

This was published 2 years ago


How to ask for a pay rise in 2022

Happy New Year everyone!

If I could suggest one New Year’s resolution for you to try in 2022 – no, it’s not too late! – it’s to stop putting off asking for that pay rise.

Credit: Dionne Gain

COVID-19 has disrupted so much of our private and working lives over the past two years. Pay rises have been another casualty of the pandemic.

Consumer prices rose 3.8 per cent last financial year, while wages only rose 1.7 per cent, meaning workers, on average, suffered a pay cut, in real terms.

According to the December federal budget update, Treasury expects this to happen again this financial year, with wage rises averaging just 2.25 per cent, compared to consumer price increases of 2.75 per cent. Ouch.

Of course, these are just averages, as well as predictions. What actually happens to your pay packet this year is ultimately in your hands – and that of your employer.

In case you’ve forgotten, wages used to increase by more than 4 per cent a year in the mid-to-late 2000s. This fell to more like 2.5 per cent before the pandemic, thanks to a combination of factors, including tepid economic growth and inflation, cheap offshore labour and the declining power of unions.

However, the pandemic has unleashed a host of innovations, along with labour shortages in many industries, including parts of hospitality, healthcare and construction.

So, if you have put off asking for a pay rise, 2022 is the year to do it.


Of course, many Aussie workers don’t individually negotiate their own pay increases. About 2.3 million lower-paid workers have their pay set by the Fair Work Commission via annual increases to minimum rates of pay for the more than 100 awards which apply to different industries or occupations.

A further two-out-of-five workers have their pay and conditions set collectively via enterprise agreements with their employer. The average pay rise granted under new agreements secured in the September quarter of last year was 2.7 per cent, up from 2.4 per cent in the June quarter and off a historically low increase of just 2.2 per cent in the December quarter of 2020, according to data from the Attorney General’s department.

Still, every worker is entitled to make a case that they are working to a higher level of skill or responsibility and should move up the pay ranks.

And for the remaining non-award and non-collective agreement workers, it’s entirely up to you to negotiate a higher salary.

So, here is my best advice for getting a pay rise in 2022.

Do your research first

Visit websites such as or the government’s and investigate salaries for similar positions or skill levels to yours.

Ask your colleagues what they are being paid. This can be awkward, and is sometimes explicitly forbidden by so-called “pay secrecy” clauses in employment contracts.

However, it’s one instance where I reckon some confidential “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” can be mutually beneficial in the workforce.

Ladies, don’t forget to ask your male colleagues, too, as chances are they’re being paid more.


Request a formal face-to-face pay review

Don’t surprise your boss in the lunchroom with your pay rise request. Also, don’t fire off a lengthy email making your case for a raise.

Bosses are humans, too, and will find it harder to simply rebuff your request if you chat in person.

Request a formal meeting and make it clear that the purpose is to review your performance and pay.

Focus discussion on the value you bring

Don’t simply whinge about the cost of living or why you need the money.

Yes, it’s true you need pay rises to at least keep up with the rising cost of living, but that’s not a good argument why you, in particular, deserve a raise.

Prepare a short summary – one-page maximum – of your achievements in your role over the past 12 months, along with any ways in which you are performing tasks beyond your original job description. Print it out. Take it into the meeting with you and refer to it if you get nervous.

You can also email this list to your boss after your meeting.

Don’t make the first offer

Where possible, don’t ask for a specific dollar increase.

It is possible you won’t have the courage to ask for enough (particularly if you’re a woman). Ask your employer what they can do and see what they come up with. They may need time.

Never accept the first offer

Counter with an amount double what they have offered you. Be satisfied if they meet you half way.

Where possible, switch to a discussion in unusual increments – that is, request a $13,500 a year increase, not $10,000. It just suggests you’ve given it more detailed thought than simply lobbing an ambit claim.

Be prepared to jump ship

If your employer refuses your request, ask for another review in three-to-six months. Crucially, ask what you would need to do in that period to earn a raise.

If it becomes apparent there is no career progression path for you, look at alternative employers.

No point getting resentful about it. If you’re truly being underpaid – and you don’t value other, non-monetary aspects of your employment – there should be other positions available for you.

Good luck!

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

You can follow more of Jess’ money adventures on Instagram @moneywithjess and sign up to receive her weekly email newsletter.

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