

This was published 2 years ago

EV industry self-regulation not a pollution solution

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

This is an example where self-regulation isn’t enough and imposed regulation is needed (“Revealed: car industry’s secret emissions plan would slow electric vehicle uptake”, August 8). In some cases, industries need to be made to do the right thing. Left to their own devices, they will just employ “greenwashing” to make themselves look good.

If you believed the industry, you would think that Australia’s emission standards were fine. Everyone knows they’re not. David Rush, Lawson

The campaign by car corporations in Australia to secretly put a brake on electric vehicle uptake smells very much like the propaganda campaigns by the fossil fuel, tobacco and gambling industries intent on preserving their profits against the national interest. When will governments learn that this deceitful approach by corporations, most of whom make political donations, has to be dealt with sharply and unequivocally. We need legislation such as national vehicle emissions standards and national EV uptake goals which will force the change. Corporate boards must not run our country by deceit and donations. Barry Laing, Castle Cove

Our vehicle emission standards have lagged those of Europe and America for years, and now our motoring industry wants to keep it that way by slowing the take-up of electric vehicles. Three years ago, a report showed that just in the Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongong area, internal combustion engines were responsible for $3 billion in health costs per year. Hopefully, Chris Bowen will hasten the inevitable transition to electric vehicles rather than hinder it as the vehicle industry seem to want to do. Peter Nash, Fairlight

At least we know now why the fallow and over-subsidised giant car factories in Victoria are not pumping out cheap electric cars made of Australian steel and lithium. Time for a restart, PM?
Allan Kreuiter, Roseville

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

So the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) wants “a sensible debate predicated on what consumers want to buy”? I’ve been waiting for years for an opportunity to sell my ageing internal combustion car for a new electric one. When I researched it last year, after the NSW government offered some small incentives, I came to the conclusion that there were still too many reasons not to be an early adopter. Of course, if I was in Norway, I wouldn’t have to keep waiting. Let’s hope there are enough greenies and teals now to stop any possible government cowardice on this issue. I suspect that I may be part of a potential tsunami of EV buyers just waiting for the green light. Graham Meale, Boambee East

When Scott Morrison’s guest speaking invitations run out, the FCAI may have a job for him. As an ex-ad man, he could design an ad like his famous “so where the bloody hell are you?”

Imagine: a rugged, mud-splattered, middle-aged man and his young family are enjoying a great outdoors weekend escape in an upmarket SUV. Like Bushtucker man, the man says, pointing to his SUV: “to get away, forget about your townie EV ... you’ll need one of these. Don’t let Labor end the weekend.” Geoff Black, Caves Beach


The FCAI setting emission standards? This is like the fox setting the building standards for
hen houses. Dave Horsfall, North Gosford

Keep precious Barangaroo foreshore land in public hands

The NSW planning minister, apparently not the Independent Planning Commission, has the power to approve the development of the remaining part of the Barangaroo mega-project (“Barangaroo call rests with minister”, August 8) after a short and inadequately publicised public consultation period.

The planning of this state government has left us with fewer trees, fewer valuable properties which were part of our heritage, with more housing and consequently more people, more cars and more high-rise apartment buildings with their long shadows.

We have had ferries that are unsafe and can’t fit under bridges, trains containing asbestos, new apartment buildings needing demolition or repair, flammable cladding still on buildings, koalas, platypuses and birds nearing extinction, more coal mines, more cleared agricultural land and more fracking.

Residents’ groups, the City of Sydney and other stakeholders have complained the building would block views from Millers Point and Observatory Hill.

