

This was published 9 months ago

Are racing officials and developers cashing in on housing fever?

We all know that developing Rosehill racecourse into high density one or two-bedroom apartments won’t do anything to address affordability and will just make the Australian Turf Club and developers richer (“Housing bang for buck is no quick crisis fix”, December 8). We have seen unprecedented construction in this city the last five years or so and increasing affordability during the same time. We all know the solution is for the both state and federal governments to build - not subsidise - more social and affordable housing. Todd Hillsley, Homebush

Rosehill racecourse presents a rare perfect opportunity to create a model village of small affordable low carbon emission homes with sufficient green space for the enjoyment of people and wildlife. However, this will only happen with proper government oversight. I hope the Minns government grasp this rare moment to lead by example. Anne Matheson, Gordon


Your correspondent is right to point out that federal tax concessions hamper affordable housing (Letters, December 8). Chris Minns can do plenty at the local level. First homeowners could be fully exempted from stamp duty; investors could, on a sliding scale, pay more duty and the land tax general exemption threshold be removed for investors. Minns has started to unlock the front door - time to throw it wide open. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Billions to be paid by NSW taxpayers to subsidise an industry that thrives on gambling, and no betterment tax to be paid. And what will be built? Not enough roads in and out, dodgy apartment towers, without green space, private schools before public. Steven Lee, Faulconbridge

With political and business leaders spruiking higher density and a burgeoning population, are we going to see more shoddily constructed buildings like the Mascot Towers and Opal fiascos (“Court’s hammer blow to residents”, December 8). Is higher density the answer or just a dense idea? Paul Doyle, Glenbrook

Using Rosehill land for housing is sensible but why stop there. Canterbury racecourse and adjacent land is 35 hectares. The club’s website says the track is small and it only hosts seven mid-week race nights a year. It is 1 km from Canterbury trains. Premier? Martyn Green, Ashbury


The government only needs to announce it is making the dog track at Wentworth Park and the racing circuit at Eastern Creek available for housing and it will have won the quadrella of annoying the supporters of my four least favourite sports: golf, horse racing, greyhound racing, and motor sports. I wonder if I can get a bet on that? Stephen Driscoll, Castle Hill

The sound of silence on Rozelle interchange

The worst aspect about the new Rozelle interchange is that planners must have known for a long time that local traffic would be severely affected, but said nothing (Letters, December 8). Residents on the inner West woke up to find that their travel times had doubled without any warning. This was cruel and heartless to give no time to prepare. Michael Harrington, Bonnet Bay

Tidal flow on the Anzac Bridge would only kick the problem down the road into the CBD, and is not a viable solution to the Victoria Road problem. The current chaos is caused by the design of the Rozelle interchange giving priority to toll-paying traffic on WestConnex. The merge arrangement at the exit from the tunnel should be changed, at low cost and immediately, so that WestConnex traffic gets less priority, and Victoria Rd traffic gets more. Traffic managers in Transport for NSW know how to do this. They have done it for decades on approaches the Harbour Bridge. Brian Watters, Mosman


Illustration:Credit: John Shakespeare

It’s time to go back to the future. All that needs doing for Balmain residents is for the Glebe Island Bridge to reopen for the three hours of the morning peak, close for the day, and reopen for the afternoon peak. Too easy. Benjamin Rushton, Birchgrove

As the tunnel companies promise us extra speed, can we expect them to put their money where their mouth is? Announce a suitable transit speed, perhaps 70 km/hr. If we achieve the promised speed, we pay the toll. If not, the trip is free. The existing toll collection equipment can calculate this. After all, collection of money by deception is illegal? Harald Ehrlich, Balmain


Some politicians are dedicated to the public good

The constant cycle of “bad news” as sensational media reports has made cynicism about politics and politicians the default position for many. But many professional politicians retain at least some of the civic-minded idealism that motivated their entry into party politics. The contrasting examples of the late Peta Murphy (“Murphy’s law: will Peta’s colleagues gamble on her brave legacy?” November 8) and the much maligned Bill Shorten (“Bill caught short on the key issue”, November 8) remind us that political motivations are often realised through years of hard work and dedication to the public good - surely the point of a political career. Notwithstanding the cynical theatre of Question Time, ministers and backbenchers often strive to make Australia a better place in which to live.
Philip Bell, Bronte

