

This was published 4 months ago

‘The most expensive day of my life’: What a project officer on $79,000 spends in a week

This article originally appeared in Refinery29 Australia.

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we ask real people how they spend and save their money during a seven-day period, tracking every last dollar. Anyone can write a Money Diary. Want to see yours here? Here’s how.

On Money Diaries this week, a 32-year-old project officer pays a 50 per cent deposit on her first home in Geelong, Victoria.

On Money Diaries this week, a 32-year-old project officer pays a 50 per cent deposit on her first home in Geelong, Victoria.Credit: Refinery29 Australia

Today, we meet a 32-year-old project officer who pays a 50% deposit on her first home in Geelong, Victoria! The $87,500 deposit marks the most expensive day of her life so far.

Occupation: Project Officer
Industry: Health
Age: 32
Location: Geelong, VIC
Pronouns: She/Her
Salary: $79,500 (my partner earns $124,000)
Net Worth: Total: $285,000 ($200,000 in high-interest savings accounts ($175,000 of this was gifted to me by my parents for our upcoming house deposit and $85,000 (approx) in ETFs). My partner has approximately $170,000 in high-interest savings accounts. We are looking to buy a house, we are largely splitting expenses. However, once we buy a house we will merge all our money and pay for expenses from an offset account.
Debt: HELP debt of $37,000
Paycheque Amount (Fortnightly): $2,245

Monthly Expenses


Rent: I live with my partner in Geelong, Victoria. We’re renting a three-bedroom house, we moved from Melbourne about six months ago, and we’re paying $2,346 per month (about the same as what we paid for a tiny apartment in Melbourne). We split our rent via salary, so I pay $892 and F pays $1,454.
Loan Repayments: $244 comes out of my pay per month for my HELP debt.
Groceries: My partner and I share the grocery shopping, if a shop is over $100 we tend to split it, otherwise whoever is shopping will pay. I spend about $300-$400 for my share.
Transport: $400. This includes car running costs, fuel, rego, Myki and the occasional Uber.
Phone: $25. I use Woolworths mobile, mainly because you get 10% off one shop per month.
Donations: Each month I donate roughly $100-150 to different charities or causes. I used to have a direct debit, but I’m enjoying being a bit more intentional about where my donations go each month.
Spotify: $17.99 for my partner and me (my partner has other streaming services she pays for).
Patreon: $6.50
Electricity & Gas: $100
Internet: $40
Gym: Approx. $100. I buy multi-visit passes.

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?

Yes, I completed a bachelor’s and master’s degree. My mum contributed some upfront costs to my bachelor’s degree in my first year, because at that time there was a small discount for upfront payments. Everything else went on HECS/HELP. My master’s was about $40,000 because I didn’t have a government-supported place. I definitely notice the $244 that comes out of my paycheck each week and I welcome student-loan reforms! I was also privileged to live at home for all of my bachelor’s degree and some of my master’s and I did not have to contribute board.


Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?

I don’t remember having many conversations about money. I certainly observed the way my family was with money (read below).

I’m naturally a frugal person and largely try to spend money with purpose and intention, and within my means. My brother and my dad gave me some guidance about investing in ETFs when I was in my 20s.

What was your first job and why did you get it?

At about 15, I got a hospitality job at one of the big stadiums. A friend was already working there. I think I got it to have a bit of extra spending money.

Did you worry about money growing up?

Not really, we were middle class. Both my parents worked reasonably well-paying jobs and invested in shares, we lived in a home my parents owned, and they also had other properties they rented out. But, both my parents are very frugal with money.

We went to public school, bought clothes from Best & Less and Kmart, and went on holidays to caravan parks. I certainly looked at other kids who went on overseas holidays and wore expensive clothes with jealousy. My parents have never really “treated” themselves, although they could afford to! I guess this has allowed them to gift my siblings and I money to buy a house.

Do you worry about money now?

I have in the past, but I am in a very privileged position where I will probably never truly have to worry about money. This is largely thanks to a personal safety net provided by my partner and my family.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?


