

This was published 5 months ago

Croissants and egg freezing: What a consultant on $130,000 spends in a week

This article originally appeared in Refinery29 Australia.

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we ask real people how they spend and save their money during a seven-day period, tracking every last dollar. Anyone can write a Money Diary. Want to see yours here? Here’s how.

On Money Diaries this week, we meet a diarist with severe endometriosis and adenomyosis who spends $9796 on fertility treatments and finishes four books.

On Money Diaries this week, we meet a diarist with severe endometriosis and adenomyosis who spends $9796 on fertility treatments and finishes four books.Credit: Refinery29 Australia

Today, we meet a diarist with severe endometriosis and adenomyosis who spends $9796 on fertility treatments and egg freezing, finishes four books in a week and visits her mum daily for hot chocolate and shared meals.

Occupation: Risk and compliance consultant
Industry: NFP
Age: 35
Location: Glen Iris, Melbourne
Pronouns: She/Her
Assets: $20,977.45. This is comprised of a bunch of different accounts for separate things: $11,975.91 – house deposit; $120.96 – emergency savings (this was wiped out recently and is being slowly built back up); $278.62 – gifts; $7950.99 – health; $2753.76 – bills; $120.04 – transport; $355.62 – splurge; $906.67 – ST goals.
Debt: $39,984.36 total. $32,927.61 in HECS/HELP and $7056.75 on credit card. I balance transferred this at the start of last year with a 0 per cent interest rate so I can pay it off over time.
Pay cheque amount (fortnightly): $2859.84

Monthly Expenses


Rent: $2173 for a two-bedroom apartment I live in solo.
Debt repayments: $165 per fortnight to credit card and around $169 weekly to HECS.
Internet: $85
Gas: $30
Electricity: $66
Water: $12
Apple Storage: $4.50
Health Insurance: $517.51 (this is going up to $533.58 in the next week or so)
Subscriptions: $66 (I share all of these and have basically everything including Disney+, Prime Video, Binge, Apple TV/Music, Kindle Unlimited, Stan, Netflix, Paramount+ (I forgot to cancel this), Britbox.
Home insurance: $676 annually
Phone: $320 prepaid annual sim
Car: $3500 (this is not the exact cost but I budget around this to cover rego, insurance and service costs as last year after I inherited the car I was hit with nearly $2000 on the service)
Clinical Pilates: $630 (this covers a 10-pack and at the end, I can claim around $167 back from health insurance. This is usually held in the health savings fund until it is due)
Deposit savings: $400
Health savings: $500
Splurge: $330
Gifts: $30
Transport: $200
ST goals: $100
Woolworths Extra (annually): $59

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?

Yes, I have a bachelor of science and a masters of business, both paid for by HECS/HELP and neither have much application to my current role.


Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?

I was incredibly naive about money. I am a natural spender and my parents spent a long time trying to teach me about the value of money. They even went to the extent of giving me a budget when I was about 14 and “pocket money” but I needed to pay all my expenses out of it. This included any sports club fees and associated gear, clothes, shoes, hair costs and outings with friends.

Sadly, I would be the first to admit that this didn’t work and I continued to be pretty naive.

What was your first job and why did you get it?

My first job was around 14 and I babysat for some of the younger children at my school. It was advertised by the school. They interviewed me and then recommended me and a couple of others. The other job I had around the same time was as a medical receptionist at a family friend’s practice. I worked there for a bit during the school holidays for extra money after having done work experience there.

Did you worry about money growing up?

No, but I really should have. My parents had a hard time with money when I was young and I do remember being told I couldn’t have things, but I never really noticed us struggling. I always had food and clothes and was able to do the things I wanted to do for the most part.

My brother was older when my parents went through the rough patch financially, and he’s a massive saver, maybe because he understood more of what was happening.

Do you worry about money now?

ALL THE TIME. I have severe endometriosis and adenomyosis. I was diagnosed with the endo at 14 but in the past few years I found out about the adenomyosis when I had a massive flare-up. The result of this has been a lot of medical costs involving surgeries, associated treatments, pain medications et cetera. I also had to look into egg freezing as the endometriosis affected my fertility levels. I got tested at my doctor’s recommendation last year and found my levels were very low.

As I’ve always wanted to have children, this has meant I needed to act quickly. I started undergoing fertility treatments for egg freezing a month or two ago. The cost is enormous and there have been a lot of expenses in the lead-up to it (hundreds of dollars in drugs to try to increase egg reserves monthly). I’m also stressed about the cost of living and rental crises.


