

This was published 3 years ago

Backflips and double-speak from climate converts

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Never mind the underlying principle of doing the right thing, it’s clear that the latest likely converts to net-zero carbon emission targets are motivated solely by what it might mean for profits for their mega-businesses, or votes for their political parties (“Hypocrisy, cynicism, realism lie behind Murdoch’s CO2 switch” and “Joyce prepares to get behind net zero”, October 12). We shouldn’t be surprised. In true Orwellian double-speak, they’ll doubtless claim they’d been in favour of it all along. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Like a pair of synchronised divers, the Murdoch press turns from sneering climate denial to woke renewables virtue signalling in their headlines, just as Scott Morrison flips from lumps of coal in Parliament to the national consensus builder on climate action. News Corp is the de facto state media for the conservative Liberal Party and we continue to ignore this legislatively at our peril. Peter Spencer, Glebe

The Murdoch press launches its spectacular backflip on climate change and Barnaby Joyce says he will accept a net zero target. Australian “democracy” in a nutshell. Ruth Barcan, Berowra Heights

The capitulation of the Murdoch media, the Business Council of Australia, the PM and now the leader of the Nationals on climate is only partially gratifying to those who have been supporting climate action for what seems an eternity. To have pandered so brazenly to sectional interests in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence is an indictment on all involved. The ensuing damage to the planet and the Australian economy is incalculable. Surely now their entitlement to our trust is damaged beyond repair. John English, Turramurra

Do any of them genuinely regret the decade of delay and damage they have caused to addressing global warming or is an impending election the spur for a coating of greenwash? Michael Berg, Randwick

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

It is not difficult for the Coalition to declare a policy of zero carbon emissions by 2050, even with support of News Corp. These are mere words aimed to capture votes. Any change of direction by Morrison will only be real when he details the steps to be taken to reach the target. Policy announcements do not equate to comprehensive planning. Tony Re, Georges Hall

Farmers face a catch-22 on climate change (Letters, October 12). We need it controlled to stay in production, but we also need help if our production is converted to conservation by law to solve a climate crisis in which every Australian has a share. What farmers fear is that the air-conditioned policy elite will again impose costs on farming activity that benefit everyone else but leave us with an unpaid role of climate stewardship while facing restraints on productive capacity. It’s hard to be green if you’re pushed into the red. Peter Comensoli, Mangrove Mountain

Scott Morrison must be tearing his hair out. Prince Charles is beckoning him to Glasgow to help save the planet, but the conflicted PM thinks he can curry favour with voters by staying home and soaking up some post-pandemic euphoria (“‘Last chance saloon’: Prince Charles urges PM to attend climate summit”,, October 12). Can the PM find his mojo? Will he wow the world with a bold undertaking on zero emissions? Stay tuned. Rob Mills, Riverview


Some suffering surges beyond best pain control

John Watkins trots out the same argument that allowing voluntary assisted dying will prevent advances in palliative care, yet the experience of other jurisdictions that have VAD is clearly the opposite (“Who’d volunteer to die if living well was affordable?”, October 12). Yes, all Australians should have access to the very best pain control, but even the best palliative care experts cannot prevent the horrific human suffering caused by some terminal diseases. Sharon Potocnik, Table Top

Watkins is correct in saying that the availability of specialist palliative care is not uniform across Australia, including NSW. But the problem is absence of government funding and support particularly in regional and remote areas, not an inability of patients to pay. In more than 20 years of specialist palliative medicine practice in the community in northern Sydney and the Central Coast I was never once asked by my managers to inquire about patients’ health insurance status — all patients were treated free of charge. Indeed, I am sure there were occasions where we cared for people who did not have Medicare cards but were treated on a compassionate basis.
The issue of voluntary assisted dying is a complex one but, in NSW at least, it is not a financial one. David MacKintosh, Berkeley Vale

I cannot imagine what a person with unrelieved and unbearable pain is going through but also I don’t trust politicians. I have often wondered if VAD were to be legalised whether funding for palliative care would be vulnerable for funding cuts. Watkins points out that there already is a very good pain reliever available but it is expensive so legalised VAD could lead to wealthy people getting modern pain relief while poorer people are left with suffering or accepting VAD. Valerie Craig, Orange

It’s good to hear that intrathecal care is used by some palliative care doctors. However, while controlling pain, does it also give control of bodily functions, strength to move normally, eliminate oedema resulting from regular surgery, and the ability to digest food? Some people are in such misery, without the hope of a cure, that to deny the option of voluntary euthanasia is cruel. Wendy Crew, Lane Cove North

The fact is that a small minority of patients have pain and other agonising symptoms that can’t be relieved by even the most advanced palliative care. For this small group, assisted dying should be an option. Insisting that patients continue to endure suffering when death is inevitable is just cruel.
Liz Jacka, Marrickville

Watkins fails to mention that even the very best palliative care cannot relieve the suffering of some dying people, regardless of where they live or the size of their bank accounts. He should also have disclosed that he is chair of Catholic Health Australia, which has campaigned against assisted dying laws over many years. Penny Hackett, president Dying with Dignity

Looks like booziness as usual

Couldn’t agree more (“Spare me the pub test, Premier - there’s more to life than schooners”, October 12). Two days of the Premier drinking beer with his mates to signify “freedom day” left me cold. I would much rather have seen him with his wife wrangling their six kids, maybe doing a bit of home-schooling. I guess that wasn’t a blokey enough image. Kerrie Shearston, Engadine

It was neither edifying nor pleasing to see a glittery-eyed Perrottet boozing with his “mates”. If he thinks this little pocket “pub test” performance will win him any votes, especially among women, I think he is utterly mistaken. Not a good look, really. It did not make me feel the least bit confident in him as leader. Gabrielle Merten, Hurstville