I moved out of home at 23 with my partner at the time. I was studying full-time, working casually and doing compulsory uni placements (unpaid of course). Money was really tight at the time, my partner wasn’t able to work so I was often covering all the rent and bills. We lived a frugal life, but my mum was always there if money got too tight.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.

Yes, as mentioned earlier, my parents have gifted me $175,000 to contribute to buying a house. At times, my mum has also gifted or loaned me money. I also earn about $3000 per year from dividends from my ETFs.

Day 1

7:45am — Amazingly, I spring out of bed, leaving my still-sleeping partner, F, behind. It’s Saturday! I grab a banana and head to the gym. I use my Class Pass membership, which has four credits remaining, for a 45-minute class. Four credits work out to $10.80, whereas this class would have cost $21 if I bought it through the gym directly — a great saving! Since I’m now out of credits, I purchase a new class pack of 25 credits for $55. $55

9:15am — The gym was HARD! But I love starting the weekend with some exercise. On the way home, I stop by the service station to fill up my car with diesel ($95.30). $95.30

10:00am — Back at home, I whip up some potato hash browns, avocado, and eggs for breakfast for F and me. We’ve been getting a fortnightly “Farmers Pick” box delivered, containing fruit and vegetables that Coles and Woolies have rejected. It’s a bit cheaper, uses minimal plastic, and I enjoy planning our meals around the veggies. We have a surplus of potatoes from last week’s delivery, so this is the perfect way to use them up. F grabs us a couple of takeaway coffees from the local cafe (she pays), and we sit down to enjoy breakfast together.

11:00am — My busy week and lack of a sleep-in finally catch up with me! I settle onto the couch with my new heated throw blanket (so cosy!) and get lost in some Broad City (best show ever!).

12:00pm — About an hour later, I wake up to F banging on the back door, she accidentally locked herself out! Now that I’m up, I hang out the washing and do some gardening.


1:30pm — Exciting news! We put in a verbal offer on a house yesterday, and just heard back from the agent — the vendors have accepted! I spoke with the conveyancer yesterday, and now that our offer has been accepted, F and I chat about what information we need to provide to the agent. We send off an email with our details for the contract, hoping to sign this week once the conveyancer has reviewed it again.

2:30pm — After spending most of the day at home, we take a drive down to the river for a walk. On the way, we drive past our new house! The walk is filled with excitement about the move, decorating ideas, and logistics. We offered a 30-day settlement, so we’ll be moving soon and will need to break our lease. We never could have afforded this house if we’d stayed in Melbourne.

4:00pm — Back home, I indulge in a crumpet smothered with honey and butter. To use up some leftover carrots, I bake a batch of carrot breakfast biscuits (they sound better than they actually are!) for next week — we already have all the ingredients in the pantry! I catch up on podcasts while the biscuits bake.

5:00pm — While I do some more gardening, I chat on the phone with a couple of interstate friends. They put me on speakerphone, and we fill each other in on what’s been happening lately. Of course, I tell them all about the house!

6:30pm — While I’ve been on the phone, F hasn’t been idle. She’s been busy at the supermarket, picking up ingredients to make ravioli from scratch with our pasta maker. The footy is on, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing night in!

8:00pm — Dinner was delicious: ricotta pesto ravioli, garlic bread, salad, and red wine! After dinner, we watch The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I read the book a few years ago and think it’s very well done. After one episode, we switch back to Broad City.

10:30pm — I wake up at the end of an episode and head straight to bed.

Daily Total: $150.30

Day 2

7:15am — Wide awake and scrolling through my phone. I see some vacation pictures from my brother in Ireland. Should I keep browsing or get a head start on dinner prep? Up I get!

8:30am — Instant coffee (my fancy coffee days are a thing of the past) and a leftover carrot biscuit for breakfast. A pot of sweet potato and black bean soup simmers on the stove, and a load of laundry churns in the washing machine.

9:45am — After wasting some time online, F and I realise we need to leave soon. We scramble to get ready for our friend’s birthday bottomless brunch in Melbourne. We power-walk to the station and meet our friend just in time. Luckily, we snag seats after the previous train was cancelled. We chat throughout the one-hour journey, which costs $7.20 thanks to the weekend fare cap! $7.20

11:15am — We arrive in sunny Melbourne and walk along the river to Fed Square. Our friends are waiting for us. We raise a glass of bubbly to the birthday girl and present her with our joint gift. Brunch includes food, sparkling wine, and three cocktails for a pre-paid price of $65 (we paid last week).

