ocean pools not mention the Merewether ocean baths, Newcastle, the largest ocean pool in the southern hemisphere? Peter McNair, Newcastle

Less is more

Losing your hair is a two-way street: you may have less hair to comb, but you have more face to wash (Letters, March 2). John Greenway, Wentworth Falls

Astle’s addler

Threats from Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin are not even slightly alarming when compared with David Astle’s: All other clues are normal appended to his Friday nightmare. In fact, a suitable clue for his name might be: One vast addle (5,5). David Baird, Burradoo

Parental guidance

Witty quotes from the Whitlams were not confined to merely the parents (Letters, March 1). Their son Nicholas, when asked if he liked swimming, said: “It’s in my genes, the water; my mother swam at the Empire Games and my father thought he walked on it.” Jeremy Brender, West Richmond (SA)

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