Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:
If it was an "open secret" in legal and judicial circles in relation to the alleged behaviour of Dyson Heydon, was there no one with the courage and moral fortitude to call out this accused predator ("Former top judge 'a sexual harasser'", June 23)? Further, if Heydon's alleged behaviour was so well known, how did the processes of due diligence fail so spectacularly in allowing him to become a High Court Judge and Royal Commissioner. These extreme blunders are not mere errors of omission, it could be argued they are examples of blatant turning of a blind eye, and those, for example the Howard and Abbott governments, who have promoted Heydon, deserve community condemnation. - Ross Butler, Rodd Point
I feel terribly sorry for Heydon's family, who are collateral damage in this, but much stronger is my anger at the waste of talent of the two women who left the law and, indeed, the country to distance themselves from him. Or my disgust at the damage wrought to his many other victims, left to watch their alleged attacker go on to continue predatory behaviour. It's a pretty poor indictment of the senior figures within the law of this country that they knowingly allowed Heydon to allegedly carry on like this for years. It makes one wonder how many other powerful men within the bar there are who treat women as prey and escape any repercussions. - Marea Reed, Randwick
An ultra-conservative, Christian married man behaving badly in a sexual manner? That can't be right. Maybe the six women making the claims against Heydon were mistaken. Maybe they didn't realise his actions were "inadvertent and unintended". - Max Fischer, Wollongong
Heydon's dismissal of the authenticity of an investigation into his alleged predatory behaviour simply because it was conducted by a "public servant" betrays his instinctive arrogance. If it were true it would trivialise the work of expert scientific, health and police investigations simply because they were the work of public servants. I respect the efforts of the High Court to provide an independent review outside of the legal bubble and admire the fortitude of those courageous women who came forward. None of us are above the law. - Anne Garvan, Chatswood West
It seems Heydon's public persona of flinty moral rectitude is just as hypocritical as his lofty refrain that "black letter law" judges don't allow their ideological biases to sully their judgments. - Michael Hinchey, New Lambton
What does it mean that a key condition of a sexual harassment inquiry is confidentiality? Does confidentiality mean trashing one participant in public forever? It's not confidential and there's no confidentiality. - Ivan Head, Burradoo
Heydon is yet another graduate of St Paul's College, Sydney whose culture of misogyny and entitlement have filled countless media pages in recent times. The "elite" are so often misnamed. - Louise Whelan, Chatswood
Rotten boroughs in Victoria, a bewigged judge allegedly groping young women. Welcome William Hogarth. May I suggest your next work be entitled The History Lesson with a Bolton and Watt steam engine powering a crane throwing up a massive high rise in Ultimo as a bag of notes is passed under a discarded Chippendale table? - Peter Farmer, Northbridge
Faith in democracy is being undermined because of public cynicism about the abject behavior of people in positions of great power. Now, one of democracy's very pillars, its judiciary, is tainted. Faith is essential in those dispensing justice together with an expectation of exemplary character in those making the judgments. So, when female associates of former High Court Justice Dyson Heydon fear losing their careers by reporting his alleged sexual harassment upon them because he was "too powerful" a figure to upset, the system will be regarded with a shocked disappointment we could do without. - Ron Sinclair, Bathurst
University 'price signalling' blows education off course
Whether certain groups of students or areas of tertiary study will be financially penalised, or whether exploitative university administrators will be selfishly motivated are, without doubt, among the questions to be asked in response to the federal government's scheme to redirect our national cultural and intellectual life through "price signals" ("Warning on new uni fees", June 21, and Letters, June 23).
