

This was published 2 years ago


We changed our government. But do media and voters need to change too?

In the long aftermath of the 2013 election, a subterranean skirmish broke out in sections of the media, probably noticed by about 10 people. Some commentators argued the Rudd-Gillard government had been destroyed primarily by personal failings. Others argued that something deeper and more structural was occurring, involving many factors but, in particular, the attitude of both the media and voters towards politics.

Nine years and another four prime ministers on, it should be clear that, while personal failings will always play a role in politics, they are far from sufficient to explain events. Much has been made recently of the rapid adjustment required of Anthony Albanese’s ministers: getting used to government again after nine years.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But it is possible that just as significant an adjustment will be needed among both the media and voters. After nine years responding to a government that rarely seemed interested in achieving much, and after 12 years of political in-fighting, how – if this government turns out to be as serious as it sometimes threatens to be – should we change our approach? Are we even capable of it?

How serious, then, is the government? There has been plenty of legislative activity, but the most hopeful sign last week came from Chris Bowen, the minister for climate change, when he told the parliament, after the government’s climate target passed the House, “Today does not mark the end of the work. Today, the work just gets started.” Now we will find out whether he means it.

Climate change was the story of last week. And with the focus on new MPs it makes sense that attention has gone to our country’s failures on climate change, integrity, and women. But looking a little broader, there is the sense that the government is beginning to grasp that, beyond the headline crises, there are a fair few things in our country that just don’t work very well.

In the past fortnight, Health Minister Mark Butler has spoken of his terror at how few medical students are entering general practice. Once, half of all graduates went on to become GPs. Now only 15 per cent do. Meanwhile, fees are rising.

In education, the minister, Jason Clare, has talked about his intention to deal with a similar problem: “not enough people signing up to become a teacher and too many teachers retiring early, dropping out, hanging up the boots, because they don’t want to be a teacher any more”. These problems now span the entire life cycle: we have shortages of childcare workers, teachers, doctors and aged care workers.

The basic problem here, of being asked to do too much for too little, is actually a problem across the country. A Productivity Commission report released last week found that Australia’s productivity growth has dropped. We remain rich not because we are doing anything particularly smart, but because more of us are working, and because we work longer hours than in other countries. This is a bleak finding for a country that thinks it has lifestyle figured out.


Then there is migration. Skilled migration is clearly on the government’s radar, but it is also possible actions there will somewhat disguise the broader issue of what Abul Rizvi, a former deputy secretary of the immigration department, described earlier this year as “a visa system in gridlock – paralysed to a degree no one anticipated”.

These are deep-rooted problems. If you want to get a sense of how short a political term is, ask yourself: how many years would you expect solving these issues to take? Three? Five? Ten? It is interesting, then, that in at least some cases ministers are proactively naming them. Having created expectations, the ministers will now find out how long voters are prepared to wait.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis.Credit: THE AGE

Change is likely to be incremental. So far, the signs are that ministers are willing to be honest with the public – though of course this is the stage of government at which that is easiest. If these early signs are correct, how do voters and a media which are addicted to political blood and churn respond?

This is more than a simple addiction to entertainment – it is structural. Journalists, like everyone else, have been asked in recent years to do more with less. Many left the profession; many were sacked. This has led to a greater focus on opinion and breaking news, because they are cheap to produce. Expert coverage of issues and detailed investigations have given way, to a worrying extent, to general political commentary.

These habits were then cemented by having to cover the past nine years of the Coalition government, which provided very little policy to analyse. And readers and viewers have become accustomed to seeing politics treated as a game. With our short attention spans and desire for novelty, we might even enjoy it (despite what we might tell ourselves).


Can we – both media and voters – break this habit? Last week I noted the recent trend of pundits observing, of Albanese’s government, “So far so good, but time will tell.” Beneath this, it seems to me, lies an impulse to reach, as soon as possible, a clear judgment on whether our latest government is good or bad. In the context of the past decade I understand this. But is it useful?

If we are truly entering an era in which government acknowledges then attempts to solve entrenched problems – again, a huge if – then surely the balance in our reporting will have to shift, away from bird’s-eye analyses and towards detailed, issue-based discussions. Or, more pessimistically, if the government turns out not to be serious, then wouldn’t such a shift provide it with some incentive to become more serious?

This will require something more of all of us. Not leniency, because government is too important for that. The opposite, in fact: no more forgiving a government because it is good at the politics. Instead, sharp and clear-eyed judgment on how it is handling the very complicated problems this country faces. A question asked of Anthony Albanese during the campaign was “is he up to it?” As with any new prime minister, we can’t truly know the answer to that for some time. But it might be just as important to ask ourselves a different question: are we?

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