

This was published 3 months ago

Yoga and Netflix: What a speech pathologist on $75,000 spends in a week

This article originally appeared in Refinery29 Australia.

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we ask real people how they spend and save their money during a seven-day period, tracking every last dollar. Anyone can write a Money Diary. Want to see yours here? Here’s how.

This week on Money Diaries, a graduate speech pathologist spends on some hot yoga classes and vodka, lime and sodas.

This week on Money Diaries, a graduate speech pathologist spends on some hot yoga classes and vodka, lime and sodas.Credit: Refinery29 Australia

Today: today a graduate speech pathologist spends some of her money on hot yoga classes and vodka, lime and sodas.

Occupation: Graduate Speech Pathologist
Industry: Healthcare and education
Age: 22
Location: Warragul, Victoria
Salary: $75,000
Net Worth: $74,000 ($53,000 in savings, $11,000 in superannuation, and a car worth $10,000).
Debt: $17,052 in HECS/HELP debt
Paycheque Amount (Monthly): $4,658
Pronouns: She/Her

Monthly Expenses


Rent: $0. I’m in quite a unique position where I don’t have a traditional rental payment. At the start of the year, I moved in with my partner who had recently purchased and built his own home. We had many discussions on how we would split the expenses for it to be equitable for both of us, as I still wanted to save for my own home. I didn’t want to be paying rent, especially since my parents lived 10 minutes down the road, so I cover all the bills, food, and other discretionary purchases, such as dinners or entertainment.
Phone: $40
Utilities: $450
House Savings: $2000
Short-Term ‘Fun’ Account: $1,200
Fuel: $80
Yoga Membership: $115. I go five times a week so this is very worth it for me.

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?

Yes. I went to university for four years and graduated at the end of 2023 with a Bachelor of Speech Pathology. The first year of uni was during the pandemic, so I spent this year living at home. Looking back, it didn’t help me academically but it did help me financially as I was able to save more. I paid for my degree through HECS but my parents contributed about $15,000 to pay off my HECS debt. I worked hard during university to make and save whilst living out of home, often working 40-50 hour weeks at a hospital on top of full-time university, but my parents were always there to help me out if I needed it.


Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?

Yes and no. My parents have done well for themselves, and as a consequence, have always provided a comfortable life for my family. My mum works in the government and my dad owns his own business. We went on holidays twice a year and have recently started travelling abroad.

I feel very lucky to say I’ve never had to worry or been exposed to financial hardship or negative conversations around money. Rather, through my parents, I feel I learned the value of money early and therefore how to save quite young.

What was your first job and why did you get it?

I got my first job at 13 as a field umpire for the local football clubs. In hindsight, this job was amazing. I was paid $80 or so to run around a field and throw a ball in. I got this job mostly because I wanted to umpire and my dad had a friend who thought I’d be good at it. It’s still one of my favourite jobs I’ve ever had. I didn’t access any of the money until I was 17, so I only really got the job for fun.

Did you worry about money growing up?

Yes. For some odd reason, I have developed an irrational fear and almost anxiety around money. Although I had no reason to be worried (which I feel so lucky for), from my late teenage years, it was something I always worried about. I worried about spending my parents’ money, and that I wasn’t going to make good money when I was older. I think this is why I worked lots outside of school hours and on weekends because I was so scared that I was going to be a broke adult.

Do you worry about money now?

Again, yes. I think about money every day, but I have come a long way with managing my anxiety around spending and saving money. I read books, listen to podcasts (She’s on the Money is my favourite), and keep a highly organised and detailed Excel spreadsheet to track my expenses and track my financial goals.

Given the absurd prices of housing these days, I feel my dream of owning property is still quite far away, despite having a fair amount of savings. But I’m also so young and want to travel and explore. I feel it’s a dilemma that lots of people my age have – do we save for property or travel? My partner and I would love to move interstate, rent out his house, and try living in some new places before we settle down. I’m quite committed to long-term savings goals, but not at the expense of having fun and real experiences.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?

I wouldn’t say I’m completely financially responsible for myself yet, although I’m close. I got my first full-time job at the start of 2024, after graduating in 2023, which was incredible. The idea of annual leave and paid public holidays for not working is still a foreign concept to this always casual-work-girly. Whilst I do cover 90% of my living expenses, my parents pay for my car rego and insurance, but I’m sure this will change very soon.

I’m happy to say I do have a financial safety net, as I have quite a good amount of savings. However, if I did fall into financial hardship, my parents and partner would be there to help me.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.


Day 1


7.30am – Ahhh RDO day! At my job, I’m lucky enough that I can work a 9-day fortnight, with longer days so I can have every second Monday off. I don’t think I’ll ever work a full fortnight! My partner F left for work ages ago, as he works early in the morning. So I get up, have my greens (a green concoction of veggies that’s supposed to be good for you), and make a black coffee. One of the major expenses I have cut down on is takeaway coffee! Now that I don’t buy it every day, I save something ridiculous like $45 a week!

10.30am – After doing a quick clean of the house, I jump onto my laptop and do a routine check – work email, spreadsheets, personal emails, etc. I’m excited to see that I’ve sold something on Depop – a bag that I never used for $35! Cha-ching! I plan to ship that off later in the week.

