The flood of money pouring into personal bank accounts during the COVID-19 pandemic has been staggering, as lockdowns leave consumers with little choice but to save after slashing their spending on such things as eating out, holidays and commuting to work.
UBS economists report households have amassed an extra $120 billion in deposits since the pandemic first struck – an average of $6000 per adult. That is enough to make the $900 stimulus cheques paid by the Rudd government after the Global Financial Crisis look like spare change.
The size of the savings pile is far larger, if you also include extra loan repayments made to lenders as a result of the pandemic.
Commonwealth Bank economist Gareth Aird says households would be sitting on a whopping $230 billion in accumulated savings by the end of this year when you account for the extra cash used to pay down mortgages, credit cards and other loans ahead of schedule.
Whatever the precise number, there is now growing attention turning to what will happen to the enormous pile of household savings, and what that means for the economy.
Will households loosen purse strings?
Will households continue to hoard excess funds for a rainy day, or loosen the purse strings as the economy opens up? And is all this extra cash linked to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) program of large-scale money creation to stimulate the economy?
These questions matter because they will affect how strongly the economy rebounds, and they could also have a major bearing on the long-term rate of inflation, and hence, official interest rates.
The great savings surge – by both households and businesses – has been one of the most striking changes in financial behaviour caused by the pandemic. Sensibly, households and businesses responded to the extreme uncertainty by squireling away more cash.
UBS estimates that, if you include businesses, there is probably $300 billion in excess savings caused by COVID-19.
Will this precautionary behaviour continue? Probably not, most economists think.
The consensus view is that householders, many of whom have endured months of lockdowns, will be keen to get spending again.
Holiday high on wishlists
UBS recently conducted a survey of consumers which found, unsurprisingly, that eating out and transport were two areas where consumers expect to spend a lot more once lockdown restrictions end. Taking a holiday was high on wishlists, with the survey suggesting many people planned to draw on their savings to fund overseas trips.
Citi said in a recent research note that it believed consumers would drive the economic recovery in 2022, helped by the build-up in household savings and fiscal stimulus.
With rising house prices also boosting homeowners’ paper wealth, it predicted a spending spree that would drive down unemployment to less than 4 per cent over the next two years.
Once unemployment starts to get to these levels, economists think it is likely to lead to wage inflation, which may be a trigger for the RBA to start raising official interest rates.
The other interesting fact about the huge amount of household savings is that some argue it has been funded by the modern-day equivalent of printing money, known as “quantitative easing” in economic jargon.
CBA’s Aird explains that one of the key reasons household deposits have increased by so much is because of hefty government support payments aimed at cushioning the economy from the pandemic.
The government didn’t actually print this money – it was borrowed from financial markets.
‘Unchartered territory’ for Australia
The RBA has been spending billions of dollars a week buying second-hand government bonds from banks, thereby indirectly financing the government’s borrowing.
Aird calls it “unchartered territory” for Australia. “Transfer payments from the government have been indirectly funded by the central bank through money creation,” Aird says.
He argues that this act of money creation would ultimately contribute to higher inflation, as some of that government-financed savings would find its way back into the economy via increased household spending.
Aird argues those consumers who have used the COVID-19 period to repay debt, or build up savings, would be more likely to spend a higher share of their future income. Spending 15 per cent of the accumulated savings would inject more than $35 billion into household budgets in 2022, he says.
Forecasting how households will decide to save or spend their money involves a bit of guesswork, especially when the pandemic has added so much uncertainty to the outlook.
However, there appears to be general agreement that a spending splurge is on the cards next year, as households start dipping into their savings war chests.