

Australians are becoming Camino converts in record numbers. Why?

More and more Australians are walking the Camino de Santiago, often as a pivotal reset in their lives – and returning transformed.

By Helen Pitt

Nearly 7000 Australians walked the Camino Frances last year, up more than double from the year before, making us 11th in the list of global Camino completers.

Nearly 7000 Australians walked the Camino Frances last year, up more than double from the year before, making us 11th in the list of global Camino completers.Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

This story is part of the July 13 edition of Good Weekend.See all 12 stories.

At the highest point on the Camino de Santiago, the fabled route through Spain that pilgrims have trekked since the ninth century, there’s a huge pile of rocks in a place called the Cruz de Ferro, named for the medieval iron cross that sits atop a wooden pole on the giant cairn. Traditionally, walkers carry a stone, note or memento from home and place it there, symbolically leaving their burdens behind.

When Francis Sullivan reached this point of his 800-kilometre journey on the walk, which stretches from France’s Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in the Pyrenees to the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela in Spain’s north-west, he did not part with the rather weighty ­memento he’d brought from his Canberra home. No, he had an even more fitting place for it.

Sullivan, the Australian layman who’d overseen the Catholic Church’s response to the federal government’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, had decided to do this pilgrimage not long after the commission handed down its final report in December 2017. After five years as chief ­executive of the Catholic Church’s Truth, Justice and Healing Council, meeting hundreds of victims of ­clerical abuse, listening to the horrifying details of their stories and sitting through all the inquiry’s hearings, he was spent. “I was appalled at the church I belonged to; I’d lost confidence in it, but I didn’t lose my faith in the spiritual journey,” he explains. So in August 2018, at 62, he “took his life for a stroll” as he calls it, walking solo through Spain. A teacher by training, the former head of Catholic Health Australia and secretary- general of the Australian Medical Association, like many who walk the Camino, was seeking a catharsis after a crisis. It was roughly 40,000 steps a day for 40 days; blistering sun above, blistering feet below.

At the bottom of his backpack was volume 16 of the Royal Commission report, which listed all the Catholic victims of abuse. It was 900 pages long and weighed about a kilo, but it was the emotional heft he was ­carrying that really took its toll. Rather than leave the battered report at the Cruz de Ferro’s rocky hill, he took it to the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela, and laid it at the crypt where the remains of St James, one of Jesus Christ’s disciples, are said to rest.

“My intention was to carry them to this holy place in the Catholic world, like the old school penitents who walked this way in the Middle Ages, paid by others to carry their sins to holy places,” he says. “I felt laying their names there, in a place of pilgrimage, was a way to honour the 5000 people who were brave enough to break open the scandal of abuse in the Catholic Church. I felt they deserved a sacred space. The sexual abuse issue broke the heart of most ordinary Catholics like myself. And that’s what pilgrimages are about. Breaking open your heart.”

Francis Sullivan walked the Camino after overseeing the Catholic Church’s response to the federal government’s child sexual abuse report.

Francis Sullivan walked the Camino after overseeing the Catholic Church’s response to the federal government’s child sexual abuse report.Credit: Courtesy of Francis Sullivan


If you are over 50 or approaching 60, it might seem that everyone you know is walking the Camino or talking about it. The Australian film, The Way, My Way, released in May by director and five-time pilgrim Bill Bennett, has gone on to become the third-highest grossing Australian movie of 2024, after Furiosa and Force of Nature: The Dry 2. This coincides with an uptick in Australians taking walking holidays in general and record numbers on this one in particular, considered the holy grail of trails. A report by Australia’s Adventure Travel Trade Association, released last year, found hiking/walking/trekking was the number one adventure holiday activity for Australians. Whether your motivation is sporty or spiritual, as they say on the track, “the Camino always provides”.