It is also relevant to ask whether the current government's hubris has got the better of it. The fact is that, since the Dawkins "reforms" of the 1980s and the Howard government's cuts to tertiary funding during the 1990s, our universities have been asked to do ever more with diminishing money from Canberra. It is hardly surprising that they have become marketing operations searching for money wherever it can be found, at home and abroad. But the sheer cheek of Dan Tehan and the Prime Minister for whom he speaks is clear when one realises that their government provides a mere 10 per cent of our universities' operating budgets. - John Carmody, Roseville
Surely, after six formative teenage years at high school (where Robert Frost was most definitely a compulsory part of the day), the real issue about choosing university courses has much more to do with the inclinations and aptitudes that have developed rather than simply which degree is cheaper? I have three children. One studied arts and film, one biomedical engineering and the other journalism. The filmmaker has no head for numbers and readily confesses that they appear as colours in the mind. A degree in science or engineering, no matter how cheap, would not have been wise. We have promises to keep, Mr Tehan, and miles to go before we sleep. Driving along roads built by civil engineers who would rather be making films will most assuredly leave us in the woods. - Graeme Smith, Daceyville
Future Andrew Riemer ("Academic of humanities' heyday played critical part in cultural life", June 23) will be denied us with the government's current plan to suffocate the study of humanities at university. Observations of history, analyses of cultural and societal practices, recording information, reading and understanding stories and creating new ones feeds our souls and minds. Why would any government want to discourage that? - Judith Fleming, Sawtell
The government's new fee schedule for undergraduates is extremely clever. Not only will it win the culture wars in one fell swoop by killing critical thought at its origin, but it will serve the government's big business clientele by flooding the job market with cheap substandard "scientists". As for nurses and teachers, they have been getting a bit uppity of late, and nothing will serve to put them in their place (and cut salaries) like crowds of unemployed teachers and nurses. Who knows? In a generation we may all be speaking in tongues and believing the ads we see on TV. - Richard Affleck, Medlow Bath
Academic freedom is not only the freedom to research and comment and teach; it is also the freedom to learn. Our society needs academic freedom as a buffer to the whims of governments. Universities stand as bearers of bad news because they can, and the humanities stand at the forefront of the purveyors of inconvenient truths that politicians would rather weren't uttered. Minister Tehan's attack on the humanities is more an attack on academic freedom than it is a misunderstanding of the value of humanities. - Craig Hinley, Linden
A 66 per cent rise in the cost of a creative arts course shows this government is not serious about preparing Australians for our rapidly changing world. Instead of harnessing the skills of Australians with a genius for creativity, they are opting for a docile cadre of graduates ill equipped to apply innovative skills to new, rapidly changing contexts. The dummies of the new world. - Jim Doyle, Concord West
I completed five university degrees in the humanities and it didn't cost me a cent. I ended my brilliant career teaching physics and maths at a senior high school. Who are these people who make these ridiculous statements about learning? The sooner politicians and education providers get back to the real game, the better. That game, of course, is the knowledge business. - Brian McKeown, Long Jetty
Creativity is the one area which should be encouraged to provide future job opportunities. Factory-fodder maths can be replaced by technology. Wake up, Australia — vote with your feet. - Ronald Smith, Waterloo
Another super idea falls flat
Kevin Rudd is correct in his assertion that the government is conducting a crusade against our highly-praised superannuation system ("This could be WorkChoices Mk II", June 23). Apart from efforts to prevent an increase in contributions, we have had both Andrew Bragg and John Alexander suggesting that super should be used to pay off mortgages and now Lyndon Gannon wants to use it to pay off student loans ("Unlock super to pay off student debt", June 23). The irony of all this is that if these ideas were put into practice, very few people would have enough to live on in their retirement and the number of people needing a government pension would be far greater. But I guess that would be a problem for a future government. - Peter Nash, Fairlight
As a retired humanities academic, I wonder if Gannon understands compound interest? Does he understand that, qua investment, the trajectory of the domestic property market is now quite hard to predict? With regard to his proposal, has he considered likely consequent changes to the retirement pension: the family home becoming a pension-relevant asset for instance? Has he thought of federal government incentives to the private sector to construct dedicated long-term rental housing? If Gannon represents the type of advice that Joe Hockey received in office, it is not surprising that Hockey's sojourn as treasurer was brief. - Diane Austin-Broos, Glebe
Conduct that bugs me
The current trial in which Bernard Collaery is being prosecuted – for revealing Australia's role in bugging East Timor's government building in 2004 to gain advantage in crucial oil and gas negotiations – exposes this government's duplicity on three levels. Firstly, the bugging itself of a foreign government's offices raises questions as to possibly being a criminal offence. Secondly, to instigate proceedings against Collaery for supporting the whistleblower who exposed the offence is mind blowing. Thirdly, to rule that the proceedings must be conducted in secret is damning evidence of this government's cynical attempt to cover its total disregard of justice in these proceedings. - Michael Healy, East Maitland
