

This was published 6 months ago

Democracy sinks under a series of low blows

Sean Kelly has asked one of those questions we really don’t want to find the answer to (“How low can our politics go?” March 4). I thought we had arrived there some time ago. Children overboard? Robo-debt? Electric vehicles ruining our weekends? A failed marketing figure acting like the Messiah, when he was really just a naughty boy? Then we had more shameful lies during the quelling of the Voice. If the best the Liberals can come up with is a shadowy figure hiding in the shadows because he is another electoral liability, in that long line of liabilities, then it’s time for another chapter in the ABC’s Nemesis series. Perhaps it’s time for the PM to take the initiative and continue to raise the tone of the national conversation. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese

Peter Dutton and Anthony AlbaneseCredit: Jim Pavlidis

The Dunkley byelection has shown the stark contrast between the Labor and Liberal parties’ priorities. Post-election, Richard Marles spoke of going to bed every night “thinking about how we can improve Australians’ lives”. The Liberals merely attempted to spin the result into some sort of victory, and appear to have no other raison d’etre than getting themselves back into government, despite having no discernible policies. One day it might dawn on the Libs that it will take more than total negativity, opposition to everything, vitriolic oratory, denying science for political gain, and stoking fear and division to win back voters. Some positive policies are needed. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

The Coalition must rethink its nuclear power policy after failing to retake Dunkley. The Liberal candidate could not rule out a nuclear reactor in the electorate. Australians need the Coalition to explain where nuclear power plants would go, where their waste would go and how much it would cost. We know they will not be viable in remote locations and need to be close to water. Ultimately, they would be built in our towns and cities. We should be looking to our abundant renewable resources for energy security, supported by investment in transmission and storage infrastructure.

Nuclear power was a 1950s solution. Taxpayers would be lumbered with at least a $30 billion bill or power bills would at least triple under the Coalition’s nuclear plans. It is time the Coalition came clean on its nuclear agenda. John Grimes, Mawson (ACT). Chief executive, Smart Energy Council

Did Sussan Ley just recycle Billy Snedden’s response to the election in 1974: “We were not defeated. We did not win enough seats in order to form a government”? The shorter version was better: “We didn’t lose the election. We just didn’t win it.” Peter Morgan, Brooms Head

The byelection in Dunkley revealed a disturbing trend in political campaigning. Our privilege of free speech is being increasingly abused in political advertising by the use of misinformation or just plain lies. Advance Australia, financially backed by some of Australia’s wealthy oligarchs, exploited these tactics in Dunkley. Advance Australia was also responsible for vigorously promoting racial fear and prejudice during the Voice referendum, as well as pursuing an extensive campaign of climate change denialism.


A healthy democracy relies on a common acknowledgment of the facts. While there will always be hyperbole during an election campaign, there has got to be a point where we draw the line on political enablers of all colours. In America, where truth in politics has long been sacrificed to satisfy private prejudices, democracy is much the worse for it. Under Australia’s present electoral laws, it is easy to promote deliberate misinformation and shadowy prejudices that threaten confidence in our democratic process. We already have truth in advertising laws for consumer advertising; it is about time all political parties were subject to the same checks and balances to prevent wilful lying to win elections. Bruce Spence, Balmain

With Dutton not having any substance or alternative policies presented to voters in Dunkley, his mantra “if you don’t know vote no” has come back to bite him. Ed Gaykema, Kiama

Some of the Coalition’s tactics in the lead-up to the Dunkley byelection are a direct rip-off of the US Republican Party’s “migrant crime” catch cry. It’s a feature of the right of politics that when you have no meaningful policies, try and generate fear based on migrants and poor people. Stephen Rayner, Westleigh

Junk food ad ban first step in tackling obesity issue

I urge the PM and Health Minister Mark Butler to pick up and run with Dr Sophie Scamps’ private member’s bill on junk food advertising (“Third of Australian adults obese”, March 4). This is a ticking time bomb of suffering and cost to person, family and an overloaded hospital system. Striving for ideal body weight is not about appearance; it is about looking after one’s blood vessels, large and small, to reduce the substantial risk in later life of heart attacks, strokes and other debilitating outcomes, all consequences I’ve seen too often in my decades as a hospital doctor.

