

This was published 2 years ago


Scott Morrison’s last best hope: an electorate divided and disengaged

The government is divided, and the public is exhausted with politics. It is a statement of the obvious that could be applied to every federal election since 2010, and it remains, perversely, Scott Morrison’s last remaining option for holding onto power on May 21.

No one in the Prime Minister’s camp puts it quite this way, but they are relying on the deeper divisions within the electorate to save the government from itself. The calculation is as pragmatic as it is cynical. It assumes that Labor cannot bridge the fault lines between the regions and the cities, and between the frontier states of Queensland and Western Australia and the cosmopolitan heartlands of NSW and Victoria.

Illustration: Joe Benke

Illustration: Joe BenkeCredit: The Age

In this reading, voters will stick with an incumbent who has no real agenda beyond re-election because they are disengaged, and fearful of change. A passive status quo for a passive people.

Labor, for its part, accepts the premise of a divided nation and is taking nothing for granted. Anthony Albanese has made it clear that he is not looking for a sweeping mandate. Renewal, not revolution, is his mantra, and it is informed by the mistakes of 2019 when Labor ran on a reform program that was too complicated to sell from opposition, and too easy for the government to demonise.

It is also driven by the reality that Labor could secure a big national swing but still fall short of a majority. One plausible scenario is that Labor picks up six or seven seats from the Liberal Party across the AFL capitals of Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne, as well as the low-hanging fruit of Reid in Sydney’s inner west, but loses Gilmore in southern NSW.

That would put Australia back to the future with a minority Labor government. While Labor’s target list extends to seats in regional Queensland and NSW, the path to victory begins on its side of the fault line, in the cities.

The major parties are, understandably, preoccupied with the minutia of individual seats. But what if Morrison and Albanese have fundamentally misread the national mood. What if voters are willing to deliver Labor a comfortable majority, or even a landslide, to break the gridlock of the past decade?

Is Morrison accelerating his government’s demise with his schoolyard focus on Albanese’s character? And is Albanese undermining his cause by offering incremental change when the public is willing to accept some sacrifices in return for a more active government?


The Coalition enters this campaign, as it did the last – with no margin for error. It has 76 seats in a parliament of 151, assuming the Liberal Party regains the southern Sydney seat of Hughes from Craig Kelly who defected to Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party. Labor has 69 seats after the redistribution of electoral boundaries, the Greens one seat, and there are five independents, four of whom hold previously safe conservative seats.

Labor requires a net gain of seven seats to form majority government, and up to four to have the most number of seats in the event of a hung parliament. The latter calculation depends on whether independents add to their existing tally of five at the expense of the Coalition. Labor believes that the Liberals may lose both Wentworth, in Sydney’s wealthy east, and Goldstein in Melbourne’s bayside south-east, to independents.

Morrison would love for this to be the starting point for the campaign because he would only need to limit Labor to a net gain of two to three seats to deny them minority government. Liberal insiders insist a hung parliament is the most likely outcome, and that the government will be saved, once more, by Queensland and Western Australian voters.

Labor has won a majority of seats in Queensland just once at a federal election since 1993, in the 2007 Ruddslide. And its last Western Australian majority was in 1990, when local boy Bob Hawke was still Labor prime minister.

Yet, Labor has only lost one state election in Queensland since 1996, and has also won four of the past six in WA. The lesson here for Albanese is he must fight the election on Labor terms, with a premier-like focus on service delivery. Morrison will try to keep the debate in the clear areas of federal responsibility – the economy and national security.

The irony is that Morrison enjoyed his highest approval rating in the first phase of the pandemic in 2020, when he was sharing power with the Labor and Liberal premiers and chief ministers in the national cabinet.

Five state and territory governments – four Labor and one Liberal – faced the people in 2020 and 2021, and all were re-elected. But the incumbent streak was broken last month when the South Australian Liberal government of Steven Marshall was defeated in a landslide after just one term in office.

Morrison’s Plan A for a federal election held last October looks like wishful thinking now. It assumed the virus would be in check, the population fully vaccinated and internal borders re-opened. Delta ruined that play, most notably at its epicentre in NSW, where the Prime Minister had been hoping to pick up a number of seats from Labor.

Plan B, for an election at the end of last year was cruelled by the fallout from his trip to Europe in late October and early November. French President Emmanuel Macron called him liar in Rome, and our allies were underwhelmed when Morrison presented the Coalition’s climate change policy at the COP26 in Glasgow.

Plan C, go to the people after a big spending budget has been undermined by the Omicron wave, the floods in south-east Queensland and northern NSW and the civil war in the NSW division of the Liberal Party over the preselection of candidates. All the published polls taken since the budget have shown Labor still comfortably ahead of the Coalition.

While Albanese would not want to get too far ahead of himself, he must now weigh the risk of winning big. He has been around long enough to know what happens to incoming governments that secure a landslide beyond their wildest expectations, but without an active policy program to see out their first term in office.

That was John Howard’s fate in 1996, the year Albanese entered parliament, and Tony Abbott’s in 2013, after Albanese had served as a senior minister and leader of the House of Representatives in the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd governments.

Howard ran out of things to do after gun law reform and Peter Costello’s first budget, and turned to the goods and services tax to help give his government a reform purpose.

Abbott didn’t make it to first base, as Joe Hockey’s austerity budget triggered a public backlash, which emboldened an otherwise conservative-leaning Senate to block its nastiest measures.

Herein lies the opportunity, and challenge for Albanese. Labor’s best chance of bridging the fault lines between the regions and the cities is by appealing to older Australians. Morrison effectively gave Albanese a free pass to chase these voters by ignoring the royal commission’s central finding on aged care, that reforms starts with a well-paid workforce.


Aged care is now a central plank of Albanese’s election platform, along with health care and child care. The inevitable question of where the money is coming from will have to be answered, if not during the campaign then certainly after it.

Could Albanese be forced to follow Howard’s example, and consider the revenue side of the budget, despite Labor’s promise not to increase taxes on individuals and local businesses?

History suggests that Albanese may have no choice. The Treasury department is expected to tell whoever forms the next government that the budget faces a long-term structural deficit that cannot be closed through spending restraint alone.

Jacqueline Maley cuts through the noise of the federal election campaign with news, views and expert analysis. Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

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