

This was published 4 years ago


Government can't sell its economic message – and we all pay the price

One of the big themes of the current era is that we’ve stopped listening to politicians, business leaders and other traditional figures of authority. There are many theories about why.

It could be that ordinary citizens have unprecedented access to a range of data, and that’s made us instant experts who are semi-equipped to question those whose word we used to take as gold. Maybe our attention spans are shorter as we wade through all the information thrown at us.

Or it could be that we’re feeling jaded by the past 12 years of rip-’em-apart politics, breaches of trust by institutions like the church, and malpractice at the heart of our biggest businesses.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison identified this as an issue well before he took the big job. Speaking to the party faithful in 2017 he said Australians are “demanding to be better heard, better understood and to ensure we focus on what matters to them, not us. And above all they want results.” To do that, he said the challenge was to “communicate candidly and with authenticity”.

Which is why what’s playing out in our economy at the moment is so interesting — and important.

Westpac released its monthly consumer confidence numbers this week, and the news wasn’t good – not for the government or the Reserve Bank and certainly not for the likes of you and me.

Consumer sentiment fell 5.5 per cent over the month and it now sits 8.6 per cent lower than it did 12 months ago. That’s despite a tax rebate targeted to low and middle-income earners – a key Coalition election promise. And it’s despite a series of cuts taking our official interest rate to a record low of 0.75 per cent. Those rate cuts were made to help spark economic activity, the theory being that individuals and businesses would borrow to spend and invest.

All we’ve heard is, 'Holy heck, they’ve cut rates again, things must really be stuffed!'

Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg also contend there is a good story to tell with regard to the major improvement in our federal finances. Unemployment is low and jobs are being created. And despite the most recent set of numbers showing the economy delivered the slowest rate of growth since the global financial crisis, Morrison says interest rate cuts and tax rebates will improve things next time.


But it seems all of this has had the opposite effect on consumers. All we’ve heard is: "Holy heck, they’ve cut rates again, things must really be stuffed!" And given we haven’t had a pay rise for a while as the bills spiral upwards, we’ve decided to zip up our wallets, put our spending plans on hold and assume the brace position – not just for a rainy day, but a torrential downfall.

So, there is a gap there. And a good bit of that gap will need to be filled by cut-through, confidence-inspiring messages from our policymakers to ordinary people about why they should feel good about their futures.

As a template, Frydenberg has some inspiration to draw from. Peter Costello is the obvious one. He has already urged the Coalition to develop its "economic narrative" so that it doesn’t fall into the trap of defining itself on social issues – something it does not do well.

And, of course, there’s Paul Keating, whose command of communicating this often dry subject matter was second to none.

Whether Frydenberg can rise to the level of swagger his predecessors were able to pull off remains to be seen.


There’s a sense that Morrison and Co have turned down the volume on dispatches from the Canberra bubble after the May election. The thinking is it allows the government to actually get on with governing. They would also say that people aren’t listening anyway, so why try?

But the cost of that approach is what we saw this week. Nature abhors a vacuum – and in the case of how punters are feeling about the economy, if the space isn’t filled by “candid” and “authentic” messages about where we’re at and where we’re going, it will be filled with worry, and worse: fear.

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