This is a travel experience that’s not just about ­perspiration and elevation, but also revelation and ­inspiration. You need only talk to someone who has completed it to understand it’s less about the kilometres travelled than the journey within. People like Julie Fewster, who was working in a busy job in education in Victoria when, in 2015, she decided to walk the Camino Frances [another name for the Camino de Santiago] after her father’s death. She was 59, single, and went with a ­girlfriend who’d just completed cancer treatment. “I think there are two types of people who walk the Camino,” she says. “There are those who seek the physical challenge, who want to conquer it the same way some ­people want to climb Mount Everest. And there are those doing it for a deeper purpose – even if they couldn’t articulate what that was at the beginning or the end. It was to get in touch with something ­spiritual by simply slowing down.”

Chris Haywood, left, and Johnnie Walker, who both appear in The Way, My Way.

Chris Haywood, left, and Johnnie Walker, who both appear in The Way, My Way.

At the end of each day, Fewster and her friend would go to mass in the nearest church before dining with fellow pilgrims, with whom they’d later share a bunk bedroom in hostel-style accommodation known as ­albergues. “That’s all part of the experience, too, the plastic bag rustling, the snoring, the farting, the ­torches shining in your face in the middle of the night. The un-comfortableness,” she says. “Things come up inside you when you walk – sometimes it’s grief about people you’ve lost, missed opportunities, fear of the future. Other times, it’s sheer delight at being alive. It’s about coming to terms with your own story.”

In 2018, she ­returned to walk another part of the Camino, this time with her 71-year-old fiancé, Paul Fleming, whom she wed the next year as a first-time bride, at the age of 63. “[The Camino] was never on my bucket list, but Julie spoke so highly of it, I thought it would be a good get-to-know-you exercise,” Fleming says. “It was better than I expected ... The vibe of it was so uplifting.”

Sydneysider Matthew Barclay first heard about the Camino from a colleague at Opera Australia, who teared up as he explained his long walk. Barclay and his wife, Johanna Puglisi, walked a section of it for the first time in 2006. They returned in 2012 and 2013, better prepared and with the right equipment. Puglisi has since died of cancer at the age of 46. Barclay, a freelance stage and movement director, intends to walk another Camino when he heads to Europe later this year. “What you get out of the journey is so personal to the way you see the world and the way you want to be transformed. It’s so immersive, but the experience will mean different things to different people.”

Matthew Barclay and Johanna
Puglisi on the Camino Frances in 2012.

Matthew Barclay and Johanna Puglisi on the Camino Frances in 2012.Credit: Courtesy of Matthew Barclay

Reflecting on his walk six years on, Francis Sullivan, now chair of Jesuit Social Services, says the lessons of the walk sometimes don’t reveal themselves until later, if at all. “The walk doesn’t promise to provide any drop-dead solutions at the end. But the process of walking is a reminder we are all on a pilgrimage called life. Pain is part of the deal.”

Australia is home to an increasing number of Camino converts, drawn to the meditative nature of long-distance walking. Nearly 7000 Australians walked the Camino Frances last year, ranking us in the top 11 countries of Camino completers, according to the Santiago Pilgrim’s Reception Office. This is the highest annual number of Australians ever recorded walking it – nearly two-and-a-half times the 2553 who completed it in 2022.


Spaniards are by far the most common walkers. Next are Americans, thanks in part to The Way, the 2010 film by Emilio Estevez about four modern-day walkers – one played by his father, Martin Sheen. The Hollywood drama, about a man who walks the path in memory of his dead son, has motivated many to walk as a way to work through their grief. That film was re-released in early 2023, when travel restrictions were lifted post-COVID lockdowns and people were “yearning to get out in the world again in a simpler way”, said Estevez.

In the US, the popularity of “thru-hiking”, as it’s called (walking a long-distance trail from end to end), has soared in the wake of Cheryl Strayed’s 2012 memoir Wild, an account of the author’s solo odyssey along the 4000-kilometre Pacific Crest Trail, and the film of the same name, where she’s played by Reese Witherspoon.


