

This was published 6 years ago

The Turnbull government is mulling more cuts to overseas aid

By Matt Wade

The Turnbull government is considering a $400 million a year cut to the overseas aid budget that would reflect the economic growth of some neighbours but still send Australia’s overall contribution to an all-time low.

Fairfax Media has been told the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is “modelling” ways to slice 10 per cent from aid budget even though huge cuts since 2014 have already reduced Australia’s aid contribution to just 22 cents for every $100 of gross national income, the smallest share on record.

Sources said one potential option is to “substantially cut” aid to nations in south-east Asia which have reached “middle-income” status and are now more capable of funding their own development, such as Indonesia.

Another alternative being canvassed is for Australia to stop delivering aid in one whole sector, such as health. A combination of national and sector-based cuts is also possible.

Tim Costello, the executive director of aid advocacy group Micah Australia, said if the government axed the aid budget it would be depriving the world’s poorest people to help pay for tax breaks, including a reduction in the company tax rate for big business before the Senate.

“Surely not again after they explicitly promised last year no more cuts to aid,” he said.

“I hope the government is not going to fund tax cuts on the backs of the world’s poorest people….that is a logic that terrifies me.”

Budget papers show overseas aid spending will cost $4.01 billion next financial year and be frozen at that level for the following two years.

"Surely not again": Micah Australia's Tim Costello.

"Surely not again": Micah Australia's Tim Costello.Credit: Joe Armao

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop last year said the government would not consider any significant boost to foreign aid until the budget is back in surplus. Ms Bishop's office was approached for comment on Wednesday but pointed only to a statement from the department.


When Fairfax Media asked DFAT whether reductions to Australia’s overseas development assistance were being considered a spokesperson said details of the federal budget “will be announced according to the usual timeline.”

The Turnbull government is on the hunt for savings ahead of the May 8 budget. It's plan to lower the company tax rate from 30 cents in the dollar to 25 for all Australian companies will cost $65 billion over 10 years, while personal income tax cuts mooted by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull would cost the budget tens of billions more.

The exact timing of when any aid cut announced in the May budget may take effect is not known. It is possible the government decides against any cut, or maintains the two-year freeze and lowers the aid spend in the following years.

The Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, appeared to leave the door open for further overseas aid cuts in the Senate on Wednesday.

When asked whether she could “rule out” cuts to aid in this year’s budget Senator Fierravanti-Wells said: “I'm sure you'll stay tuned on budget night that will be in May. I am sure that you will find that out in May.”

Since 2013 Australia’s official aid budget has fallen by 30 per cent even though overall government spending has grown by 10 per cent in that period.

In dollar-terms Australia’s aid spending is now lower than it was a decade ago.

Sources say DFAT was considering ways to cut another 10 per cent, or about $400 million a year, from the aid program.

Fairfax Media understands that while Indonesia and Vietnam may be considered for cuts, Cambodia - which has a refugee resettlement deal with Australia - will be spared.

The Pacific region will also be exempt from cuts, sources said. Australia has traditionally been the dominant aid donor in the South Pacific but China has become an increasingly active donor in recent years.

A “peer review” of Australia’s aid program released on Tuesday by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development was unusually critical of the Coalition's contribution to poorer nations.

The influential inter-governmental body said “successive cuts” to the aid budget since 2013 were “impairing” Australia’s development and humanitarian work.

“We encourage Australia to find a way to reverse this trend,” said OECD Development Assistance Committee chair, Charlotte Petri Gornitzka.

The top five recipients of Australian aid in 2015-16 were Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Over a quarter of Australia’s development assistance goes to small island states vulnerable to climate-related shocks such as cyclones.

Mr Costello said any cuts overseas aid would damage Australia’s international reputation which had already been “deeply tarnished” by asylum seeker policies and previous reductions in overseas development assistance.

“The poor have been kicked enough,” he said.

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