

This was published 4 years ago


NSW schools are failing to teach writing skills

While debate has long raged about why Australian students are performing poorly in world rankings in the fundamental skills of reading and mathematics, there is growing evidence that students are also struggling in the third “R” of writing.

The NSW Education Standards Authority has just completed a significant report, obtained by the Herald, which says that writing skills are going backwards, especially in high school. Assessing writing standards is somewhat arbitrary: different teachers can give quite different marks for the same essay. But NESA’s The Thematic Review of Writing report endorsed the results of NAPLAN tests, which show that year 9 students in NSW in 2019 were the equivalent of five months behind the level of year 9 students in 2011.

Some might accept that standards are falling but maintain there is still no need to devote more resources to teaching writing in schools. Most students, they say, will work in jobs where they do not have to write complicated long essays or literary short stories. This is even more true in a digital age when so much communication is by text message or Giphy.

Yet the report says that good writing is still vital, not least because most HSC and university subjects, including the sciences, require clear written expression.

Out in the real world, it says, once entirely manual workers such as tradies and farmers also need to write reports, sales pitches and emails. Indeed, there would be very few people who don’t have to construct emails at all – whether it be to friends, companies or work colleagues.

There is also a social argument that people in a democracy should cultivate the ability to express ideas clearly. George Orwell argued in his seminal essay Politics and the English Language that good writing was “a necessary first step towards political regeneration”.

The Herald agrees there is a strong case for teaching writing but it also acknowledges the problematic debate about how to do it.

The NESA report says educators face a “turbulent theoretical environment” on how to teach writing that in some ways mirrors the debate about the best way to teach reading.

The pendulum has increasingly swung back to teaching reading using “phonics” (spelling out individual letters in words) and away from a “whole of language” approach that leaves students to use context and their own knowledge to guess words.

Similarly, the NESA review says that the teaching of writing needs to shift away from a “personal growth” approach that dates back to the 1970s, where students are allowed to write without guidance and express themselves.


The report recommends that the curriculum should encourage much more explicit teaching of grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and the characteristics of different styles of writing, such as structuring an argument or expressing feelings.

Yet the report admits this recommendation risks fuelling a culture war in which a media-driven “back-to-basics crusade” is pitted against the “sins of progressive educators”.

It argues, however, for a middle path and says there is no case for a return to the pedantic, soul-destroying days of the 1950s when students were drilled in parsing sentences for gerunds and participles.

Instead the review calls for the development of evidence-based guidance in the curriculum on what works in teaching writing.

Unfortunately, many teachers have received little training in teaching any specific writing skills. The report says only half of the teachers who are supposed to develop writing skills in high schools say they feel prepared.

Many also complain that given the other demands of the crowded curriculum and the HSC, they should not have to give remedial instruction in verb tenses.

Improving writing will be a huge task in the decades to come but teachers, parents and students should not shy away from improving this vital skill.

Note from the Editor

The Herald editor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox, please sign up here.

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