

This was published 3 years ago


Australia is within its rights to stand up to Europe on vaccines

By Steven Hamilton and Richard Holden

Italy is leading the European Union into full-blown vaccine protectionism. Late last week, it blocked the export of a quarter of a million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine that Australia had contracted for.

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio’s spurious reasoning was twofold. First, there were delays in Europe getting sufficient doses of the vaccine, and so letting any doses go abroad was unacceptable. Second, Australia had a low rate of infection so didn’t need the vaccine as much as Italy.

Italy has blocked a consignment of vaccine bound for Australia and France is considering doing the same.

Italy has blocked a consignment of vaccine bound for Australia and France is considering doing the same.Credit: Edwina Pickles

As he put it: “As long as these delays remain, it is right for the countries of the European Union to block exports toward nations that are ‘not vulnerable’ as a response to the failure of companies to respect commitments.”

The French look set to pile on, with Health Minister Olivier Veran saying: “I understand [Italy’s view]. We could do the same thing.”

Unbelievably, some in Australia have endorsed these actions on the basis that, as we have a low infection rate, it would be selfish to take doses away from other countries struggling with outbreaks.

Yet the Australian government is perfectly within its rights to insist our contractual obligations be honoured. Moreover, Trade Minister Dan Tehan was exactly right to raise this protectionism with the World Trade Organisation’s new Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

In fact, the Australian government isn’t just within its rights to fight this outrageous protectionism – it is its obligation to do so. We didn’t elect our government to put the interests of Italian citizens above our own.

But is such a position “Australia first”, in the spirit of Donald Trump’s “America first”? Actually, no. The crucial difference is that Australia is seeking to uphold international institutions rather than degrade them.


Trump’s most notable “America first” policies involved things like placing large tariffs on Chinese goods in breach of America’s WTO obligations. Given the size and importance of the United States, this had the potential to seriously damage the WTO.

Similarly, threatening to pull out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or NATO, unless other members coughed up more in dues ran the risk of destroying NATO – a cornerstone of international security for decades.

And Trump heavily criticising and then pulling out of the World Health Organisation over its handling of the pandemic seriously damaged the credibility of that organisation.

The situation Australia faces over the EU blocking the export of vaccine doses to which we have a legal entitlement is in fact exactly the opposite. In this instance it is Europe that is flouting the rules of the international community, and in particular the WTO. Perhaps that is why it has been reported that the WTO director general was sympathetic to Tehan’s plea.

There are at least four good reasons we’re right to stand up to Europe.

First, why should Australia be punished for handling the crisis well? Our world-leading performance isn’t merely luck – governments at all levels made prescient and prudent decisions from early on. NSW has led the world in contact tracing. Melbourne endured the longest lockdown on Earth. We’ve endured a year-long international border closure, isolating many Australians from their loved ones. It’s simply wrong to punish us for our hard-earned success, and sets a dangerous precedent.

Second, notwithstanding our performance to date, Australia still has much to lose. The recent leaks in hotel quarantine have reminded us of the ever-present threat of a major outbreak, both health and economic. Every lockdown shatters business and consumer confidence. We continue to bear the tremendous cost of international border closures. Without widespread vaccinations, our economy simply cannot return to normal. We need those vaccines – now.


Third, while the vaccines would indeed be of greater use in Europe in directly preventing hospitalisations and deaths, the prospect of their helping secure herd immunity - where the virus is eliminated by lowering transmission - is far greater here where there is already no community transmission. Since AstraZeneca has only around 70 per cent efficacy, in a high-infection country like Italy there will still be a meaningful number of cases floating around as vaccines are rolled out. COVID-19 may never be fully vanquished there – but here, we can keep it that way.

Last, Europe still can’t get its act together. Of the 1.5 million doses of AstraZeneca Italy has received, it has handed out just 322,000. For the EU as a whole, only 3.15 million doses have been administered out of the 8.68 million doses delivered. Australia will surely do better than leaving two-thirds of doses just lying around.

Moreover, the EU skimped on vaccine procurement, emphasising within-EU solidarity and preferring to pinch pennies rather than contract for a sufficient number of doses in a timely manner. And Germany’s vaccination committee have flip-flopped on whether over 65s should get the AstraZeneca vaccine. The EU regulatory and administrative state has been a shambles – Australia shouldn’t pay for its failures.

In sum, there’s absolutely nothing wrong and everything right with standing up for our right to the vaccines we’re legally entitled to.

Steven Hamilton is chief economist at Blueprint Institute and assistant professor of economics at George Washington University, and Richard Holden is professor of economics at UNSW.

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