

This was published 2 years ago


Friendly fire forces Morrison, Albanese into the crosshairs

This election campaign was always destined to get dirty. It was shaping up as one of the dirtiest ever. And so it has come to pass, but in ways not even seasoned operators predicted.

The surprise is that the missiles launched from each side have targeted their own, although it has to be said with much greater precision by Liberals, inflicting potentially fatal wounds on Scott Morrison.

It’s been a hectic few weeks for Prime Minister Scott Morrison.  Illustration: Dionne Gain

It’s been a hectic few weeks for Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Illustration: Dionne GainCredit:

The hits against Labor following Senator Kimberley Kitching’s untimely death while her preselection remained unresolved, succeeded in halting Anthony Albanese’s momentum. Nevertheless, according to every poll, including Resolve in this paper, the election is now his to lose.

Albanese can thank the fusillade of allegations from senior Liberal and National figures, accusing Morrison of bullying, lying, hypocrisy, racism, even politicising flood funding, which have multiplied over time and intensified in the past few weeks, for helping erode Morrison’s standing, drag down the Coalition’s vote and prove another immutable law of politics that no matter how bad it is, it can always get worse.

Their objective has been to destroy Morrison and the government, if necessary, to weaken his grip on the Liberal Party. The strategy by Morrison and his proxy Alex Hawke to delay preselections in NSW to avoid ballots and select or save preferred candidates (including Hawke himself) helped engineer a crisis which engulfed Morrison and ignited a civil war. That will not end with Tuesday’s court decision greenlighting Morrison’s actions. That seems destined to open a new front.

The NSW president, Philip Ruddock, has told me the party’s constitution will almost certainly be reviewed after the election, following a post-mortem on the result, in what promises, win or lose, to be another bitter and divisive battle.

The fact Morrison and Hawke could not foresee the damage they would cause to the fabric of their party, or believed they could use the impending election and the power of incumbency to squash internal unrest, was a measure of their arrogance and their misjudgment.

They stonewalled and steamrolled the party to prevail, then Morrison sought to dismiss the attacks on him as the typical gripes of sore losers, casting himself as the protector of women, ignoring the fact a procession of women and a few blokes – Gladys Berejiklian, Julia Banks, Bridget Archer, Connie Fierravanti-Wells, Jacqui Lambie, Pauline Hanson, Catherine Cusack, Barnaby Joyce, Emmanuel Macron and Michael Towke – had publicly or privately accused him and or his staff of bullying and/or lying.


He wrongly asserted Berejiklian had denied texting a colleague describing Morrison as a “horrible, horrible man” who sought to politicise the Black Summer fires. She did say she couldn’t remember, a perennial response from politicians to avoid inconvenient questions.

Like Ruddock, who now says he has “no recollection” of a shadow ministry meeting a decade ago (where Morrison reportedly thought the Abbott opposition should capitalise on community concerns about Muslim immigration and the “inability” of Muslim migrants to integrate) even though reports at the time said he and Julie Bishop jumped on him during the meeting.

Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.

Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Perish the thought that’s because Morrison has since denied those allegations as well as those stating he beat Towke in a second ballot for the Cook preselection after a campaign against Towke claiming he could not win the seat because he was Lebanese, which he is, and a Muslim, which he was not.

NSW Liberal MP Catherine Cusack, who has known Morrison for two decades and remembers hearing of those allegations against Towke, but did not hear them from Morrison, says of him: “He is a wedge politics politician. He thrives on dividing people.”

The NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet said the preselections were a “debacle” and that every devastated flood victim deserved help regardless of where they lived and perhaps the Prime Minister was badly advised by his bureaucrats. That is, Morrison was not listening to him.


Morrison was also wrong to say his critics had “an axe to grind”. It was more like chainsaws. He reckons they were out for revenge. They would say they were setting the record straight. Others that he is reaping what he has sown.

Over the past several days, assorted Liberal MPs, officials and strategists, past and present, have told me they have never seen anything this bad, from the unforgivable delays in the preselections to the premeditated assaults on the leader from their own side so close to an election.

They described NSW as a “basket case”, said the infighting was another nail in the coffin, that flocks of chickens were coming home to roost and that the time had probably arrived for the Liberals to sort out their problems from opposition.

Enjoying the spectacle, senior Labor figures admit their side has been a “rabble” in the past, but say – as they would – this is much worse than anything they have been through, including during the power struggles of the Rudd/Gillard years.


It was only a few days ago that Morrison sat across from Albanese in Parliament at the despatch box, off mic, taunting him about Josh Frydenberg’s budget, bragging it would have him and Labor on the run.

The good news for the government was that people generally endorsed the budget. The bad news was that they pocketed the money or parked their vote elsewhere and the cut-through line from Labor’s focus groups was Morrison’s advice to people to buy rather than rent.

The Coalition is now further behind than it was at the same point in the electoral cycle in 2019 and Morrison is carrying enough baggage for a fleet of jumbos.

Despite that, cabinet ministers still believe they can win.

“It’s still doable,” one said, providing NSW Liberals laid down their arms to allow the campaign to focus on economic management and national security. Yet even he bemoaned the Prime Minister’s “deviousness”.

Another, frustrated by the internal attacks on Morrison, said there was not a widespread mood for change, urging Morrison’s internal critics to stop being selfish and remember if there was a change of government the country would also change and not for the better.

Jacqueline Maley cuts through the noise of the federal election campaign with news, views and expert analysis. Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

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