

This was published 10 months ago

Coalition cheap shots just show their irrelevance

Despite his warrior reputation, Winston Churchill also advised that, “Jaw Jaw is better than War War”. I think that Churchill would have seen the constant jibes against Airbus Albo (“Who would want to clip his wings?” , November 14) as typical of the petty games played by shallow political and media operators wedded to tired old slogans used to hide their own lack of depth and original thinking. Compared with the Morrison cabinet, Albanese has colleagues quite capable of running the country in his absence. In fact, his trust in his cabinet colleagues is a sign of leadership the likes of Morrison, with his swag of secret ministerial posts, so obviously lacked. Nick Franklin, Katoomba

The evident global warming toward Australia’s new leadership has resulted in an opposition struggling in the shadow of the PM’s success. With little to say other than to sling insults like “Airbus Albo”, the Coalition’s negative attitude shows no sign of shifting. We can only hope our man from Marrickville continues to restore and reset Australia’s connection with the world; I dub him “erudite Albo”. Janet Argall, Dulwich Hill


Credit: John Shakespeare

PM Albanese, Foreign Minister Wong, their departments and others deserve our sincere gratitude and congratulations. From the previous government, they inherited an irritated China that cost us billions of dollars in lost trade sales in barley, lobsters, wine and more; a distrustfulness in our Pacific neighbours feeling that we were neglecting them; and a dependence on an unreliable defence arrangement with a Trump-led United States. With much work and imagination, our government has turned around all three serious issues in very little time. It is insulting that conservative politicians should accuse the prime minister of being “Airbus Albo” and “missing in action” when he is repairing damage caused by the previous Morrison-Dutton government.Bill Kierath, Bathurst

I, too, am weary of hearing the cheap shots like “Airbus Albo” that Peter Dutton throws around so that they can be picked up by some media outlets in the hope of diminishing the efforts of our prime minister. At present, Albanese heads a federal cabinet whose ministers are more disciplined, hard-working and productive than any we have seen for some time. He said when elected that he would only intervene if he felt it was necessary. His team allows him to do his job of representing Australia overseas. Dutton would do well to put his own house in order. The first step might be to try to dissuade former Liberal prime ministers from heading overseas to talk about the “Good Old Days” when they were in power and about maintaining the rage on all things “woke”. Jan Boyd, Sylvania

Unsurprisingly, Nick Bryant goes in to bat over Albo’s list of overseas jaunts, while chiding the opposition for calling the PM to heel. It was the prevailing bushfires and his absence on hols that clobbered Morrison. A reasonably patient public will always be miffed if there is current at-home hardship aligned with frequent photos of their serving PM striding up yet another long aircraft stairway into first-class luxury. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

Go back to 1947 for root of Israel-Hamas conflict


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

We were all appalled by the murderous rampage conducted by Hamas (“Why the ‘c’ word is so difficult”, November 14). But the war didn’t start with that event. It started in 1947 and resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, whose children and grandchildren are the bulk of the people living in Gaza today. Since then, Gazans have suffered from an ongoing military occupation. And from 2006 they have been living under a brutal blockade which confines them in what has been widely described as an “open air prison”. At the same time their cousins in the West Bank have witnessed their lands illegally occupied, often violently, by some 700,000 Israeli settlers. The latest estimates are that over 11,000 Palestinians have been killed, at least half of them children. In the coming weeks, without a ceasefire, Palestinian deaths will grow far beyond the current numbers. How many is the international community prepared to accept? These deaths will not make Israel safer. If anything they will store up more hatred in young Palestinian hearts. It’s time to break the cycle of violence by promoting a just solution to this senseless conflict. Vincent Sicari, Haberfield

Near the Gaza border

Near the Gaza borderCredit: Getty Images, Europe

I suggest to Peter Hartcher that once you start killing terrorists in Gaza civilian injury ceases to be “incidental” and becomes an inextricable part of the process. Moreover, killing terrorists can only produce more terrorists to inflict more civilian injury. That is why anything less than a step toward ceasefire is irrational. Mark Porter, New Lambton

Despite predictable, extremist criticism by the Greens, Penny Wong’s “nuanced intervention” on Gaza is arguably the best approach to the shocking October 7 Hamas attack. Israel’s very existence is at stake. I trust we have not forgotten the Holocaust? Israel had no choice but to defend itself. However, in responding it must stay, within the Geneva Conventions which stress the reduction of suffering and the saving of innocent lives. A ceasefire will surely help ensure that public sentiment, disturbed by the loss of both Israeli and Palestinian lives, will not further inflame anti-Semitic sentiment, which is all too easily aroused. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

Thank goodness for Penny Wong and her measured, nuanced responses to an increasingly impossible situation in the Middle East. As a government, there is little we can do other than to call for peace. Taking steps towards that aim, as suggested by Wong, is undoubtedly difficult territory, but reasonable and sensible. Backing one side against the other can only be divisive and inflammatory. As a nation surely there is much we can do internally to prevent the rise of ugly, race fuelled violence. Promoting respect for fellow Australians, whatever religion or background, would be a good starting point for both sides of politics. Steve Fortey, Avoca Beach

While Israel and Hamas are at one another’s throats, we argue over semantics. Genevieve Milton, Dulwich Hill


Landlines serve no good purpose

The landline in our house (Letters, November 14) have now become the default highway for incoming scam calls. I can’t recall the last time I received a genuine call unrelated to a scam. One such “incoming” answers itself with a friendly… “We can’t answer your call at the moment. But if you….” etc. And happily hangs up on itself. Requests to Telstra to cancel the landline altogether are met with caution; as though the sky will fall in. Joe Whitcombe, Bronte

Phone booths still have their uses.