Residents’ groups, the City of Sydney and other stakeholders have complained the building would block views from Millers Point and Observatory Hill.Credit: Department of Planning portal

Major decisions such as the pending Barangaroo development proposal should wait until after the 2023 election. Penny Rosier, North Epping

The minister must reject Modification 9, a proposal for yet another high rise at Barangaroo. Remaining green space at the water’s edge must be protected, not only for community use but because it is what makes Sydney Harbour so attractive and distinguishes it from other harbour cities which all look the same with their tower blocks right down to the water. Judith Campbell, Drummoyne

As if the hideous Crown tower wasn’t vulgar enough, we’re now threatened with another monstrosity on what should be preserved forever as public parkland. Kent Mayo, Uralla

I feel condolences should be prepared for the National Trust NSW. Our government shows a track record of being more concerned with developers’ interests than public amenity. Beauty and heritage is of no value in the face of developers’ dollars, unless of course if it can be sold. Elizabeth Darton, Lane Cove West

The modified plans for Barangaroo continue this government’s policy of transferring public wealth and amenity to private hands. A welcome reversal would be for them to make 50 per cent of the proposed development public housing, to be delivered at cost. Norman Carter, Roseville Chase

We need more green in the city, not more high rise. Graham Russell, Clovelly

Last week I was walking around the beautiful Barangaroo foreshore, contemplating the beautiful vista of the historic terraces and observatory. Now I see an artist’s impression of an ugly high-rise structure to be built to block that vista. Don’t let it happen! We’ve already witnessed the desecration of botanical garden vistas that existed for a short period before high rise was built at Opera Quays. Katriona Herborn, Blackheath

Please say no, minister. Jill Bonney, Sydney

The chase for skates: we all need park life

I have lived in Kings Cross for 30 years (“Can they make it any more obvious? Skater boys despair”, August 8). I noticed early on the absence of kids — toddlers in prams, yes; teenagers on the loose, yes, but nothing in between. Then a year or so ago, council workers dumped a load of soil in Rushcutters Bay park. Within days a bunch of kids on bikes had turned up and, using buckets and spades, converted this pile into a bike track. Where had they come from? No doubt they had been stuck in apartments after school, glued to screens and iPads. Of course, this venture couldn’t last. The council workers arrived, destroyed the kids’ handiwork as they spread the soil where needed, and fenced it all off. The kids disappeared as swiftly as they had appeared.

As a retired teacher, I think I know a bit about kids. They are resourceful and resilient. They have imagination and enthusiasm. They need space and open air. Let’s give them some. Aren’t public parks meant to be for everyone? Hugh O’Keefe, Elizabeth Bay

Just across the road from Rushcutters Bay Park are the capacious sporting facilities of a generously funded private school, and the massive site around the old White City tennis centre, slated for redevelopment. Surely those responsible could find a small pocket somewhere to accommodate the skater kids? Gillian Appleton, Paddington

The proposed skatepark is selfish. Skateboarders can get plenty of exercise swimming, playing tennis, football and sailing etc. Council doesn’t need to rip up precious heritage-listed green space. Those who requested it won’t be using it. Andrew Woodhouse, Potts Point

Spend our money wisely

The decline of Coalition governments highlights the taint of corruption, perceived or actual, around their performance (“Good government is not an end result, but a continual process”, August 8). It’s more than corruption, though. It’s also about incompetence in service delivery, which ultimately is paid for by taxpayers. Arguably, the complete disdain in which politics is held is driven by this heady mix of incompetence, slipperiness, ego and shouty commentary by the politicians themselves and their boosters in the media. All we ask is that decisions around how our money is ultimately spent are made with fairness, integrity and even-handed consideration for all of us. Not the narrow self-interest so frequently demonstrated at the local, state and federal levels. Bernard Stever, Richmond

It was a deft touch — verging on irony — for the NSW opposition leader to discuss the pressing need for stronger anti-corruption laws without mentioning the names Obeid, Kelly or Macdonald as recent ICAC subjects from within his own fold. Not only should Chris Minns be targeting stronger integrity measures against pork barrelling, his private member’s bill should also beef up sanctions against any minister or MP who influences government decisions for their personal benefit, be it their own personal coal mine or their cosy trade sinecure in some far-off land. Minns, you need to deal with the pots and kettles as well as the barrels. Russ Couch, Woonona

The way things look for the Perrottet government, Stuart Ayres: the Musical could have a four-year season (Letters, August 8). It will be staged in the Bear Pit of NSW parliament and the very long song-list will be conducted by Chris Minns. Robert Dillon, Bathurst

