

This was published 3 years ago


‘Living with COVID’ could end up two very different ways

At the start of the pandemic there were calls for Australians to learn to “live with COVID”. Those calls were mostly ignored by state premiers who ordered stringent public health measures to contain the spread of COVID.

The current rampant outbreak in NSW has led the Prime Minister and the NSW Premier to return to the “live with COVID” narrative. But when we try to imagine what “living with COVID” will look like, we need to realise that there are two very different “living with COVID” worlds.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison outlines the national plan to live with the virus.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison outlines the national plan to live with the virus. Credit: Getty

The first is the 21st-century vaccinated world. A recent Grattan Institute report showed that, with more than 80 per cent of the whole population vaccinated, we could open up our borders and live with COVID without lockdowns.

Living in this world would essentially involve a return to a pre-COVID life – stranded Australians could return, state borders would always be open, and vaccinated tourists and international students would be able to fly into Australia without quarantine.

In this world, even if the virus spread into the population, it would peter out naturally. The virus would still infect people, but the vaccine would protect them from hospitalisation and death.

This is a world of living with COVID safely.

Vaccinated people – even if infected – are less likely to spread infection. Because vaccinated people can still be infected, there might still be cases reported – but for most people the consequences of catching COVID will not be serious.

With most people vaccinated, the virus will not be able to get hold, will not spread exponentially, and will die out without lockdowns.


The alternative world is the 17th-century world, one where vaccines did not exist, or – in the 2021 version of such a world – where many people are not vaccinated. In this world, the virus will spread, and spread exponentially.

More and more people will be infected, and they will infect other people. This is the world that the United Kingdom, the United States and most of Europe is living in, a world of thousands of new cases a day, hundreds of deaths, and overrun hospitals.

ICU staff at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.

ICU staff at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.Credit: Kate Geraghty

It is also the world NSW is living in today – where the virus is spreading among the unvaccinated.

In this 17th-century unvaccinated world, “living with COVID” means living with the reality that some of those infected will end up dying with COVID. And the ones most likely to die are the unvaccinated, and the vulnerable: older people, people with other diseases, and First Nations Australians.


The current reality is that about one-quarter of the Australian population is living in the 21st-century world, but everyone else – everyone unvaccinated – is still living in the 17th-century world.

At the political level, there are two contrasting “living with COVID” narratives in play. One is urging us to stay the public health course until all – or rather, at least 80 per cent – of the whole population is vaccinated.

The other narrative is suggesting we throw in the towel and condemn the unvaccinated to the 17th-century world. This fatalistic narrative suggests that nothing can be done to stop the spread of COVID, a reality fortunately belied by the experience in all states other than NSW.

It is also no surprise that this approach is being suggested by those whose failures have left so many Australians unvaccinated, and thus exposed to the ravages of the virus.


COVID is a nasty disease. It can kill. It can cause debilitating symptoms – even in those who have recovered from their initial symptoms.

We should not be complacent and ignore the benefits of science.

We should demand that political leaders lead us into a 21st-century world of living with COVID safely, not into the 17th-century world of living with COVID dangerously.

Stephen Duckett is director of the health program at the Grattan Institute.

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