The arguments from those opposed to a total ban on gambling advertising sound similar to those from the tobacco lobby and its mates when a ban on tobacco advertising was mooted. All based on the good they are associated with, as if that outweighs the misery and suffering they cause. The tobacco lobby lost that fight, largely because Big Tobacco has been demonised. Here’s hoping that the same thing happens to the gambling industry. David Rush, Lawson

The late Peta Murphy said Aussies lose more on gambling than anywhere else on Earth, and together with our carrying the world’s second-worst mortgage debt makes me wonder if we are any more than tiny islands adrift in an island continent. If only federal MPs taking their long summer break acknowledged the urgent need to rein in the “free” unregulated market and embark on tax reform. We know parliamentary bickering, tinkering with existing laws and massive long-term defence spends is avoidance, and the courage of true leadership is to rise above the baying hounds of outrage. Peter Farmer, Northbridge

Peta Murphy in February. Diagnosed with cancer at 37, she died on Monday, aged 50.

Peta Murphy in February. Diagnosed with cancer at 37, she died on Monday, aged 50.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

We have heard an outpouring of eulogies for Peta Murphy from all sides of politics, from the PM downwards. If all parties want to pay tribute to the late Murphy, the best they can do is follow her committee’s recommendations and ban the gambling advertising ban within three years. Are politicians ready for this challenge? Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill


Joint effort required to improve classroom standards

These results are disgraceful (“Disruptive Australian classrooms among world’s worst”, December 8). The key to change must be in teacher training. My own experience revealed no targeted instruction on how to manage behavioural disruption and nothing had changed when my son trained many years later. The prevailing idea seems to be to send student teachers on prac, and hope they learn by osmosis. Pam Ayling, West Pennant Hills

What is wrong with teachers that they accept that kind of behaviour? Certainly, some have never known anything else in their lives and so continue it in the classroom. Society has become louder and louder and that has flowed into the classroom. As a casual teacher for several years after many years of full-time teaching I was amazed at how little control some teachers had over their classes and how much bad behaviour they accepted. The teacher has to take control, but currently it appears the children take control. I even read about one teacher asking what were the best sound cancelling ear phones for the classroom. Of course, if children can’t hear they can’t listen. Clearly there is much wrong when so much noise and disruption is happening. It is time trainee teachers are helped to develop their management skills to help students control their own behaviour. It is also up to parents and society to bring up children to be better behaved and quieter. Quiet parents, quiet children; quiet teachers, quiet students. The same goes for respect. This has to be a joint effort where everyone does their part to rein in disruptive children and adults. Augusta Monro, Dural

Teacher battalions

The latest education department lunacy proves how out of touch with schools they are (“Deputy principals and senior teachers told to get back in the classroom”, December 8). Every teacher knows that deputies are flat out - all day, every day - dealing with discipline issues. There are entire battalions of qualified, experienced teachers available. They are “working” in district, regional, area and state offices as consultants, planners and “educational leaders”. Get these teachers back into classrooms and it will help solve this latest staffing crisis and also reduce the amount of compliance paperwork they create for teaching staff. Ask any teacher what benefit we receive from district office staff and you’ll hear crickets. Matt Horne, Forster

The minister needs to think very carefully before she accepts advice from the NSW Department of Education. Deputy principals have enormously complex jobs and tying them to classrooms is a dangerous concept. The department has failed over the last 20 years to recruit and maintain teachers in our schools and now returns to one of its favourite methods of solving problems. Blame the schools and the teachers. Change something within the schools which will make their numbers look better but which will have serious implications in the operation of each school. Richard Prosser Armidale


School value?

