This was published 1 year ago
State ramps up effort to stop venomous fire ants in their tracks
By Laura Chung
Detection dogs, chemical baits and a biosecurity control zone are all being rolled out in northern NSW to stop fire ants from spreading further into the state.
Last week, five red fire ant nests were located in South Murwillumbah, 13 kilometres south of the Queensland border. It’s the first time the venomous ants, which are believed to have spread from south-east Queensland, have been found in NSW.
Experts fear other fire ant infestations could be in NSW undetected.Credit: iStock
The government is relying on a range of methods to eradicate the ants, including chemical baits, detection dogs searching for other nests, and rolling out a five-kilometre radius biosecurity control zone that also restricts businesses and residents from moving materials that could house the ants.
The ants are also undergoing genetic testing to see whether they are a primary or secondary infestation: the first would mean the ants migrated from Queensland and have settled in the first location, and are easier to manage. The latter would mean the ants arrived at a primary location before spreading to a new area.
Why are fire ants so bad?
Their stings can be fatal to those who have severe allergic reactions, they can kill pets and native wildlife, and they have the potential to impact agriculture and native ecosystems. Red fire ant bites typically cause a burning sensation that lasts up to an hour and, in some cases, causes a fatal anaphylactic shock.
Professor Nigel Andrew, a Southern Cross University professor of entomology, says large fire ant colonies can have up to 400,000 workers, which feed on all sorts insects, animals and plants, and can destroy native habitats.
The only way to get rid of fire ants is to kill the queen ant or render her infertile - which is what the chemical baiting aims to do. This stops the colony from growing.
Andrew said while there have been five previous detections of fire ants in Australia, including one in NSW in 2014, these have swiftly been eradicated. But he said about 95 per cent of the country is susceptible to ants.
“People thought cane toads were the worst invasive species, but these will take over the entire country. It’s a whole new level of invasive species. These fire ants will completely impact our way of life outdoors,” he said.
Particularly problematic outbreaks have been known to force closures of sports fields and beaches on the Gold Coast.
Invasive Species Council Advocacy Manager Jack Gough said the government’s initial response has been strong, but there needs to be greater education efforts for residents across the entire Northern Rivers region to ensure they are on the lookout for ants to help stop the spread.
He said the ants may have been in the region for up to 12 months before being detected, meaning more infestations may not have yet been found.
When did the ants first arrive?
Fire ants were first detected in Brisbane in 2001, but it’s thought they’d been running rampant for a while before they were spotted. It’s believed they entered the country on a cargo ship from a South American country, possibly Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay or Argentina, where the ants are native.
While the ants have swept across Queensland, a countrywide infestation is anticipated when the ants, which spread by rafting down rivers on debris, enter the Murray Darling Basin network and access the river system that extends from Queensland across NSW, into Victoria and South Australia.
In the US, the ants were accidentally introduced into Alabama in the 1930s, and ran rampant before eradication efforts were trialled 27 years later. Efforts failed because the ants had spread across much of the country, including to Texas, California, Florida, New Mexico, and Puerto Rico. They cost the US agriculture industry $7 billion a year, and have killed 85 people.
The latest incursion has triggered Australia’s National Fire Ant Eradication Program response, which is part of a $600 million eradication plan. The program is funded by the Commonwealth and state and territory governments based on population, but confidential government documents reveal a shortfall of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Jack Gough said the giant hole in funding means that eradication efforts are being slowed, both in the current Northern Rivers outbreak and more broadly.
“This is a natural disaster just like a fire or a flood. The government needs to treat it as such, and that means not squabbling over how much it costs or who pays. It needs to be an overwhelming response,” he said.
“We have a history of trying to allocate as little money to the response as possible while seeming credible, but we haven’t been able to achieve eradication. We need to go hard and early.”
“We need to expect more incursions from Queensland and overseas … but we need to have the scale of resources ready to go to respond to that.”