No one doubts the need for governments to protect sensitive and confidential information ("'Whether this gets me in trouble, it remains to be seen': Xenophon attacks national security laws," June 23). This is in the national interest and may keep us safe. But when governments seek to hide their own apparent wrongdoing, shelter their own and persecute whistleblowers our protectors are compounding their sins. Secret trials are the hallmark of repressive regimes and can only erode public trust in our government. - Mark Paskal, Clovelly
Private power grab
The renewable energy boom coming seems too good to be true, with many more expressions of interest than the Berejiklian government expected ("State's west set for clean energy boom", June 23). But it is another case of a free kick being given to big business while the people pay many millions to upgrade the network so that the clean power is profitable. International power corporations and investors are laughing as the Premier gives away another state asset. NSW should be building and owning this vital infrastructure, retaining the equity in the capital investment to avoid future costs to the state in a warming climate. - Barry Laing, Castle Cove
To the drawing board
We are yet to see all the changes the curriculum review will bring ("Courses cut, syllabus rewritten in curriculum overhaul", June 23), but let's not forget that all schools in NSW follow a mandated pattern of study for K-12. No teacher in any school 'makes up' their own subjects, and every classroom has always had students of different levels of ability and at different stages of understanding since schooling began. We have been "going back to basics" now with every successive government since the 1980s. - Jennifer Carter, Oyster Bay
"Back-to-basics" is the educational equivalent of law and order. It makes a government sound tough and decisive, while at the same time it is, yet again, fiddling around the edges of policy. - Phillip Cooney, Warrimoo
It is to be hoped that proposed curriculum changes for NSW aren't based on any US models. You only have to watch a Trump rally to work out how well their education system is working out. - Brian Collins, Cronulla
Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:
Natural selection
Can Gladys see the irony of the "lighting displays featuring native birds and trees" ("Deep, blue, see: light at the end of $3b tunnel project", June 23) in the NorthConnex tunnel after continually destroying living trees, replacing them with an underground, concrete route, devoid of anything natural? - Margaret Harding, Chatswood
Do the tree images recall the beautiful fig trees which once graced Sydney streets before they were bulldozed? Maybe Joni Mitchell was right all those years ago when she sang "they took all the trees and put them in a tree museum, and charged a dollar and a half just to see 'em". - Steve Taverner, Gulgong
Time to make history
Your correspondent's calling for a living museum dedicated to Australia's first people is an exciting idea that deserves enthusiastic support (Letters, June 23).
Unfortunately it is not a new sport stadium that no one wants, or an existing museum being moved to a new site for the sake of political expediency, or a public transport system allowed to blowout to double its original budget. If it were, it would get an unequivocal nod. - Robert Hickey, Green Point
Great idea, Elizabeth Maher. Let's go a little further. Consult First Nations people regarding such a 'space' which then would be developed, established and run by First Nations people. And the site? Parramatta – it would then have the capacity for being a culturally significant 'powerhouse'. - Sharon McGuinness, Thirroul
Head for the hills
David Elliott is a bit late to the party in his criticism of overdevelopment in his electorate (Letters, June 23). In Carlingford, there are 25-storey, ugly apartment blocks slapped up with no available green space, no decent transport link and detrimental outcomes for local schools and traffic. This area was within Mr Elliott's electorate when the development began but not close to where he lived. At the edge of his responsibility, it was out of sight and out of mind. Nimbyism in high places? - Anthony Ryan, Carlingford
Elliott is doing what democracy is supposed to do: represent the people of his electorate. That would include the longstanding community opposition to controversial residential development in forest right next to Cumberland State Forest. - David Durney, North Epping
Baker's delight
Bruce Pascoe's rediscovery and cultivation of kangaroo grass or mamadyang ngalluk is inspiring ("An ancient grain is back on the menu", Good Food, June 23). I shall store the article in our copy of Dark Emu and hope to be able to sample bread made from this grain one day soon. - Nola Tucker, Kiama
Congratulations to Bruce Pascoe for making bread from native grain. Where can I buy a loaf? - Andrew Macintosh, Cromer
Tunnel vision
Let's hope no one ever refers to the opening of the new NorthConnex tunnel as 'historic', otherwise this NSW government will demolish it in a flash. - Geoff Wannan, Dawes Point
Degree of difficulty
If Annie Ployment is going to take over from Jobson Grothe Jim Dewar (Letters, June 23) then I would advise her not to take on an arts degree as Dan Tehan knows that won't get her a job. - Ken Pares, Forster
I'm sad my birth child, Jobson Grothe, is no more – but Jim Dewar (Letters,June 23) reminds me of Jobson's niece, Annie Ployment, rumoured to be dating Reece Hession. - Rosemary O'Brien, Ashfield
Puzzle piece
One of the clues in the Quick crossword was "constituent". The answer? "Ingredient" (Puzzles, June 23). It's helped me to better realise why some state and federal politicians think that they can have their cake and eat it too. - George Zivkovic, Northmead
It doesn't happen often but today the Puzzles page is a verso (left) even-numbered page. Soooo much easier to lift out to work on. - Chris Sinclair, West Pennant Hills
Where credit is due
Well, as the saying goes, creditors have better memories than debtors ("Jury believes Adler over sour loan", June 23). - Edward Loong, Milsons Point
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