

This was published 4 years ago

Deepest cuts: what will university students face next year?

By Jenna Price

The year 12 kids are all right. They survived being yanked in and out of school during COVID-19, denied friends and far-too-close to parents. They mostly survived online learning and bomb threats to some schools during HSC exams and many of them also survived dodgy internet while trying to study for challenging exams.

On Friday, the students who lived through the most disrupted higher school certificate ever, discovered whether their Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks give them a chance next Wednesday, when applicants get their university offers through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).

But is 2021 the best possible year to start a degree?

Students beginning next year are entering universities devastated financially by COVID-19 and its cascading impacts

Students beginning next year are entering universities devastated financially by COVID-19 and its cascading impacts

The leading higher education researcher in Australia Andrew Norton is a professor in the practice of higher education policy at the Australian National University. He is not so sure, particularly if much of the learning is still online. His advice to those thinking of entering university next year without a clear picture of the learning environment they will enter? “If you can find any way to delay, you should. At least defer semester one.”

Norton predicts next year will be turbulent in our universities: “The pandemic has forced organisational leaders into a whole lot of decisions they would rather not have made.” Specifically, he means getting rid of a large whack of the workforce with all the knock-on effects.


Julia Horne, professor of history and university historian at the University of Sydney, describes this coronavirus-year as a crisis and one a long-time coming.

“Government funding no longer covers the full cost of research,” she says. The deregulated fees from international students became a way to prop-up the shortfall but that’s gone and unlikely to return to pre-COVID levels. Horne says most universities were forced into a round of redundancies for which they were unprepared.

“The crisis has lasted for two decades but this was the final straw,” she says.


Former Prime Minister Robert Menzies saw the mission of universities as both teaching and research but students beginning next year will enter institutions devastated financially by COVID-19 and its cascading impacts. The loss from international students in Australian universities is estimated to be somewhere around $4 billion, a big hit to revenue - but never big enough for a federal government determined to shatter Australian public universities who excluded those universities from JobKeeper. The government was forced to provide $1 billion for emergency relief funding for research because you never know when someone whose research is very expensive will find the next human papilloma virus vaccine or WiFi.

The National Tertiary Education Union estimates about 7000 full-time staff and another 13,000 casual staff across the country have lost their jobs and the redundancies, both voluntary and forced, aren’t over yet. I took voluntary redundancy from UTS; and its school of communication lost 18 staff including four from creative writing , arguably the best in the country and three from journalism. A professor at another university with a big politics department lost four beloved staff members and has no idea how remaining staff can deliver subjects still on offer.

Norton predicts a greater take-up of places because those who might have taken a gap year to work then travel, can’t do either.

The leading higher education researcher in Australia Andrew Norton says the pandemic has forced many leaders “into a whole lot of decisions they would rather not have made”.

The leading higher education researcher in Australia Andrew Norton says the pandemic has forced many leaders “into a whole lot of decisions they would rather not have made”. Credit: Peter Braig

The UAC makes offers next week but the federal government devised another way to punish the class of 2020 by introducing the Job-ready Graduates Package (JRGP) which it claimed would provide “better funding arrangements for universities, a better integrated tertiary system and improving transparency and accountability, quality and standards”. In reality, fees for certain courses were increased, others slashed. Year 12 students had long-ago chosen HSC subjects based on their university dreams. If you had your heart set on arts, cheap fees wouldn’t convert you to agriculture.

Norton predicted the JRGP would not change student preference. He was right. In the fields of study which UAC describes as society and culture where both law and arts reside, some fees went up by 100 per cent yet demand is up by 9 per cent. The UAC’s engagement manager Kim Paino says demand for health, with its reputation boosted by COVID, is up 18 per cent, yet this was a trend before Job-ready.

So if a student takes up a place at university, what should the expectations be?

Merlin Crossley, the deputy vice chancellor (academic) at UNSW, is hoping next year will be a “big vibrant back-to-campus year”. In the background, he also says UNSW has spent more than $50 million doing a “digital uplift”. Where UNSW saw disruption, it dropped ATARs by up to three points.

A tiny sample of year 12 students reveal they are well-protected from the turmoil at universities. Liam Barry, 17, of Northwood, knew of some redundancies but wasn’t quite sure of the impact on universities. He is deferring his gap year and heading straight to uni. Alicia Langley from Oatley, would have preferred not to go to uni but instead will enrol in media and communications next year while Leila Ahmad, 18, of St Ives, did not plan a gap year and will study a combined law/medical science degree. While Ahmad didn’t know much about what was happening internally at universities, she was annoyed at the change in the university fee structure. “You can encourage STEM jobs in other ways rather than raising prices for other degrees,” she says.

Parnia Firooz, of Glenmore Park, on track to study law next year, has kept a close eye on the university sector. She knew learning had been moved to online, with positives and negatives for the students. She also knew Australia had “lost a lot of international students” which was “bad for our economy”. Like Ahmad, she too was resentful of the way in which the government had changed fees for those who planned to study law. “It is unfair on those of us who have a passion.” What would she do if the classes she were in were still online? Parnia said she would still try to participate and talk to those who were quiet to help them get more involved.

Last month, the higher education regulator, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, published a report which showed nearly half the students who were at university during the pandemic never wanted to do online learning again. TEQSA chief commissioner Nicholas Saunders says universities surveyed students at the end of the first semester and wanted ideas for the future. Its commissioner Joan Cooper says: “It is not that the students didn’t appreciate, [but]they were asked to give feedback.”

