

This was published 6 months ago


Do I really need to pay for two different financial advisors?

I am looking to retire in approximately two years. I am with a large super fund in a defined benefits scheme. I have started discussion with them but, they will only give superannuation advice, not full real life advice as we own an investment property and some shares.

I now find I will need to get taxation advice and financial advice. Should I try to find someone who can do everything, or pay for three different advisors?

It’s worth paying to get the right advice from the right people.

It’s worth paying to get the right advice from the right people.Credit: Simon Letch

Your podiatrist and your dentist both work in the medical field and probably have some cross-over in their knowledge. But I certainly wouldn’t be asking my podiatrist to take care of a filling for me!

Tax advice and financial planning advice are two distinct specialities, and whilst tax advisors know a bit about super, and financial planners know some elements of the tax regime, neither is an expert in the others’ field. Each profession has its own specific areas of knowledge, and the tools (software) used are very different. You would obtain these services from two different people.

There are some firms that offer both services under the one roof, which might offer you some convenience, but you will still be paying for two distinct services.


Your financial planner will be able to handle advice on the defined benefit scheme that you are in, so three different advisors should be unnecessary.

We are a family that moved to Sydney in 2016, our children are now 10 & 12. I am 54 years old earning $160k per year, my wife $40k, with about $100k in super. We have two properties we’ve bought in the last three years that we rent out. With the recent spike in interest rates they are now only just positively geared. We pay $950 a week in rent. Can you suggest a strategy for us that will allow us to support our children as much as possible while giving us a reasonable chance of a tolerable retirement?

Thanks for your question. I would want to know your long-term retirement plans. Most people would like to own the roof over their head in retirement. The “rentvest” strategy that you are undertaking is sometimes used as a way to live closer to work during your income producing years, with the intention of then moving somewhere cheaper in retirement when the rental properties can in some ways solve your housing need.


If this is your plan then ideally you would want to delay selling down the investment properties until after you’ve retired to minimise the capital gains tax liability.

This would also mean you will have owned the properties for more than a decade, which helps defray the high transaction costs associated with acquiring and disposing of property. The strategy you’ve embarked upon is a bet on property price appreciation, and the longer you hold on to the properties, the greater the chance of success.

Whilst no one has a crystal ball, most economists seem to be forecasting interest rate declines within the next year or two. If it’s the case that you can manage things cash flow wise now, there’s no particular reason to think you won’t be able to continue to do so in the years ahead.

It would be reasonable to expect the rental income that you receive will gradually increase, as will your wages. If mortgage interest rates remain the same or even decline, then your cash flow position should gradually improve, helping you retain your investments for as long as possible.

It would also be worth you and your wife having a discussion around prioritisation of goals. In your question you mentioned two goals, retirement and supporting your children. I think you need to get clear on which of these takes priority.

Your superannuation balance is low relative to your age, so I would encourage you to prioritise your and your wife’s financial security. Certainly help your children financially where you can, but have faith that your children will be capable of standing on their own two feet when adulthood comes. Through you being financially secure, your children will not need to support you later in life.

Paul Benson is a Certified Financial Planner, and host of the Financial Autonomy podcast. Questions to:

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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