Banning junk food advertising before 9pm on all media, including social, as Scamps advocates (and as already legislated in the UK) is a necessary step that would show true commitment by government. Action, not just words. Graeme Stewart, Palm Beach

Andrew Wilson has lost 70kg since 2020 and thinks weight stigma is stopping many people from seeking help.

Andrew Wilson has lost 70kg since 2020 and thinks weight stigma is stopping many people from seeking help. Credit: Dean Sewell


Inexpensive highly processed convenience foods are responsible for the obesity epidemic. They’re readily available, cheaper than healthier food but don’t sate appetite. A tax on them would help, but the government has no desire for any new tax given the Coalition would use it as political ammunition. So, parents could use every meal as a teaching opportunity and only provide access to ABC TV children’s shows, which are advertising-free. Anne Matheson, Gordon

The problem of obesity and childhood weight issues begins very early in life. People have been offering my child sugar ever since she was a toddler. At the local swimming pool, dance classes and even at school; other parents and teachers seem to have a ready supply of chips, biscuits and lollipops to offer my daughter, without my approval and it incenses me. It’s very difficult to keep your child eating healthy food when lollies are waved in front of her face and tantrums begin when mummy says “no”.

I suggested on our school Facebook group that lollies be banned at the school, particularly when a child is having a birthday and other parents supply bags of lollies to every child. The response from far too many people was “sugar is everywhere anyway, so may as well just continue to hand it out”. I can’t believe parents say this given what we know about obesity, diabetes, tooth decay and behavioural problems, all of which can be attributed to junk food. Nicole Taylor, Hurlstone Park

With a quarter of Australian children now obese or overweight, the government needs to do more than ban junk food advertising. Ensuring school children play sport and exercise must also be a priority. Once lifetime healthy habits are formed, it will be easier to treat any problems they may have when adults. Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill

No-one ever brave enough on tax

Ross Gittins is dead right when he says that neither of the two big parties is game enough to make real tax reforms (“Stage 3 tax cuts were irresponsible – and they still are”, March 4). The Henry Tax Review commissioned by the Rudd government was published in 2010, but only three of the 138 recommendations were implemented. One that was implemented was a super profits tax on the resources industry, which then mounted a huge advertising campaign against it, which was credited with Rudd losing office to Julia Gillard. The tragedy is that the Coalition did nothing in the nearly 10 years it was in power and the current Labor government is not brave enough to implement any serious change to our now creaking system of taxation. Peter Nash, Fairlight

Stage three tax cuts and trickle down economics

Stage three tax cuts and trickle down economicsCredit: Cathy Wilcox


Why do the major parties ignore opportunities for tax reform? One reason is that the media prefers to report on controversy rather than constructiveness. Another is that multinational corporations like fossil fuel companies avoid paying their fair share of tax for the Australian resources they consume, so they buy favourable policies from the major parties instead. Ross is right – if we enact significant tax reforms, then we will be able to spend more on the public services we need, and only the independents and minor parties are prepared to pursue big positive changes for great public benefits. Peter Moore, Newport

As Gittins argues, the persistent and inane narrative that cutting taxes is an exemplar of good government has a range of negative impacts. Any possibility of resolving the housing crisis is obliterated. It means that government funding for health and education is necessarily limited resulting in an increase in the use of private health and education by those households that can afford it. People reliant on government benefits for their income will be forced to rely on meagre government benefits in perpetuity. In sum, cutting taxes benefits that proportion of the population that is already financially secure, and ensures that for a sizeable proportion of the population, life is a constant struggle. Alan Morris, Eastlakes

Maths skills a plus

It’s farcical to call the so-called two-unit HSC maths course “advanced” when there are two more challenging maths courses (one-unit extension and two-unit extension) included in the school curriculum (“Sydney Uni drops HSC prerequisites”, March 4). Basic calculus, for example, does not qualify as advanced. The two-unit maths course is more appropriately designated “standard”. If there is a problem with intending or potential future university students choosing not to study two-unit maths at school, the cause(s) of that problem needs to be addressed directly. Ameliorating some of its adverse consequences by diverting intended tertiary education funds to remediating inadequate secondary schooling is not a solution. Ross Drynan, Lindfield

The decision by Sydney University to remove the need for advanced maths at school is a classic example of putting the cart before the horse. This change, under the guise of diversifying the student base, is nothing more than an attempt to increase their share of the more able students into sought-after degrees. Surely the better approach would be to increase and incentivise the number of places in the teaching degree to those wishing to study maths and become maths teachers. This would address the maths teacher shortage and at the same time ensure enough students complete advanced maths to then go on prepared for the rigours of university study. Having maths under your belt is invaluable for critical thinking and problem-solving skills across all disciplines. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Schools need more maths teachers.