In Australia, walking tours are one of the fastest-growing travel products for adventure company Intrepid, which has run three Camino itineraries since 2019. “Intrepid has seen significant growth in the ­number of Australians walking the Camino, with ­bookings up 36 per cent in 2024 from last year,” says Brett Mitchell, managing director for Australian and New Zealand. More women are booking walking and ­trekking holidays than men, he adds.

Actor Martin Sheen in the
2010 movie, The Way.

Actor Martin Sheen in the 2010 movie, The Way.

“It’s the perfect experience for solo female travellers – it’s safe, and it’s easy to meet people,” says Gayle Bryant, who’s based in the northern NSW town of Kingscliff. She gave herself a gap year in 2015, when her son ­finished school, and walked the Camino Frances. She’s walked five others since. “On the Frances I met two French sisters, one was in her 90s, the other in her 70s, who were walking it at their own pace. You can be any age, you just learn to take your time. It’s all about slowing down and knowing what needs to happen will happen – trusting that the Camino always provides.”


There’s that phrase again. You hear it often from pilgrims, along with practical advice on what to take: ear plugs, eye masks, toe socks and Compeed (plasters for treating blisters), lots of water and a sense of humour.

There are almost as many books, podcasts, documentaries and even reality TV shows on the Camino as there are reasons for walking it, from Estevez’s St Elmo’s Fire co-star Andrew McCarthy’s 2023 memoir Walking With Sam, about walking with his son, to Sydney author Ailsa Piper’s 2017 memoir Sinning across Spain. Actress Shirley MacLaine had a press entourage follow her in the mid-1990s when she walked it at 60 to write her memoir The Camino. Brazilian Paulo Coelho wrote The Pilgrimage, a fictional account of his own pilgrimage published in 1987, and claimed if he hadn’t walked the Camino he’d never have written his international bestseller, The Alchemist.

Graeme Simsion, author of bestseller The Rosie Project, was working in IT and his psychiatrist wife Anne Buist was working as an academic in women’s mental health when they discovered the Camino in 2011 while in Europe on six months’ long service leave. “We were ­living in a village with a scallop-shelled signpost pointing toward Santiago de Compostela, so we followed that on a walk, and suddenly, we decided to walk the Camino. We’d thought we’d only just do a little bit of it, but we loved it so much we just kept going,” says Buist.


Adds Simsion: “The Rosie Project was a screenplay and a work-in-progress when we did the walk. It was after the Camino that I decided to turn it into a book.” That novel, his first, was published in 2013, followed by sequels The Rosie Effect and The Rosie Result, which have together sold some five million copies in 40 languages.

Buist and Graeme Simsion
have written two novels
set on the Camino.

Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion have written two novels set on the Camino.Credit: Courtesy of Anne Buist

The Melbourne couple have written two novels set on the Camino, Two Steps Forward and Two Steps Onward. “It was such a life-changing experience for me in ­particular,” Buist says. “We’re not religious, yet we just fell in love with the whole concept, the spirit of it.”

There’s a network of more than 280 walking paths across Europe called Caminos, passing through 29 different countries that pilgrims have walked for more than 1200 years. The best known, the Camino Frances (the French Way or the Camino de Santiago) and Japan’s Kumano Kodo are the only two UNESCO ­heritage-listed ­pilgrimage routes in the world. It’s also the most popular. Around six million ­people walk at least part of a European Camino each year, with close to half a million pilgrims expected to complete the Camino Frances this year.

According to Catholic ­tradition, the body of the apostle James was retrieved from a shipwreck on the Galicia coast, renowned for its scallops. Scallop shells are now the path’s leitmotif. Yellow, shell-shaped arrows denote the walking routes to Santiago on ­signposts all over the continent. Pilgrims walking the trails today often hang real scallop shells off their backpacks, and carry a pilgrim passport known as a credencial, which is stamped at various points on their way to the shrine. You don’t need to be Catholic, Christian or in any way religious to walk a Camino. Modern-day pilgrims are generally less interested in saving souls than in saving the soles of their feet and toes from blisters. Some come by wheelchair, or ride horses or bikes.

