

This was published 6 months ago

Build learning on foundations of literacy and numeracy

Explicit” teaching used to be called “teaching” (“Style puts students ‘months ahead’”, March 1). “Student-led” learning is at best misguided, at worst idiotic. Students must be taught how to learn, which includes the methods and self-discipline necessary to gain understanding. Literacy and numeracy are foundation stones that allow children to build knowledge. Clear directions, frequent correction and guided practice, tedious and difficult at first, will reward learners of any age with skill, understanding and eventually the ability to engage in “inquiry-based learning” for themselves. Andrew Scott, Pymble

Credit: John Shakespeare

It’s odd that education research seems to be undertaken in retrospect, and that this so often rediscovers the old as new again. Children need solid basic formative knowledge clearly explained and rehearsed, on which to build their own thoughts as they mature and are introduced to more abstract material.

Anyone who went through school in the 1960s will recall that daily, tables were recited and introduced sequentially when everyone knew them, along with sounding and learning the structure of words and spelling, all very “explicit” instruction to which teachers adhered. It’s arguable that “student-led” or “inquiry-based learning” for young children is more akin to free-range survival of the fittest in that context, inclusive of both students and teachers. Structure is fundamental to how we approach most things, so why remove it from education? Robyn Dalziell, Kellyville

How very disheartening to see successful education reduced to a four-month gain. If you want to develop lifelong learners and readers, you need so much more than explicit instructions alone. You also need great stories, time to read for pleasure, choice and teachers and parents who value reading and model it in their lives. Secondary schools are not factories. They are complex places of learning where skilled professionals use a range of strategies to engage, enthuse and to instruct a wide range of students in the benefits and joys of reading, so they are motivated to read throughout their lives. Deb McPherson, Gerringong

Your article rightly exposes what experienced teachers have always known: explicit teaching methods work ahead of student-centred learning. Having as the expert the teacher, who can scaffold, model, deconstruct and advise students, at the centre of the learning process is something to be celebrated. Teachers have been relegated to the sidelines as shrinking violets who feel hamstrung into taking centre stage and control. When teachers know their subject, are prepared, flexible, can revise and have a sense of humour, they can emerge from the shadows and give explicit teaching a go. Don’t underestimate the respect students show to teachers who are knowledgeable and who can deconstruct an idea or concept. Brian Thornton, Stanmore


Grandstanding ASIO playing politics

It comes as no surprise that the ASIO boss provides scant details that an ex high-ranking MP “betrayed Australia to foreign spies” (“ASIO boss refuses to name ‘traitor”’ , March 1). From time to time, ASIO breaks cover to raise its head in order to justify its massive funding and existence. Like the CIA, Australia’s spy agencies are money-guzzlers and serve no useful purpose. There are six intelligence agencies located in Canberra. All are staffed by bright, conscientious and talented people. I challenge any one of them to list a single important historical peacetime event in which their intelligence has played a decisive role. There is no way spending more than $1 billion a year of taxpayers’ money on spooks can be justified. In the name of fridge magnets, stop it. Ray Armstrong, Tweed Heads South

Mike Burgess is rightly held in very high regard for his professionalism but with his recent reference to “a politician” he has underestimated the potential for Peter Dutton to weaponise his remarks. The thinly veiled implication that it was a Labor politician was entirely predictable. William Forbes, Medowie


Credit: Matt Golding

A most disturbing aspect of the spy announcement by Burgess is the timing. The spying event is reported as occurring some years previously, yet the announcement is made two days before a federal byelection. It wrongly places ASIO in the position of being seen to be possibly influencing an election outcome, which is an unacceptable element of politicisation of our security organisation, which must be seen as above politics. Brian Kidd, Mt Waverley (Vic)

Mike Burgess has staged a compelling demonstration of how clever ASIO is and how much it needs to be maintained. He certainly got everyone to pay attention. Mark Porter, New Lambton

On the matter of foreign interference, I am just as concerned about this as I am with the mateship connections between some of our current and past pollies with extremist British and US politicians. Jill Napier, Phegans Bay


Is ASIO seeking an increase in funding? Robert Hosking, Paddington

Manual? Labour

I agree with Kerri Sackville (“My guide to a happier life? Never read the manual”, March 1). But it wasn’t until nearly the end of her piece that the magic words appeared: “My partner, a dedicated reader of technical booklets.” Everyone needs one. Or access to one. These stalwarts belong to an entirely different branch of the human family. For the rest of us, life is too short. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