Every educator I know was devastated by the headline results but behind the news, students revealed a genuine appreciation of the effort taken to support learning during the pandemic.

Can TEQSA assure the future of learning at universities under these new models?

Standards must be met, regardless of the mode of delivery, says Saunders. “Universities need to move from online delivery to interactive online education.″⁣

He says private providers and universities know this. Neither would be drawn on student-to-staff ratios and class sizes but said TEQSA does regular risk assessments.

Sally Kift, president of the Australian Teaching and Learning Fellows, says the US Digital Pedagogy Lab described the 2020 rush online as “panicgogy”, a good way of describing the terror we felt at trying to shift our in-person pedagogy into an unprepared online space filled with “asstressments”. Others called it remote emergency teaching, both perfect descriptions. As Kift says, don’t confuse what we did this year with quality online learning. It felt like chaos, well-intentioned chaos.

“Students were in extremis and so were academics,” Kift says. “Trying to find quiet family spaces and manage their emotional load as well . . . digital poverty was laid bare.” As she points out, it could mean many year 12s are under-prepared for university.


At UTS, we shifted online in one frantic week in March. In second semester, a push to have more on-campus activities was met with a rush to online tutorials by students about the same time Victoria had its COVID-spike. This felt like a crack, a shift I feared we might never recover from. My entire teaching life, I could recognise my students in the streets. But Zoom squares don’t look like real life even if students have the camera on. Some deliberately turn-off but others have no real choice; one rural student said she had to leave her house and stand atop a hill to get internet. After the hardest year for both staff and students, one senior academic at a meeting urged staff: “If there are people who don’t see how they can be creative and imaginative at this point, I think that’s going to be a bit of an issue”. This careless remark devastated a few of my colleagues.

Almost every university says next year will be different. COVID-willing, students will physically return to tutorials. Peak body Universities Australia is eternally optimistic. Chief executive Catriona Jackson says: “University staff and students learnt from each other as they adapted to the very significant change and will take the important lessons from 2020 into next year.”

But the question is whether the learning part of what happens has changed enough. Most universities say they will offer blended learning, a combination of the acceptable parts of what happened this year with the better parts of previous years.

As Kift says, good online learning is expensive and takes time to design and deliver. Yet the 2021 learning environment will still be in financial crisis and remaining staff will struggle to hold on to current conditions. The Australian Higher Education Industrial Association, the university human resources peak body, has started to talk tough about the traditional academic model: 40 per cent teaching; 40 per cent research; and 20 per cent engagement, the community-facing part of an academic’s work. Stuart Andrews, AHEIA’s executive director, is clear: “Academic workload provisions are a priority issue in terms of being made more flexible - what is the mix between research and teaching? The way in which work is performed and the working from home arrangements are going to be right up there as well.”

That’s an attack on the way academics work. More teaching (fewer casuals), less time for research. As the National Tertiary Education Union’s president Alison Barnes says: “Academics and professional staff have worked well beyond reasonable expectations for many years ... university managements have traded off goodwill and dedication to their profession and the sector has really reached breaking point. That will have consequences.”

What should students look for in a university?

Experts suggest prospective students ask about these key areas:

  • Will learning be entirely online and how will it be facilitated?
  • How much face-to-face time will there be for each subject?
  • What are class sizes per staff member?
  • What is the mechanism for individual consultations?
  • What is the range of offerings? Can universities ensure these will be available?
  • What are support services like?
  • What is the access to libraries, both physical and remote?
  • What is the opportunity for social interactions?

Among the coalition’s many ways of attacking universities, cutting funds for research has been a sure way to unpick morale. Somewhere in Australia is a forensic academic who operates the excellent Twitter account @ARC_Tracker and has spent years analysing government spending. What was Tracker’s response when asked about funding for research?

“It has gone off a cliff, as sharp a cliff you can have without putting it all to zero and sacking all the researchers. It will have catastrophic consequences.”

And not just for researchers. It is a key performance indicator for academics to get grants. They put in weeks and months into applications for grants as little as $40,000 - most to be spent on research assistants. The government wants research with immediate results and isn’t too worried about big ideas. Tracker says money has drifted from humanities and to STEM, from funding Discovery grants to Linkage grants with industry. There is no room for imagination. The deficit in research funding also impacts the quality of university education in other ways. There has been little-to-no research funding in how to improve educational practices, let alone innovate to train for a changing world of work, since the government’s abolition of the national body that funded such grants in 2016.


Should this matter to university students? Those researchers have spent their lives scanning what is new and important in the field and research-informed teachers inspire students in ways you can’t even imagine.

Do students have the choice to delay? Alison Pennington of the Centre for Future Work says job prospects are limited. Youth unemployment is more than double the rate of the total workforce. For those concerned about the quality of what universities will offer, Pennington suggests TAFE as an opportunity to acquire vocational skills while universities recover.

Senior staff at universities have been told to slice costs such as face-to-face time and confess they don’t know how to deliver what they used to deliver with fewer staff and with subjects axed and courses removed from the UAC guide at the last minute. Yet extraordinary people remain, who will work harder than ever in an attempt to maintain quality while management tries to cut conditions. There is also a move to give fewer assessments (they cost time and money to mark) even though assessment drives learning. As Norton says, it might be worth having a discussion with universities about exactly what students can expect next year.

Every year at this time, I write a column advising school leavers to take a gap year. It would still be the best academic advice I can ever give.

Jenna Price is a visiting fellow at the ANU and a regular columnist.

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