

This was published 3 years ago


Why it’s OK for Australia to miss out on vaccines for now

By Ben Bramble

This week the European Commission blocked 250,000 AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine doses manufactured in the EU from being shipped to Australia. Defending its decision, it cited AstraZeneca’s failure to meet its pledge to deliver 80 million doses to the EU by the end of March. The company now says it can deliver only 40 million doses by then.

Frontline health worker Dr Caroline Phegan became the first Australian to receive the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine on Friday morning at Murray Bridge in South Australia.

Frontline health worker Dr Caroline Phegan became the first Australian to receive the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine on Friday morning at Murray Bridge in South Australia. Credit: Nine News

This might be disappointing news for the Australian government, whose goal is to vaccinate all eligible Australians as soon as possible. But should Australians be morally outraged? By no means.

Leave aside that Italy’s move to block 250,000 doses meant for Australia will have negligible effect on our vaccination program, given it accounts for just 0.2 per cent of the doses Australia has ordered, according to the Burnett Institute. Let’s deal with the principle. Italy’s Foreign Minister said it best: Australia is “not vulnerable” at this point in the coronavirus pandemic.

Australia’s quarantine, testing and contact-tracing measures are so effective at preventing the spread of coronavirus that we can afford to wait. We have enough doses to vaccinate our quarantine hotel workers, border security staff and some other essential workers. This alone will further greatly boost our security, and help prevent any new cases occurring here from becoming outbreaks.

It is, of course, true that there is a heavy cost to Australia’s borders being closed. But our borders are not going to open any time soon, not until the virus is better under control in the rest of the world. Meanwhile, there are many other countries where the virus is continuing to sicken and kill large numbers of people. This is true even in the EU, which is now facing a possible third wave fuelled by highly infectious variants.


If someone owes you money but then falls on hard times, you should cut that person a break and extend their deadline or else cancel the debt entirely, depending on the circumstances. This is no less true of countries themselves. The suffering caused by the coronavirus in other countries is far worse than many of us here can imagine. Now, if ever, is the time for us to be a big, generous, magnanimous people.

Won’t other countries think of us as pushovers if we respond in this way? If we accept the EC’s decision too easily, don’t we risk other countries thinking they can break off all kinds of agreements with us in the future?

No. On the contrary, if we make clear to the rest of the world that we are willing to wait on vaccine doses we are entitled to for the sake of countries doing it tough, this will only increase respect for us. And by a different kind of contagion – a “moral” contagion – this might induce other countries to be more likely to make future decisions that put the interests of the world above their own nationals.


This sort of big and generous attitude to the rest of the world is one we need to have on other issues, too – such as reducing carbon emissions. The world urgently needs to co-operate on climate change and other existential threats. Such co-operation will happen only if the most secure and fortunate are willing to make sacrifices to put the common good, the good of humanity, first.


What of “vaccine nationalism”? If we allow the EC to block shipments, doesn’t this set a dangerous precedent, whereby countries able to manufacture or purchase vaccines will more readily hoard them for themselves rather than send them to the countries that need them most?

Not necessarily. In the first place, ironically, it is precisely the countries that have produced these vaccines (in the EU) that need them more than we do right now. So, keeping them for themselves rather than giving them to us does not seem to count as an objectionable form of vaccine nationalism. If the motivation here is to prioritise the needier group, rather than to prioritise one’s own nation, then it seems morally acceptable.

Second, and more importantly, Australia should not be responding by saying: “No worries, keep these vaccines for yourselves.” Instead, we should be saying: “No worries, send these vaccines to even needier countries.”

While things are bad in the EU, there are many countries that cannot even afford to adequately vaccinate their essential workers and older citizens. The EU should be vaccinating their essential workers and older citizens, then sending available vaccines to needier countries.


If Australians should be morally concerned, it shouldn’t be about the EC’s decision to block our shipments, but that it is opting to keep the vaccines for itself when others, including most of Africa and the South Pacific, have grossly inadequate access to vaccines.

So, it’s OK for Australia to miss out on some vaccines for now. We’re in an excellent position relative to the rest of the world. We’ll get our vaccines eventually.

In the meantime, let’s be a generous country and do our best to help the world to emerge from this pandemic as quickly as possible.

Ben Bramble is a lecturer in philosophy at the Australian National University.

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