11.30am – I finally decide to have some breaky and make a pineapple and frozen berry smoothie with kefir. I’m currently in the process of trying to clear my skin by eating relatively clean and healthy, hence the gut-friendly kefir. I also decide to have a bagel with an egg, pickled onion, feta, and jalapenos. I quickly check my bank account and notice that my weekly yoga membership has been deducted. $39

2pm – I decide to get some work done. Last week I felt as though I slacked off at work, so I don’t mind finalising some reports in the comfort of my home on my day off. I’m a new graduate, so the reports take me a little longer as I need them to be reviewed by a more senior speech pathologist. I spend an hour or so fixing and editing my reports that are due tomorrow, then I’ll do the mountains of washing staring at me.

4.45pm – Because it’s a Monday and I’m feeling ambitious, I book two back-to-back Pilates classes. My partner is at his own training anyway, so I might as well!

7pm – Pilates is all finished and I have a quick shower before getting started on dinner. I decide to make a quiche as I have a rogue pastry shell sitting in the back of my freezer. I’m actively trying to use things in my pantry to make dinners, which is a fun challenge for me. F arrives home and we enjoy our pumpkin and fetta quiche at the dining table.

9pm – I’m trying (emphasis on trying) to get better at going to sleep early. I’m finding that I feel rushed and sluggish in the mornings, as I’m sleeping in late. So I confiscate my phone, read a few pages of A Court of Thorn and Roses and head to bed for the night.

Daily Total: $39

Day 2

7am – My new weekly goal of waking up at 6.15am is already off to a rocky start. I drag myself out of bed, put some Zach Bryan on, and started doing my hair and makeup for work. I make myself my typical array of drinks – greens, smoothie, and water before rushing off to work. I know I have a big-ish day today, so I need to be on my A-game, as my first client is at 9am.

12pm – My assessment is complete, as well as some reviews. Time to get started on the one million reports I must write. I scoff down my chicken wrap lunch and catch up with the girls in the work office, we chat about our weekends and clients for the day. Because it’s so hot, I walk over to Woolworths and treat myself to a raspberry sparkling water ($3.70). It’s no sugar, so technically healthy. Having a Woolworths within walking distance has proven dangerous for my afternoon sweet tooth. $3.70

3pm – I complete a few more phone calls to parents (the scariest part of my job) providing summaries of the language and speech assessments I completed with their children. Then I see a few of my ongoing clients to wrap up my afternoon. They’re all in primary school so that means lots of fun games – Pop the Pirate being a personal favourite. I love being a speech pathologist, as one of the main responsibilities of my job is to play games with children. It’s the best!

5.30pm – I rush out the door right on 5.30pm and head down the road to Pilates. I honestly think my Pilates membership is an absolute STEAL. When I was living in Melbourne, my Pilates memberships cost me two, maybe three times the amount it is now (and I had a uni student budget mind you), so I’m eternally grateful for regional Victoria prices. Tonight is my favourite class – hot yoga. You do everything you do in a normal yoga class but in 35-degree heat.

7pm – I’m sweaty as I head home from Pilates, F is already home after going to the gym. We decide to treat ourselves to our steak, broccoli, and potato dinner, the final meal left from last week’s shop. F is still hungry, so he has an extra wrap after dinner.

9pm – Crisis hits when we realise that my parents’ Netflix has finally kicked us out. We have just started bingeing the Vikings series and are obsessed, so I bite the bullet and get a membership. That’s one to add to the spreadsheet. $8.99

Daily Total: $12.69

Day 3

7am – After snoozing the alarm three times, I get up and go about my typical morning routine. I have a quiet day at work, with only one assessment in the morning, but it’s an assessment I’ve never completed before, so I have a quick 20-minute practice before heading into the clinic at 8:30am.

11am – The assessment was a success and I can finally relax for the day. Because it’s the Victorian school holidays, we’re a bit quiet in the clinic, as lots of clients take breaks. I try to enjoy the quiet, as I know it’ll be busy again soon.


2pm – We have been informed at work that our air conditioner is broken, which is not ideal. But it means that for the remainder of the afternoon we can work from home, which is ideal, as I only have reports to complete.

4pm – I smash out the remainder of my short to-do list at home and I greet a very surprised F at the front door, who wasn’t expecting me to be home. We chat about our day as we get ready for our respective gym classes. F lets me know we’re going to his parents’ for dinner, so my day goes from good to even better. I love their cooking!

6pm – I hobble (literally) out of my reformer class, get in my car and head to F’s parents’ house for dinner. I love it when they invite us over for dinner, as they are brilliant cooks, and honestly, they buy nicer meats and ingredients than our budget allows, so it feels like going out for dinner. Pork belly, chicken wings with blue cheese sauce and Thai salad. Amazing!

7.30pm – F and I spend some time browsing a travel website. We’re planning to travel in 2025 for three weeks, probably somewhere in Europe but we are also considering Japan. We love the look of the ‘Play and Pause’ trips, as we’re a bit nervous to plan our own trip from scratch.

9pm – We finish off a couple of episodes of Vikings, drink some chamomile tea, and call it a night.

Daily Total: $0

Read the rest on Refinery29 Australia here.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald are owned by Nine, which also holds the publishing rights for Refinery29 in Australia.

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