I, too, regard the reading of instructions that accompany appliances as “manual labour”. The oven I coveted and convinced my partner we must have has yet to perform its multiple functions as I’ve acquainted myself only with the off and on button, which has my husband steaming (I believe the oven also performs this action). Janet Argall, Dulwich Hill

Kerri Sackville, I’ve heard that if you lay flat-pack furniture out and begin talking in Swedish, it assembles itself. So no manual required. Pauline McGinley, Drummoyne

Tuning out

David Flint and Alan Jones on a streaming channel (“Jones’ return to streaming news channel on the cards, March 1). No, thanks. The football is starting this weekend. Tony Doyle, Fairy Meadow


Hair-free, carefree

Baldness also has another positive: it saves money on haircuts. Even if you do still have some hair, the purchase of a set of hair clippers lets you quickly trim the remaining strands (Letters, March 1). Michael McFadyen, Kareela

The world must take note of Gaza devastation

Does it matter what column the most recent deaths of Palestinians are added to (“More than 100 killed as Israeli troops fire on Palestinians seeking food”,, March 1). Whether it’s as a result of a food stampede or shot by the IDF, innocent people continue to die. When will the killing and dying be enough? John Bailey, Canterbury

Train to nowhere

Lamentably, the guardians of the state’s public transport system do not have a vision; they have a view. Putting aside the latest and greatest hits, including obese carriages on the Blue Mountains line, sky’s-the-limit river catamarans, and bendy harbour ferries, we now read that the forever forthcoming interstate rolling stock will contain no sleeper carriages (“New train fleet $826m over budget and three years late”, March 1). In an era where, for example, European rail systems are going gangbusters in their supply of comfy overnighters, we languish in a farcical exercise of rebottling the cost-blowout genie by ignoring passenger needs. Economies-of-scale issues aside, such thinking sidesteps the challenges of keeping this vast country connected with transport choices as well as the lower environmental impact that train travel offers. Honestly, someone really needs to take these decision-makers aside and give them a good talking to. Bradley Wynne, Croydon


Community concerns

It was sad to see so many letters assuming that the call for the police to not march in this year’s Mardi Gras parade is in response to the tragic alleged murders of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies (Letters, March 1). I would urge those letter writers to search for the Herald’s excellent articles on the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes. They might then understand how deep are the concerns of this community regarding the attitude of the police towards them, and that these concerns are not just based on the poor investigation of historic hate crimes, but also on far more recent attempts to downplay and undermine attempts to highlight these issues. NSW Police needs to respond to the findings of the Special Commission and work harder to rebuild trust with this section of the community. Megan Kemmis, Marsfield

Super stupid

The very predictable outcome of the fiscally grossly expensive decision by the Morrison government to allow $38 billion to be withdrawn from superannuation funds is now plain for all to see (“Pandemic super scheme to cost taxpayers up to $85b”, March 1) Expenditure on boats, holidays, cars, etc under the mantra “it’s your money” shows just how irresponsible the decision to allow raids on super funds was. Despite the crass stupidity of this politically expedient action, the Coalition is still committed to the policy. James Tulloch, Westleigh

Gender imbalance

Allegra Spender and the women of the teal wave would have been natural candidates for the Liberal Party in the first place - they are successful businesspeople (“Why Spender will never join the Libs”, March 1). Their problem, of course, is that they are the wrong gender. For the old white men who run the party, the first and primary criterion in the merit selection of candidates is their gender – one must be male. So now these old white men are having a eureka moment: “Oh, all that we need to do is to put forward candidates who wear dresses. Let’s recruit those who have already been voted in. We don’t have to change policies after all as long as we have people in dresses.”

That rumble we can feel in the earth is Bob Menzies turning in his grave. Michael McMullan, Avoca Beach


Race to the bottom

What is the purpose of the distinction Sussan Ley asks us to make in her appeal to voters to vote against Labor “if you don’t want Australian women assaulted by foreign criminals” (“‘Disturbing’: Condemnation over politicisation of wrongful charge of ex-detainee”, March 1)? Is it that it’s OK for them to be assaulted by Australian citizens? Or is it just worse to be assaulted by a refugee? Should we really distinguish criminal activity on the basis of race or the citizenship status of the perpetrator? How low is the Liberal Party willing to go to win votes? Mark Pearce, Richmond

Climate fight

It is fortunate that the article about Sydney’s ocean pools, while extolling their deserved romanticism, also warns of the impending peril confronting them (“Swimming in champagne: a deep dive into the magic of Sydney’s ocean pools”,, March 1). It is crucial to note that climate change-induced sea level rise combined with altered wave regimes and currents will threaten the pools.

