

This was published 10 months ago

Economists, would Coalition be doing any better?


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Do people really think that changing the government will have any impact on the cost of living (“Voters’ gloomy outlook worsens”, November 13)? Indeed, do they believe that any party can control things that are independent? What evidence do they have that Peter Dutton and his crew would manage things better, or is it just that things have got worse, so it must be Labor’s fault? Counterfactuals are always problematic, but maybe economists should use their prognostic powers to determine what the current position would be if the opposition’s policies had been implemented instead. David Rush, Lawson

It would seem that myths are very hard to break. Despite the Coalition leaving the country with nearly a $1 trillion debt with nothing to show for it, a decade of stagnant wage growth, never delivering a surplus, bungling our transition to renewable energy, wrecking our trade relationship with our biggest partner and wasting billions on pork barrelling, somehow, in the minds of voters, it remains the better manager of the economy. Baffling. Ross Hudson, Mount Martha (Vic)

Perhaps the most important lesson for politicians from the Voice referendum was that people want to be listened to. I suggest the reason for Labor’s popularity slide is that in this time of economic stress, the rich pay less tax, get negative gearing and franking credit benefits, and their companies rake in huge profits while increasing charges and prices. Want to get more votes? Fix these, or risk a protest vote next election. Allan Kreuiter, Roseville


Credit: John Shakespeare

Do we want the government to ease the cost of living or to maintain the cost of living at an unsustainable level? Norm Neill, Darlinghurst

The cost of living continues to hurt household budgets and, as polling is suggesting, it is reducing support for the government. Yet, the government still remains firmly committed to the stage three tax cuts, which put more after-tax dollars in the hands of higher income earners and less in the hands of those hit hardest by rising prices. It just doesn’t make sense. Mike Kenneally, Manly


It is difficult if not impossible for the government to implement an increase in wages except for mandating a minimum wage and paying government employees more. However, the government does have control over taxation. As the risk of its losing majority government increases, Labor should look extremely seriously at a redistribution of the largesse being offered primarily to high earners next July. A reduction of taxation for those less well off and under increasing financial pressure could stem the further drift of Labor voters to the Greens. Geoff Harding, Chatswood

Increasing GST is a blunt instrument. A better way might be to remove the capacity of businesses to claim back GST paid during the production process of goods and services. The final price paid by consumers should then drop, as the GST has not been passed on. Although businesses would then claim the GST as an income tax deduction and reduce revenue, it would force the government to seriously consider the stage three tax cuts, together with all the other tax concession. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Leave some books under the Christmas tree this year

The correspondents on the decline in adult reading since 2019 have made some excellent observations (Letters, November 13). The statistics have evolved during COVID, when bookshops and libraries were closed, making it difficult to buy or borrow books. Book clubs were not in operation during COVID and some of them have not resumed yet. Hopefully, reading habits will return to pre-COVID times and with Christmas approaching, what a wonderful opportunity to buy books as gifts. Robyn Lewis, Raglan

In reply to your correspondent being disappointed when she reads a highly promoted book, she should use this formula. Take your age from 100 and only read that number of pages before deciding to continue or not. As one gets older this method saves a lot of time when there are so many more interesting books to read. Elizabeth Alice Lemcke, Kiama

Deck the tree with boxes of books

Deck the tree with boxes of booksCredit: imageBROKER / Alamy Stock Photo

I was fascinated to read that by 2010, there has been an average of over 750,000 new books published every year (and rising) and that there are more than 130 million unique books in existence. I would suggest any reader who no longer finds modern books to be engaging, would solve that problem by reading older books. Andrew Brown, Bowling Alley Point


Finishing a good book without another to start immediately is a fate almost but not quite worse than death. Fate caught me out recently, sending me to my un-curated home library. Several chapters in and 45 years after I had first read it, John Steinbeck’s classic The Grapes of Wrath had me struggling with the vernacular prose, feeling it had dated. I persevered and was rewarded. His writing of human tragedy, hardship and universal inequality is timeless. Golf may be a good walk spoiled, but a long-haul flight is never an ordeal with a good book. Howard Charles, Annandale

I’m all for any initiative that will provide more access to cultural places, activities and objects, but unless children are enabled to develop a love of reading for enjoyment, you have lost them as adult readers. Giving every 65-year-old a book voucher is just another band-aid solution that does not promote reading beyond that one-off purchase. Libraries are one of the most used and visited cultural places, yet ongoing state and federal economic support is diminishing. A strong economic focus on ensuring well resourced school and public libraries is essential in developing lifelong reading habits in children and their then being able to maintain this as adults.Rather than shouting book vouchers, why not ensure each newborn and also senior reaching 60 receives a local library card and direct that funding into local school and public libraries instead? Sharon McGuinness, Thirroul

Close the door on lobbyists in federal parliament

I can’t express how disappointing it is to read that the Labor government may stifle a debate on lobbyists (“Ryan opens fresh front in battle to rein in lobbyists”, November 13). The call for transparency here is such an easy fix to restore some confidence in government. When so little is being asked for, one wonders why so much is feared. I had hoped for more from this Labor government. Elizabeth Darton, Lane Cove West

The lobbying industry is one of the greatest scourges on our democracy. The fact that money means industries can buy people with experience to influence government policy, and the whole operation is opaque, is a blight on our parliamentary system. If our Attorney-General thinks he can bury this issue, he needs to think again. Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

Greedy lobby

Claims of generous donations to the local community have long been foundational to licensed clubs’ PR (“Clubs give generously to themselves”, November 13). The real significance of $105 million is only apparent when expressed as a percentage of actual gambling profit (or losses). And now we find that a significant part of this largesse isn’t actually supporting junior sport or other needy groups. Come on, Chris Minns. Stop dallying and confront this greedy lobby. Kim Crawford, Springwood

Where has all the profit gone, long time passing ...