If I wanted to have a child in the current market, I would want to have a property I owned as rentals are so sparse and single mothers are often weighted against when trying to secure a rental. Because of this, I’ve been desperately trying to save a deposit to get in on the first homebuyer scheme, but I worry about actually achieving this and the potential hidden costs.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?

I moved out of home at 18 and lived at uni, but my parents mostly supported me while I was there so I was extremely fortunate. I had a part-time job on the weekend but didn’t need to rely on it for living costs. It was only when I failed one of my subjects in my final year and needed to retake it the following year that they told me I needed to stand on my own. This meant getting other work that would fit around uni, paying for my rental and the associated costs. Having said this, my dad worried about me financially a lot and would occasionally get me things I needed if he felt I was struggling.

Do you receive or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.

Yes, I received $10,000 which my parents had invested in shares for me at 18. I proceeded to blow this on a month-long trip to Japan during uni.

Day 1

8am — My alarm goes off and I don’t want to be awake. It’s a weekend and I’m not sure why I did this to myself. While moving to snooze it I remember I set it to check if my period had started. I’ve been symptomatic the past few days and was sure it would arrive, but the previous fertility cycle throws off your next one. And yep, it’s here, which means I need to rush to the pathology centre to get some blood taken. I do a quick change and head straight out. I email the nurses to let them know it’s day one.

9am — There was a bit of a wait at the centre, but the nurse was lovely. She’s a fertility nurse for her day job so we were chatting about this while she took my blood. After this, I head to mum’s house. She’d messaged me while I was waiting to let me know her puppy was sick and asked if I could bring my Bissell cleaner to clean the mess but I was already out. When I arrive she makes me a coffee, I take some pain meds, and I sit and cuddle the pup who is very sooky as he’s not feeling well.

10:30am — This week is a big restock week. So I head to the shops. Since my dad passed last year, I buy most of the groceries for mum and I and drop it off at our respective homes. We both contribute $215 a fortnight towards this. The car is filthy (it was last washed during its service around nine months ago) so I leave it at the car wash at the shopping centre while I shop. I head to the greengrocer and get salad and vegetables ($55.90), and Baker’s Delight for bread and a choc croissant ($14.33). I browsed the other stores for a bit to make sure they had enough time to clean the car. I get back five minutes early and eat the croissant while I wait. $70.23

11:15am — Head to the Woolworths nearby. There is a Dan Murphy’s there too. Mum wants some Asahi which is on sale, and I want some more Marsala wine as I cook with it ($74 but mum will pay $54 for the beer as it’s outside of the budget). I head to Woolworths next to stock up on some groceries. I normally Click and Collect but I recently discovered that my 10 per cent discount works online and again in-store. I also have a big Coles pick-up order later today which was paid for last night. $20

12:30pm — Get back to mum’s and I’m really struggling with pain at this point. We unpack her groceries and she puts them away before making me a piece of toast that she forces me to eat before I have more painkillers. I often lose my appetite during periods. I head home for a nap straight after this.

3:30pm — I spent my attempted sleep time stressing about having heard nothing from the clinic yet. The nurse finally calls to let me know the lab had a problem with their machine so couldn’t get the results. She says to start the new medication, which is a spray first thing in the morning.

5pm — Head to pick up my Coles order and take it all to mum’s. We take the pup for a quick walk and since I feel terrible, we decide to get Grill’d burgers and small chips for dinner ($34.70). We pick up to save the delivery fee. After this, we watch some TV with hot chocolate and Easter eggs. $34.70

9pm — Get to my place and put away my share of the groceries (I do most of the cooking at mum’s but some here too). I get changed for bed and do my skincare. I’ve had a massive breakout from all the hormones so I’m trying to be more religious with this and use my LED mask twice a day. I read for a while before bed and finish my book, Kit McBride Gets a Bride.

Daily Total: $124.93

Day 2

7:45am — I snooze my alarm a few times until I realise I’m meant to be up to take my spray. I’m not sure if this one needs to be taken at a consistent time or not (like the other meds) so I make a mental note to check tomorrow. Once taken I have some painkillers, I have breakfast, which is a bagel with butter and Vegemite and a Moka Pot coffee, which I drink while reading my next book, Marrying off Morgan McBride.

10am — Now that my pain feels manageable, I get up and do some chores. I strip and change the bedsheets (love fresh sheets), put some washing on and the dishwasher, take down the recycling to the bins and vacuum. The last is essential as I have the pup staying tonight and he hates the vacuum sounds, so I need to get it done before he arrives. I take breaks as I need based on my pain levels. The apartment looks cleaner, though it’s still a bit of a mess. I have been going through everything I own and pulling out the things I don’t use or want to either sell or donate. I haven’t gone through them to choose what is going where yet, though. I really need to do this as I’m hoping to get some extra income to bulk up my savings.