Swimmer Margie Charlton said the Palm Beach Rockpool is in a “terrible state of disrepair”.

Swimmer Margie Charlton said the Palm Beach Rockpool is in a “terrible state of disrepair”.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

However, this is just one facet of the changes that will increasingly affect our coastline. The beaches will respond to changing prevailing conditions, exacerbated by more intense storms, both in terms of erosion and shape. To this must be added the threat to low-lying coastal and estuarine housing and infrastructure. While the rise of just over three centimetres per decade may seem marginal, unless planning for this scenario is activated, the costs to the affected communities, and its flow-on effect to the nation, will be vastly magnified. Roger Epps, Armidale

Common sense

The court of common sense would say that no one is above the law (“Court to decide if ex-president had immunity”, March 1). It can only be hoped that the conservative-leaning US Supreme Court has the common sense needed to make a decision devoid of politics. John Cotterill, Kingsford

High castle

This story would not be out of place in a Monty Python sketch (“Scots College castle yet to open as budget balloons”, March 1). You would have to be a pretty out-of-touch parent to associate yourself with this kind of entitled excess. I suppose the message for Scots students is: Rejoice, the age of egalitarianism in Australia is over. Chris McGregor, Cabarita

Cavity gravity

WestConnex: the road that ate Sydney. Literally (“Tunnel workers evacuated as sinkhole puts building at risk of collapse”,, March 1). Stephen Driscoll, Castle Hill

After a series of debacles both above and below ground, the public’s confidence in Transport for NSW leadership is also sinking fast. Patrick McGrath, Potts Point

Heaven and hell

My favourite response from Bob Menzies came when, at a rally, a woman called out, “I wouldn’t vote for you if you were the archangel Gabriel!“. To which Menzies replied: “Madam, if I were the archangel Gabriel, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be in my constituency” (Letters, March 1). Michael Maguire, Emu Plains

Margaret Whitlam once described the rock band The Whitlams as “needing a comb and an iron”. Ron Brown, Wallsend


We managed what Jenna Price couldn’t: we downsized, to a fairly spacious new apartment (“Moneyed Millennials v Boomers, the new battleground”, March 1). We then made our downsizer contributions into super, as the government encouraged us to do. The result? We were maligned for having too much money in superannuation. Richard Grant, St Leonards


Columnist George Brandis’ opinion piece on Scott Morrison’s exit from parliament set the tone of the letters for the week. The former Liberal senator’s “Morrison myopia” was seen as an unrealistically hopeful attempt to salvage the former PM’s reputation. Many writers would have agreed with Colin Stokes of Camperdown when he wrote that “any faint praise” of Morrison reminded him that “even a broken watch is right twice a day”.

When author Michael McGirr asked what the former PM deserved as a memorial, Phil Bradshaw of Naremburn had plenty of ideas: “A fire station, a women’s refuge, a ‘healing hands’ massage service, a refugee centre, a ‘miracle’ spot remover. So many inappropriate options. I doubt he’ll get a much-loved indie band named after him; only Gough gets that honour.”


Peter Mahoney of Oatley was only marginally kinder: “Though I’m not a Liberal supporter, I wish Morrison well. However, I sincerely hope that this is the last time he compares himself to the accomplished and erudite Julia Gillard.″⁣

Letters flooded in following ASIO boss Mike Burgess’s revelation that a politician had betrayed Australia to foreign spies. Rosemary O’Brien of Ashfield was concerned about a correspondent’s comment that “all nations spy”. “Suspecting every nation has a low-down, scheming, no-account retinue of spies, cavorting around the world like Inspector Clouseau isn’t particularly re-assuring,” she wrote.

But Alicia Dawson of Balmain was excited: “‘The A-team’; ‘Their Master’; ‘Puppeteer’. This is all very reminiscent of a Biggles’ Big Adventures book.” Meanwhile, Enmore’s Peter Fyfe was savouring the irony: “There’s something deliciously satirical about federal politicians who betray our country and its future every day pondering which of their ilk allegedly did it literally just the once.” Pat Stringa, letters editor

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