

This was published 2 years ago


Reform of federal election campaign finance laws is long overdue

Australia’s electoral system works pretty well, which is why proposals for reform should be considered very carefully.

The former Coalition government’s main focus in this area, for example, was a bill requiring voters to present identification at polling booths to combat voter fraud. The Senate was right to reject the bill because it would have disenfranchised many voters, mostly Indigenous and poor, to solve an imaginary problem. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in Australia.

Special Minister of State Don Farrell has revealed Labor’s plans for very different and more far-reaching reforms. Some of them, such as the proposals for reform of campaign financing law, are long overdue.

When vested interests make campaign donations to buy political favours it corrodes people’s trust. Voters should know who is funding parties when they cast their ballots.

Yet at a federal level the rules are too opaque. The current threshold of $15,200 for disclosure of campaign donations is far too high, allowing many donors to avoid scrutiny, and it also creates inconsistency between federal law and the states which have much lower disclosure caps. In NSW, the cap is $1000.

The federal threshold should be lowered to the level in NSW and, just as important, the rules should be changed so that donations must be publicly disclosed as soon as possible. Currently, it can take up to two years after an election. Since 2019 in NSW all donations must be disclosed within 21 days. The federal disclosure rules should be just as rigorous.

Some of the other proposals, such as a system of truth in political advertising and representation based on one-vote-one-value, sound good in principle but they are problematic in practice.


No one would defend politicians who lie during election campaigns but trying to ban the practice could be complicated. First, it could infringe on the implied right in the Constitution to freedom of political speech. It would also be hard to enforce in a fast-moving and aggressively contested political campaign. Courts or some other body would have to draw the line between a mendacious scare campaign and a robust but legitimate attack on the opposing party. It might be best to leave it up to voters, with the help of the media, to make up their minds.

It is hard to assess Farrell’s ideas on “one-vote one-value” until there is a specific proposal. Farrell said he was concerned that the Northern Territory and the ACT, which have two senators each, were under-represented relative to Tasmania with 12. The ALP’s plan to double the senators for the territories sounds fairer but some might complain that it serves the interests of the ALP which wins more votes than the Coalition in the territories.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese last week backed another change that would allow long-term residents from New Zealand to vote, a right Australians already enjoy in New Zealand. It would be a significant step in deepening ties but the ALP should be wary of any adverse consequences.

Farrell has promised that he will put any changes before parliament’s joint sitting committee on electoral matters and that they will only proceed with consensus.

He is right to take a cautious approach. He should proceed on the principle that if it is not broke, don’t fix it.

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