

This was published 1 year ago

Teachers weren’t taught grammar in school. Now they’re rushing to brush up

By Christopher Harris

Grammar experts say English teachers will struggle to teach the subject when a new curriculum is rolled out in schools next year unless they are given refresher training, as most were never taught it at school themselves.

Heads of English have been handing out grammar textbooks to staff in a bid to get them up to speed while also “tapping” older teachers before they retire because they know the mechanics of grammar.

The new years 3 to 10 English syllabus stipulates that grammar must be taught, including concepts such as embedded adjectival clauses, succinct noun groups, elaborated noun or verb groups and positioning adverbial phrases.

Most teachers have a good grasp of writing but lack the language to communicate it to students.

Most teachers have a good grasp of writing but lack the language to communicate it to students.Credit:

The move is a return to the 1960s, before explicit grammar was removed from the curriculum because the prevailing educational wisdom in the ’70s suggested children could learn how to write and construct sentences by osmosis. Curriculum changes over subsequent decades tried to revive grammar, but not to the extent of the latest English syllabus.

Claire Wyatt-Smith, an education professor at the Australian Catholic University, said many teachers were not taught grammar at school and initial teacher education degrees were patchy when it came to covering how to teach the subject.

“The issue is: teachers often know something is wrong with a sentence but they won’t be able to explain why it’s wrong to the student,” Wyatt-Smith said.

“I think there needs to be some professional development, it needs to be standardised into a common course, we need clarity about that.”

Some schools plan on utilising the grammar skills of older teachers before they retire.

Some schools plan on utilising the grammar skills of older teachers before they retire.Credit: Getty

Peter Knapp, a former director of Educational Assessment Australia who advised the NSW Education Standards Authority on grammar for the new syllabus, said the skills required to teach grammar were not straightforward.


“The new syllabus has broken new ground in providing explicit outcome knowledge that children are required to be taught,” he said.

“We’ve got to bite the bullet and say it’s not easy. We need to do it explicitly and systematically. We’ve got to give teachers the resources and knowledge, and then we can expect to make significant improvements in students’ writing.”

Last year, in NSW, at least one in 10 year 9 students, or 13.7 per cent, failed to reach the national minimum standard in writing in NAPLAN tests.


Rebecca Birch, director of research and practice at Mosman girls’ school Queenwood, said the profession must be open about how difficult it might be, as most teachers were not taught it at school or university.

“Teachers are keen to do this well, but it will be a challenge for the profession,” she said.

“We will have to be proactive and open about the professional learning required because the focus on grammar and sentence-level instruction is a real shift.

“We also need to tap into our older teachers before they retire as they do know the mechanics of grammar and are an incredible resource.”

The head of English at Ravenswood, Stella Re, said she had bought grammar books for her staff to help bring them up to speed ahead of the change next year.

“Yes, teachers around the state may struggle with the explicit teaching of grammar,” she said.

“We, as teachers, understand the construction of sentences on a basic level, but [the challenge is] transferring that in an explicit way to the students which is engaging.”

She said the idea of learning grammar through osmosis might have worked in the 1970s, but now many students struggled to get through a novel.

“We do a lot of reading in a classroom ... but they baulk at the time which is required to read a novel,” she said.

The English Teachers Association of NSW president, Eva Gold, said teachers had not had enough time to prepare for the new syllabus, despite being promised extra time when the new curriculum implementation timeline was made public.


Earlier this month, Education Minister Prue Car delayed the rollout of new syllabuses for subjects including commerce, music and Aboriginal studies to give teachers more time. The timeline for English and mathematics syllabuses will continue.

Grammar expert Deb Doyle, who teaches a one-day grammar boot camp at the University of Sydney, said her course was well attended by primary and secondary school teachers who, she said, needed to be equipped with professional learning before the syllabus changed.

“How scary would it be for a young teacher to have to go and teach stuff they don’t know themselves?” she said.

A NSW Education Standards Authority spokeswoman said the curriculum was based on the latest evidence for best practice in reading, writing and comprehension.

“This new approach equips teachers with an understanding of the specific, age-appropriate elements of grammar to best support students expressing their ideas and composing texts,” she said.

Quiz Answers Explained

Question 1 answer: Sentence A

An appositive is a noun, pronoun or phrase we use to rename or describe the noun, pronoun or phrase it precedes or follows. The compound proper noun Professor Ferguson is a phrase, and a renowned pianist is a phrase this writer has used to rename or describe Professor Ferguson. Because a renowned pianist is enclosed in a pair of commas (or dashes or parentheses), it’s called a non-restrictive, non-defining or non-essential element, which means it’s merely extra information we could delete and retain the thrust of the sentence: Professor Ferguson would be playing in the city’s hundred-year-old concert hall.

Question 2 answer: Sentence B

An imperative sentence is a sentence in which we instruct, make a request or issue a command. Sentence C is a mild command because it concludes with a full stop, whereas a strong command concludes with an exclamation mark. The grammatical subject of an imperative sentence is the second-person pronoun you, the reader or listener, and is merely implied or understood rather than visible in the sentence: [You] Please close the window before you leave. Sentence A is an exclamatory sentence (an exclamation). Sentence C is a declarative sentence (a statement). Sentence D is an interrogative sentence (a question).

Question 3 answer: Sentence C

Sentence C contains four nouns: the possessive noun Frank’s; the common nouns cat and mouse; and the abstract noun ache, modified by the word stomach, which is a noun acting as an adjective. Frank’s cat is a noun phrase that’s modified by the adjectival clause who’s eaten a mouse. An adjectival clause, also known as a relative clause, is a type of dependent (subordinate) clause that functions as an adjective, the part of speech we use to describe, modify or point out a noun, noun phrase or pronoun. The grammatical subject of Sentence C is Frank’s cat who’s eaten a mouse, not just Frank’s cat, because who’s eaten a mouse is an important piece of information about Frank’s cat. This type of clause is called a restrictive clause, a defining clause or an essential clause because it’s part of the grammatical subject. If it were a non-restrictive, non-defining or non-essential clause, it’d be enclosed in a pair of commas, dashes or parentheses because it’d be merely extra information about Frank’s cat, so we could delete it without changing the thrust of the sentence: Frank’s cat has a stomach ache.

Question 4 answer: Sentence B

Passive voice is when a sentence’s or clause’s grammatical subject passively receives the action, doing, being or having signified in the finite verb. In the passive voice, the grammatical subject is also the direct object, which is something or someone that/who has something done to it or him/her/them. In Sentence B, The car passively had something done to it: The car was painted hastily by the mechanic, or The car was hastily painted. In the passive voice, the preposition by is always either visible or implied and understood. In Sentence B it’s visible, in the phrase by the mechanic. In the active voice, the grammatical subject actively undertakes the action, doing, being or having, via the finite verb. Sentence A is written in the active voice and the ‘present-perfect continuous’ tense. Sentence B is written in the passive voice and the past-simple tense. Sentence C is written in the active voice and the past-simple tense. Sentence D is written in the active voice and the past-perfect tense.

Quiz and answers supplied by Deb Doyle, who teaches short courses in grammar and punctuation at the Centre for Continuing Education The University of Sydney.

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