Schools need more maths teachers.


Ethics not exclusive

May I assure your correspondent that it is possible to hold strong moral convictions without having Christian, or any other religious affiliation (Letters, March 4). Jo Bond, South Melbourne (Vic)

Strong moral convictions are restricted to Christianity? Really? Wolf Kempa, Lithgow

Your correspondent writing in support of ex-PM Morrison’s Christian principles and their possible influence on his decision-making presents a false dichotomy. Being a non-believer does not result in the absence of convictions and ethics to guide one’s life. Ethics can also be derived from humanistic assumptions justified substantially, and sometimes solely, by appeals to reason. As recent events have clearly shown, the taking of life is condemned by the devout, agnostics and atheists alike, while the celebration of love demonstrated by the Mardi Gras remains highly controversial among those of Christian belief. Stephen Foster, Glebe

Strata deterrent

The impact of strata fees is usually ignored by those advocates of older people downsizing from their homes (“‘Unjust and unfair’: How Karen nearly lost everything to strata debt”, March 4). That ongoing, often substantial quarterly charge, combined with the insecurity of title should a developer target a smaller block of apartments and achieve 75 per cent ownership, and so be in a position to force the other owners to sell, is a significant factor in older persons staying in their long-time homes. There is an absolute need to reform the Strata Titles Act, to ensure that strata fees are capped, no major expenses are incurred unless absolutely necessary for the physical maintenance of the common property, and the restoration of 100 per cent owners’ agreement before a decision to sell the block to a speculator. Paul Pearce, Bronte

Tyrant’s legacy


“Monster” is not too strong a word to describe Putin, so disturbingly reminiscent of Hitler, a tyrant democracies spent years fighting – at massive cost – so we could be free (“Put this monster on trial. Let humanity be the judge,” March 4). Just as Hitler invaded Poland, initiating the horror of WW2, Putin has attacked Ukraine on spurious grounds, denying Ukrainians the rights of life and liberty, as Geoffrey Robertson argues. As with Hitler, the murderous Putin rids himself of all significant opposition: the likes of Litvinenko, Nemtsov, the journalist Anna Politkovskaya and, most recently, Navalny. Freedom matters. A trial in absentia is surely needed to try to deter Putin, whose totalitarian mentality, like that of Hitler, represents the antithesis of freedom. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

Geoffrey Robertson rightly posits that Putin will never face an internationally recognised court for his invasion of Ukraine. Perhaps now this highly respected human rights lawyer could give his opinion as to whether or not Netanyahu’s continuation of hostilities in Gaza is excessive. It is unlikely that Netanyahu will ever face an earthly court, but let us hope that in his afterlife he will be called upon to answer for the deaths of more than 30,000 innocent men, women and children, before a panel made up of Yahweh and Moses, respectively the author and deliverer of the sixth commandment of his Torah. Brian O’Donnell, Burradoo

Fresh approach

Good to see that the Liberals are encouraging diversity in the Cook preselection; the top candidate is a male with property interests and a close friend of developers (“Mayor defends voting record ahead of Cook preselection”, March 4). How unusual. Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

Words crossed

When a Google search gives you “British Prime Minister 1840 Crossword Clue” you know how often Herald crossword aficionados go to Google for assistance (Letters, March 4). Alan Robertson, Campbell (ACT)

I loved David Baird’s assessment of David Astle’s Friday crossword as an addled travesty; I long for the day when I don’t have to skip the cryptic once a week because it’s an impossible guess-fest. Barry Laing, Castle Cove

Safe as ‘ouses

Heckler to Robert Menzies: “What are ya gonna do about ‘ousing, Bob?” He replied: “I will start by putting an ’aitch in front of it.” Frank Behl, Winmalee

Classics conundrum

Those readers who had to consult a dictionary for the meaning of “uxorious” clearly never learnt Latin at school (Letters, March 4). Uxor is the Latin word for wife; it is not difficult to see its derivation even for those with a mere smattering of Latin. It merely emphasises how sad is the demise of the classics in our education system. Terry Charleston, Cootamundra

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