Where has all the profit gone, long time passing ...Credit: Jason South

Registered clubs legally directing poker machine revenue as donations to their own coffers puts a new spin on the “charity begins at home” adage. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Democratic rights

So what, Chris Minns (“Minns says city’s major rallies cost $1m each to police”, November 13)? Honestly, you sound like a Liberal premier, not a Labor one. Are you suggesting it’s too expensive to express our democratic views on the streets? Do you think this revelation will deter people from showing their feelings when they are shocked by events? What’s your next step: discuss the subject on radio, perhaps, or pass a new law? Stephen Rayner, Westleigh

Catch 22

Perhaps underpinning the ecological credentials of the NSW Forestry Corporation (“Report finds 1200 breaches in native forest logging”, November 13) is a management mantra: “I saw a glider that wasn’t there. That glider wasn’t there again today. I wish, I wish that glider would go away”. This catch-22 approach of “If you don’t see something, how can you consider it” is putting the greater glider into a downward spiral? Steve Dillon, Thirroul

Calling it


Your correspondent (Letters, November 13) ends her letter with, “Meanwhile we’re not giving up our landline”. Unfortunately, as my wife and I found last week, our landline failed along with our mobile phones and in fact was out longer than our internet or mobile services. This is partly because, since the NBN, landlines are no longer completely independent in the carrier’s system infrastructure. However, one may ask why the facility of dialling 000 was not retained? Surely there should be a significant backup system to ensure this emergency facility is retained during such outages, noting that it is one of the main reasons many families, like mine, retain
our landlines. Darryl Drake, Epping

Once were reliable

Once were reliableCredit: John Woudstra

PMs needed

Could the six former prime ministers who signed a letter condemning Hamas, please sign another letter for the immediate and safe passage of the Afghanistan interpreters and others employed by the Australian government? Many of them are now being expelled from Pakistan, to face almost certain death. Their lives and those of their families are in dire risk, and we, as a country, have a moral obligation to finally bring them here. Colin Thomas, Newtown

Glebe comparisons

Your correspondent (Letters, November 13) may be disappointed if she hopes the new interchange will tell motorists where to go more clearly. Coming back from Hunters Hill to Glebe, I took my normal second-from-the-right lane when at the interchange, to allow me to turn right there and then left to Glebe. To my amazement I found myself driving across the Anzac Bridge. I still don’t know what I should have done to get to Glebe by the Crescent. Then, last Friday, we were going to the Blue Mountains and, to our great excitement, found that instead of turning left at the interchange, we were driving up the new overpass. At the other end we had to drive into Balmain, turn around somewhere and find our way back to WestConnex. I don’t think people who live in Glebe are any more stupid than anyone else. Christine Stewart, Glebe

Elderly Tangaras


Sydney’s Tangara trains will be over four decades old before they disappear from the tracks (“Older trains must serve for longer under deal”, November 13). Some of the old single-deck carriages on the network would have been over six decades old when they were retired, so I suppose we’ll cope. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

The Tangara in 1988, still riding the rails

The Tangara in 1988, still riding the railsCredit: Bruce Milton Miller


On a recent trip to Japan, I realised how dirty Sydney has become in comparison with any city in Japan. Not a cigarette, scrap of paper or any form of rubbish to be seen. What really struck me was how clean and free of crap the railway tracks there are. Look outside the window while on a train here in Sydney and you’ll see rubbish strewn the length of the areas beside the tracks. Can we not, as a nation, clean up our act? What do visitors to our cities think when they see the state of our nation? Dorothy Gliksman, Cedar Brush Creek

Sonic boom

The 24th edition of The Wharf Revue provided a good lot of laughs. However, I think there might have been many a teary eye in the house when a harmonised song about the referendum was performed (“Burke dropped from revue’s ‘Albo of Marrickville’ sketch”, November 13).
Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay

Trump vision

Donald Trump needs to be careful what he wishes for in his desire for a televised trial of his purported attempt to overturn the 2020 US presidential election (“Trump wants Washington trial televised”, November 13). Trump’s attempts to alter results driven by his narcissism and self-importance, all exposed to the world, could lead to his downfall.
Stewart Copper, Maroubra

I think I would rather watch the Kardashians. On second thoughts, I would probably take to my television with a sledgehammer.
Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

Letters rejoice

I have often thought how good it would be to meet other Herald letter writers. To my surprise, when I moved to Coogee I discovered I was living next door to one. Good to know I can message Mark Anderson via the letters page if the mobile network goes down again.
John Swanton, Coogee

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