

This was published 2 years ago

Australia has a moral duty to help Pacific neighbours

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

The Albanese government is under pressure from the Pacific nations, the Greens, teals and many more to increase its carbon emissions reduction target (“Pacific push PM to raise target”, July 14). It is imperative that additional coal and gas developments be curtailed and that measures to offset existing production be introduced to signal meaningful action. The latter could involve a requirement by the fossil fuel industry to progressively invest in green ammonia production. This fuel of the future for shipping and heavy transport could generate zero-emissions for export. Roger Epps, Armidale

Helen Clark, NZ’s ex-Prime Minister, says that Pacific Island nations “will want to see Australia walk the talk” about emissions reductions. But the leaders of these nations must realise that even if Australia achieves its emission reduction targets, this will make little difference to total global emissions (“Pacific must be friends to all, beholden to none”, July 14 ).

China, Australia and America are jointly responsible for a lot of global warming. As such, they have a moral duty to help develop Pacific Island nations, particularly in building more storm-resistant buildings and sea defences. But “moral duty” counts for little in the world of international diplomacy. Geoff Black, Caves Beach

Personal abuse won’t save our climate. Let’s agree on 50 per cent and be good Pacific neighbours.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Reducing our coal and gas exports to 50 per cent will increase their price so the big extractors will probably remain extremely profitable. Easy. Leo Narushevich, Cooma

Those who see red over the Greens’ lack of support for Labor’s 2009 emission trading scheme seem to forget that the Liberal and National parties also didn’t support it, and dumped their leader because of it (Letters, July 14). There was a much better scheme in place in 2011-13 which the Coalition subsequently tore down. Labor was burnt in the 2019 election and therefore reduced their climate ambitions this time. But the election result surely gives them confidence, and a “mandate” to act, at least, in line with the Paris Agreement, which means more ambitious targets. I agree that “the perfect should not be the enemy of the good”, but neither should the “totally inadequate” be passed off as “good”. ​Peggy Fisher, Killara

The convention may be that a newly elected parliamentarian cannot contribute to debate until they have delivered their maiden speech (“Crossbenchers say parliament rule could gag them during climate debate”, July 14), but there is a simple solution to this conundrum. Either change the convention or bring the 35 newly elected MPs in a day earlier. There is no rational reason to maintain such an arcane rule. The affected MPs have been elected and their political positioning was made abundantly clear during the election campaign. I am happy for them to contribute actively in any debate, whether I’ve heard their maiden speech or not. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

US President Joe Biden has courageously sought to bring the leviathan US emissions ship full about. Yet the conservative majority of their Supreme Court has instead failed to support regulation of greenhouse gases (“Biden’s energy chief says climate reform is getting tougher”, July 14). All the more reason to be encouraged by the change of direction in Australia. Encouragingly, this nation’s net-zero voyage appears to be crewed by federal and state bipartisanship with a contingent of entrepreneurs, researchers and innovators on board. The synergy of this new tack has the potential to put Australia on the world map of environmental and economic prosperity. Steve Dillon, Thirroul


Politicians failed to prepare for winter COVID onslaught

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Our government’s response to the latest wave of COVID-19 doesn’t make sense (“COVID-19 rules eased for visitors to NSW aged care homes”, July 14). Last summer, COVID seemed to be on the wane so our governments became complacent. Meanwhile, in the northern hemisphere (where it was winter), countries were battling new outbreaks and rushing out a fourth round of vaccinations. These events were the writing on the wall, yet our health experts’ failed to prepare for the winter onslaught. And at the same time, our politicians bowed to minority pressure groups and dropped vaccination and mask mandates. They thought they were doing everyone a favour but any short-term gains they expected have been devoured by longer-term losses due to rising infection and death rates. Anybody could have predicted these events yet now they’ve opened our aged care facilities to a new wave of deaths. Brilliant. Tom Orren, Wamberal Heights

Stocking up on 10 free RATs before July 31 for those entitled is apparently not possible if one did not acquire any prior to this month (Letters, July 14). As pharmacies are only allowed to process five in one month, anyone who bought a supply earlier when free ones were not available and had not collected any before can only have five. This rule should be waived for this month so that people can have their entitlement, as testing will be used long into the future. Heather Phillips, Wahroonga

It has become apparent that the health of the Australian economy is more important than the COVID health of the population (“Health v economy a false choice”, July 14). Not mandating mask wearing will quickly lead to severe labour problems for all business ventures and the economy in general, with the consequent loss of government revenue. With another predictable nationwide outbreak of COVID, the economy is going to take a predictable “hit to growth activity”. Thinking the pandemic is over because vaccinations are available is a misjudgment. The next six months will be very revealing. Bruce Clydsdale, Bathurst

COVID is rife in my community yet governments are acting as though the pandemic is over. It’s a disgrace. We are, in fact, back to square one. If foot and mouth disease adds to the mix due to a lackadaisical government attitude there as well, the country will be in disaster mode. Julius Timmerman, Lawson

Space telescope shows humanity’s remarkable potential

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Amidst all the grim news whirling around us the wonderful images from the James Webb telescope are both awe-inspiring and a reminder that we are part of something so beautiful and incomprehensible in size and nature that it defies our imagination (“Seeing into distant past to shape our future”, July 14). That man was able to design and launch such a powerful “time machine” to venture into time and space 13 billion light years away is a testament to the remarkable skills of humankind. However, without wanting to diminish this momentous event and be a “bah humbug”, it begs the question that if we are capable of such a complex achievement why don’t we apply the same energy to solving the poverty and unrest in our planet. Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Transport transition