Perrottet, like his counterparts Chris Minns, Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese, is a career politician. Their lives are not like ours, and yet they hanker, it seems, to demonstrate a connection to “white middle-aged men”, the ordinary bloke. Goodness knows why they ignore the middle-aged woman. Perhaps they can’t relate, and maybe they’d be concerned that they’d been seen as not macho enough if they were to visit the cinema, the art gallery, or a library with people of all ages and genders. No doubt it helps them that our major political parties accept significant “donations” from the alcohol and gaming industries. Colin Hesse, Marrickville

What sort of role model is the new Premier pouring beers at 10am? Wisdom and safe advice from the former Premier and Chief Medical Officer for some months, which has safely led us to re-open, seems to have been replaced by a shallow approach by our youngest premier. Pamela Newling, Lane Cove

Perrottet, Premier for clubs, pubs and horse racing. Public health? Not so much. Susan Hunt, St Ives

Men, beer and an awkward politician celebrate their “freedom”. What a tired and simplistic representation of us Aussies. The only thing missing were the hard hats and high-vis vests.
Elizabeth Starr, Abbotsford

Freedom not for all

For those with underlying health conditions, October 11, 2021 was Feardom Day (“Tears, beers as Sydney savours lockdown’s end”, October 12) Diana Dixon, Blackheath

Like so many others, I ventured outside my LGA to catch up with an old mate for coffee at a cafe. After ordering and making a beeline for a table with chairs, I noticed that no one had asked us for our vaccination status, although a sign on the door stated everyone had to be fully vaccinated. When the coffees and food arrived, it was clear that the cafe was still operating in takeaway mode, with paper cups and containers. Having said that, we could unmask, sit, talk and laugh at each other. On reflection, good to do the simple things again. Michael Blissenden, Dural

I’m sick of reading about those cafes, restaurants and gyms that say they won’t open until they can have unvaccinated people attend. These businesses forget if it wasn’t for the people who have done the right thing and been vaccinated, they would never open as we would never have gotten to 70 per cent vaccination rate. These businesses don’t deserve the custom of the vaccinated. Stacey Vickery, Ryde

It is very difficult to see the joy of Sydneysiders as they reunite with family. We and others like us in the Southern Highlands, still locked out of Sydney, are in despair as we have not seen our Sydney family since late June. My husband has not been able to visit his 96-year-old mother. With 90 per cent first dose and almost 80 per cent second dose in the Wingecarribee shire, it is heartbreaking that we too cannot share the joy of uniting with our Sydney family. Spare a thought for those not living in Sydney. Susan Guthrie, Burradoo

System burned casuals

While discussion continues on which companies and businesses profited from JobKeeper, I wonder if figures will ever emerge on how many people suffered wage loss and unemployment due to the pandemic (“We can bury JobKeeper and praise it”, October 12). Casual workers in schools, TAFEs and unis, for example, were not eligible for JobKeeper and so were unceremoniously dumped. Many other workers in areas such as retail, hospitality, media, the arts who did not fit the eligibility criteria suffered the same fate. If you were not connected to a private business or company, JobKeeper was not for you. The way in which unemployment and hardship relief was administered and implemented by the federal government was inefficient, discriminatory and basically wrong. Rod Bartlett, Woonona

Let us remember the conservatism cry that governments cannot help the needy because that is socialism, and the system can be abused, but, if anyone gets too much, they will be hounded as criminals. Anyway, giving money away is just poor financial management and we do not do that. And that is the difficult part of conservative government — holding that view while doling out money to business and the wealthy, with no regard to its use or abuse. Peter Bourke, Rockdale

Unstable attitudes

What were they thinking? When senior staff of the building commissioner made changes to defect orders, had they read their own website, which states as the first purpose of its reform program to “protect homebuyers from defective building work” (“No way out for buyers of defective units”, October 12)? Too often, government is distracted from its role to oversee a particular industry by identifying not with the public, but with industry owners and their lobbyists. Angela Michaelis, Balmain

Lead by being kind

If politicians want cowardly attacks on social media to cease, perhaps they should lead by example and stop demonising people from their cowards castle (Letters, October 12). People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Bill White, South Grafton

Off the grid

Further to your correspondent noting that “the map is not the territory”, it should be added that if the map and the territory don’t agree then, generally speaking, it’s the map that’s incorrect (Letters, October 12). Stephen Foster, Glebe

Money exchange

Correspondent Judy Sherrington’s assertion that casinos make some people very rich had a critical omission. It makes many more very poor (Letters, October 12). Peter Neufeld, Mosman

The pup test

If COVID-19 has killed the cheque and with it the “it’s in the mail” excuse, surely it’s given new life to another classic of the genre given the surge in pandemic pets: “The dog ate my homework” (“Cheques check out in year of the cash stash”, October 11 ). Matthew Gibbs, Leichhardt

In their cups

A question for your correspondent who is looking forward to the new mugs: what’s wrong with the mugs who’ve been in government since 2013 (Letters, October 12)? Steve Cornelius, Brookvale

The mugs, Charles Hargrave, are the Australian taxpayers. Robin Humphrey, Springwood

Bloviate first-rate

Ah,“bloviating” — now there’s a word. Not one of mine, but impressive, nevertheless (Letters, October 12). Lorna Denham, New Lambton Heights

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
‘I don’t care what they call it’: Joyce will push on with regional cash splashes
From Michael Cosgriff: ″⁣I applaud the grant going to the Flying Doctors’ building in Mount Isa: these are the sorts of services that are needed in the regional areas.″⁣

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