Fact: there are 40.1 school weeks in a year, fewer in private schools. Question: just what would I get for paying $1000 a week for my year 9 child to be educated (“Sydney private schools lift teacher pay as fees tip past $40,000 for year”, December 8)? As a retired educator of many decades of successful teaching in public schools, my mind reels in response. Lorraine Hickey, Green Point

Unfair America

An American economist is telling Australians stage 3 tax cuts are fair (“Stage 3 tax cuts make sense - but with one exception”, December 8). Fairness as defined by America, a country that doesn’t have a halfway decent medical system because the well off don’t want anyone to benefit from any tax they can’t avoid, particularly if they are poor or black. As for high-income Australians, why not publish the actual amount they pay, not the nominal amount they supposedly pay. John Macintosh, Merewether

We’ll adapt

There has been much gnashing of teeth recently, in the urban areas, about the reduction of mail services to every second day, as opposed to daily delivery (Letters, December 8). Two points are worth making here. The first is that, when I was young (I was born in 1943), and lived in Sydney, mail was delivered twice daily Monday to Friday, and once on Saturday morning. The second is that for more years than I care to recall, mail here in the rural area where I now live, mail delivery days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday; that’s it. The sky has not, at this point, fallen in! Guess what. We adapt and survive. Ian Usman Lewis, Kentucky

The Last Post.

The Last Post.Credit: Matt Golding


“Online banking has replaced the need for human interaction” in bank branches and AI is “taking over many processes done my mere mortals”. Your writer also seems to welcome letters, like bank branches, being “best left to go the way of the dinosaur”. Overlooking the lost art of letter writing, it is now becoming harder and harder to find someone to talk to when seeking advice or needing to solve a problem. And we wonder why online scams are proliferating. Ageing is challenging and isolating enough without fast changing technology and the imperative of cost efficiency resulting in loss of sight of the value of social connection and human interaction. Barbara Anderson, Waverton

Animal crisis

Amid our housing crisis, spare a thought for our fellow wildlife whose homes continue to be chopped down for human development and progress (“Rio’s rainforest mine a step closer”, December 7). From greater gliders to swift parrots to chimpanzees, endangered species have a housing crisis too. Amy Hiller, Kew (VIC)

Trump wants to play with his toys again

Asking Donald Trump to promise not to act like a dictator if he became president is like showing a child into a room stacked with toys and saying that he mustn’t touch them (“Dictator claims denied, ‘except for day one’”, December 8). Joan Brown, Orange

Itsy bitsy

This delightful column reminded me of a story told by someone who had worked at a nudist colony. She stated that nudism was fine until one trips on a tent peg (“Some things are best left undone in a skimpy bikini”, December 8). Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie

As an old man who body surfs in Speedos, I only get to see women in skimpy bikinis from afar, scurrying away up the beach shielding their children’s eyes. Col Burns, Lugarno

Two Joneses

Between the Alan and Eddie goings-on, I’m having trouble keeping up with the Joneses (“Jones faces Japan chiefs for second job interview” and “Alleged victim ‘sick to the stomach”‘, December 8). Mickey Pragnell, Kiama

Measly Maccas

Would you like unpaid overtime with that (“McDonald’s hit by class action over ‘free’ hours”, December 8)? Peter Miniutti, Ashbury


“The Rozelle interchange has motorists and residents fuming. Less contentious so far, but with potential to cause considerable local consternation is the Rosehill Racecourse redevelopment. Welcome to the Wars of the Roses,” wrote Doug Walker of Baulkham Hills, pinpointing this week’s big topics. There was a sense of disbelief that Transport for NSW had let down long-suffering commuters and locals with the so-far malfunctioning interchange, with many asking how many more things can it get wrong: “We’ve had ferries, trains, buses, trams ... now this.” Shaun Davies of St Peters summarised it best: “A spaghetti junction that doesn’t pasta test.”


Letter writers were quick to question the premier’s decision to relocate Rosehill Racecourse to make way for a new “mini-city”: would it provide adequate affordable housing, infrastructure and green space? Concerns were also raised that by proceeding with the project, NSW taxpayers would be subsidising an industry that thrives on gambling.

Josie McSkimming of Coogee cheered us up with her reaction to an opinion piece, by Annemarie Fleming, about the things best left undone when wearing this year’s fashionable and (very) skimpy bikinis. “I snort-laughed into my breakfast cereal reading about young women in dental floss swimmers and their beach antics,” she wrote.

“Then an older woman wryly remarked to me at the ocean pool, ‘I don’t know if these girls have ever walked behind themselves’. I queried why we couldn’t see more men showing their bare bottoms. She just raised a quizzical eyebrow and gave me a look of some distaste. More snort-laughing. Heatwave in Sydney here we come: bare bums at the ready.”

Keep snort-laughing, writing, and cool. Pat Stringa, letters editor

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