Of the 466,000 pilgrims recorded by the Santiago Pilgrim’s Reception Office as finishing it in 2023, only a third claimed to have walked it for religious reasons, according to one of the office volunteers, John Rafferty. “For some people there may be an epiphany. But for most people it is the alchemy of everything coming together,” he says. “The scenery, the friendship, the laughter, the pathos, the time just walking for hours on your own, mulling over things in your life, like where have I been? Where am I going? How long have I got left? These are big questions for people to ponder. So it’s not surprising that change occurs after walking a Camino. The trip can be transcendent and transformational.”

The iconic yellow scallop shells that denote the correct path.

The iconic yellow scallop shells that denote the correct path.Credit: Shutterstock

Better known by his nom de plume, Johnnie Walker, this Scotsman is widely regarded as the world’s leading authority on the Camino. The 71-year-old former exec­utive turned church organist first walked the Camino in 2007. He’s since walked 54, written 19 books on them and now lives in Santiago, a few minutes walk from the cathedral where the majority end their pilgrimage, and where he hears the click-clack of walking poles on the footpath most mornings. At the end of the walk, even non-Catholics usually attend a pilgrims’ mass, if only to see the giant incense-filled religious vessel called the botafumeiro swing into action.

Walker considers trekking the Camino a form of modern-day medicine. A divorced man with children back in Scotland, between walking and writing he now plays the organ in churches all over Spain. “I wanted a bridge to a different way of life, rather than sitting at my desk calculating my pension fund for retirement. I started walking but never expected to end up living in Spain. I never expected any of this.”

He certainly didn’t expect that walking the Camino would take him to Australia, where he walked the red carpet at the Gold Coast Film Festival for the opening night of Bill Bennett’s film. He stars in it along with veteran actor Chris Haywood and Bennett’s wife, Jennifer Cluff, who has four Caminos under her belt. The film is based on Bennett’s Bill Brysonesque 2014 memoir, also called The Way, My Way, about walking the Camino alone in 2013, aged 60. Of the 24 cast ­members in the film, which was shot in Spain last year, only four are actors; the rest are pilgrims like Walker. Bennett met several of them on the first day of his 2013 walk; they paid their way to come back to be in the film, including doing their own hair and make-up.

Director Bill Bennett
has walked five Caminos,
which he says has helped
him come to terms with his
Parkinson’s diagnosis.

Director Bill Bennett has walked five Caminos, which he says has helped him come to terms with his Parkinson’s diagnosis.

The director of dozens of films, including Kiss or Kill, Bennett first heard of the Camino when visiting his daughter in Galicia in 2009. He then became obsessed with walking it – preparing his pack, paring down his possessions, weighing everything he carried. He walked the whole way with a bung knee, injured through over-zealous training. He brought with him a piece of slate from his home town of Mudgee to leave at the Cruz de Ferro and, despite the knee pain, felt unburdened. Transformed. There was no lightning bolt at the cathedral, though: “The end was a big fat nothing-burger”.


A self-confessed control freak, he felt humbled by the experience, ­especially the kindness of strangers who could see how he struggled with each step. At the end, he called his wife Jennifer and apologised for “being such a bad, selfish husband and father over the years. It cleaved me open. I now see my life in two stages – before and after the Camino.” He twirls the silver scallop-shell ring he wears on his right ring ­finger. He commissioned a North Sydney jeweller to make it for him, to remind him daily of how this walk changed his life. “I’m still not sure why I walked it, but it’s the best thing I ever did in my life.”

Now 70, Bennett feels walking the Caminos helped him come to terms with the Parkinson’s disease ­diagnosis he received three days after his 65th birthday. Now he can barely walk 10 kilometres. Inspired by the reception to his film though, he is planning another long-distance walk to raise awareness for the disease. “I can only really see that now strangely in a positive light; it makes me so much more grateful for everything. I learnt humility and gratitude, thanks to the Camino.”

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