Phone booths still have their uses.

Recent letters highlight the uselessness of landlines in our modern internet-based communications. My grandfather, who was a senior engineer in the now defunct PMG (predecessor of Telstra & Australia Post), was proud that telephones were independent, because all telephones were directly powered by telephone exchanges with battery and generator backup. In the 1960s he told me, “When the Commies attack they will disable the electricity grid and block the roads. We have to be able to ring Robert Menzies and tell him ‘Bob, the Commies have arrived’. The telephones are critical to our defence.” That elegant system has been abandoned, landlines are now powered from a socket in situ, and it only takes some IT simpleton or a local power failure to disable the system and create chaos. Christo Curtis, Beaconsfield

Patrons behaving badly

It’s not only at arts venues that people behave badly these days (“Theatre audiences must get their act together”, November 14). In any restaurant there is bound to be at least one table of very loud, obnoxious diners. A polite request to keep it down a bit is often met with astonishment, indignation, and the spurious defence that “it is a public place”. The principle that you can do what you like in your own home but, when out and about, need to consider others, seems to have been turned upside down in these narcissistic times. Ross Duncan, Potts Point

Oh, Christopher Bantick, I hear you. No one wants to hurt anyone’s feelings these days for fear of reprisals by the ill-mannered. What should be said to these individuals is, “that bloke in the red shirt, four rows in, put your phone away now”; “that woman in the loud, puffy blouse, six rows in; put the sweets in your bag”; “that person in the middle with their feet on the seat, remove them now”. And, by the way, “it is a public space, so sit there, shut up and remember you are not the only one on the planet and only your mother loves you”. Bernadette Scadden, Earlwood


Double standard

Morrison’s nose is out of joint because his Ngurra project is yet to see the light of day (“Morrison urges completion of project”, November 14). He argues that governments should be bigger than orphaning a worthy project because they did not initiate it. It’s too bad neither he nor his party had that mindset in the lead-up to the referendum on the Voice. Dutton is clearly deaf to that view, considering his persistent negativity. Graham Lum, North Rocks

Last word

I lamented to my boss that I acquire books faster than I can read them (Letters, November 14). His reply was that he has the same problem. His solution was, “Well, if I cannot read them at least my estate will.” Terry Funnell, Parramatta

Your correspondent bemoaning his fate in not having another book to start immediately needs to get an e-reader. Finish a book at 1 o’clock in the morning? Nothing else to read? No problems; your e-reader can provide one in next to no time and all without switching on the light. Some models also support access to your public library at no charge. David MacKintosh, Berkeley Vale

Is this the answer?

Is this the answer?

As the author of a few books, the best editorial advice I ever got was simple: “Make sure your manuscript runs no longer than the concentration span of a reader on the beach at Xmas.” I’ve come to learn they’re wise words for writers, and I’m sure readers would agree. Jeff Apter, Keiraville


Litter city

Ditto to your correspondent (Letters, November 14). After a recent trip to Norway and Finland, I was distressed/disappointed/disgusted comparing how much rubbish lies about the streets and railway tracks in Sydney. The day we returned, I visited someone at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown and counted 20 take-away coffee cups thrown onto the ground outside. Come on Australia, can’t we do better than that? Shame on us. Elly Haynes, Orange

Your correspondent should travel on any train in and around Naples, especially the Cumana line from Montesanto to Torregaveta: makes our lines look like Japan’s. Ryszard Linkiewicz, Woolooware

Write club

It is good meeting other Herald letter writers (Letters, November 14). I’m fortunate I’ve met a few who live just several minutes walking distance from me. With two of them plus one other who, for some reason, lives north of the harbour, we call ourselves the POFs, Pens Of Fury, able and willing to write a letter about almost any issue. Of course, we don’t always agree with each other’s missives. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

I was fortunate enough recently to catch up with Barry Laing, a regular letter writer from Castle Cove, for coffee at our local cafe. My goal is to gather other Herald letter writers from Castle Cove for morning coffee every few months. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

Trump invokes Bard


Whenever I hear Trump’s rants (“Trump labels his political foes ‘vermin’” , November 14), Shakespeare’s words come to mind: “…. a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.“
Edward Loong, Milsons Point

Ageing issue

It is an age-old problem (“Theatre audiences must get their act together”, November 14). I believe you will find that the rise in annoyance regarding audience behaviour at an entertainment event rises at the same rate as the rise in age of the said complainer. Margie Christowski, Roseville

Reader reviews

The alarming revelation was there for all to see from the Herald’s restaurant reviewer, Terry Durack - “I forgot to have dessert” (“Like a duck to water”, November 14). Has the time arrived to deputise some readers to carry out dessert reviews? Rod Leonarder, Roseville

Map advantages

The advantage of paper maps over electronic maps is that batteries are not required. And, in any event, you would only be trekking during daylight hours (“Hikers rescued after mishap on Google Maps”, November 14). Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

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