2:00pm — After a fun and boozy brunch, our reservation is over, and we head to a pub in the city. Feeling a bit worse for wear, I opt for a Pepsi while F and the birthday girl enjoy beers ($38.51). As her birthday wish, our friend requests a round of Monopoly Deal. We also order more food for the table. I stick with another Pepsi and buy a friend a lemonade ($9.10). $47.61

4:45pm — Time to head home. We say goodbye to our friends and catch a tram to Southern Cross Station, all within the free tram zone. With a 15-minute wait for our train, we pop into Woolworths Metro. I grab a pack of gum, a Diet Coke, and the free magazine ($10.25). $10.25

6:30pm — Back in Geelong! Exhausted from the train journey, we decide to splurge on a $10.88 Uber ride instead of the usual 20-minute walk. At home, I grab a few things from Coles: tortilla chips, feta, limes for the soup, an Up&Go, and a discounted $1 packet of diced pumpkin. My total grocery bill comes to $21. $31.88

7:00pm — I roast the pumpkin for tomorrow’s soup, then unwind with a relaxing bath. Finally, I transfer $50 to my friend who coordinated the birthday present, enjoy a bowl of soup for dinner, watch some TV, and call it a night! $50

Daily Total: $146.94

Day 3

7:00am — F’s alarm goes off, and she starts her morning routine. Working from home today, I hit snooze and catch up on my phone.

8:00am — Time to rise and shine! I start another load of laundry, brew a cup of coffee, grab a carrot biscuit for breakfast, and get prepped to start work at 8:30 am.

9:00am — I check my inbox, eagerly anticipating an email from our mortgage broker. Instead, I find an enticing offer from my gym: a 10-class pack for $140 (originally $210) with a 12-month expiry. Sold! I snag this deal immediately. $140

10:00am — Our team’s Monday morning check-in meeting is complete! I quickly hang out the laundry, but the sunny forecast seems to be a lie - it’s still cloudy and freezing! Refuelling with another coffee and persimmon, I prepare for a meeting with my team leader.

11:30am — I feel fantastic after my team leader meeting, and look what finally happened — the sun has peeked through! I check my phone to discover a missed call from the agent and emails from both the broker and conveyancer. Everything’s moving smoothly on the house front!


12:15pm — Lunchtime! A big thank you to my past self for making soup — I enjoy a bowl basking in the sunshine, followed by a quick walk around the block.

1:00pm — Back to work, but my lunch break ran a little longer than usual. The real estate agent called to discuss the next steps. He’s surprisingly friendly, and if all goes according to plan, we should be signing tomorrow!

2:30pm — My productivity is waning while tackling plans for the next financial year. I take a break for a crumpet with honey. Maybe a change of scenery will spark some motivation — I move to the kitchen table.

4:45pm — It’s clock-out time! I did my best to stay focused and avoid getting too sidetracked by house-buying logistics. For a snack, I enjoy some Vita-Weats with butter and Vegemite. F calls to let me know she’s walking home from work — another perk of living in Geelong, no more long commutes for her!

5:15pm — On the way to the gym, F and I swing by Woolworths to pick up dinner ingredients. We already have tomatoes and avocados, so we decide on BLATs for tonight and tandoori salmon for tomorrow. We grab bacon, salmon, coriander, spinach, tandoori paste, tofu, Turkish rolls, yogurt, halloumi, and some aspirin. Using our 10% Woolworths mobile plan discount, the total comes to $52.06 (F covers the cost). We head off to the gym, and I use a class from the discounted pack I purchased earlier.

7:00pm — Showered and ravenous, we whip up delicious BLATs (an unexpected but satisfying dinner choice!). I also prepare some pumpkin soup using leftover roasted pumpkins from yesterday.