After nearly 12 years of Coalition government, its premier rail project, Sydney Metro, won’t be completed until 2024, or later (“Drop in transport use here to stay”, July 14). We should see a drop in public transport demand due to COVID, weather, strikes, “hybrid working”, limited migration and deserting the expensive city for the bush, as a short-term reprieve. Investment in the rail network, city and country, needs to ramp up, not down. Peter Egan, Mosman

Hopefully, the reduced patronage of public transport is reflected in an increased popularity of eco-friendly bicycle commuting and other “alternate” means of transport, something Europe has experienced for many years. Continued expenditure on dedicated bike paths and the increased uptake of “ride-share” bikes and scooters will allow Sydney to hit a tipping point at which time those on two wheels won’t be looked down upon by impatient motorists. John Kempler, Rose Bay

Rent control

I can appreciate how the pandemic and border closures have fuelled inflation, supply issues etc (“Tenants facing highest rents on record”, July 14). But surely those same border closures would mean there should now be an oversupply of housing and consequent cheaper rents? I smell a rat, and it is called exploitation. Governments need to introduce legislation providing real rent/tenant protections now, especially as an ever-increasing number of Australians will never be able to afford their own home.
Matthew Boylan, Leichhardt

Bean counter

A short while ago some economic experts were forecasting inflation to grow to 7 per cent in the final quarter of the financial year (“Fix budget and bump up rates: IMF pushes for inflation control”, July 14). Today, together with my morning Herald, I purchased some fresh green beans for the canary, one of his favourite treats. The beans were displayed alongside fresh tomatoes selling for $12.90 per kilo. I carefully selected the plumpest beans, six in total, under a price banner showing $21.00 per kilo, roughly 10¢ each. I am wondering how much inflation has really increased during these pandemic and flood-ravaged years we are experiencing. Ken Osborne, Bowraville

Pension pinching

I nearly choked when I read that some retired judges were receiving $365,000 per year as their government pensions (“Axing judge’s pensions would save taxpayers $400 million”, July 14). This really takes the cake for old boys’ entitlements. Trimming such fat with maximum publicity attached would be an absolute winner for the new government. Toni Lorentzen, Fennell Bay

The move to cut judges’ pensions is typical of politicians’ thinking. At least the judges have earned their pensions. If you want to save money then change politicians’ pensions so they can only be accessed after they reach retirement age. This would save us millions of dollars. Richard Kirby, Campbelltown

Corporate bribery

The Herald‘s view on federal election finance laws is welcome but omits a few relevant facts; that not all parties take donations, that some states already ban certain donations, and that public disclosure seems not to deter corporate donors (“Reform of federal election campaign finance laws is long overdue”, July 14). It’s not enough to simply ask for better disclosure of donations. Disclosed donations taint our political processes just the same as undisclosed ones. When parties like the Greens, which don’t take corporate donations, managed to survive and thrive in the recent election campaign, why do we persist to allow corporations to bribe other parties? Barry Laing, Castle Cove

Head scratcher

In my early days men could not enter a church with their head covered and women could not enter with their head uncovered (Letters, July 14). In the last couple of decades, as the baseball cap became a fashion accessory more than a hat, I have often wondered what rules should be followed when a male and female approach the church doors both wearing caps. My confusion was increased with the appearance of a popular music commentator (let’s call him Molly) at a funeral, in a cathedral, wearing a cowboy hat. Peter Bourke, Rockdale

Ladies’ man

When James Bond has a love interest his age or older, only then will we know things have changed (“Hollywood flips script on age gap”, July 14). Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl

Unholy row

Religion is mortal hubris (Letters, July 14). Plain and simple. Alicia Dawson, Balmain

Your correspondent is wrong (Letters, July 14). There is, in fact, very clear evidence that God is a man. Had she been a woman she would have given the sisterhood an extra pair of hands to help with our multi-tasking. Jo Bond, South Melbourne (Vic)

The feminist cult imagined by your correspondent sounds heavenly to me. Viv Mackenzie, Port Hacking

Origin violence a turn off

Brian To’o of the Blues is tackled during game three of the State of Origin Series

Brian To’o of the Blues is tackled during game three of the State of Origin SeriesCredit: Getty

The State of Origin decider will go down in history for all the wrong reasons (“Battle of Brisbane: No holds barred in Maroons win”, July 14). While one Queenslander held a NSW player in a headlock, another punched him in the head and a third Queenslander hit him with a shoulder charge. And this was all after a cowardly blindside shot on the NSW player. In 10 years time, that sequence will be exhibit A in a class action against the NRL and soccer (the real football) will have thousands of new recruits. Well played, Queensland. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

The overblown hype of State of Origin matches sees players swept up in this unnecessary rivalry and has them colliding in high impact gang tackles, risking serious and ongoing injuries. Wednesday night’s game although fast and skilful, was brutal in the extreme and could have resulted in many more injuries than we witnessed. I understand these games are the pinnacle of rugby league and are revenue spinners but at what cost? Don Carter, Oyster Bay

This was not the greatest State of Origin ever. Concussion, punches, all-in-brawls and we should celebrate this? No thanks. The violence – yes, that is what it was – has turned me right off. Bye NRL. Margaret Dowling, Ashfield

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Diverse representation is important, but so is what people stand for
From Parkville Pirate: ″⁣Progress would be a prime minister with a moral compass and the fortitude to make a difference.″⁣

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