This was published 1 year ago
Floating ‘rafts’ of deadly fire ants pose growing threat to NSW
By Mike Foley
Venomous fire ants caught in Queensland floodwaters are forming living rafts that quickly traverse long distances, raising the threat of more incursions from the south-east of the state into NSW.
A video released by the Invasive Species Council on Tuesday shows thousands of ants clinging to each other in a tight pack as they float in floodwaters around the Gold Coast.
A fire ant colony forms a large raft in a watercourse in this historical photo.
The invasive species, whose sting can kill people, pets and livestock, and destroy native ecosystems, can also fly – in rare cases up to several kilometres at a time – and travel in transported soil, mulch, animal feed, potted plants and other organic material.
Six nests were detected and destroyed at Murwillumbah in the NSW Northern Rivers region in November. The mounting threat is so urgent the state government has increased checks at the Queensland border, requiring people to declare their goods and register their movements.
“There is a real onus on NSW residents, buyers, importers or anyone that’s bringing in goods from Queensland to make sure they know where it comes from,” NSW Department of Primary Industries chief invasive species officer Scott Charlton said.
“If it’s a fire ant area, it requires the appropriate paperwork to be certified as free from fire ants.”
Charlton said it was too early to confirm that the notoriously resilient species, which was first seen in Australia in 2001 in Brisbane, had been eradicated from NSW.
Invasive Species Council fire ant expert Reece Pianta said the rafting behaviour showed fire ant colonies were growing, allowing them to extend their infestation.
“They’re able to float to a new location and set up a colony, and it’s a sign that fire ants are reaching a certain density when they’re able to do that,” he said.
“We’re starting to see parks and school playgrounds closed down by fire ants. We’re also seeing fire ants close down beach accesses … because they’re able to inhabit the upper dunes on some beaches.”
Fire ants, which are native to South America, were introduced to the US state of Alabama in the 1930s. They have since spread across America’s South, where more than 80 deaths have been recorded. Their bite typically causes a burning sensation that lasts up to an hour and, in some cases, a fatal anaphylactic shock.
The insects are capable of establishing colonies in 99 per cent of mainland Australia, and a nationwide infestation is feared if the ants enter the Murray Darling Basin network and form rafts in the river system that extends from Queensland across NSW, into Victoria and South Australia.
The federal government is co-ordinating a national fire ant eradication program, with plans for a $600 million effort in Queensland to reduce the threat to the nation – but Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory are yet to commit their share of the funds.
“The fire ant eradication treatment area forms a horseshoe around the infestation – spanning from Moreton Bay in the north, west to the Lockyer Valley and south to the Gold Coast near the NSW border,” a spokesperson for the national eradication plan said.
Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt said the plan would double the size of the treatment and surveillance areas, and add 350 workers and aerial eradication capacity to the current regime.
Fire ants are copper brown with a darker abdomen. They are relatively small and measure 2 to 6 millimetres, with a variety of sizes in each nest.
Their nests are usually found in open areas such as lawns, garden beds, near water sources and along roads, and can appear as mounds or flat patches of loose soil with no obvious entry and exit holes.
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