Economic gear change

No one is up to the task of solving Australia’s “entrenched problems” until they stand back and look at the whole system (“Are media, voters up to the task”, August 8). We need to dismantle the neoliberal economic model, but with so many versed interests it will be a mammoth task. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

Our kids deserve better

Dr Sophie Scamps’ push to protect children from the tactics of clever marketers will get full support from those of us who work in public health (“Ban junk food ads aimed at children: MP”, August 8). Junk foods and drinks contribute over 40 per cent of children’s energy intake – way above a reasonable intake, and a proven risk for current and future health problems.

Advertisers seem to think children are fair game. They’re not. Governments should also realise that the current system of self-regulation of food ads on TV and social media is useless. There is no watchdog to ensure it works and complaints about obvious breaches are almost always ignored. State governments also need to ban junk food ads on public transport and government property.
Rosemary Stanton, Kangaroo Valley

Bring yourself to book

Kerri Sackville, lead by example. Get down to your local library where it does not cost a thing to embrace or discard a book (“Hard to turn page on closing the book”, August 8). I’ve given up on the self-doubt regarding the
“expert’s” critiques. My friends’ recommendations have far greater value, resulting in wonderful cafe and coffee conversations. Heather Lindsay, Woonona

Isobel Bennett (right) and a colleague examining gooseneck barnacles covering a log in Gerroa, 1930–52.

Isobel Bennett (right) and a colleague examining gooseneck barnacles covering a log in Gerroa, 1930–52.Credit: Macleay Collections, Chau Chak Wing Museum.

Hermit in the limelight

I am not an academic, but your article brought back memories of two remarkable women (“Trailblazing female scientists helped reveal seashore secrets”, August 8). Australian Seashores was my bible, and frequent visits to the Australian Museum, for specimen identification, brought me in regular contact with Elizabeth Pope. She encouraged me to continue my interest in marine fauna, and through her I also met Isobel Bennett. When Bennett did her 1987 revision of Australian Seashores, I was delighted when she asked for my permission to use my picture of a blue hermit crab in the publication. Anthony Healy, Willoughby East

Feline the love

Moggy Ethicists of the World (MEOW) are purr-plexed that your article should re-fur to cats having red, green and yellow areas, as if they are some form of traffic control device (“For both our sakes, just hate us: cats”, August 8). However, in the absence of consent legislation protecting cats from unwanted tactile attention from dedicated cat-servants (sometimes laughably referred to as “cat owners”), your article purr-formed a useful service in helping bring human understanding of feline rights up to scratch. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

On borrowed time

I wish you’d been my bank manager in the 1970s, Ian Auld (Letters, August 8). You could have saved me the substantial kickback I had to pay to a dodgy solicitor for an “introduction” to a lender who was willing to take the chance on a woman borrower. Randi Svensen, Wyong

In 1977, my younger sister made 25 per cent more from her small business than I did as a new partner in a Sydney law firm. And yes, the bank refused her a loan. Her house was bought in my name, using our father’s superannuation as the deposit. She still lives there, 45 years later. William Lloyd, Denistone

Finders Seekers

As a 7-year-old in 1964, I recall my parents preparing to migrate from England to Australia (Letters, August 8). Friends would regularly regale them with songs by the Seekers. They were a symbol for what was to many a “promised land” and an escape from the bleakness of a class-divided Britain. I reckon they would do it all again. Gillian Whalley-Okafor, Sussex Inlet

Pocket watch

While blokes getting rid of ties is welcome news, the reinstatement of pockets in womenswear is overdue too. We need them as much as they do (Letters, August 8). Suzanne Wicks, Potts Point

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
GP-turned-MP to demand action on junk food advertising
From Mark Pilkington: ″⁣Fast food is to obesity what cigarettes are to lung cancer. The growth in calories from the likes of KFC and Maccas has a direct correlation to the weight of children and adults. Their food should be subjected to a health tax to fund hospitals.″⁣

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