11:30am — I head to my mum’s. She’s doing a roast eye fillet for lunch with veggies and potatoes. We chat for a while and play with the pup while it’s cooking. After lunch, we have hot chocolate and some Easter eggs. Then the pup and I head home so mum can get her own vacuuming done.


4:45pm — Pup and I wake up from a decent nap (does anyone else love a nap on the weekend?), just in time for his dinner. He’s very excited to let me know this. We get up and I feed him and read for a bit while it digests before taking him for a walk.

6pm — I give the bathroom a clean when we get back and then decide to lay back down with pup, my heat pack and painkillers. I read for a while, finishing my book and starting another, Ana Maria And The Fox.

9pm — Get back up to take my spray, do my skincare and brush my teeth. I read for a bit longer until pup hears one of my neighbours get home — he adores them and it’s entirely mutual. He goes and cries at the door until I let him out to say hello to the neighbours. They give him treats and cuddles and play with him for a bit before we go back inside and go back to bed. I finish my book and start another, The Maidens.

Daily Total: $0

Day 3

7am — It’s Monday and my alarm has been going off for 30 minutes. I know I’m terrible at getting up with it and true to form I’ve been hitting snooze consistently and somehow the pup has been ignoring it, too. I get up to take my spray medication. I’m not sure whether I’m meant to start my injections or not. I um and ah about it for a bit before finally taking it as the nurse had said I’d have a day on the first med and then start the injections. I make breakfast, which is a bagel with butter and Vegemite and a coffee and I scroll through my emails while I eat. I have an email from Medicare telling me my claim for the anaesthetist for my last egg collection has finally been paid ($466). Depressingly, I only got $134 back from Medicare from the $600 fee. I’ll have to check with my private health to see if it will cover anything else. $466

8am — I hop up, have a quick shower and wash my hair, then take the pup for a walk. He has a great time sniffing everything. We get back just in time for me to log on. I didn’t blow dry my hair before I left so it has unfortunately dried naturally in a frizz ball.

9:45am — I’m scrolling Amazon at the end of a meeting as Coles cancelled mum’s toilet paper off the order, so I’m ordering her some more. They have a sale on and I browse this for a bit before telling myself just to get what I need, which is the toilet paper and a pair of sink plugs that are meant to be universal. I have spent so much money unsuccessfully trying to get a plug for my kitchen sink so fingers crossed this one is a winner. ($34.40). As I check out, I realise that two books I’d wanted sitting at the top of my ‘saved for later’ list are 50 per cent off. I have a credit on Amazon which should cover this so even though I’ve been trying to avoid buying things I don’t need, I feel OK about the purchase. After purchasing, I realise there is missing credit on my account and I chat to Amazon, who resolve this. I end up with $14.96 left in credit after the full amount of $50 for the order is covered). $34.40

12pm — I have half of a freezer pizza for lunch. I’m feeling quite nauseous (thanks, hormones) and although this helps a little I decide to have a lay down after eating. The puppy is extremely happy with this turn of events. He refuses to leave the bed for another 30 minutes after I get back up.

3pm — The nurse calls to let me know the lab lost my blood test. We chat about the process and she says I wasn’t meant to start the injection just yet but it’s not a big worry. She consults with the doctor and they decide I can continue on as I’ve been going. We lock in another blood test and scan for Saturday. I also find out I should use the spray every 12 hours, but as long as it’s 10 to 12 hours apart, it’s OK.

5:15pm — Finish a late meeting and head to mum’s. We feed the pup and take him for a walk to the park. Once back home, I make a salad while mum uses the leftover roast beef to make some steak sandwiches. We have oven fries with this. I remember I got a text reminder earlier that my fertility fee is to be deducted today. I transfer $9235 from various accounts to my everyday account in preparation. $9235

8pm — After an episode of Criminal Record and some hot chocolate and Easter eggs, I head home. I forgot to take my spray with me today, so I take this as soon as I get home. I do a bit more vacuuming of the rug, which seems to catch everything.

10pm — I finish my book just before 10pm, which is good because I needed to know the ending and would have stayed up even later to read it. I spend a few minutes scrolling before doing my skincare and going to sleep.

Daily Total: $9735.40

Read the rest on Refinery29 Australia here.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald are owned by Nine, which also holds the publishing rights for Refinery29 in Australia.

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