

This was published 6 years ago


Australia is richer but meaner than ever

How Australia has changed. Back in 1995, as the economy recovered from the deep recession earlier that decade, we reached a ranking of 9th on the international league table of overseas aid donors measured by the share of gross national income devoted to overseas development assistance.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon Letch

That year Australia contributed 34 cents for every $100 dollars of national income to help poorer nations.

Now, after more than a quarter of a century of uninterrupted growth, we’ve slipped to 17th place on that donor ladder.

Despite being richer than ever, Australia can now muster only 22 cents in aid for every $100 of national income.

Defending the foreign aid budget is always tough.

No voters are directly affected when it is cut and any changes don’t need to go before parliament. It is the easiest of targets for any government when saving are needed.

That’s why aid spending has fallen as a share of national income under seven of Australia’s last 10 foreign ministers.

But the incumbent Julie Bishop stands out. On her watch Australian overseas aid commitment has gone from modest to miserly.


A new report by the Australia Institute think tank estimates that overseas development assistance as a share of gross national income has fallen by 38 per cent since Bishop became foreign minister. That easily surpasses the previous record of a 17 per cent fall under Labor’s Bill Hayden during the mid-1980s.

Bishop’s experience is in stark contrast to one of her Liberal predecessors Tony Street, who served as foreign minister in the Fraser government during the early 1980s. Street left office with overseas aid as a share of national income 8 per cent more generous than when he was sworn in.

Australian aid also experienced a brief revival last decade when both major parties committed to an increase in the wake of the Millennium Development Goals and coordinated global campaigning. Overseas aid as a share of gross national income rose by 16 per cent while Labor’s Stephen Smith was foreign minister. That share rose another 5 per cent during Kevin Rudd’s tenure between 2010 and 2012.

Australia’s aid budget reached an all-time high (in dollar terms) of $5.05 billion in 2012-13 but is now wallowing more than $1 billion below that mark following cuts since 2014.

Last week a “peer review” of Australia’s aid program by the influential Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development was unusually critical of the government’s aid performance. It called for Australia to “reverse” the trend of deep aid cuts.

But there are signs that the Australian public - not just the government - is finding it harder to give to the needy in other parts of the world.

The National Australia Bank’s Charitable Giving Index, which tracks donations made through online channels, shows giving to “humanitarian service” organisations like World Vision, Red Cross and Oxfam has declined as a share of all charitable giving over the past three years. In 2015 the humanitarian services sector received 35 per cent of all donations but that had fallen to 32 per cent by last year. The average donation to the sector was also down.

That fall came despite a plethora of international humanitarian crises.

In addition to the complex ongoing conflicts in Syria and Iraq there were major hunger emergencies in Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria and Yemen last year. The United Nations described these together as the biggest humanitarian crisis since the Second World War.

Even so, the public response in Australia was strangely muted.

NAB’s chief economist, Alan Oster, said there has been a definite shift in giving patterns away from overseas humanitarian services to more domestically focussed causes such as lotteries run by local charities.

“That trend looks set to continue,” he told me.

Separate data collected by the Australian Aid Tracker website created by the Development Policy Centre at The Australian National University shows that per capita giving to overseas development NGOs has fallen from $53 a person in 2005 to $45 a person in 2015, after taking inflation is taken into account. That is still considerably higher than before the Indian Ocean Tsunami in December 2004, which triggered a sustained increase in donations to humanitarian organisations working overseas.

The aid sector is bracing for further cuts in next month’s federal budget as the government hunts for budget savings to fund big tax cuts for companies and individuals.

Even on the current budget numbers Australia’s aid spending is expected to slump to just 0.20 per cent of gross national income by 2021.

The Australia Institute’s report warns further cuts could make Australia’s aid contribution proportionately lower than that of Greece - a nation that has endured years of economic and social turmoil (Greece’s overseas aid is now 0.19 per cent of GNI).

The demise of our overseas aid budget raises a difficult question: what is it about Australia in 2018 that means we are becoming less generous towards the needy beyond our shores?

Ross Gittins is on leave.

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