9:00pm — Dinner cleanup complete, F and I settle in on the couch for some wedding planning. Yes, on top of buying a house, we’re also getting married next year! As recommended, we’re using With Joy to create a wedding website for invitations. It’s fantastic — with templates to choose from, easy updates, and the best part — it’s free! After finalising this, we head to bed.

Daily Total: $140

Day 4

6:30am — Rude awakening! I realise I hit snooze on my earlier alarm. I scramble out of bed, get ready for work, and brew a coffee for the commute — I’m in Melbourne today. A quick 5-minute drive gets me to the station’s free parking. I could catch the 7:06 am train, but I opt to wait for the 7:13am instead. The round-trip train journey will be $10.60 thanks to the regional fare cap! $10.60

8:10am — Arrived in Melbourne! A 15-minute walk takes me to work. My breakfast this morning consists of a couple of carrot biscuits and an Up&Go, enjoyed at my desk. It’s a full house today — everyone from my team is in the office, and the atmosphere is great!

10:00am — Coffee break! A few colleagues and I head down to the building’s ground floor for coffee. I choose a strong flat white. $5.08

2:00pm — Meetings eat into lunchtime, so I grab lunch with some team members — black bean and sweet potato soup again! I refresh myself with a quick walk in the fresh air before returning to my desk.

4:30pm — Work complete! I make the 15-minute walk back to the station. On the train ride home, the conveyancer calls with good news — we’re cleared to sign the house contract! I zone out with a podcast for the rest of the journey.

6:00pm — Home sweet home! Famished, I whip up dinner: tandoori salmon in the air fryer served with rice, peas, and a coriander yoghurt dressing. F and I catch up on each other’s days.

7:00pm — We give the contract of sale one final review and then sign it — a somewhat anticlimactic online process! Following our conveyancer’s advice, I start researching home and contents insurance now that we’ve signed. After comparing companies and adjusting excess amounts, I settle on a yearly policy costing $1,303.92. Since we’re combining our finances, I handle this expense without splitting it with F. $1,303.92

9:00pm — As if signing a house contract wasn’t enough excitement for one day, we decide to send out our wedding invitations! Adding everyone’s email addresses takes a while, but eventually, it’s time to call it a night.

Daily Total: $1,319.60

Day 5

6:30am — My alarm sounds. I grab my phone and see a couple of direct debits overnight: $25 for my monthly phone bill and $53.95 for the fortnightly veggie box arriving this weekend ($26.98 is my share). $51.97

7:15am — After a quick yoga routine, I get ready for another workday in Melbourne. Today’s training session necessitates the extra commute. I whip up breakfast (a honey crumpet and a carrot biscuit) and a coffee for the road.

9:15am — The training takes place in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, almost a two-hour drive away! Arriving early, I catch up on work emails and enjoy a complimentary flat white offered by the venue.

11:20am — We have a short training break, and morning tea is provided (fruit, quiches, and rice paper rolls). I mingle with other participants during this time.

1:00pm — Training concludes. I drive 45 minutes to my workplace on the other side of Melbourne, where I’ll participate in an online training session for the rest of the afternoon.


4:15pm — I clock out a little early and see a missed call from the conveyancer. They require a deposit payment and want us to contact the agent. I call F to see if she can handle contacting the agent for the deposit. On the way home, hunger pangs strike, and I succumb to a Twister Wrap from KFC ($9.45). I usually avoid takeout due to cost, but today, hunger wins. $9.45

5:30pm — Back home! F’s already here and has the deposit payment details. After triple-checking everything, we transfer $87,500 for the 10% deposit from my account. While we have a 20% deposit saved, only 10% is required at this stage. Today’s payment comes out of my account, with F responsible for contributing the remaining portion of the deposit. $87,500

6:30pm — Exhausted, we enjoy a dinner of Turkish rolls with halloumi, tomato, and spinach prepared by F.

7:00pm — I inquire about a building and pest inspection and receive a quote of $660 (no immediate payment required). Seeing positive reviews, I confirm the inspection for Friday.

9:30pm — Lights out after the most expensive day of my life so far!

Daily Total: $87,561.42

Read the rest on Refinery29 Australia here.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald are owned by Nine, which also holds the publishing rights for Refinery29 in Australia.

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